hallowsheart · 6 years
Liquored Lips | Grace + Santiago
The club was loud, making it all the better for the girl to remain anonymous beneath the guise of a commoner amongst others. She, the princess of the people, found it easy to escape whenever she could. Yet, she knew from across the crowded room that his gaze was pinned on her, it always had been. Where it oft brought comfort, tonight she’d been too drunk to care, too drunk to realize the damning consequences her actions would have. It’s a strangers hands that graze her thighs, bodies gnashing together to the beat of the music as Grace runs hand through loosened curls. Fingers inch towards her hemline, much shorter than anyone would’ve approved and yet she’d snuck out of the castle walls anyways. Song slows, for a moment she loses herself as head falls back against the faceless mans shoulders before she inhales. A deepened breath the clear her senses.
Heeled steps carry her towards the bar, bustling bodices filling the floor and yet she finds him standing alone with ease. Always. Within the crowds, it’d begun to get easier and easier to find Santiago. Her would be protector. “You know, you’re allowed to let loose every once and awhile, you’re aware of that right?” It’s stated matter of factly, bartender catching her gaze as she nods, a flow of tequila slid her way without so much as a word exchanged. Lithe digits curl around shot glass, brought up to her lips with haste as she downs it in one swift go. Lingering burning sensation evident as she reaches for the slice of lime to drown it out. “Besides, if I known you would’ve been standing alone all night looking menacing by the bar, I would’ve ditched you a long time ago.” 
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hallowsheart · 6 years
⁇, ✆, @, ✿ for Rose!
Send “⁇” for a DRUNK text.
[ imessage ; scorpius ] : apparatign 3 brokmstix [ imessage ; scorpius ] : coem meft me heref[ imessage ; scorpius ] : albujs orderd firewhdkey
Send “✆” for a MORNING text. 
[ imessage ; scorpius ] : bet you wish you could wake up to this face[ picture message ; scorpius ] :
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Send “@” for a SCARED text.
[ imessage ; scorpius ] : i can’t give you what you want, Malfoy[ imessage ; scorpius ] : Whatever it is you want, I can’t do it.[ imessage ; scorpius ] : You were right, I’m bloody terrified. 
Send “✿” for a SUGGESTIVE text. 
[ imessage ; scorpius ] : You have five minutes to apparate to my office[ imessage ; scorpius ] : I’m wearing that skirt you like and not much else[ imessage ; scorpius ] : Clocks ticking, Malfoy. Come get whats yours 😘
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hallowsheart · 6 years
♀, ✆, ✿, @ for Ares!
Send “♀” for a HEARTBREAKING text. 
[ imessage ; alexis ] : i can’t see you anymore, alexis. it’s not right, you and i both know it so let’s cut our losses now. 
Send “✆” for a MORNING text. 
[ imessage ; alexis ] : how about you skip your first class and come to my office[ imessage ; alexis ] : i have a few things i want to run by you. privately.
Send “✿” for a SUGGESTIVE text. 
[ imessage ; alexis ] : stop by my house when you’re off work[ imessage ; alexis ] : i watched you tonight and i don’t want anyone else taking you home.
Send “@” for a SCARED text.
[ imessage ; alexis ] : you weren’t in class today, is everything alright?[ imessage ; alexis ] : hello?
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hallowsheart · 6 years
Send “✆” for a MORNING text. Send “✉” for a text that WASN’T SENT. Send “☎” for a RUSHED text. Send “⁇” for a DRUNK text. Send “✿” for a SUGGESTIVE text. Send “ø” for a LATE NIGHT text. Send “✘” for a HATEFUL text. Send “#” for a RANDOM text. Send “@” for a SCARED text. Send “&” for a LOVING text. Send “%” for a CURIOUS text. Send “ツ” for an EXCITED text. Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text. Send “♀” for a HEARTBREAKING text.
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hallowsheart · 6 years
‘ put your seatbelt on. ’ Juliet to Jack
* love ♥ starters
He shakes his head, as if he should be used to her scolding by now. It’d been years, and if prying eyes would say anything, it would be that the only reason Jack had stuck ‘round was to keep an eye on the girl herself. A soft spot, some would say. The dangers in which she’d faced time and time again enough to bring him out of his solitude, from his stoic nature if only to save her. A hero complex on a criminal, what a wonder. His gaze is side swept towards her for a moment, tooth pick hanging between his teeth as he speaks. “Y’know I’m supposed to be the one tellin’ you that, Juliet.” His gaze lingers longer than it should, but the thought of her staring back simply too much for the man to take. Begrudgingly, his hand reaches ‘round to seatbelt as it clicks mere seconds later. “You feelin’ better now?”
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hallowsheart · 6 years
Location: Lucchese Mansion, NYC Date: May 20th 9 PM @hallowsheart
The days started to get longer and the former chilly wind was replaced with the first waves of heat from the west – and all of Juliet’s plans were abruptly canceled in favor of remaining at her father’s side. Frank Lucchese made sure to keep his daughter hidden from the world, usually let her reside in other countries under a false name, equipped with a fake passport and her own weapon in each country just near her bed where she stayed – though she never actually had to fire one shot. With the next meeting of the big five coming closer Juliet had been preparing to leave the states, but, as expected, their enemies knew just where to find her. Keeping her at home seemed like the best decision, but not without having someone watch over her. Jack, her father’s Consigliere, had been residing within the Lucchese mansion for the past week, and for the most part Juliet managed to ignore him.
She’d been swimming for the past hour – back and forth with breaks in between and a sip from her cocktail. If she couldn’t leave, then she sure as hell could have as much fun as possible. Watching Jack for just a moment she abruptly stopped swimming. “ I’m sure they’ll know where I am, you know? You are missing – they’ll know you’re keeping me safe.”
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It was never easy. To be tried with the task of keeping a look out for the young girl. She, as Jack had been made painfully aware, was capable of taking care of herself. Whilst other men would scoff at the task of playing security, of being pinned as nothing more than a watch dog for the girl they’d come to call princess, he’d never quite minded it. Frank Lucchese had pulled Jack from the gutter, taken him in and so it came to no surprise that he was given the task of watching the mans most prized possession. The summer heat beating down upon him, adorned in a button down white shirt, palms rolling sleeves up as he caught sight of the girl. Her voice a soft reminder of things that remained slightly out of reach, of a remainder of innocence. 
“Then all the more power to them.” He shrugs off the thought, they wouldn’t dare. If there was one thing in the world that Frank loved more than power, more than money, it was the girl that Jack had found himself staring at behind shielded gaze. “If you think anyone is making it past the front gates, Miss, you’re sorely mistaken.” The mention of threats had never dampened the mans brow, he’d grown up surrounded by them, had fought more demons in his day than most. Tongue glides against bottom lip as he leans down, crouching to meet her eye level. “Besides, between you and me, I think you’ve got the best god damn security money can buy, don’t you?” 
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The Fall | Juliet + Jack
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hallowsheart · 6 years
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hallowsheart · 6 years
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hallowsheart · 6 years
‘ i made breakfast. ’ john to ana
* love ♥ starters
She’s wracked with innocence, wrought with the guilt that tarnished it. To the world, she was something pure, something unattainable and ethereal. Yet, had it been so bad to simply want more? To be seen as more? A tumultuous love affair with sleep, the only thing standing in the way of her and her rem cycle was the chaos that followed. The downpour of words that covered every newstand, that she’d heard on every talk show, all surrounding her. Ana Cortez. How long would it last before a star would dim, how long before the next scandal would break, she’d wondered. She cannot help but drift into a sleepless silence, sheets wrapping around her bodice as hair frames rose tinted cheeks, flushed with the morning sun. She hears him speak, a soothing calm for once. Brows knitting together, a formation of confusion and bewilderment that causes her to rise from her state of comfort. Sheet pressed against bare skin as back straightens, sitting against headboard. “You didn’t have to do that, you know.” It’s said matter of factly, a dream like air weaving through her words that felt as light as a feather. She waits, he a presence that hovers over her, and she a mere doe caught in the headlights that came with the friction between them. Facade falling, she reverts back into something else if only for a moment as words slip from her tongue with ease. “Did you make pancakes?” 
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hallowsheart · 6 years
‘ i won’t leave you behind. ’ Santiago to Grace
* love ♥ starters
His words sting. They shouldn’t, she should be able to persist, to abstain from any remorse that has followed her actions. Yet, heels click against pavement as she continues. A ferocious howl inside her chest aching to turn ‘round to face him, but something deeper enjoying the thrill of a chase all the more. “I’ve told you to leave.” Her tongue remains sharp, arms wrapping around her chest all the more tight within the dimly lit summers eve. She’d always been known as stubborn, a headstrong and independent sort and tonight had been no exception. A moment of privacy, a night with nothing but normalcy surrounding her is all that Grace had wanted and instead, she’d received her own personal watchman. It was enough to make her blood boil, coursing beneath her skin in veins that ought to have been bursting by now. Yet, each step she’d taken he would surely follow, that much Grace had been sure of. Turning upon her heels, she comes to an abrupt stop before meeting the mans gaze. Her features soften slightly, it isn’t him she’d been abhorred by, but her father. It had never been him. Santiago had just been doing his job, and she’d remind herself of that more than once. “I’m not about to go home, if that’s what you were sent here to do then the answer is no.” She debates if she’d swallow her pride, ask him if he’d come for another reason entirely. Yet, the nights chill crawls up her bare legs and beneath the confides of her dress and she speaks more so out of necessity than desire. “I don’t need this right now.” 
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hallowsheart · 6 years
‘ you need to be more careful.’ Isabella to Oliver
* love ♥ starters
“Careful?” A light scoff escapes from between his lips. It had surely never been their strong suit. They’d become a beautiful chaos, a mess of moments strewn together with sideways glances and reckless touches. Careful had never been in the cards, at least not for Oliver. The way he’d looked at her, all consuming and hungry eyed, was dangerous. Now, a heaving chest, his arms pinned on either side of the woman as her back remained pressed against brick wall. The alley was empty, passersby disinterested. “You’ve never complained before.” Smirk, arrogant and raw, teeth grazing against his lower lip as he takes her in. The way her subtle curves intoxicate him, it was as if sinning had become his new normal. 
He meets her gaze if only for a moment, a quick wink in her direction before his fingers trace down her chest, lingering atop buttoned silk. He toys with it, as if only to fasten her heartbeat. It’s a game of cat and mouse for the pair of them. However much they’d hated it, the desire they’d had for one another, it was infallible. “In fact, you seemed to love it last night.” There’s a heat in his words, a husk in his breath as he continues to trail down her slender bodice. 
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hallowsheart · 6 years
‘ want me to stay? ’ Scorpius to Rose
* love ♥ starters
Want and need. The difference had always been something of importance to Rose. However much she wanted, however much she’d needed, something had always managed to hold her back. Yet there he stood, golden flax tresses bathing in moonlight and all that she could manage to do was sigh. It was soft, barely audible as shoulders fell from their stifled posture. Was she nervous, she couldn’t tell. Years had blossomed between them, always close but never quite together.  “No.” Its softer than usual, than she ever could’ve meant it to be. Beneath the quiet, still beating of her heart that caused confusion as rapid as television static to ring through her head, lay a dormant pride in which she’d swallowed the moment she invited him in. “I mean, I’ll be fine.” She teeters, her weight switching between feet as fingers pick at jumper sleeves. Head tilts, finding refuge against doorway before her lip twitches. It’s as warm as she’ll allow herself to be, a slight smile against pressed lips before she continues. “ –– Thank you, though. For tonight.” 
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hallowsheart · 6 years
‘ you could stay here. with me. ’ Aphrodite to Ares
* love ♥ starters
TEMPTATION eats away at him like a virus gnawing at his flesh. He’s somehow found himself in the midst of the lion’s den, vulnerable to the thoughts that weaved their way through his mind. Why had he come here, he’d asked himself a time or two. Why had he willingly followed Alice down the rabbit hole, a momentary lapse of judgement and yet his gaze remained set upon the girl in front of him. Vibrant colours of where they’d been still soaked into her skin in the dimly lit entry to her home. Heat rising from chest, the dawning realization that however wrong it may have been, the desire remained all the same. The constant pull to something so ––– he shakes his head of the thought, not allowing himself to fully emerge through flames. His thoughts would sin where his hands remained idle. Did it enrage him, did it cause a burning ember within the pit of his stomach to erupt and engulf him whole? Absolutely. 
“I don’t think that would be a smart idea.” It’s said with a hushed tone, hoarse whisper as if just for the two of them. Eyes dart from her very own, memorizing every bit of porcelain flesh that leads down bodice, lingering upon lips if only for a moment too long before he reaches out. Fingers gently ghost against her arm, and for a moment he swears there’s a spark. Against his better judgement, his fingers continue their venture downwards, lingering upon her wrist before he closes slight gap between them. Words heavier than before, his own lips grazing against her ear before he continues. “For either of us.” 
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hallowsheart · 6 years
* love ♥ starters
‘ want me to stay? ’
‘ we’re almost home. ’
‘ you should be in bed. ’
‘ we can share it.’
‘ stay there. i’m coming to get you. ’
‘ shh, shh. you were dreaming. ’ 
‘ grab my hand. ’
‘ i’m just going to pick you up. ’
‘ everything okay? ’
‘ i won’t leave you behind. ’
‘ don’t worry. better out than in. ’
‘ who did that to you? ’ 
‘ sit down and rest. ’
‘ sweetie, i would never think that. ’
‘ come lay down in my lap. ’
‘ i know you think you’re all alone out there, but you’re not. ’
‘ call me when you get home. ’
‘ we should change those bandages. ’
‘ you’re safe here. ’
‘ honey… ’
‘ of course we love you. ’
‘ wait here. i’ll go run a bath for you. ’
‘ take my bed for tonight. ’
‘ i promise. ’ 
‘ you’re always welcome here. ’
‘ don’t talk like that. ’
‘ bad dream? ’
‘ talk to me. ’  
‘ it’s okay to cry. ’
‘ you need to be more careful.’
‘ we should hug this out. ’
‘ i worry about you. ’
‘ can i hold your hand? ’ 
‘ because i care about you. ’
‘ it made me think of you. ’ 
‘ take care of yourself. ’
‘ put your seatbelt on. ’ 
‘ where did you go? ’ 
‘ i didn’t mean to worry you. ’
‘ i made breakfast. ’
‘ sing something for me? ’
‘ open it and find out. ’
‘ how long have you been like this? ’
‘ you look nice. ’
‘ here, take my jacket. ’
‘ close your eyes and try to get some rest. ’
‘ focus on my voice. ’ 
‘ i meant every word. ’
‘ i was here all night. ’
‘ look both ways before you cross. ’
‘ you don’t have to talk. ’ 
‘ this is your favorite, right? ’
‘ you’ll feel better in the morning. ’
‘ you have a nice laugh. ’
‘ here, take my jacket. ’
‘ you could stay here. with me. ’
‘ we’ll figure it out together. ’
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hallowsheart · 6 years
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Hunter Parrish as Clay Haas in Quantico
↳ Season 2, Episode 22 – RESISTANCE
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hallowsheart · 6 years
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Madelaine Petsch for WWD (2017)
333 notes · View notes
hallowsheart · 6 years
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