hawesome · 3 months
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Cleaned up versions some of my favourite sketches of these two that I've done when I was trying to figure out how to draw them. My love for them is still going strong so.
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hawesome · 3 months
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Every spiderdads fanfic be like (mine included)
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hawesome · 5 months
Past Lives
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Author's note: Prequel to Every You Ever Me (but can be read as standalone).
Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x female reader
Summary: You meet Miguel O'Hara for the first time in a life-changing encounter.
Word count: 1.3k words
Spiderverse Masterlist | Astroboot’s Masterlist 
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You're standing on platform B at Main Street station, teeth chattering as you zip up your jacket. You're freezing your tits off.
This is why you don't like going all the way to Flushing. As bad as the stations get closer to the city, reeking of piss, body odor and stale vomit, at least it's always warm underground. Out here, there's no shelter, the tracks are exposed to elements.
It seems as if you are the only one stupid enough to come out here at 6 am on a Sunday, because there's barely anyone else here on the platform.
It's dreary and dark. The leftover snow has melted leaving only grey sludge and a slipping hazard behind.
From the corner of your eyes, you spot movement on the tracks.
You don't think much of it at first. Must be another oversized rodent feasting on discarded pizza, except... it's much too large for that, maybe a dog?
Your head whips back to get a closer look and the sight has your blood freezing to ice.
Is... Is that a man?
You stare at the bulky build crouched over on the tracks. Even as he's bent down, you can see that the man must be freakishly all.
"Sir?" You call out hesitantly.
He doesn't answer you. Doesn't pay you any attention at all. Is he drunk? He's dressed in dark blue spandex from head to toe, obscuring any facial features, wearing a sparkling Lucha Libre mask like he's on his way to WWE.
Yeah, definitely drunk then.
You glance up nervously at the departure board. The green LED light ominously reads: "4 Min".
If the man doesn't get off the tracks he's going to be pancaked by the oncoming train.
Walking up closer to the ledge, you shout across to him. "Hey! You need to get off the tracks."
He doesn't move out of the way.
You don't understand. How did he get there. There wasn't anyone on there just a second ago. You would've heard if someone had jumped down from the platform. Where did he come from? Did he materialize out of thin air?
"There's an oncoming train," you try again. It doesn't make a lick of difference from the first time you shouted.
Why you think you can talk sense into a drunk who seemingly can't hear you (or is pretending to not hear you) is beyond you.
Glancing up at the board, you only have 3 minutes left now. It would be entirely too late to call for staff to help. By the time they'd show up the man would already be tomato paste across the tracks.
"Sir!" you shout again. But nothing.
Shit. shit shit shit.
He's not moving of his own accord. The only thing that could get him to budge would be to tackle him... which is absurd for you to do. You must be nearly half his size.
But what else are you supposed to do? Stand by and watch a man die?
You get queasy at the doctors when they draw blood for check ups. You cry when the dog dies in a horror movie. You would never be able to walk away from a man dying, only a few feet away from you. It would haunt you for the rest of your life.
In the corner of your eyes, 3 minutes turn to 2. Before you have the time to slow down your thoughts and properly think, you're already scooting down against the ledge and jumping down the track.
What the fuck are you doing. Why are you risking your life for a drunken stranger?
Your heart is hammering through your chest, beating its way up your throat. You feel queasy with adrenaline as you squeeze your eyes tightly shut.
In the total darkness behind your eyes, you leap forward, with your entire body weight as you slam into him.
There's an angry growl of surprise as you make contact. The man is built like a brick wall. It's like you ran up to a building and collided with hard concrete.
Both of you tumble across the tracks and in that split second that seems to last forever, there is a pandemonius roar that bellows out behind you. Wind whips past your side so hard that it's painful, and you think to yourself that maybe you didn't make it in time.
Except you did.
Because when you open your eyes, instead of eternal darkness all you see are scarlet red eyes, staring up at you with wide shock. You've never seen eyes like this before. They shine like rubies even in the dim dark.
Underneath the blue mask, the man is gorgeous. All sharp angles, and cut jaw with pouty lips that belongs to a Hollywood starlet-- Wait where's the mask?
You could've sworn that he was wearing a mask over his face before.
You don't get to contemplate on that thought for long. There's a flash of glaring light blinding you, the grinding screech of gears closing in.
Oh fuck.
The northbound train is arriving.
You need to get up. Need to climb over the ledge before it's here. You try to raise yourself up on your elbows, but the strength is zapped out of you. Rubble digs into your knees. Everything stings and burns.
The yellowed lights are too close, the screeching of metal is right in your ears.
Oh shit. Oh fuck. Oh god! There isn't enough time. You're going to die.
A strong grip envelops your waist, hoisting you up. The ground below you disappears. You don't know how, but gravity seems to fall away, and you find yourself high up in the air as the sight of train tracks recedes.
You're flying.
Looking up, you see the man's face once again covered in the blue mask from before. He's holding onto you with one arm, while the other is stretched outwards into the empty air. There's web connecting his hand to the sky as he swings you through the landscape of Flushing beneath your feet.
From up here, even something as vast as New York looks small.
He lands the both of you on solid ground, on a nearby rooftop, arms still wrapped firmly around you as he sets you down on your toes and doesn't let go until the back of your heel is firmly planted.
You on the other hand, are still holding onto him tightly. Hands in a death grip into the muscle of his forearm.
Up close, he's staggeringly tall. The angle you have to crane your neck to look up at him feels unnatural, like you're observing a landmark monument, not just a person.
The mask disintegrates, the red and blue material disintegrating to reveals his face to you again.
You're too stupefied by the events that have taken place in the last few minutes to react appropriately
"Are you--" you start, but you don't know how else to finish that sentence. Is he what? What do you want to ask him after he flew up in the sky and saved you? Is he human? an alien? Do you ask him what just happened? Where he came from? Why the hell he was on the train tracks and didn't move! even though you told him to?
You blink up at him, running through each one of the questions and stupidly instead, you settle for the simplest one of all.
"Are you okay?"
He's smiling at you, an amused expression glinting in his eyes.
"Yeah, I'm okay," he answers.
Stretching out an arm above him, a string of web shoots out from the palm of his hand into the sky.
"See you around," he says. Then he swoops into the air and he’s gone. 
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Author's notes: I got some questions a while back about how Miguel meets Nena, and this is part of that answer.
I don’t have a tag list but please follow me on astroboots-writes and turn on notifications to be notified when I post something new!
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hawesome · 5 months
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Redraw of this
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hawesome · 5 months
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gabi lives au or something
( I think its fun when people make her spider-woman and maybe she potentially survives the universe collapse due to that etc )
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hawesome · 5 months
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New fanart about their similarities, STUBBORNESS
Lets do a game: tell me in the comments what are they arguing about! 🤣
My Commissions are Open! If interested, please send me a former e-mail: [email protected]
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hawesome · 6 months
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Miguel accidentally on purpose found out the only way to deal with gwenpooley gwenpoolness (well that, or he's already seen it all :D)
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hawesome · 6 months
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Peter annoying Miguel is the funniest thing but throwing Deadpool at him is like throwing annoyance equivalent if a nuke and I live for it XD
I'm totally accepting the fanon that there may be multiverse out there but there is only one Deadpool as a gospel <3
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hawesome · 6 months
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The power of magic baby :B
I'm enjoying doing the very loose sketchy linearts. It really helps with not falling into perfectionism buuuuuut it actually creeps back up with deciding to color XD It's unending battle.
But sometimes you need to lose it...
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hawesome · 6 months
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Is it a stupid idea? Yes. Did I have to go overboard and animate it? No.
But I had to and I'm not sorry ;P
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hawesome · 6 months
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Is it a stupid idea? Yes. Did I have to go overboard and animate it? No.
But I had to and I'm not sorry ;P
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hawesome · 6 months
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I love this contrast (and the wonders of magical superpowered baby :D )
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hawesome · 6 months
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Peter's foolproof plan for Mayday's first bday party (one of many):
step one: distract Miguel with magic baby
step two: profit...?
step three: there is a bonus:
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hawesome · 6 months
love when cats hear that you've woken up even just a little bit and they're like hiiiiiii oh my god oh my god!!!!! i wrote some poems in the night let me recite them for you. this one is called: screaming and knocking your water bottle off your nightstand
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hawesome · 6 months
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just spidey things 🤪
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hawesome · 6 months
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Miggy studies cus he’s fun to draw
No other reason-
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hawesome · 6 months
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Soft Miguel
Miguel appreciation after reading the ATSV script's description of him...
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