graysunelder · 7 years
aww. you’re so sweet.
don’t worry about it! It’s actually a whole lot of different mice, I feel like cinderella with all these little mice running around. They’re very excited to be doing something useful, actually, mostly I’m just telling them off for trying to eat my plants. 
Of course. Why wouldn’t i help? it’s the right thing to do.
Don’t yell at them too hard. they’re doing good work. 
I think they’re going to move me tomorrow. My guess is somewhere with higher security--probably where they’re keeping some of the urchins. 
Stay safe alright? You didn’t know anything about this. You had no idea about anything I did.
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graysunelder · 7 years
Random txt to whoever || Open
Jian: I like being coy.
Jian: But it's a Gentlemen's Club, originally members-only private club originally set up by and for British upper class men in the 18th century, and popularised by English upper-middle class men and women in the late 19th century and early 20th century. So to put it short, my club is a club only for superiors, only if you have the money to get in. There are dancers, men and women and something else too, you can pay for some of them for a private show. You get only the best drinks at the club, you can reserve a VIP booth with a wonderful view to the stage but with quieter surroundings.
Grayson: wow, you gave me the whole brochure.
Grayson: too bad I have a boyfriend.
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graysunelder · 7 years
Reynard brow furrowed, “What? Why?” He refrained from continuing what did you do? and just sighed against the bars, “Still, don’t talk to anyone till Bishop gets here with the lawyers alright? Let me at least try to get you out of here.”
He rested his forehead on his forearm, pressed against the bars, “I didn’t even know this was happening. If we did then maybe we could’ve done… something. The police were out of control.” But that wasn’t a surprise to Reynard. It tended to be the way things played out.
Reynard was not as hurt as Grayson was, “I’m fine. Not as bad as I was expecting. Roughed up a little on the way in out and out of the car but you know. I wasn’t expecting them to be gentle.” the distance between them was frustrating, “I know you didn’t let them put that on you without a fight.”
Grayson smiled back at Reynard who somehow still thought that there would be a way out for Grayson. But he didn’t bother correcting him, he wanted Reynard to go back to his life without worrying about how to fix his. “I won’t. Thank you.”
“well they kind of put it on me because of the fight part.” he chuckled, “it doesn’t matter what happened, the kids could have staged a sit in and the same outcome would have happened. We were there, and they know they are not alone and that’s what matters. whether or not I ever get out, I’m not ashamed of what I did.” 
Grayson sighed and leaned forwards as much as he could, “you take care of Ira for me, alright? I don’t think he gets the severity of how bad things are sometimes...Just make sure he’s not being too...naive.” 
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graysunelder · 7 years
“Right, right. Either that or the horrible charges you’re facing are keeping you up at night.”
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“horrible charges?” Grayson said with a raised brow, “you a cop or something? Nobody has told me shit about why I’m here. and considering I didn’t do anything, must be because you were all busy trying to make it up.”
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graysunelder · 7 years
The precinct is dirtier than Dorian expected. Given the ‘donations’ the New Order makes every month, the least they could do is hire a cleaning lady once a week. Geez. 
Their money are at least enough to get Dorian inside Grayson’s cell, no questions asked. “Mr. Elder,” Dorian smiles upon entering, giving the cell a questionable look. “Quite the place you have here. Very quiet. I’m sure you can do a lot of meditating in here. Lot’s of thinking.”
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Grayson had no idea who this guy was, but by the looks on his smug face, it wasn’t anybody good. “can’t really meditate when you’re ruining the quiet part.”
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graysunelder · 7 years
[sent on two separate mice bc ira doesn't know how to be succinct]
haha i think any good quality picture would be too big for them to carry. if you desperately need something to weather the long cold nights I’ll send a carrier pigeon. do you have a window in your cell?
Oh god okay. I’ll keep an eye out. You said Bishop was sending lawyers? I’m sure they’ll be good, they’ll get you out of there in no time. 
He’s helping out at the cabin for now. He’s worried, of course, but he’s heading home tomorrow. The renovations are done, it’s all painting and sanding and boring stuff we can do I can do by myself. he’s human, i don’t want him getting hurt by what’s happening.
I don’t, that’s alright. I could never forget that pretty smile of yours. 
Wow two mice? should I have drinks and snacks for them? I feel bad making them work so hard. 
Yeah that’s for the best. Thank you for all your help with everything. You’re absolutely incredible.
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graysunelder · 7 years
Aaron laughed. “I feel like it might be worrisome if the kids go home and say some strange man showed up like an octopus.”
“alright fine, don’t come.” he said pretending to be offended, “but we’ll have a first responder’s day and you have to come, alright?” 
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graysunelder · 7 years
…okay i won’t get involved. but i will come visit you in prison, ok? IF you get sent to prison. Which you won’t because you’re innocent. 
Can this mouse send nudes? 
KIDDING! don’t want anybody stealing those. 
Rey is across from me, they roughed him up pretty bad. Just, help look out for him alright? but don’t get involved in any resistance shit. They will probably try to frame you somehow next. 
Does your dad know?
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graysunelder · 7 years
Ira: and you’re my sunshine :*
it’s okay baby, you were doing the right thing. bellamy macnamara is just some evil vindictive asshole.
Who’s lochlan? I don’t have him in my contacts
He’s a computer program, or phone one. I have it on my phone, you should have it in yours too. He can help I’m sure. 
babe, if they take me in. To prison, please promise me you will stay away and wait for things to work out. Do not get involved. Do not get into any trouble.
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graysunelder · 7 years
Ira: You like them? They’re enjoying this a lot. I’m feeding them haha. I miss you too babe. I can’t keep living normally with you in JAIL omg I’m renovating my house for you and I’ve got a giant empty bed now :( Pumpkin misses you too
Grayson: you’re my adorable little forest nymph :) 
I’m sorry, I should’ve thought smarter. I ran into Bellamy before and I must’ve pissed him off and now he’s taking it out on me.
I’ll figure this out, maybe use lochlan? see if he can get me out? find some evidence? Figure out what they’re charging me with and try to disprove that.
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graysunelder · 7 years
[a different mouse runs in about half an hour later. Just a little white mouse.]
Ira: what are they gonna do though honestly? arrest a mouse? and they can’t arrest me for wanting to see my boyfriend, that’s not a crime. I hope you’re okay. they didn’t hurt you too much or anything did they?
Grayson: They can frame you, trust me. This is cute by the way, the mice. God I miss you. I don’t know if they’ll let me out but I want you to keep living normally, okay? I’ll be alright I promise.
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graysunelder · 7 years
[a small gray mouse runs into Grayson’s cell, with a note tied to its back and one of those tiny library pencils]
Ira: hey baby I tried to see u in jail but u don’t have visitation rights. just wanted to make sure you’re ok. u can write on the back of this paper, he’ll come back to me. love you. hope you’re doing ok. -Ira
Grayson: Don’t get involved, baby. Stay away far from here and please make sure Rey gets out--bishop is going to send a lawyer tomorrrow...I’m sorry. -Gray
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graysunelder · 7 years
Reynard didn’t look great with his busted up face situation but Grayson?
“Jesus, Gray?” He immediately stood, moving to the bars, “What did they do to you? Fuckin’ bastards.” His anger only increased at the sight of the collar, but he swallowed it, clutching onto the bars, “I saw you when all hell broke loose but I couldn’t find you.”
They were too far away for Reynard to reach out to him.
His voice lowered, “Bishop’s bringing his lawyers. We’re gonna get out of here, alright?” A pause, still horrified and furious about the damage done to Grayson’s body, “Did you know about the protest? Everything happened so fast.” 
Gray slumped against the bars, looking down at the floors while he tried to adjust to the pain running everywhere on his body.
“I’m not getting out. They said I won’t have bail.” he let out, one hand clenching tightly to a metal bar, “one of the guys at the camp told me so I came to make sure the kids were safe--I knew it would head south but I didn’t think it’d be like this.”
he finally looked up, eyes softening at the sight of Reynard and how clearly hurt he was. “are you feeling okay? did they go hard on you?” 
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graysunelder · 7 years
Reynard was sitting in his holding cell, arms pressed against his knees, hand pressed into that prayer position he always did when he was thinking. His head throbbed, and the last thing he wanted was to be alone in the police station.
But one by one the Urchins he was being held with were released. 
And then it was just him.
Until he heard commotion down the hall, light by artificial yellow light, and two officers leading someone into the cell across from his. He looked up,
It hadn’t been a party for him at all. 
He had gotten wind of the protest from one of the kids and the camp, and decided to head over there in case things got rowdy and the urchins needed some help. 
Unfortunately, he should have been smarter, he should have known that bellamy would try to find a way to turn things against him and now he was being dragged by police who zapped him, tased him, punched him and kicked him until they were finally able to slap some sort of collar on him and throw him in a cell. 
Next time Grayson tried to use his powers, he was met withe excruciating pain. 
“Rey?” he called out hopeful, slowly coming out of the shadows to lean against the gate. “you’re here.”
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graysunelder · 7 years
“Oh that’s a fun grade.” He smiled and nodded his head. “Yeah sure, I could probably fit that into my schedule. Though would they think I’m a real cop if I showed up on Halloween?”
“they’re smart kids, they understand. But if you want to show up as an octopus, I won’t be upset either. That’d make for a little cute photo-op.”
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graysunelder · 7 years
“I don’t think he thinks it’s useless, I think he thinks it’s– unnecessary. Since his power lets him grow things perfectly anywhere,” Samuel said with a shrug, setting the beam aside and continuing to remove the screws. “It’s not a big deal, I just…I know that other people will put it to better use, eventually. Kids, employees, you, what have you.”
He nodded, sighing. His son was– such a self-sacrificing kid, always had been, and at least now his boyfriend was here to keep him healthy and in line now that he wasn’t here anymore. “Oh? That sounds really lovely. I bet he’ll love to have them helping him out more permanently. Especially if they actually enjoy it and aren’t just in it for the money.”
“Almost,” he said with a nod, smiling. “That wouldn’t be remarrying, just marrying. Never married Ira’s mom. I think I’m too old for new kids. If I had a kid now, he’d probably call Ira his uncle, and that would just be weird. Siblings with a twenty two, twenty three year age gap?”
“yeah of course.” Grayson agreed as he helped along, struggling with a nail and deciding to heat it up instead of struggling with it. Once it was melted enough, he slid it out and tossed it into a bucket.
“Yeah I think a lot of them really do enjoy it. Most of them come from broken homes, somewhere abandoned because of the way they looked. They never thought they would have a chance to work under the light of day. I think they will love anything that gets them out.”
Grayson laughed, “you’re still young, a lot of people do it. I don’t think that’d be odd.” he shrugged, “but how come you went twenty two years without marrying or starting a new family? That’s a long time to be alone.”
home renovation || samuel&&grayson
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graysunelder · 7 years
Random txt to whoever || Open
Jian: Because it's a Gentlemen's club. It's not just a strip club and it's definitely not a brothel. There's a difference.
Grayson: Are you going to tell me the difference or just keep being coy?
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