grandpajareau · 9 years
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     "More! I think you've had enough sugar as it is!"
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        ❛ —— more cake for me! ❜
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grandpajareau · 9 years
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      "Well, it opened just fine, so I'm goin' with no..."
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         ❛ I thought I locked the door —— ❜
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grandpajareau · 9 years
The drive to Quantico was a rather quick one, considering Clarence had drove it many times before. It was something of a habit, and he easily found himself at the building. While there were few consults that he had to deal with, he did often find himself here, visiting for personal matters. He could almost recall the time he and Sandy stood in fear as they wondered if they would lose another child. JJ's choice of career was difficult for them at times, but nonetheless, they supported her.
Upon seeing Emily, Clarence felt a bit of relief. He didn't mind not knowing people, but seeing a familiar face grounded him; he really was here, he really was alive. "It's nice to see you as well," he returned with a nod. "I'm actually bringing a report for a case. Different department, but I'm sure you might've gathered." He lifted the report he held in his hand as evidence. It wasn't a thick file, but it did contain some helpful points. While forensic entomology wasn't his field of expertise, he did know quite a bit about insects and their origination. And luckily for the agents on this particular case, the insect of choice was not common to the region in which it was discovered.
Clarence tucked one hand into his pocket, and watched the young woman. "You having fun around here today? I'm assuming you aren't on a case right now, considering Sandy said she and JJ have a dinner date soon."
Anthropod // Clarence + Emily
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grandpajareau · 9 years
Anthropod // Clarence + Open
For three hours, Clarence sat at his desk in the museum. He would have liked to have been researching, but there were such things as murderers. Despite his career choice as an entomologist, there were times when he’d have to deal with such things. For three hours, he typed up a report on his conclusions on the insects involved in the crimes.
"Always gotta bring the bugs into it,” he muttered as he printed the report, “They did nothing to you!"
He spoke to himself in agitation, but in honesty. He was very protective over nature for obvious reasons — it was his job to be. And when someone involved these pure and honest creatures in their cruelties, it brought forth a side of Clarence that even he didn’t need to see. Of course, it also upset him because it meant he had to be involved in identifying odd species and approximating when and where it arrived. It was a tedious process, but he would have gladly done it on any other day, in any other situation.
Once Clarence had finished the report, he had headed out to Quantico. He was meant to bring it over to one of the departments, so he would be available for questions in regards to the information. Unfortunately, it wasn’t his family’s team, so he didn’t know who he would be dealing with. However, upon entering the building and passing through security, he came face to face with someone he did know.
"Hello!" he greeted with a smile.
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grandpajareau · 10 years
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grandpajareau · 10 years
Spring is finally here. But I do admit that it's still yet to start feeling like that.
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grandpajareau · 10 years
"Oh, well, glad to hear about that. It's good to have some help. But I doubt you are dumb. We're all smarter at some things. See, I wasn't ever a book smart kind of guy. Knew enough to get around but the real world is where it's at. Perhaps that would explain my choice of life, but hey. Books aren't for all of us. Especially the mandatory bullshit in high school." Clarence laughed, pushing his hands into his pockets.
To his reply about the BAU, Clarence nodded slowly, "Gotcha... I don't see them a lot, but I suppose my reasoning is due to time restraints. I see my daughter and her family fairly often. I won't let her get away with not letting me see my grandkids!" Clarence spoke jokingly about his daughters family, but it was true. He had always loved his grandchildren and wished they came around more often. But he always knew that real life often got in the way, so his complaints were scarce and often joking.
After looking into the living room to see how Sandy was doing and returning to the front room once more, Clarence smiled sympathetically. "It's really not a problem. If no one answers, I can help... if you'd like, of course."
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Side Effects // Alfie + Clarence
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grandpajareau · 10 years
Prompt: You've just been informed about Caden's death.
Disclaimer: This is a prompt response and not to be thought of as canon // TW: Car wreck, mention of suicide
Clarence and Sandy had recently moved to Washington D.C. from Pennsylvania. It had been a big step for the both of them but the two felt it to be best. After Caden and JJ had moved out, they felt that leaving their family home that contained memories both happy and sad would be for the best. After Rosaline’s death, the place had never felt like home. It had never felt right and when both kids left, they knew they could go.
Washington D.C. hadn’t been their immediate choice but given where they could go, it seemed to be the best fit. Sandy had a ton of choices for jobs and Clarence had his sights set on the National Museum of Natural History. And the two had gotten lucky.
Life had seemed to work out wonderfully in D.C. in the time they had lived there. They got to see JJ more frequently as well as meet many of her friends and other assets to the family. All seemed to be well, things were working out and yet that was just too good.
Clarence could recall the exact moment that he received a phone call from a hospital. He was sitting in his recliner with the newspaper in his hands. Sandy sat across the room filling out paperwork. The phone rang and he leaned forward and picked it up off the table. He remembered it so clearly because that was when they told him that his son had been in a car accident. And that he had died.
When he hung up the phone, he folded the newspaper up and leaned forward in his chair. His head was spinning and he barely heard Sandy ask him what was wrong. Looking up at her, he said, “It’s Caden…” Her eyes grew wide as she asked, “What?” “H-He’s dead.” The look on his wife’s face broke his heart. He stood up and wrapped her into a hug as she began crying and Clarence felt much the same. As a parent, you would never get used to the news of your childs death. He could recall the horror that went through him, the sadness, the denial, the anger. He could remember Sandy shaking against his chest with her sobs. He could remember the hollow feeling in his chest.
"W-What happened?" she asked.
"They said he got into a car crash… I… I don’t… How can he be dead?"
He could remember the feeling of Sandy gripping his shirt and breaking into her second round of sobs. He could remember the voice in the back of his head saying, ‘You have to be strong, Clarence. You can’t let her see you cry.’ But the only thing he felt like doing was crying. He felt like screaming, punching a wall. But all he did was sit here and hold his wife. How had they got so unlucky? Just when things seemed to be going right, well, they went downhill again. And downhill at a disconcerting pace.
If Clarence could trade himself for Rosaline and Caden to live again, he would. He would without a thought. He didn’t deserve to live as it was. His children did, they deserved to live long and full lives and he just wanted to give that to them. He didn’t want to see them go through this and the fact that he’d lost two of them already was too much for him.
Clarence buried his head in his wife’s shoulder, “Why does this keep happening?” he whispered into her skin. It was the one question he wished he had the answer to, the one question that wouldn’t be answered. And it killed him.
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grandpajareau · 10 years
"You work for the Bureau? As in the FBI? Ah, I bet your boss would understand though. You just got lost! That is a perfectly reasonable explanation."
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Lost // Rory + Clarence
Rory looked over at him. “Yeah, it doesn’t make a great impression on my boss. Even if I’m still new to the Bureau.”
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grandpajareau · 10 years
"You sound like an average young man in that sense. I can remember the days when I did very little besides study and make a valiant attempt to make money. Of course, it was much easier in my day. Didn't have to pay so much for education." Once Clarence let Alfie into the house, he closed the door. "Are they really that bad?" He said it with a laugh but he was curious what had happened to cause him to feel that way. "Sure, they are quite... eccentric, some of them. But I suppose we all are in our own ways." Clarence turned the overhead light on and put his glasses on. He picked up the phone off of the charger and handed it over to Alfie. "Just a usual phone so you don't have to put anything special in. Take as long as you need." Clarence smiled at him and walked across the room, not wanting to linger. He leaned into the doorway to the living room, wondering if Sandy was there. She looked up at him from the couch and he smiled before returning back to the front room.
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Side Effects // Alfie + Clarence
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grandpajareau · 10 years
"I can understand your confusion with D.C. I was born and raised in Pennsylvania, lived there all of my life. When I moved here, I was getting lost all of the time. I still do get lost from time to time!"
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"Sorry that you were late, though. That's the only downside to it all."
Lost // Rory + Clarence
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"Visit New York for one weekend to see an old friend and I get lost the minute I get back to D.C. Why is this city so confusing?" Rory complained as she slumped in her chair. "I was an hour late today and got yelled at again."
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grandpajareau · 10 years
Clarence chuckled softly at the young man's reply, "You sound like you're having a lucky day. You can, I think I have my cell phone right-" He began patting his pockets but it occurred to him that he didn't have it, "Well, I guess I don't have it with me. Can't seem to ever find that thing, I don't know why I keep it. How about you come on inside? You can use the home phone." Clarence turned and began walking up the driveway back to the house. As they approached the door, Clarence asked, "So how's it going these days? Haven't heard much out of you all." He looked at him briefly before looking up at the sky. The birds flew overhead, their chirping attracting his attention. The sparrows always seemed to be around, even in the cold. When they reached the door, Clarence turned the knob and held it open for Alfie.
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Side Effects // Alfie + Clarence
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grandpajareau · 10 years
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Disclaimer: This is a prompt response and not to be thought of as canon // TW: Car wreck, trauma (neuro), Medically Induced Coma
Clarence had lasted through a terribly long day and the only thing he could look forward to was getting home to his wife. He'd spent the day filling out paperwork from a new shipment they were getting for the exhibit and he'd wanted nothing more to pull into his drive and walk inside to something more worthwhile. It wasn't that he hated his job, he just disliked the paperwork. He was more of hands-on guy than a cubicle one. After his usual work day, he returned home and as he stepped inside the house, something felt off. The house was quiet, dark. He closed the door behind him slowly. Clarence set his briefcase on the floor and hung his coat up on the hook. The silence continued as he walked towards their bedroom. Pushing the door open, he said, "Sandy?"
The room was empty, the bed still made from that morning. From the looks of it, Sandy hadn't arrived home from work. If she had, she would have changed before leaving once more. And she would have told him that she intended to leave. It wasn't like her to be home late and immediately, Clarence began to worry. He walked back into the living room and picked up the home phone. There were no missed calls. First he dialed her work number and upon the answer, he heard a woman's voice but not his wife. "Hello?"
"Hi, this is Clarence Jareau. I was wondering if Sandy is still there? She hasn't came home yet which is rather unusual."
There was a pause on the other end of the line, "No Sandy left nearly 3 hours ago."
Clarence's brow furrowed as he heard the news. "Oh... okay, thank you," he said before hanging up. He sat in silence for a long moment, wondering where she could be. 3-hours is a long time to be stuck in traffic, especially when her office wasn't too far from the house. Most days she rode the metro, walked to the parking lot where she left her car, and drove the 5 minutes home. Perhaps the metro was down or maybe she fell asleep on the train. Maybe on her way home she ran into traffic from the president -- that wasn't too terribly uncommon. Despite all of the options, his mind couldn't help but think the worst. Picking up the phone once more, Clarence dialed her cell number.
Ring, ring, ring
The line rang several times before going to voice mail. He hung up and tried again. Clarence had called about five times before hanging up the phone and placing it back on the charger. He rubbed his hands together and then ran them over his head. Where could she possibly be? He paced for a moment, thinking, trying to figure it out. Then the phone rang. He walked to it quickly and picked it up with a frantic, "Hello?"
The voice on the other line was one of a man's, "Mr. Jareau?"
"Yes, that's me..."
"This is Dr. Lewis from the George Washington University Hospital. We're calling as you are the emergency contact for Sandy Jareau."
When he heard the word hospital, Clarence could feel the blood draining from his face. He sat on the edge of couch, shaking, "Yes, she's my wife... What happened?"
"Your wife was involved in a serious accident this evening and was rushed to the hospital. She's experienced some serious trauma and we've had to take some precautionary actions-"
"What do you mean precautionary?" Clarence interrupted.
"Mr. Jareau, I first want to tell you that your wife was in a serious condition when she arrived-"
"What precautionary measures did you take?"
There was a sign from the other side of the line, "We had to put her into a medically induced coma."
"You what?"
"She had some swelling in the brain and putting her into a coma was the best option. It'll relieve the stress off of the brain and--"
"Hold on, you mean to tell me you but my wife in a coma. And you didn't consult anyone first? Aren't you supposed to consult the family being doing this?"
"Mr. Jareau, if we had waited on your permission, your wife could have died. And if she hadn't died, she would have suffered irreparable damage to her entire body. It was a decision we didn't make lightly, there were no other decisions."
"What are the side effects?"
The man spoke softly on the other side of the phone, "Excuse me?"
In anger, Clarence raised his voice, reaching a shout and the vessel on the side of his neck protruded, "What are the side effects?"
"Mr. Jareau, there are many side effects that she may experience but they aren't necessarily from the induced coma. They could be from the brain injury but it's too soon to tell."
Clarence did know what to say, he was shaking now, his eyes welled with tears. "Where did you say you are?"
"The George Washington University Hospital."
"T-Thank you," Clarence hit the end button and put the phone down. Immediately after, he put his head in his hands. He couldn't even imagine what had happened or why it had happened. He couldn't stand to lose another person in his life after he'd lost so many. His heart was pounding in his ears and the thoughts swimming through his head sent him for a loop. It took a moment to pull it together and once he did, he stood and headed to the door. Today would not be the day he lost even more of his family.
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grandpajareau · 10 years
After setting the trash bag down, Clarence pushed his hands into his pockets and stood up straight. He looked at the young man with a smile. It took a moment for him to recognize the man, especially with his slowly deteriorating memory, but it eventually came to him. "Alfie," he returned in greeting, "What is it you need help with?" It was as if a floodgate had been opened upon their interaction, Clarence began to remember. There had been several family dinners, of course he knew the young man. He was the son of Sam Anderson -- a younger man that Clarence had never gotten to know properly.
Clarence looked over at the car parked at the curb. He knew it must be Alfie's, but he wondered why he had parked his car there. Of course, there must be some logical reasoning but Clarence couldn't help but think it an odd coincidence that he had stopped here.
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Side Effects // Alfie + Clarence
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grandpajareau · 10 years
Side Effects // Open
Clarence had long arrived home to his quaint little house and to his beautiful wife. His day had not been relatively busy and he had spent hours upon hours in a small district office speaking with a number of people. First had come an officer to discuss the insects - authorities always seemed to have questions about the bugs in relation to the cadavers they had on their hands. Clarence had grown used to answering those questions long ago. Next had come the young woman from the floor below to tell him about a prestigious visitor who scheduled their visit in advance. And lastly had come the more interesting of the three - a rather interesting man, one who knew quite a bit about entomology and had many stories to tell.
Hours had passed since he'd returned home. From the kitchen he heard Sandy call, "Clarence, will you take out the trash?" Standing from his chair, he walked to the kitchen. As he passed his wife, he kissed her on the cheek and grabbed the trash with no more than a "Yes, honey," and headed outside. As he carried the trash out to the curb, he noticed someone standing on the sidewalk by their car. He was sure he knew them although it was a guess seeing as they had their back turned to them.
"Hello!" he greeted as he put the bag down on the curb.
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grandpajareau · 10 years
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Clarence Walter Jareau - "Grandpa Jareau"
August 17
Rosaline Jareau - Daughter
Jennifer Jareau - Daughter
Caden Jareau - Son
Sandy Jareau - Wife
David Rossi - Son-in-Law
Henry LaMontagne - Grandson
Nora Rossi - Granddaughter
Emiliana Rossi - Granddaughter
Noelle Rossi - Great Granddaughter
Scarlett Jareau - Granddaughter
Entomologist at the National Museum of Natural History in Washington D.C.
Clarence Jareau had always been a different child. As a lad, he spent a great deal of his time outdoors and spent even less socializing. His family always felt that something was different about him but they tended to let him be. Growing up had its ups and downs for Clarence. He enjoyed spending his time in nature, discovering and asking questions. Yet he often felt sad. He was 9 years old when he told his parents that sometimes he felt like dying. That was when they took him to see a psychiatrist. At age 9, Clarence Jareau was diagnosed with cyclothymia and symptoms of detachment. 
As he grew up, Clarence became more and more detached from the real world. Nature was his escape. It wasn’t an oddity when he decided to go to school to study entomology. During his time, not many went to school but he was one of few. After college, Clarence began working at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh. It wasn’t far from home and the job was a good one. Not much longer later, he met a woman named Sandy. Meeting her, he instantly knew he loved her. She was beautiful, charming, and she never ceased to cheer him up. Things felt right with Sandy. Clarence finally proposed to her and not much longer, they married.
Together, Clarence and Sandy started a family. They had two daughters and a son - Rosaline, Jennifer, and Caden. Clarence loved his children dearly and he would have done anything for them. Early on in Rosaline’s life, he was aware that she had received his instability. They took her to a psychiatrist but despite their best efforts, Rosaline took her life at age 17. Ever since her death, Clarence has taken blame for her suicide. He blames himself for passing his instability onto her. As his life went on, his children's became even more unfortunate. Clarence was stunned when his only son Caden and his daughter-in-law died in a car accident. Although he lost Rosaline and Caden, Clarence refused to give up on JJ. He watched her fascination with with nature - the butterflies, specifically - and watched her transform as well. Every choice she has made, Clarence has cheered her on and he couldn’t be anymore prouder.
Now, Clarence has moved to Washington D.C. with his wife. He works at the National Museum of Natural History as one of the 185 professional scientists. He enjoys his life now although he often feels unstable after all these years. Some days are harder than others but he tries harder everyday. Living in D.C. has been fun for him and he loves all of the BAU like family.
Clarence has attempted suicide 4 times. Each time he was hospitalized and put on a new round of medications but they never seemed to help. And he always stopped taking them after being released. He still feels unstable often and there are some days he questions whether it’s worth living or not.
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