harleytheclassclown · 15 days
As much as you enjoy causing chaos in Gotham or Metropolis, are there times when you regret it? Like what if you seriously hurt someone?
Harley looked down at her feet. For once she didn't have anything to say....she didn't know what to say. She had of course thought about things like that...and truth be told she already has hurt someone..not physically but mentally.
Her best friend Barbara Gordon
Harley wiped her eyes as she put her phone down on the table and curled up into a ball
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harleytheclassclown · 2 years
So now that you and Babs know each others’ true identities, how do you fair about your relationship, especially after you defused that bomb to blow up Gotham?
Truth to be told...it's been weird between us to say the least- I am glad Babs still sees the good in me and considers me her friend..but..ah sorry I need some time to think about this
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harleytheclassclown · 3 years
If you thought that opening scene for “Chicago” was cool, check out this video of some cosplayers as six of the villains singing a rendition of the “Cell Block Tango” from the show: https://youtu.be/MyKVqiuBuYM
Tre arehere are people dressing up as me and my pals!?!?!? Oh that is awesome. Just wait until I rub it in Bratgirl's face
- Harley
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harleytheclassclown · 3 years
“Chicago” is a pretty cool show. It’s set in the 1920s and the songs are set to jazz. Here’s a clip from the opening of the film adaptation: https://youtu.be/J_YaxIL8MvM
OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH That looks like fun!!! I need to take my friends to see this
Thanks for the recommendation
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harleytheclassclown · 3 years
Whenever I think of Gotham, a lot of songs from the musical, “Chicago”, come to mind. What are your thoughts on the Broadway musical show, “Chicago”?
Never seen it? Is it good?
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harleytheclassclown · 3 years
What should happen if Babs found out about your criminal life?
I'd be devastated!!!!!!!! Babsy Wabsy is one of my best friends and if she found out I was Harley Quinn would break her little heart...not only that she'd probably hate me and never want to be near me ever again and I'd be so sososososososososo sad!!! So let's hope she'll never EVER finds out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Say yer aren't gonna tell her...are ya???
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harleytheclassclown · 3 years
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I love her weird vest thing 💜👉👈
Speedpaint: https://youtu.be/TGBQaRvQ5oo
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harleytheclassclown · 3 years
The Origins of Harley Quinn
Hiya!! Harley here!!!!
You know you can always send me questions. My ask box is wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide open. But before I answer them. Lemme tell you my origin story. So click the read more. Or don't. I don't care.
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Before I was Harley Quinn and before I moved to Metropolis. I was a little girl living in Gotham. Well, I had just started high school so I wasn't THAT little but ya get the gist. Y'see my mom worked as a psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum for the Criminally Insane and since I was too old for a babysitter my mom let me come with her and see her work.
I gotta admit it was a bit scary being in there with all the baddies Bats had put here. I saw Two-Face, Penguin, Poison Ivy...all the criminal scum Gotham had to offer. My mom was tasked with trying to rehabilitate a special patient that the Bat had recently sent to Arkham. There I saw him, sitting on the edge of his bed. The green hair, the pale face paint with the red sloppily painted on to form a wide clown grin. Not to mention his dreamy eyes.
It was love at first sight. I fell and I fell hard. I know it is super bad for a girl to fall in love with a crazy crime clown. But hey the heart wants what the heart wants.
"Harleen you stay here. The Joker is a master manipulator and I don't want him influencing you" my mom said as she entered Mr.J's cell. I pressed my face against the thin glass separating me from the cell. I could hear mom and Mr.Js voices through the glass.
"So Joker tell me more about your childhood. Were there any traumatic events in life that led you to be the criminal you are today?" I heard my mom ask.
"Well, Dr.Quinzel. There was my father. You see he had a problem with certain substances. The withdrawals were the worst. He would beat me and my mother senseless if he didn't have his...magic elixir. It ended up with my mom leaving...and that left me with dear old dad. The only time I ever saw him happy was when we went to the circus. I remember the clowns so vividly. My dad was in stitches when one of them dropped his pants to reveal white boxer shorts with red polka dots on them" I heard Mr.J say
I could feel my heart break. Poor guy...he has been through so much and Batman was making him worse by beating him senseless. I kept on listening.
"I see. Do you perhaps think that it was the abuse you suffered at the hands of your father that caused your descent into crime?" my mom asked. The Joker lifted his head to make eye contact with my mom. his grin was inhumanely wider than it was before. He cackled maniacally. "Maybe it is. Batman beating me doesn't help much either. I just want to cleanse the world...what does it matter if a few lives are lost" Mr.J said. My mom slammed her notebook shut.
"I think we're done here" she said as she exited the cell. She looked at me.
"Harleen...come to my office whenever you're ready. I got lunch prepared for us both and whatever you do. Do not talk to the Joker" she said before leaving for her office. I looked back at the Joker who was now facing me. His smile was even bigger. I thought his face would split in half.
"So you're Dr.Quinzel's daughter Harleen. You sure are a beautiful gal...y'know if I were to rearrange the letters of your name around a bit it would be Harley Quinn...and every Joker needs a harlequin" he said. I felt my face heat up. Harley Quinn... as in harlequin. I kinda liked it
"I am sorry what yer father did to you and I am even more sorry that Batman is too stupid to realize that you're not actually a criminal but a lost tortured soul who just needs a bit of love," I said
Suddenly Mr.J burst out in tears.
"Oh finally someone who understands my pain. You have no idea how long I have waited to hear those words. You truly are an angel Harleen" Mr.J said.
I put my hand against the glass and Mr.J put his hand against mine
"I will get you out of here" I whispered before heading to my mom's office.
Later that night I had snuck out of the house and stolen some face paint and a harlequin costume from a costume shop and headed to Arkham. I suited up and snuck inside. Once I was inside I snuck to Mr.J's cell.
"Hiya puddin'! Meet your new and improved Harley Quinn" I said.
"You look absolutely stunning," Mr.J said.
"Thank you...now stay back," I said as I swung my mallet. The glass shattered on impact. They really need to invest in thicker glass. The alarm went off and alerted the guards. I grabbed Mr.J's hand and we made a run for it. Any guard unfortunate to get in our way got a face full of my giant mallet.
Weeks passed and we were Gotham's greatest power couple...well that was until Mr.J showed me his real colors. Whenever a caper went wrong he'd let his anger go out over me. My mom always freaked out when I came home with bruises and cuts all over my face and body. I had to lie to here that I had just fallen into some thorn bushes. I couldn't tell my mom that I had been with Mr.J. What was worse was...the incident at ACE Chemicals. "This..will seal the deal of you becoming my bride," Mr.J said. "I-I don't know Mr.J. This is a little bit extreme dontcha think?" I said but before I could even react he pushed me into the vat of chemicals and that was the beginning of my criminal career.
Maybe if I hadn't come with mom to work I would've still been the boring old Harleen Quinzel. But that would've been boring.....right? Why would I ever give up being a criminal?
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