greyhux · 1 year
The Causes of Ageing Face, Dry Skin and Wrinkles
Wrinkles, dry skin, and early face ageing aren't cool. Ageing is inevitable and that's okay, however, aging too early is not cool, it's not right, and it's not supposed to happen. Environmental factors, genetics, makeup, nutrition, and other factors all play a role in skin changes. Exposure to the sun is the single most important factor. This can be seen by contrasting sun-protected areas of your body with those that are regularly exposed to the sun. Nevertheless, all hope is not lost—the good news is that it can be resolved through an intentional and consistent process and routine. As a result, we will address the issue and return to looking young, fresh and being our best at all times.
10 Causes of Skin Wrinkles, Ageing Face and How to End This Misery
There are several factors that can cause wrinkles and the ageing of the face, including: Exposure to sunlight (UVA & UVB RAYS):
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The damage caused by exposure to sunlight can't be overemphasized, literally. UV rays break down the elastin in your skin and cause it to sag and give off a dull appearance, wrinkles, spots, and uneven skin tone; the list is endless. Prolonged exposure to the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays can damage the skin and lead to the formation of wrinkles and an ageing face. Here's what to do Always wear sunscreen with an SPF rating of 35, a broad spectrum sunscreen that helps block both UVA & UBV RAYS. Be sure to wear it every day when you're heading out, whether it's sunny or not.
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ORDER NOW Drink enough water
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Lack of enough water intake makes the skin look dry and tight, and gives off a pale appearance. Dehydration not only affects the health but also the skin cells, which can lead to the formation of wrinkles and an ageing face.  How to avoid dehydration Water replenishes your skin tissues and cells for healthier and good-looking skin. You don't have to be thirsty to drink water, so stay hydrated and keep a fresh appearance by drinking plenty of water. Lack of sleep causes ageing face Not getting enough sleep affects the skin big time, so we should make our sleep time a top priority, among all our daily activities, because lack of sleep causes ageing face and wrinkles. So make sure you have enough sleep.  PS: To get the best results, you should apply your skincare products more at night, before going to bed.
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ORDER NOW Poor diet
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A diet that is low in vitamins and minerals can contribute to the ageing of the skin. A healthy and balanced diet plays a vital role in having and maintaining rich and radiant skin. Fruits like: oranges, mangoes, avocados, papaya, apple, watermelon, etc and lots of vegetables as well. They make the skin fresh and healthy. PS: Fruit smoothies are awesome and help provides enough nutrients to the body, so go ahead and try out different fruit smoothies you'll enjoy them. Smoking
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Smoking can reduce the blood supply to the skin, which can lead to the formation of wrinkles. Not only does smoking cause wrinkles, but it also causes ageing quickly. Use a good moisturizer: A skin moisturizer helps prevent dry skin, face ageing and keep the skin looking radiant and smooth. For dry skin, you can check out some moisturizer for dry skin.
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ORDER NOW Regular exercise We sure can't escape this no matter how much we try because it plays a huge role in achieving those skin goals. Exercise improves blood flow, which nourishes and maintains the vitality of skin cells. so we should give ourselves to it. Avoid using harsh products on your skin Before using any skin care product on your body, it is advisable to learn more about it, its contents, and whether or not it will be suitable with your skin. Applying just any product because it worked for someone else is not a good idea; thoroughly inspect the product before using it. Some of these harsh products might damage your skin and cause wrinkles. Always keep a happy face:
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This is another factor, it seems trivial but it does have an impact. That is why doctors always encourage putting a smile on the face. We do agree that things can sometimes get tough and that it somehow tends to reflect on our facial expressions as well as causes wrinkles. As a result, we should make this a habit and lifestyle to be joyful no matter what, having a cheerful heart and a radiant face.
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ORDER NOW Wash your face gently and tenderly:
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Be gentle with your face! When taking a bath or applying anything on your face, you have to do it more gently, so there won't be any scratch or cut on your face, so handle your face with maximum care.
In general, taking good care of your skin can help to prevent the formation of wrinkles and slow down the ageing process. To achieve this the perfect skin you want, you can use a moisturizer, avoid prolonged sun exposure, stop smoking, drink plenty of water, eat a healthy diet, sleep enough, and also try out some anti-aging products. In our desire to look better let’s also cherish and love our skin, as we make it more radiant and healthier.  Read the full article
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greyhux · 1 year
The Best Reasons Why Banana Is Good For Weight Loss
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Are you looking for a healthy fruit that can help with your weight loss goals? Bananas may just be the answer. With their high fibre and nutrient content, bananas are an excellent choice for those looking to reach their weight loss goals. In this article, we will look at 10 reasons why banana is good for weight loss. From increased energy levels to improved digestion, bananas offer a multitude of benefits that can help you achieve your desired results. So, read on to learn more about why banana is good for weight loss.
Reasons Why Banana is Good for Weight Loss
Weight loss is an important goal for many people, and one way to achieve it is by incorporating healthy foods into your diet. One of the best fruits to include in your weight loss plan is the banana. Not only are bananas an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and fibre; but they are also low in fat and calories, making them a great choice for those looking to shed some pounds. Here are 10 reasons why banana is good for weight loss: Bananas are Filling Bananas are also filling due to their high fibre content. Fibre helps you feel full and keeps digestion regular. This can help reduce cravings and make it easier to stick with your weight loss plan. Eating more fibre can also help decrease unhealthy fat in your body, which is important for weight loss.
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In addition to being an excellent source of fibre and low in fat, bananas are also rich in important vitamins and minerals that can help boost your health. Vitamins like Vitamin B6 and Vitamin C are all found in bananas, helping to nourish your body and support overall health.  Overall, bananas make a great addition to any weight loss plan thanks to their high fibre content, low calorie count, and abundance of vitamins and minerals. Incorporating this delicious fruit into your diet can help make it easier to reach your weight loss goals. Contain Resistant Starch When it comes to weight loss, one food that many people may overlook is bananas. Bananas have a wide variety of health benefits, including being beneficial for those looking to shed a few pounds. Bananas contain a type of starch known as resistant starch, which can help with weight loss. Resistant starch is a type of carbohydrate that the body cannot easily digest. This means that it passes through the digestive tract without being broken down into sugar, providing very little in terms of calories or nutrients. Instead, it provides bulk and helps promote feelings of fullness and satiety. Studies have found that consuming foods high in resistant starch can reduce calorie intake and help with weight loss. In fact, one study showed that people who consumed 30 grams of resistant starch each day had reduced body fat levels by 8%. Bananas are a great source of resistant starch, with an average banana containing around 2 grams. To get the full benefit of resistant starch, you should aim to consume at least 20-30 grams each day. This means eating around 10-15 bananas per day! However, there are other foods that contain resistant starch as well, such as potatoes, legumes, and grains. Bananas can help you lose belly fat This is the most common reason why banana is good for weight loss. If you are trying to get rid of that stubborn belly fat, one great way to do that is by adding bananas to your diet. Bananas are a great source of dietary fibre and resistant starch, two powerful nutrients that can help you shed those extra pounds. Bananas can help to reduce bloating and water retention. This helps make your stomach look flatter and more toned. Bananas are High in Potassium Potassium in bananas is one of the reasons why bananas are good for weight loss. Not only are they delicious and full of essential vitamins and minerals, but potassium also helps in shedding those extra pounds by reducing bloating which is beneficial for weight loss. Potassium also helps to keep your electrolyte balance in check and is important for maintaining a healthy metabolism.  Great Pre-workout Fruit Bananas are a great pre-workout fruit for those looking to shed a few extra pounds. The potassium and fibre found in bananas make them a great choice for those looking to stay energized during their workout. Eating a banana before a workout can give you an energy boost due to the high levels of carbohydrates they contain. It is a healthy diet that can help you reach your weight loss goals and improve your overall health. Whether it’s eaten as a dessert or included in a balanced meal plan, bananas can help you stay energized throughout the day and reduce cravings for unhealthy foods.
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Promote Satiety Bananas are a great snack for those looking to lose weight. Eating bananas can help with satiety, reduce hunger and aid in food digestion. It naturally contains some sugar, which is also known to help create a feeling of fullness and reduce hunger. Unlike other sweet snacks, bananas provide vitamins and minerals that support overall health.  Eating a banana as a snack is a healthy way to satisfy your sweet tooth and keep hunger at bay. They are also convenient, inexpensive, and easy to find, making them an ideal snack for weight loss. High in Antioxidants Bananas are an incredibly healthy fruit that can be a great addition to any weight loss plan. They are rich in fibre and vitamins, which help support your body’s natural metabolic process. Bananas are also high in antioxidants, which are powerful compounds that help protect cells from damage and promote overall health.  Improve Digestion  Bananas are high in fibre and water, both of which can improve digestion and help keep you regular. Eating bananas can be beneficial for your digestive system, as they are a source of dietary fibre. It keeps your digestive system healthy, as the fibre helps to move food through your body and reduces constipation. Additionally, bananas contain prebiotics which can feed the friendly bacteria in your gut and promote healthy digestion. Eating one or two bananas each day can keep your digestive system working efficiently. High Magnesium Bananas are also high in magnesium, a mineral that helps regulate muscle and nerve function. One medium banana contains 32 milligrams of magnesium. It also provides your body with a quick boost of energy due to its natural sugar content. The sugar is slowly released into your bloodstream, providing you with sustained energy levels throughout the day.  Low in Calories Bananas are a great way to help with weight loss because they are low in calories. One medium-sized banana contains about 105 calories, which is a small amount compared to other snacks like candy bars. Not only are bananas low in calories, but they also provide essential vitamins and minerals that can help you maintain your health while on a diet. For instance, bananas contain Vitamin B6, which helps the body to break down carbohydrates and proteins for energy and Vitamin C, which helps with collagen production for healthy skin and tissue.
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As you can see, there are many reasons why bananas are good for weight loss. Whether you’re trying to slim down or just maintain a healthy lifestyle, adding bananas to your diet can be an excellent choice.
Bananas are easy to add to your daily diet and can help provide your body with energy and satisfaction throughout the day. With the right amount of bananas in your diet, you can reach your weight loss goals and keep yourself feeling energized and healthy. So, if you're looking for a delicious and healthy way to lose weight, consider adding some bananas to your diet today! If you agree that banana is good for weight loss please leave a comment below.  Read the full article
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greyhux · 2 years
The Best Home Appliances For Your Household
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Home appliances are essential equipment or machines that are used to make work easier in the home. They are also known as domestic appliances. In this article, I will be talking Home appliances and their uses.
Types of Home Appliances
There are two major types of home appliances: they are small and large home appliances. Other types include major, minor, consumer, and smart appliances.  Small Home Appliances Small appliances are those home appliances that are made for a specific home task purpose. They are portable, easily replaceable, and affordable. They are considered minor because they easily fit on the shelf, especially in the kitchen. The durability of small appliances can be due to the usage span but the material used in making it has a role to play. Small appliances, unlike large appliances, do not consume much power. They are well known due to their affordability but some are more popular than others, the most popular small device is Blender. Examples of small home appliances are: - Blender - Mixer - Toaster oven - Juicer - Electric kettle - Pressing Iron - Coffee maker etc.  Did you know Earl Richardson invented the clothes iron in 1903? It is one of the first small appliances invented. Jumia ₦ 23,500 Large Home Appliances Large appliances unlike small home appliances are not portable and are more expensive. They cannot be moved quickly and they are not frequently replaced. Most households possess at least one large home appliance, this is because they are a basic requirement in a home. Large home appliances consume more power but in recent times, there are now large appliances with energy efficiency and inverters in them. Examples of large home appliances include: - Washing machine - Dishwasher - Refrigerator - Microwave oven - Freezer - Air conditioner etc. Basically, they are used for household tasks and can be used for multipurpose unlike small home appliances e.g. a refrigerator can be used to store fresh and cooked food. The price of these large appliances can be determined by the size and material used in making them. Large plastic appliances are less expensive than ones made of stainless steel.
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Jumia ₦ 96,000 Smart Appliances for your Home Smart home appliances are appliances that use technology. Most home appliances both small and large come as smart appliances. They have in-built features that give access to them being remotely controlled. These home appliances have become more popular because people have gravitated towards technology since we are in the digital age. examples of the smart appliance are: - smart tv  - smart refrigerator - security camera - vacuum cleaner  - oven The prices vary depending on the size and the appliance. They have the tendency to last long but may be subject to repair also they can be upgraded from time to time as software updates are made available.
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Jumia ₦ 179,900 Major home appliances are large appliances that are common in almost every home. They are used to perform household tasks while minor home appliances are small and portable home appliances that can fit on shelves and small spaces.
Home appliances were invented to ease chores or tasks and save time and energy. Their uses depend on the type of appliance. These appliances are divided into three categories: - food preparation or Kitchen Appliances - appliances for your comfort or entertainment -  appliances for cleaning. The various uses of home appliances include: - Washing clothes - Dry clothes - Processing food - Storing food  - Relaxing  - Heat food - Entertainment - Tidying the home etc Some Appliances and their Uses Washing Machine  A washing machine is a large home appliance used to wash laundry. Various washing machines are available in the market made by different companies. They come in different sizes and liters. Microwave Oven A microwave oven is an electric oven that cooks and heats food in electromagnetic radiation according to the set microwave frequency. It is best used for defrosting and reheating cooked meals. Some microwave ovens come with inverter technology and smart sensors.  Air conditioner An air conditioner is a home appliance that is used to remove heat from an enclosed space and control the humidity of the internal air to make it more conducive or comfortable. Refrigerator A refrigerator is an essential home appliance for storing food to avoid them getting bad. A similar appliance to refrigerator is the freezer. They both maintain degrees below the freezing point of water. They are in various sizes to fit your budget and space. Blender Blenders are the most common small home appliances, It is a food processor that has a motor and a blade. It is used to make smoothies and grind food items. It is a complete kitchen game changer, it saves time and energy.
Important Kitchen Appliances
The kitchen is the heart of any home. It's where families and friends come together to share meals, stories, and laughter. The appliances that fill this space play an important role in making these moments possible—whether it's by helping you cook up something delicious or keeping everything cool when it's time for dessert. Refrigerator  A refrigerator is a must-have in any kitchen because it helps keep food fresh longer than other storage methods like plastic bags or cardboard boxes would be able to do on their own. Not only does this mean less waste but also more savings on your grocery bill each month.
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Jumia ₦ 199,990 Dishwasher Dishwashers are another great addition to any kitchen because they make cleanup so much faster than washing dishes by hand would be! All you have to do is put all your dirty dishes into one big stack inside the dishwasher and press a few buttons—it'll do all the work for you while you enjoy some free time elsewhere in the house. Plus, if you get a model with an auto-fill feature then all you'll need to do is add some water once or twice during each cycle; no manual filling required. Konga ₦549,999 Gas Cooker  The gas cooker is a must-have for any household. With just a flick of a switch, you can make delicious meals without having to spend all day in the kitchen. It's perfect for those busy weeknights when you don't have much time to cook.
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Jumia ₦ 58,900 Coffee Maker If you are someone who likes quick coffee breaks, you should get this coffee maker because it will help you spend less time preparing it. It has a compact design for easy storage, anti-slip feet and a ‘keep warm’ function to keep your cup of coffee warm; in case you need to dash out for a few minutes You can set the amount of water, there is clearness, and a place to put coffee.
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Jumia ₦ 22,800 Juicer If you like making juices at home but don't want all the mess from traditional juicers then check out this juicer below. All you have to do is put your favorite fruits or vegetables into the chamber and press start, it does all the work for you. Plus, there's no cleanup needed afterward because it's dishwasher safe.
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Jumia ₦ 55,850 Stabilizer If you live in a place where there are often power fluctuations, then this stabilizer will be really useful for keeping your devices safe from bad voltage. It works with everything from television to refrigerator so that you can keep the appliances safe and working optimally. Generally, it only takes about a minute to stabilize the current.
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Jumia ₦ 44,000 Electric Kettle And finally, who doesn't love having hot tea or coffee on a cold day? These electric kettles heat water faster than traditional kettles so they're great if you want something warm ASAP! This appliance saves you tons of time because it works so quickly; plus, it's small enough to fit on almost any countertop space. They come in many different colors too so there's one that will match perfectly with your kitchen décor too.
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Jumia ₦ 6,900 It's no secret that appliances make life easier, but sometimes it can be difficult to choose which one is right for you. The best way to determine which appliance will work best in your kitchen is by considering what features are most important to you. For example, if space efficiency is important to you then a deep fryer might not be the best choice because they take up more room than other options such as a traditional pan or skillet would. On the other hand, if you're looking for something that will cook food quickly then those pans might not be ideal either because they require more time and effort than other options such as a deep fryer would. Another thing to keep in mind when deciding which appliance is right for you is whether or not it's going to be worth its initial investment cost over time. If an appliance costs more upfront but saves you money on energy bills or lasts longer than other options then it might be worth investing in even though it costs more initially. Just make sure you do some research first so that you know what kind of return on investment (ROI) you can expect before making any decisions about which appliance will work best for your kitchen needs.
It is important to have home appliances in every home, be they large or small or smart home appliances. They are useful in helping with work in the home and saving time and energy. They come in sizes and prices according to your budget. If you found this article useful and just before you go get yourself one, please leave a comment. Read the full article
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greyhux · 2 years
The Most Beautiful Christmas Trees for your Homes in Nigeria
Christmas and Christmas Trees in Nigeria
For me, Christmas trees are the best part of Christmas and I just love decorating mine every year with all sorts of beautiful ornaments. It’s so fun to think about what types of Christmas trees I’ll get this year, and to search high and low for ones that will be perfect for my home in Nigeria. Hopefully, this article will various trees and where to buy Christmas trees in Nigeria. Christmas is a day marked to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. It is usually on the 25th of December every year. People decorate their homes with green plants and flowers, as a symbol of eternal life. These plants are referred to as Christmas trees and they bring good tidings. Because of their popularity during festivals like Christmas and New Year's Day, many households are purchasing real or artificial trees for home decoration. The use of these Trees is sometimes for religious ceremonies. Various types of trees have even become symbols of Christianity around the world. The Christmas tree is a symbol of Christmas and its Christian meaning. It's also one of the most popular traditions in celebrating Christmas. A tall evergreen tree is often cut down and brought indoors to adorn with decorative lights, ornaments, and presents underneath. It has become a typical decoration for the winter holiday season in many countries around the world.
Types of Christmas Trees
There are various types of Christmas trees depending on the region. The most common tree is pine. It is dark green and in some regions, it can reach a height of 30 to 45 feet (9.1 to 13.7 m). Other trees like spruce, fir and redwood can also be used as decorations during Christmas time. They all have different attributes but they are mostly used for decoration purposes and not as a gift or sign of respect or love to anyone around you. However, one could use any variety that is readily available in his region if he/she prefers. You might already know what Christmas trees are and how they look like. But do you know what makes them beautiful? From the pictures below, you will see why they say Christmas never looked so good with these beauties that come straight from nature's garden. But what tree fits best in Nigeria? Well, that depends on whether you want an evergreen tree or an artificial one. Let's talk about them both.
Evergreen Christmas Tree
Real trees are also known as evergreens, they are cut from living forests, where every living thing depends on them for survival during their growing season. Birds and animals depend on them for food and shelter during the winter months when food sources are scarce. From a scientific perspective, everything about real trees contributes positively to sustaining life.
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Pine Christmas Tree - 6FT Green Colours The Christmas Tree is 6inches Tall and has an iron stand. Our Christmas Tree gives a True feel of Christmas. Jumia ₦18,799 Features of Evergreen Trees They absorb carbon dioxide (the main culprit behind global warming) and give off oxygen during photosynthesis. They create shade, keeping us cool in summer and warm in winter. With a little care, they will last longer than any fake tree could ever hope to emulate. And then there're aesthetics, nothing compares with seeing nature's own work of art taking place right in your home. Evergreens can stay green all year long in most places. They're perfect for areas with four seasons, but also lovely to look at no matter where you live. Whether you like flocked trees or those that are clear of ornamentation is a personal choice, as are size and form (conical vs. pyramidal). They’re available with tinsel or without it. You may want to consider adding lights if there aren't any on your tree already. It’s important to make sure these trees are real. Some faux evergreens don't come pre-lit and getting tiny little lights up their spindly branches isn't easy, so they might not be a great option.
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Green 5ft Christmas Tree This 5ft Ordinary Christmas tree, is a lovely tree, is good for office and other places like church, hotel, reception and other places.  You need to see this lovely tree this season.  Beautify your home and environment with beautiful Christmas trees and accessories. Jumia ₦13,000
Taking Care of Evergreen Christmas Trees
Choosing a Christmas tree for your home is just half of the battle. To enjoy your time with it, you have to keep it well-watered. First and foremost, make sure your tree is always in a stand that can hold at least one gallon of water, depending on how large your tree is, that might mean multiple stands. The kind of stand you choose depends on whether or not you'll be putting lights in your tree. If you do plan to put lights up, opt for something sturdy with a lid so water doesn't leak out. If not, any dish or vase will work. Fill your container with water and add ice as needed to keep things cool. Make sure that when you go to sleep each night, you set out a fresh batch of ice (and maybe even change out some of the old ice), otherwise, it could cause stress on your tree or result in early death if left unchecked. You should also replace about 1/4 cup of water per day just to make sure nothing bad happens because some escaped from your container.
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7ft Christmas White Christmas Tree This unique Christmas Tree is white and 7 feet tall. It is very full, beautiful and has an iron stand. Jumia ₦28,000
Artificial Trees
These are the most used Christmas trees in Nigeria. An artificial Christmas tree or better known as an artificial tree and is a man-made object resembling a pine tree used as a decoration for Christmas. Artificial trees are manufactured mostly from plastic. Depending on type and use, they can be indoor or outdoor products. Types of artificial trees range from delicate to extravagant. These Christmas trees provide an affordable alternative to their natural counterparts (and they don't have needles either). This type of tree is often more convenient than real ones because they don't require watering and set-up time is much shorter. Some models even come partially assembled. While artificial trees do lose some aesthetic appeal once decorated, that doesn't mean they won’t still be stunning. If you choose carefully, you can find one just as beautiful as a real-life tree. Plus, keep in mind you can add accessories such as snow domes or fibre optic lights to really enhance your decoration possibilities.
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4ft Green Christmas Tree It's the special season of the year again!! Accentuate your home, offices and environs with the best decoration to show your taste and love for the Yuletide. Jumia ₦8,500 Artificial Christmas trees are usually made with PVC plastic. These plastics can off-gas for a year or more, meaning that for up to a year, you are breathing in toxins from these trees. This is because these artificial trees do not biodegrade easily, and therefore do not compost quickly like natural trees. Instead, they linger for many years after use. Now that we are through with toxicity, let's move on to scent. Obviously, fresh pine smells best but artificial trees usually come with sweet scents too which work pretty well too, and they last longer.
Knowing the Difference Between Artificial and Real Tree
Every year millions of men and women go out looking for good quality Christmas Trees. These people often end up disappointed because it has become rather difficult to find a good quality tree at a low cost especially for those living in big cities like Lagos. This does not mean you cannot get one, though you can buy one of our affordable trees and get it delivered in record time. So if you are planning to buy one and have not decided on how you are going to get it home, here are some tips. How do I know if I'm buying an artificial or real Christmas tree?
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10ft Christmas Tree The hinged branches are easy to assemble, this can become your holiday centrepiece for years to come. Its full shape will hold light strings and ornaments with equal ease. It includes a metal tree stand. Jumia ₦69,999 Here is how you check; Fake plastic green needles will bend backwards easily between your fingers, while pine needles are difficult to bend. It’s also helpful to look at its base; a fresh tree will have a tapered bottom and look quite healthy, with hardly any brown dried needles. Finally, lift the bottom branches, if it stays erect instead of flopping over, chances are it's fresh. How do I care for my Christmas Tree? Giving your Christmas tree proper care ensures that you'll have many more wonderful holiday seasons using it as part of your decorating theme. Leave a comment below if you find this article useful. Read the full article
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greyhux · 2 years
The Best Video Games in Nigeria and Their Prices
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Nigeria is a country with a rich culture, and its people are passionate about many things, including video games. The Nigerian gaming industry is growing rapidly, and there are many great games to choose from. Since 2016, video games in Nigeria have really grown in popularity. With the development of e-commerce and online payment processing systems, buying video games online has never been easier than it is today. If you’re new to buying Nigerian video games, or if you’re looking to buy the best video games in Nigeria, check out this list of the best video games available today by price range and genre to help you get started!
Halo Infinite
First on the list and one of the most popular video games in Nigeria is Halo Infinite. This Halo Infinite video game is the sixth instalment of the Halo series and was developed by 343 Industries. It is an open-ended video game, in which the players can choose their own missions. The campaign story mode also has been improved, giving more experience and emotional engagement to players. The game is a first-person shooter with an open-world environment. Halo Infinite has been praised for its graphics, gameplay, and narrative.
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Halo Infinite Story is about Cortana, the human artificial intelligence, and other AIs revolt against their creators, the United Nations Space Command (UNSC). Cortana subjugates the cosmos by taking control of ancient Forerunner weaponry known as Guardians. The Banished, a mercenary group of aliens and humans commanded by the Brute Atriox, is also battling against Cortana and the UNSC. The game takes place on the Forerunner ringworld Installation 07 (Zeta Halo), which has been inexplicably damaged. Master Chief Petty Officer John-117, the player character, is a UNSC "Spartan" supersoldier on a mission to eliminate Cortana, his former companion.
FIFA 2023
The most popular video game in Nigeria is FIFA, it will always remain the most popular because football is the most popular sport in the country. The game is available on multiple consoles, including Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PS5 and Nintendo Switch. FIFA 2023 features some of the best gameplay mechanics of any football game, making it a must-play for any fan of the sport. The game also has a variety of modes, including an extensive career mode that lets you take control of a team and lead them to glory. If you're looking for the best football gaming experience, FIFA 2023 is the game for you. With such an extensive roster of features to explore and different game modes, there's no limit to how much fun you can have with this one.
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Konga ₦45,000
Red Dead Redemption 2
Red Dead Redemption 2 is a Western-themed video game developed and published by Rockstar. In the late 18th Century in America, the Wild West period has come to an end. Arthur Morgan and the Van der Linde gang are forced to leave after a botched heist in the western hamlet of Blackwater. With federal agents and the best bounty hunters in the nation massing on their heels, the gang must rob, steal and fight their way across the rugged heartland of America in order to survive. As the gang's internal tensions develop, Arthur must choose between his own principles and allegiance to the group that raised him.
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Grand Theft Auto V
Grand Theft Auto V, the fifth game in the series, was released on 17 September 2013. It is available for PlayStation 3 & 4, Xbox 360 platforms, Windows PC and Xbox One. Grand Theft Auto is a game series that can best be described as a "sandbox game". This means that the player's world is limited only by what he or she can see when they look at their surroundings or what they are told to do by characters who are found in the world. The video games are set in either Liberty City, Vice City, San Andreas or some fictional location. The player controls an unseen protagonist who looks over an area from a third-person perspective and participates in a mission to complete the goal of each level with distraction-based side missions along the way.
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Mass Effect "Legendary Edition"
The Mass Effect: Legendary Edition is a brand new, popular video game that includes the best gameplay of the original Mass Effect trilogy. The game is set in the future where you play as Commander Shepard, a human who must save the galaxy from a race of intelligent machines called the Reapers. The game features beautiful graphics, an engaging story, and addictive gameplay. It's very similar to games like Halo or Gears of War, but with even more RPG elements than those titles have. With hours upon hours of immersive content, Mass Effect Legendary Edition will keep players entertained for weeks on end.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
One of the best video games in Nigeria is The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. This game is an open world action RPG that was released in 2011 by Bethesda Game Studios. The game is set in the fictional province of Skyrim and revolves around the player's character, who is a Dragonborn. The game has received critical acclaim, with many praising its gameplay, story, and graphics. It won more than 200 Game of the Year awards as well as receiving nominations for Best Audio Achievement and Best Writing. When it was released on PC it sold 1.8 million copies within the first 24 hours. There are also add-ons available such as Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn which can be purchased separately or together as part of a bundle pack called The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Legendary Edition.
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The Legend of Zelda "Skyward Sword"
One of the best video games in Nigeria is The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. The game was released in 2011 and is still one of the most popular games. It's a brand new take on the classic Zelda formula, with a unique control scheme that makes use of the Wii MotionPlus accessory. The game is also one of the most visually stunning games on the Wii, with beautiful graphics that make full use of the console's capabilities. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is an essential purchase for any Wii owner, and it's available at a very reasonable price.
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 The Dark Souls Trilogy
The Dark Souls Trilogy: If you are looking for something more challenging than Skyward Sword, then look no further than Dark Souls Trilogy. Dark Souls is a series known for its brutal difficulty level and difficult puzzles. Originally released in 2009 as Demon's Souls, the trilogy includes all three titles from this award-winning franchise; Demon's Souls, Dark Souls I & II. It comes with plenty of downloadable content. You can get all three games plus DLC at an affordable price.
The Last of Us
The Last of Us is a third-person shooter which is developed by Naughty Dog and published by Sony Computer Entertainment. It revolves around a character named Joel who has to make his way across the United States in order to escort a teenage girl named Ellie to a resistance group located far away from urban areas. This game was released on June 14, 2013. The story takes place in the year 2032, twenty years after the pandemic that has devastated most of humanity. The game received critical acclaim for its graphics, gameplay and characterization, with critics praising its depiction of post-apocalyptic America and the relationship between Joel and Ellie.
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Tekken 7
Tekken 7 is a fighting game developed by Bandai Namco Entertainment. It is the most played combat video game in Nigeria today. It's the ninth instalment in the Tekken series, and the first to make use of Unreal Engine 4. Tekken 7 is available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. It features an arcade mode, story mode, versus mode, and extensive character customization options through item purchase or through customization options at the beginning of some matches. You can also train against computer opponents in a special mode called "Dojo".
"Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain"
If you're looking for the best video games in Nigeria, look no further than Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. This game is truly a masterpiece, and its price tag reflects that. You can expect to pay around $60 for this game, but it's worth every penny. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is another great option for gamers in Nigeria. This game is incredibly immersive, and you'll quickly become engrossed in its world. It's also one of the most reasonably priced games on this list, costing just $30. Fallout 4 is a must-play for any fan of post-apocalyptic games. And at $60, it's not too expensive either.
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
Nigeria is a land of many surprises, and one of those surprises is the thriving video game industry. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is one of the best games in Nigeria, and it's also one of the most expensive. The game costs a whopping $60, but it's worth every penny. The story is incredible, the gameplay is top-notch, and the graphics are some of the best in the business. If you're looking for a great video game to play, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is definitely worth checking out.
Batman: Arkham City
Batman: Arkham City is a video game that was released and developed by Rocksteady Studios and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, on October 18, 2011. This game is an action-adventure video game set inside the fictional Arkham City, which is loosely based on Arkham Asylum. The game received very positive reviews and it was honoured with many awards such as the best action-adventure game in 2011. Rocksteady chose to make the new game Batman's first outing as a darker and more violent character in a more chaotic setting; it also features notable additions such as an increased number of melee moves and stealth-based gameplay. You have complete control over Batman as he goes on his latest adventure to save Gotham City from The Joker and Lex Luthor who are both trying to take over the city in their own way.
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is one of the best games on the market, and it's perfect for gamers who love action-adventure games. The game features beautiful graphics, an intriguing story, and great gameplay. It's also one of the most expensive games on the market. This is a third-person action-adventure/shooter developed by award-winning Naughty Dog. Down on his luck, Drake is drawn back into the perilous world of thieves and mercenary treasure hunters he had hoped to avoid. When a mystery item pushes Drake on an expedition to uncover the famous Himalayan valley of Shambhala, he finds himself in a hazardous cat-and-mouse game with a fugitive war criminal who is after more than just the lost city's fabled riches. Caught in a web of deception and thrust into an increasingly lethal chase that tries the boundaries of his endurance, Drake will be forced to put everything on the line. Conclusion The best video games in Nigeria are affordable and can be enjoyed by gamers of all levels. If you're looking for a great game to play, be sure to check out the ones on this list. Prices may vary depending on where you purchase the game, but you can expect to pay around $20 for most of them. With so many options available, there's sure to be a game that's perfect for you. Thanks for reading! Read the full article
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greyhux · 2 years
The Best 10 Women's Cheap Heels in Nigeria
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Women's heels are the perfect way to add some height to your wardrobe and you can find the best ones in Nigeria by reading this list of the best 10 cheap heels in Nigeria. These shoes will help you look taller and more confident at work, at parties, at weddings or even when meeting people at networking events. Here's the list of ten heels under ₦10,000 which will make you look stunning.
Lace-up Rhinestone Super High Heel Ladies Sandals Bow
Whether you’re going for an elegant look or a more casual one, a pair of Super High Heel sandals is what you need to complete your look. This pair of Lace-up Rhinestone Super High Heel Ladies Sandals Bow makes it easy for anyone to step into new fashion trends. Made from all leather, these sandals offer extra comfort so that you can wear them comfortably throughout your busy day. Featuring adjustable buckles, these open-toe sandals are very easy to wear and comfortable enough to ensure long hours without any kind of discomfort. These ladies' sandals feature rhinestone embellishments on their straps and crisscrossed ankle straps. Jumia ₦8,999
Black Hick Soled Breathable Casual Women's Shoes with Mesh Slope Heel Slippers
These Black Hick Soled Breathable Casual Women's Shoes with Mesh Slope Heel Slippers are inspired by a ballerina flat, comfort-oriented and breathable. Soft anti-skid rubber outsole, wear comfortable, permeability good, waterproof and damping effect is good. Also stylish and charming appearance design makes you fashionable, show your taste. Recommended for travel outing indoor house slippers, gives you a comfortable feeling every step you take. Your steps will be more confident with Black Hick Soled Breathable Casual Women's Shoes with Mesh Slope Heel Slippers. Jumia ₦6,400
Women Pumps Fashion 10cm High Heels for Women Shoes-Black
The model of Women Pumps Fashion 10cm High Heels for Women Shoes is also delicate and breathable, perfect for women who spend most of their time on their feet. You can wear them to work or for social occasions. The high-heeled shoes are suitable for any occasion, you can definitely receive lots of compliments.
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Jumia ₦7,500
Women's Office Sandals Heeled Sandals
Of course, there is nothing wrong with working a pair of sexy office-appropriate heels into your rotation. But, if you’re looking for a more practical option, you may want to consider throwing on a pair of women’s office sandals Heeled Sandals instead. Heeled sandals are great because they look stylish and can double as both footwear and an accessory depending on what type of outfit you’re wearing. Finally, heeled sandals provide more support than most flats (which means fewer blisters), so they’re better for long days at work. For maximum comfort, look for a pair that also has padding around the ankle or below to prevent rubbing against your ankles or toes. Jumia ₦5,999
Leopard Print Sandals Plus Size Ladies Stiletto Heel Sandals
Leopard Print Sandals Plus Size Ladies Stiletto Heel Sandals are very stylish and give you a stunning look and have great comfortability. Also, they can be worn with many different types of outfits; i.e. formal dress or jeans and a nice top. Leopard Print Sandals Plus Size Ladies Stiletto Heel Sandals are unique and stylish as well as classy. Jumia ₦8,799
Ladies Patchwork Strap Shoes Cross Rope Block Heel Sandals
Women Patchwork Strap Shoes Cross Rope Block Heel Sandals are one of our most popular styles. Durable, flexible uppers and comfortable footbeds are just two of many great features that make up these casual shoes. We offer a number of quality Women Patchwork Strap Shoes Cross Rope Block Heel Sandals online for sale from our store on Jumia at unbeatable prices. Jumia ₦15,300
Women Mid Heel Buckle Sandals
Women Mid Heel Buckle Sandals is a kind of dress shoes that are popular among females at present in Nigeria. It can show people some special characteristics such as cute, beautiful and sexy. The Mid Heel Buckle Sandals are hot sale during dry season, they fit well with most dresses or skirts. So if you don't know what kind of season shoes you should buy, Women Mid Heel Buckle Sandals could be your perfect choice. What are you waiting for? Buy this and you won't regret.
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Jumia ₦6,500
Sexy Crystal Heel Sandals Braided Strap Sandals
Sandals Heel Braided Strap Sexy Crystal Sandals give you an ultra-chic platform for your next dinner party or girls' night out. When you find a shoe that looks and feels as good as it makes you feel, why not buy two? So go ahead and treat yourself to both colours of Sexy Crystal Heel Sandals Braided Strap Sandals. The fun straps crisscross across your foot to give it a playful touch and they feature a stacked wedge heel with ornate crystals gracing its vamp. Keep them on as long as possible by slipping into these heeled sandals with rubber soles before every evening outing. Jumia ₦7,910
Women High Heels Rhinestone Waterproof Platform
This pair of high heels is specially designed for women, therefore it is wearable, comfortable and durable. And they are made of high-quality materials that are suitable for daily use. Therefore we highly recommend you buy them at an affordable price. Waterproof platform: These sandals have a waterproof platform with a thick heel. With these sandals, you will look so charming and feel so confident when walking on rainy days or when your feet sweat, besides, there are sequins on the upper which show your attractive temperament. This pair of high heels has a high heel with solid foundation, it can be worn as outdoor and indoor formal wear. Jumia ₦7,899
Hollow Out Rhinestone Sandals Thick Heeled
This cheap heel in Nigeria is one of the most affordable on our list, yet the most beautiful. Hollow Out Rhinestone Sandals Thick Heeled are made of high-quality material. These shoes are delicate, and they will make you much more charming and elegant. They are a must-have in your collection. You can't miss them. If you love them, please get them right now. They are really worth buying. You won't be disappointed with our products. Jumia ₦5,856 Read the full article
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