gwenxgdiva · 4 years
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Hestia chuckled, wrapping his arm around him. “ Yes, we can stop talking about him. We can be done with my love life.” It wasn’t her favorite topic, plus she wanted to have fun with her cousin. She hugged her back. “ Of course I will dance with you. I would be a stupid to turn down it.”
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"Good to know, because tomorrow I will go back for training. So we better have fun!" She got Hestia's hand, taking her to the dance floor as she started to walk and dance at the same time. "So, are you really sure about being an auror? I know you can do whatever you want. I just want to be sure about this."
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gwenxgdiva · 4 years
Amelia smiled, and tried not to immediately shout yes in her face. “I would love to.” She had always loved watching Gwen play. “I have full faith in you and your team, with you leading them Im sure the other team are scared shitless, you’re the best quidditch player I know. And besides I think we could all use the distraction. I just want to know how you’ll celebrate when you and your team win the cup this season,” she said smirking before quickly knocked on the table to avoid it being jinxed
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"Perfect! The girls will love to see you. Every once in a while, relatives and friends go to see the games, and I know it cheers them up a lot." She smiled at the other and agreed on the distraction. They had prepared some things for this and hoped it would work out very well. "I dream about it, you know? I'm going to celebrate for... WHATAFUCK?" Gwen turned around to see what was going on, ready to grab her stick and break some heads. "Are you alright?"
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gwenxgdiva · 4 years
Amelia smiled, “Honestly, at this point if you did I might just love you forever” she joked. “And I wouldn’t worry about Montrose, I have full faith in you. Youre the best quidditch player out there I’m sure you’ll have no problem beating them.” And she meant it, she had watched as many of Gwens games as she could and always felt proud of how well she did after. She laughed, “Yeah a butterbeer and some food would do me good. Don’t forget about yourself though, can’t function on an empty stomach.”
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"I'm worried. They are the best quidditch team out there, and they have hired some people for this season, and I know they are good. So, I want to make sure that we are ready." She touched her friend's shoulder, thanking her for her support and her conviction that they would win. "Good to know, I'll ask, and I'll be right back." She winked at her friend getting up and asking for a healthy dish for herself and what she had suggested. Gwen sat back and turned to her. "What do you think about going to see our training? I need some people to see if things are making sense. And, I pay your butterbeers, and the team will love to see you."
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gwenxgdiva · 4 years
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Hestia chuckled, “ So you are agreeing with me, but not saying the words.” She teased. Hestia knew she was known for getting caught in the world wind of Edgar bones. When she fell for him, she fell for him hard and things fell through the cracks, friendships, everything. The breakup woke her up to it all. “ I will stop, as amazing as he is, he has his faults as well.” But she loved him despite them.
“ I am still upset as well, it was wrong, and I would like to believe i would have done differently, but if that was him, you, or Julien being threatened, I would have probably done worst.” Hestia was a level headed person, but when it involved someone she loved it was hard for her to be one.  “ You know you give such great advice.” She smiled kissing her cheek. “ Add it to the already impossible long list of why I love you.”
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"I will never do that." She winked at her cousin, rolling her eyes to hear that Edgar's damn qualities again. "Can we not talk about him anymore? How annoying that asshole." She nodded in agreement, knowing that if there were more threats, it meant the most significant number of targets and that they were somehow bothering great politicians. "I know!" She leaped excitement and then hugged her cousin for the happiness of being with her. "So, will you give me this dance? It will be an honor."
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gwenxgdiva · 4 years
“Oh thank god, I swear if I hear one more word about Ed and Hestia I might bang my head off the table!” she exclaimed squeezing Gwens hand. “I’ve been okay, just drowning in work, y’know with everything how it is I feel like things are never going to calm down over there. Everyones on edge,” her face fell for second before bringing it back up. “How’s training going?”
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"I can't take those two anymore! Seriously, I am considering putting your brother in the hospital myself and see if I can sleep in peace." Gwen laughed, knowing she would never do that, and hugged Amelia fondly. "Yes, they seem much more alert than we are on the Quidditch pitch. I can't believe that these things are really off the curve." Gwen knew that Amelia suffered a lot from the war, while she struggled to have a new focus. There were different ways of dealing with it. "They are doing well. We will play against Montrose again in the next few weeks, and they will come with everything. We must win to maintain our leadership. But, they will succeed. And let's order your butterbeer and your food. My treat."
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gwenxgdiva · 4 years
Amelia smiled and rolled her eyes as she watched Gwen. She didn’t expect less from her and although she would never admit it to her face but she could never be mad at her when she was so passionate about her team. Still, her being on time would be appreciated, Amelia hated waiting, she was about five minuets from walking out and calling it a day.  “How about you buy me a butterbeer and we’ll call it even?” she suggested. “And while you’re at it get yourself some water, you look almost dead. Did you run here or something?”
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"I buy it, even though I think you deserve more than that." Gwen shook her head but soon put things aside to hug Amelia and sit next to her. "Want something more?" She laughed and agreed on the water since she was still on a good diet. "I'm always running, but yes, I came running because I met some journalists at the beginning of the street, so I needed to take a walk. So also the delay. But it does not matter." She takes her friend's hand and smiles. "Tell me about yourself. How are you? I don’t care about your brother, he is again with my cousin."
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gwenxgdiva · 4 years
a girl to remember | gwen & amelia
"WHERE'S THE LOVE OF MY LIFE?" Amelia was, in fact, a person that Gwen had learned to like very much. Even though they are of different ages, this did not mean that the famous Harpies captain did not have friends who stretched out from Hogwarts. Edgar Bones's younger sister was at least a better company than that idiot. When she found her friend, she smiled, approaching slowly. "Sorry, I'm late. Today's training was exhausting, and the girls were not making the special moves correctly. I hope you might not be upset with me because of that. How can I repay you?"
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gwenxgdiva · 4 years
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“ Are you trying to say I was blinded by love?” She teased, giggling softly. She did like Edgar a lot in school. “ He is smart in his own way, and so kind, even if his kindness makes me want to punch him sometimes.” She said. “ You are certain we will get back together?”
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"I would never say that, but how did you define yourself in this way, yes. Was." Gwen broke into a smile, remembering how much she always respected Ed and knew he was like her brother. However, he was a sucker that Gwen would have liked to have punched him before he was attacked. She rolled her eyes when she heard his qualities. "Seriously, I spent my life listening to his qualities, and yet I am listening to them again as if we were 14 years old." She shrugged her shoulders. "I guess so. Even though I feel uncomfortable with everything he did, he is a good man. I prefer Amelia." She broke into an amused smile. "Make sure you are on the same pace. He left for reasons that make sense, and even that I don't agree with, but having you all this on the table makes sense. He loves you. That asshole loves you."
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gwenxgdiva · 4 years
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Hestia grinned, she loved her cousin, they were more like sisters and she loved how protective she is of her. “ He isn’t stupid, he just likes to pretend to be.” She joked, Edgar might have broke her heart, and why she doesn’t agree with why he did it, she wanted to respect it. “ I hope we get time to sit down and talk it all out. I think he knows I wouldn’t be so forgiving next time.”
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"He's stupid and has always been, since school. You may not see it, but it is. Look, there's everything he does that is, argh." She rolled her eyes. "I believe that you will have to take the time to see the positive and negative points of being together and go clearly in this relationship."
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gwenxgdiva · 4 years
😍 = Does your muse have any crushes? If so, who are they?
Yes... I have some. 
@theworldaccordingtolucy @vanityxbxtch @harpieshestia - because my cousin is always my crush.
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gwenxgdiva · 4 years
💔 = Has your muse ever been heartbroken? If so, explain what happened.
Yes. Once I thought a guy would love me and we would get married. However, I was working really hard on being an Harpie and he cheated on me. So, yes, I was heartbroken and I don’t want anyone to feel that. Okay? Good.
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gwenxgdiva · 4 years
💎 = What kind of gemstone would your muse prefer on their engagement or wedding ring?
Do we need a wedding ring?
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gwenxgdiva · 4 years
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“Right my mistake.” she said making sure to pull back a bit. “Just being sure. I’ve had plenty of drunk people out there today hitting on me.” she said with a shrug. “You’re looking hot in your costume too.” she told her. She didn’t want to push Gwen too far she like the woman but it was true. While she wasn’t with her in the moment she still wasn’t abandoning her best friend. “I’ve been running down dark wizards left and right. They’re exhausting.” she told her. “Don’t do this to me Gwen you know I miss Quidditch.” she said. She loved being on the broom but she didn’t want to go back to it. It didn’t fit her plans for the moment.
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"You are good! I am trying not to drink because the training will be hard to have a day off like that." She smiled, looking at her with a grin. "I can imagine. Sometimes they are bored with being obvious, but at others, they can be hard. But, I know you love the adrenaline of hunting them." She laughed, knowing well that she wouldn't accept it. "Why don't you go see us training one day? I know you have other plans. So, how about celebrating Halloween?"
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gwenxgdiva · 4 years
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“ You are being ridiculous. I didn’t almost die, and you don’t need to protect me from Edgar. Out of all the the men in the world, Edgar Bones is not someone you need to shield me from.” But she was grateful that she still wanted to. She was happy that Gwen went to see Edgar, she didn’t want her own angry with Edgar over their break up to affect his friendships with their friends. “ I would say we are dancing around it and each other. We both know what we want, but the fear of hurting each other, or us being too damage to fix it is there, so we are just pretending, waiting to see who will bring it up first.”
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"I am not. And you know that. I am your family, and you are mine. I want to make sure he understands how affected you and how you are willing to still be by his side. I know he is smart sometimes, even I cannot imagine that." Gwen could understand that well. "I know. I think he will bring up soon, and I would be glad he could do that. Because it's something, he needs to work inside his nerves. Somehow, you two are happy, and I will kill him if he hurts you again, and he agreed already."
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gwenxgdiva · 4 years
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“ That is… so true.” She chuckled, smiling at Gwen. She was horrible at seeing her friends, but she needed to get out more. “ And can I just tell you how amazingly hot you look.” She said checking her out. “ Make them as strong as you can, because I am more than fine losing some close.” She chuckled. “ Things are great, writing again. How about with you?”
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"Thanks." She started to be in different positions, thanking that there were no journalists to annoy her with irritating questions. "And you, wonderful. It looks gorgeous." Gwen winked at her, laughing at the situation. "Did you write again? Wow! And how are things? I'm going to love reading some of your stuff. They sure will be great." She laughed and lifted her shoulders. "We won several games in a row, and, for that reason, we have time off today. We have to take advantage, don't we?"
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gwenxgdiva · 4 years
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“You will at some point I’m sure. I’m not leaving my best girl alone in the shark den even if I know she can handle herself.” she said shaking her head. “Plenty of heads turn. But then I’m sure they always do when either of us enter a room. We’re just that fit.” she told her playfully. She was surprised at how forward Gwen was being but didn’t show it. “Don’t you know it. So how much have you had to drink tonight to openly hit on me Gwen.” she asked playfully. She wasn’t flirting back if the woman was insanely drunk. She cared about her friends and friendships and she wasn’t ruining one of them because a girl was too drunk and it made shit too awkward for them to function as friends. 
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"I'm complimenting you, and you're hot. Done! And I haven't drink yet." She replied, smiling, knowing full well that Emma's robes might have affected her more than she should have. However, she had understood the message: the friends were there together, and Gwen would never interrupt the atmosphere. "And I think you deserve to know, okay. Now, if you don't want the compliment, that's fine." She lifted her shoulders, taking nothing away from what she had said for a wink. "But how was your week? I trained this week, and maybe there will be some reserve slots. What do you think about trying?"
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gwenxgdiva · 4 years
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“You will at some point I’m sure. I’m not leaving my best girl alone in the shark den even if I know she can handle herself.” she said shaking her head. “Plenty of heads turn. But then I’m sure they always do when either of us enter a room. We’re just that fit.” she told her playfully. She was surprised at how forward Gwen was being but didn’t show it. “Don’t you know it. So how much have you had to drink tonight to openly hit on me Gwen.” she asked playfully. She wasn’t flirting back if the woman was insanely drunk. She cared about her friends and friendships and she wasn’t ruining one of them because a girl was too drunk and it made shit too awkward for them to function as friends. 
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"I'm complimenting you, and you're hot. Done! And I haven't drink yet." She replied, smiling, knowing full well that Emma's robes might have affected her more than she should have. However, she had understood the message: the friends were there together, and Gwen would never interrupt the atmosphere. "And I think you deserve to know, okay. Now, if you don't want the compliment, that's fine." She lifted her shoulders, taking nothing away from what she had said for a wink. "But how was your week? I trained this week, and maybe there will be some reserve slots. What do you think about trying?"
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