guidinglvghts · 2 years
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IT  IS  INSTINCT  when  he  feels  her  in  his  mind  that  he  instantly  puts  up  a  wall  ,  shutting  her  out  (  without  any  regards  to  how  that  might  make  her  feel  )  .  but  he  did  not  like  the  vulnerability  of  it  ,  not  ready  to  share  his  thoughts  so  easily  with  her  on  this  first  meeting  .  his  tongue  runs  along  his  fang  ,  a  recent  calming  gesture  he  found  himself  doing  more  often  ,  before  he  nods  .  ❛  there  is  a  small  cafe  in  the  shadow  market  ❜  —  which  they  were  not  far  from  ,  somewhere  still  public  to  make  this  more  comfortable  without  having  to  worry  about  prying  ears  of  mundanes  —  ❛  we’ll  go  there  .  ❜  he  is  striding  past  her  to  lead  the  way  before  he  even  finishes  his  sentence  …  before  he  stops  .  his  hand  suddenly  reaches  back  to  grasp  her  own  before  continuing  to  walk  towards  their  destination  .
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Kat instantly feels the connection sever, she can feel the moment the walls go up and she’s kicked out of his head. The walls are up and though she tries to probe in, she’s locked out. A frown appears on her features, her eyes diming for one moment. She was so excited about finally finding him - her witch - and he shut her out. But she gathers herself back up and rolls with it, letting the smile come back to her features. It’s all still so new, she wouldn’t fault him yet. ❝The shadow market?❞ Kat finds herself questioning when she can’t seek answers in his head anymore. He turns suddenly and starts away. Kat is frozen for a moment, washed up in the excitement of finding him, then being knocked out of his head and now the rush to get somewhere else. But all of it is settled down when he pauses, comes back and takes her hand. All at once Kat feels satisfied again, feeling the warmth of finding her witch and knowing it was all going to be okay. She smiled at him and walked with him, going wherever he lead her. 
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guidinglvghts · 2 years
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guidinglvghts · 2 years
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guidinglvghts · 2 years
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THERE  WAS  A  TIME  that  matthew  thought  of  his  familiar  :  who  they  could  be  ,  finding  them  ,  accepting  them  into  his  family  .  but  any  hopes  of  such  a  thing  was  lost  in  time  ,  the  years  taking  a  toll  on  the  then  witch  .  perhaps  there  was  a  reason  why  he  never  found  them  ?  was  it  to  punish  him  for  cheating  death  time  and  time  again  ?  not  ever  witch  found  their  familiar  no  ,  but  now  seeing  her  in  front  of  him  …  was  it  a  punishment  to  not  have  found  her  or  was  it  one    finding  her  now  ,  after  everything  he  has  done  ?  while  katrina  found  nothing  but  joy  in  finding  him  ,  he  felt  nothing  but  conflicted  .
that  feeling  only  grew  at  her  revelation  of  looking  for  him  .  it  is  what  familiars  do  —  they  seek  out  their  masters  rather  than  the  witch  hunting  them  —  but  it  is  not  often  matthew  does  not  know  what  to  do  and  it  takes  him  a  moment  before  he  can  respond  .  ❛  should  we  …  go  somewhere  private  ?  ❜  it  didn’t  seem  right  to  keep  standing  in  the  street  .
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Though they had just met, she felt herself already connected to him. Their minds were one, she had easy access due to the surprise and shock he felt, which was weakening any walls he could have up to keep her out. Kat felt his surprise, she could sense the hesitation and conflict he felt at seeing her. And while she could sense these things, she could not sense why he was feeling this way. Wasn’t he happy about finally getting his familiar? Kat had spent so long of her life looking for him, and she knew she had taken longer than she was supposed to as a familiar, but surely having her here now made up for it? Kat wanted to reach out, to take his hands and make sure she hadn’t done anything wrong. She was here now and she wasn’t going anywhere now, not when he was all she had left in the world. He was hers and she was his.
She had looked for him for a long time, and Kat’s lifespan was still longer than most she knew. Though, looking at him now and looking at the youth in his face, Kat couldn’t help but wonder why he looked as young as he did. From an early age, she always felt his slight presence in the world. He was out there, it was only a matter of her finding him. So, that brought the question of how old he was. Watching him with wide eyes, Kat could not keep the admiration and loyalty that shone through in only the very first few moments of meeting him. But their instant connection made her feel like she had known him her whole life. ❝We can go wherever you want.❞ Kat told him, smiling as she resisted the urge to hug him again. ❝Is there somewhere you are thinking of?❞ She had no place to call her own for privacy for them here.
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guidinglvghts · 2 years
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“I’m a Dah-veed,” he said, and a piece of his old, human self returned. Dah-VEED, not Dave-id. A far flung moment of his childhood returned, in which he had to correct a schoolboy on the pronunciation of his own name, only to feel momentarily embarrassed that he sounded distinct from his peers at all. It was silly to think that a piece of boyhood remained. By extension, a piece of humanity.
“This Dave-id will ask for it in a moment.” He waited for her to put her phone down before glancing at the seat across from himself. Of course she won’t steal my drink. There’s a joke in there somewhere. “You have my name now. May I ask what yours is?”
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Mira rose her eyebrows, and amusement danced in her gaze. ❝My apologies, Dah-veed.❞ Though, she couldn’t tease him too much, she was the one who hadn’t said his name correctly. She would have done the same had he mispronounced her name. And she’d heard some butchered pronunciations of her name before. 
Placing the offending cup of coffee back on the counter, she took hers as it finally arrived and stood before him. Her phone was put away, and the case she was currently thinking of was put on hold. Mira just assumed he was waiting for a drink, same as her. She had no reason to think the city was home to other creatures besides herself. ❝Mira.❞ She smiled as she took his invitation and sat down across from him. ❝I’m Mira. Are you satisfied now?❞ 
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guidinglvghts · 2 years
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❛ ARE YOU SERIOUSLY going to be that fucking stubborn , mira ? ❜ stubborn and stupid enough to work a case with rhodes enterprises , just to refuse the extraordinarily large sum of money attached to it ? there are not a whole lot of companies in the city that would earn her an equal amount , but here she was … ready to risk her future , all because of HER PAST . ❛ you do realize that your partners would do ANYTHING for this opportunity , right ? ❜ the darklighter clenches his jaw as he looks away from her , shaking his head . ❛ i didn’t make you think anything . ❜ but just for a moment he wonders if her version of events isn’t more bearable than the truth . what if he lets her believe that he is a dick that never cared about her or their unborn child ? would that BE EASIER ? ❛ you make it sound like you were the only one that lost everything . it was MY baby too . ❜ and as much as the two of them struggled when they discovered the pregnancy , they both know that julian came to love the child he would never meet . ❛ we tried so hard to stop . to change . when you lost the baby , i didn’t want to stop anymore . i wanted to give into everything we used to do , because i knew it would allow me to NUMB THE PAIN . i knew it would offer an ESCAPE . a temporary one , sure , but i was willing to make sure to hold it up . you were finally doing better . you had been sober for months and even while you were in so much pain , you were stronger than me . i didn’t leave for my freedom . i left so i wouldn’t get BOTH OF US killed . ❜ but he could not tell mira how it DID kill him , in the end . he knows she looks at him and sees something he is not . an illusion that he won’t take away from her , because there is no point in exposing her to the shadow world . it’s safer for her if she doesn’t know . he nods his head when she tells him that she will do her job , but his features harden as she whispers that she hates him . ❛ no . YOU DON’T . ❜ as much as the brunette might prefer to , they can BOTH hear it in her voice . she can’t hate him . ❛ but keep telling that to yourself if it helps . as soon as we finish this meeting , i will leave you be . i can send someone else next time . you won’t have to see me anymore , if it’s that hard for you . ❜
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Mira clenched her fists, fighting back the urge to let the angry tears flow, but instead she dug her heels in more. Even though she knew it was beyond stupidly stubborn. Even though she knew if her colleagues founds out she didn’t want to get paid, she’d be putting her place here at risk. But it was the principal of accepting the money from him. ❝Yes, I can be that fucking stubborn.❞ Mira fired back, her gaze bright and burning. ❝Just keep my part of the paycheck if money is that important to you. Just think of me doing this case pro bono.❞ She didn’t want his money, she was stubborn and angry, lashing out in a way she had control of. 
❝Yes you did! When you left me without any explanation what was I supposed to think, Julian? You just left. No word why, just saying we were done.❞ Mira’s voice broke and she could feel the dam breaking. The first tears were starting to be shed and she was so angry at herself for crying in front of him when she had cried over him for so long. But then she couldn’t speak as he started talking, each sentence coming out of him hitting her like a ton of bricks and silencing her more. She knew Julian had loved their unborn child - or at least she thought he had until he left her right after she got back from the hospital. Her mind had whispered such dark things when left with no explanation of why he left. It had to be for his freedom. He had never loved her, the baby had been a mistake. But now, Mira was stunned into silence. Had he really left her for some noble reason of trying to save her? Why hadn’t he said that? But she knew the answer before she even finished it. Because he knew her. He knew Mira never would have let him go if he told her the truth. She never would have let him go off and hurt himself. She would have fallen back into the drugs and alcohol that had almost destroyed them. ❝I wasn’t strong. I needed you.❞ Mira whispered, the tears falling now silently as she thought of what this meant, of the reasons he left her to protect her. ❝I never would have gotten clean if not for you. Julian I was the one who dragged you down with me. I got you hooked. Then, you cleaned us both up. I never would have been able to do it without you.❞ Her voice was cracking, and she’d given up trying to wipe the tears away. But here she stood, sober since he had cleaned her up. Even when he left and she spiraled in depression, she had managed to pick herself up and become a lawyer. ❝Julian-❞ She stepped closer, unsure what she was going to do. Hit him for doing something so stupidly noble? Hold him for the pain they shared? Reach out for some contact to comfort both of them? She reached out, but stopped her fingers inches from his hand. ❝Did you?❞ She asked, her voice cracking and she licked her lips. ❝Did you fall back into all of that shit?❞ 
Mira didn’t hate Julian. Even she knew it was a lie when she whispered it. For eight years now, Mira had tried to hate Julian Rhodes but she had never been able to. There were too many feelings attached to him, and the hurt hadn’t erased them. Staying silent for a moment, she sniffed and tried to wipe at the tears running down her cheeks steadily. ❝No. Don’t do that.❞ She spoke, looking away. This was not how she imagined this meeting going. ❝It will only make more headaches for us if you send someone else. More steps to bypass your signature. Just - just keep coming.❞ Mira swallowed hard and looked back at him. ❝I’ll stay on the case, I can’t leave without risking my place on future cases. We’ll both stay.❞ 
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guidinglvghts · 2 years
— KATRINA ACOSTA  &  ROSE AMONDI  / @guidinglvghts​· . undivinelights  .
Location: Matthew Delabarre’s place With: Matthew and Kat @wickedlvly· @guidinglvghts·
Today was Matthew Delabarre’s 841st birthday, and Rose felt as if his childhood and vampiric transformation were merely a week ago. Virtues of being a millennium old, though Rose never felt old. Truly, she felt ageless. It was everyone else that let time wear them down again and again. Downside, Rose never seemed to mature, which meant that she was never, ever too old for birthday celebrations.
A little birdie in the hematology unit at the hospital helped Rose organize her gift: four wine bottles’ worth of blood, each one enriched with a plasma donation. Different blood types, too: A, B, AB and O. Carrying the bottles as if they carried wine, Rose trotted to the front door of Matthew’s residence, and set one down set of two bottles so that she could knock on the door.
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“I may not be what you are.” That is, a vampire. Hiss! “But I do still need an invitation in! Hello, hello, hello!”
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THE  INSIPID  BANGING  on  his  door  makes  matthew  sigh  .  it  would  be  too  much  to  ask  that  this  not  happen  ?  but  he  isn’t  surprised  by  it  .  katrina  had  already  come  over  and  was  here  with  his  daughter  and  him  now  ,  insisting  on  making  a  cake  .  the  hybrid  places  a  kiss  on  his  daughter’s  head  ,  ruffling  her  hair  .  ❛  run  along  to  your  mother  .  ❜  he  instructs  her  ,  amelia’s  tiny  feet  hurrying  over  to  brianna  who  takes  her  away  for  some  adventure  while  he  entertains  his  guests  .  matthew  then  makes  his  way  to  the  entrance  ,  opening  the  door  to  greet  the  reaper  .  ❛  rose  .  come  in   .  ❜  ( @guidinglvghts​· )
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Kat was beyond happy with how Matthew had let her into his life. She had felt that instant rush and warmth upon finding him since she had been searching for him so long, but he had responded with hesitation. While she could still describe him as grumpy and serious, he still had let her in with open arms. And she couldn’t be happier. Upon learning of his birthday, she had showed up that morning with ingredients for a cake and the grin on her lips only grew when she saw the look on his face. She was already enamored with Matthew, wanting to do her best as his familiar, wanting to do anything for him. Including baking a cake. Earlier that morning she had played with Amelia, transforming into her raven form and causing the little girl to laugh as she entertained her. Kat had brought a tiny little party hat that she told the girl to put on her when she was a bird. She loved the little girl, surprising given she had never really been around children before in her life. 
Eventually though, she transformed back to human and she started on the cake. Kat had Amelia help her as much as the little girl could. Standing her on a chair, she had her mix the contents of the bowl Kat put together. When the cake came out of the oven, Kat had Amelia help her decorate the cake. They were just putting the final touches on the cake when the aggressive knocking came. ❝Are you having a party you didn’t tell me about?❞ Kat teased, smirking at Matthew as he sent Amelia away with her mother. Abandoning the cake, she followed Matthew to the door and peeked around his shoulder with a grin. ❝Hi!❞ She greeted warmly, a contrast to Matthew’s greeting. 
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guidinglvghts · 2 years
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guidinglvghts · 2 years
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guidinglvghts · 2 years
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guidinglvghts · 2 years
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❛ YOU WANT TO HAVE SHOTS ? is that an invitation or are you going to make me pay for both of them ? ❜ there is a smirk on the archangel’s lips - even though he is not actually here to GET DRUNK . there has been an increase in celestial activity in the city and he is here to figure out WHY . ❛ choose your answer wisely . mine will depend on that . ❜ cosimo teases , taking a seat at the bar before he scans their surroundings to see if he can sense any of his winged brothers and sisters . ❛ quiet night ? ❜
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Kat smirked and tipped her head like he was asking if she thought the sky was blue. ❝Of course I want to have shots? Why wouldn’t I?❞ Though, the second part made amusement dance in her gaze. Of course she wanted him to pay for them, she wouldn’t be doing her job if she didn’t try to urge him to buy more alcohol. ❝Well, I can’t buy anything while I’m on the clock and you wouldn’t want me to get in trouble, would you?❞ Her head tilted and her grin grew, a mix of innocence and amusement. She leaned closer to give a harmless and unnoticeable little sniff. Not human, that was for sure. ❝It’s been steady. I can’t complain too much.❞ She shrugged. Her tips were fine for the night, though not great. 
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guidinglvghts · 2 years
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“Stuck with a long shift, hmm?” Tatum wondered if she was given a full work day, which, in that case, it was a wonder that Kat was putting up the act for that long. Unless…. Tatum entertained a naughty thought, tapping their foot underneath the bar top while the lady grabbed the bottle of patron. While they waited, they picked up… a smell. It was faint at first, something Tatum mistook for something else when they were at a distance.
When Kat handed over the shot glass, Tatum got a whiff of the scent from her hand, and a suspicion – or a guess made in anticipation – bubbled within them. 
Tatum picked up the shot glass, leaning over the bar top under the pretense of showing off the goods. Really, Tatum wondered if the woman could pick up a subtle scent of the sea. “Oh, of course not,” Tatum cooed. “To both questions. If it’s no trick, then why not pour yourself a shot?”
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❝It only feels long.❞ Kat smirked at the other and leaned closer, catching a hint of what the other smelled like. Salt water... the sweet scent of the ocean. They were either a siren or a mermaid. Perking up, she made the shot and slid it across the bar, leaning over and revealing more of her ample chest in the lacy bralette. It never hurt to flirt a little with customers and draw them in for more drinks. Maybe she should have tried to find a Coyote Ugly bar, but this was appealing in itself because she wasn’t entirely surrounded by humans. 
Ah, so her new customer was just as flirty as Kat was feeling. She smirked as the other leaned over the bar, reflecting Kat’s own teasing stance. ❝I don’t play tricks.❞ A laughable statement at best. Katrina had survived on her own by tricking, stealing, manipulating and lying her way around the world. Playing tricks was one of her many talents, hidden under a charming smile and a cheery personality. ❝Are you offering?❞ Kat asked with a charming smirk. ❝Buy me a shot and I’ll do one with you. Maybe more all night long.❞
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guidinglvghts · 2 years
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guidinglvghts · 2 years
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guidinglvghts · 2 years
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❛ ARE YOU KIDDING ME ? now , that doesn’t sound dumb at all . ❜ maybe it’s wrong of him to provoke her , but is she even listening to herself ? ❛ you will work my case to make sure you can continue to do your job , but you won’t take THE FUCKING MONEY ? we were born into wealthy families , mira , but you and i BOTH know that’s not all rainbows and butterflies . it feels so much better to have your own money . you know it would be stupid to refuse payment . ❜ especially if she pulls her shit together and she handles this case . in any other moment , the flash of fear in her eyes would have hurt him , but now he takes a step closer when she draws back , his anger quite evident on his features . ❛ i was never TIED TO YOU . i didn’t leave because you lost the BABY , mira . i left because it was the best fucking thing i could do for you . ❜ julian tried so hard to control his addiction , to get past the lifestyle that she lured him into - and he couldn’t escape it . his desire to drink became so much stronger than ANYTHING ELSE and he never wanted to ruin HER shot at getting sober . without him . ❛ i said it before and i will say it again . i am not here to discuss the past . i am not here because i want to HURT YOU . no one mentioned your name or i would have settled for a different lawyer - but if you want to stay on this case , you better start ACTING like it . there is no need to drag this out by yelling at each other . ❜
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Her gaze snapped back up to him, a new fresh wave of anger rolling through her. Was he seriously trying to call her stupid? Now? When in the same breath he was trying to force her to calm down? ❝I make enough money. I don’t need a single thing from you.❞ She all but snarled at him. It was her pride that was honestly getting in the way, that was making her be stubborn and defiant. Mira was angry at him for leaving her and for showing up again when she never wanted to see him again. To get paid by him was only adding insult to the injury. 
His face contorted with anger in a way that was new and foreign to her, one that no longer looked like the Julian she knew for so many years. She froze, not drawing away anymore, but her gaze was a storm of hurt, anguish, heartbreak, anger, and fear. ❝How?❞ Mira’s voice cracked with emotion and she knew she was close to breaking down in tears if she couldn’t get control of herself once more. ❝I needed you, Julian. When I needed you the most, you just left me. How was that the best thing you could do for me? Leaving me and thinking it was my fault? Making me think without the baby you were free from me.❞ Her voice broke and she looked away. He hadn’t explained why he left and the questions had haunted her for so long. ❝I had just lost everything and you just left me all alone.❞
Mira couldn’t look at him anymore, not when she knew she would cry if she did. She wouldn’t do that here in the office, and in front of him. Each word came like a slap to her face. Did he really expect her not to get upset about seeing him without any warning? This was her place of work and he showed up and she instantly spiraled with the mountain of emotions he had left her with to deal with over the years. ❝Fine. I’ll do my job.❞ Each word came out in a harsh hiss. Mira couldn’t look at him she was shaking so much with rage and grief. ❝I hate you.❞ She whispered, but her voice betrayed her and just listening one could tell the heartbreak, grief and anguish she felt. There was no real hatred, only hurt.
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guidinglvghts · 2 years
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FOR  A  MOMENT  ,  nothing  else  matters  .  their  eyes  meet  and  what  is  it  ?  a  spark  ?  fireworks  ?  a  sensation  that  is  hard  to  describe  ,  but  matthew  feels  the  instant  connection  and  suddenly  he  understands  :  his  familiar  .  in  his  eight hundred  years  of  life  he  had  never  found  one  ,  never  sought  one  despite  the  power  it  would  bring  him  .  and  now  that  he  sees  her  ?  that  feeling  fades  ,  transformed  into  feelings  he  is  intimate  with  —  discomfort  .  confusion  .  greed  .  he  hardly  has  time  to  process  the  swirl  of  emotions  coursing  through  him  as  the  girl  crosses  the  distance  between  them  and  …  hugs  him  .  an  instant  annoyance  mixed  in  with  a  sudden  comfort  .  his  teeth  clench  as  his  senses  heighten  and  twist  themselves  inside  him  until  finally  he  seems  to  be  able  to  take  control  of  his  body  .
hands  ,  firm  yet  gentle  ,  take  a  hold  of  her  shoulders  to  break  them  apart  …  to  look  upon  her  face  .  ❛  …  katrina  ?  ❜  her  name  foreign  on  his  tongue  ,  but  slips  into  his  mind  without  much  thought  .  he  knows  it  to  be  her  name  without  words  ,  even  if  there  is  disbelief  in  his  voice  .  it  seemed  that  there  were  some  things  that  could  surprise  the  old  man  .
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She knew he felt the same spark she did upon laying eyes on him. Already their connection was reaching out and attuning her to what he felt. For both of them it was like the world melted around them and only the other mattered. There was no other noise, no other person. It was only him. For so long she had been searching for him. For so long she had been trapped while she could only sense him being out there somewhere in the world. As soon as her arms wrapped around him she felt that sensation she had been chasing for so long. Her body hummed with satisfaction and she felt whole after having searched for him for so long. Kat was finally where she was supposed to be. 
Even as she hugged him, she felt his discomfort with the touch. Just one more moment she willed before his hands gently pushed her apart. Feeling through the bond his discomfort she relented and dropped her arms, but the huge grin remained on her features. ❝Yes.❞ She breathed, still feeling like she was floating in a dream. ❝Most people call me Kat though.❞ Letting his name come to her through the bond, she smiled as his name flickered through her mind. It came to her so easily, as if she knew it all her life though she had only learned it in this moment. ❝Matthew.❞ She smiled softly and resisted the urge to hug him again. ❝I’ve been looking for you for so long.❞ And it had been such a long time. Everyone she knew was dead, she had no one but him now. 
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guidinglvghts · 2 years
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