haruki31 · 2 years
Hi, My name is Tyler and I’ve been in Oklahoma my whole life. Life was pretty good from what I remember when I was younger which isn’t much due to a medical condition that I have but I’ll talk about that later. I remember growing up in Oologah, Oklahoma and for the first 6 years I fit in and life was very easy. I was a straight A & B student without trying really. Then the 7th grade year came around and that’s when everything changed I played sports and had received a concussion that I had for two years while continuing to play football, basketball and track. Obviously over time my brain became damaged which caused me to hardly remember anything, To this day I don’t really remember anything before 7th grade. Not my childhood not the name of the street I grew up at, not a single thing. Now I’m taking several medications for brain conditions like seizures, depression, anxiety, OSDD, Bipolar 2 and so on. That is a snit bit of what I have been through. I’m gonna go in more detail about situations everyday if I’m able to since I’m busy at work a lot of the time being a manager can be fun and challenging.
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