gracestepsblog · 4 months
Most organizations have a vision statement which express the long-term objectives and impacts on the world they want to accomplish. Proverbs 29:18 reads, “Where there is no vision the people perish” (KJV). As both a people group and individually, be encouraged to identify the vision and write it down. Purposefully pursue the objectives even though the horizon continually moves further and…
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gracestepsblog · 5 months
No Waiting! “Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:3 ESV). What is God’s heart towards average, run-of-the-mill believers? Folks who have had their share of challenges, battles, brokenness, bruises, and beatings. Many of us have put our faith and trust in God (to the best of our own ability), and have seen wonderful intervention, miraculous outcomes, and…
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gracestepsblog · 5 months
We welcome the turning of clocks, the flipping of calendar pages, and the stowing of Christmas decorations.Some will dish up a bowl of black-eye peas. Others finalize the goals on their list of resolutions. Be encouraged to look to Jesus.He transcends time and is greater than all that matters.He is the Christ of Christmas, therefore let His light continuously shine so that others might see His…
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gracestepsblog · 5 months
I encourage you to read Revelation 21. The imagery is astounding. You can almost hear the voice of the Lord and the Angel in the text. Jesus Himself declares He is “making all things new.” We have all approached several new years in our lives and times. For many, a new year brings anticipated hope of a fresh start, or a new beginning with mile markers plotted out along the foreseeable path. For…
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gracestepsblog · 5 months
(O Holy Night) ”For what can a man give in return for his soul?” (Mark‬ ‭8‬:‭37‬) When Christ was born, a new hope was given unto mankind. God became tangible and touchable. Salvation became attainable through Him. Salvation is all of God’s purpose in our timeless selves being fulfilled by faith through the gift of grace. We focus oftentimes on what Jesus’ sacrifice has saved us from. But…
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gracestepsblog · 8 months
Pastor Jonno Strickling Two things walk hand-in-hand: your identity and your affirmation in Christ. First, your identity is that you are a New Creation. Second, your affirmation in Christ is that you are His righteousness. “What?! Who, me?” I know what you’re thinking.    Apostle Paul wrote these words: “For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the…
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gracestepsblog · 2 years
(Please Share)AMERICA, BLESS GODThe greatest asset you have are the people. However, when the greatest asset acts at its worst, America is at its lowest point. Worse than an attack from a foreign terrorist is the brokenness caused by the ignorance of racism, sexism and religious prejudice. We fear what we do not understand. You cannot say you love America while harboring hatred for…
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gracestepsblog · 2 years
GraceSteps: A Movement Group October 17, 2022  Hatred and darkness exist only to bring wreckage and ruin to the absolute love and absolute light of God for us, to us, in us, and through us. Hatred and darkness operate in tandem one with the other, tag teaming and scheming in order to thwart the redeemed in their kingdom call (The Great Commission), and to keep at bay the true purpose of each…
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gracestepsblog · 2 years
gracesteps.org My wife and I were enjoying our morning devotional time together with the Lord. This verse came into view: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope” ‭‭(Romans‬ ‭15:13‬ ‭ESV‬‬). I dropped my wife off at work, and continued on the road. As I drove west on Interstate 80, I began reflecting on…
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gracestepsblog · 2 years
We The Church
Friday Morning Thoughts…The mindset of the church in America is for the government to lead the people towards righteousness. Lincoln defined the the Country as such: “…that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth” (Gettysburg Address, 1863).Most are ok with, or perhaps tolerate the…
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gracestepsblog · 2 years
Rev. Jonathan Strickling What Is Pentecost? Pentecost refers to the Jewish Feast of Weeks, which would take place fifty days after Passover. Historically, it was a day of celebration, including a sacrifice of the first grains of harvest unto the Lord: “You shall count fifty days to the day after the seventh sabbath; then you shall present a new grain offering to the Lord” (‭‭Leviticus‬…
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gracestepsblog · 2 years
ONE GOD ONE RACEPaul addressed a multicultural audience when he spoke the words, “…and He made from one man every nation of mankind….” Not only we’re there various ethnicities represented at the Areopagus on Mars Hill in Athens, but also a plethora of religious thoughts and ideological mindsets. One God, who is not distant, desires mankind find unity in Him. This far transcends the need of…
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gracestepsblog · 2 years
Discussions surrounding the recent events in our world raise opinions and eyebrows, and inflated tensions and risen divisiveness. When the views and perspectives of others are so easily dismissed as rubbish, relationships deemed necessary dissolve or never materialize. Building ceases. Construction is halted and construction sites abandoned. Let’s face it; we are all different. Even within our…
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gracestepsblog · 2 years
I remember making summer plans for my family as the school year was coming to a close. Our four daughters were placing periods on their last sentences of the semester, solving the last mathematical equations, and eating cupcakes adorned with sprinkles with good friends for one last time. The summer plans involved hot days of playing in a cool swimming pool, escaping the sun in an air conditioned…
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gracestepsblog · 2 years
Enemies from three camps were bearing down upon the nation of Judah. Provisions were strategically cut off by the multitudes of marauding forces. Tired, hungry, and emotionally drained, Judah stood defeated in their own minds because of this foe staring them in the face. Something happens when we focus more on how expansive and powerful God is, rather than the enormity of the things we are…
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gracestepsblog · 2 years
At the point of salvation you are called. First, you are called out of a lifestyle devoted to darkness holding a oneway ticket to destruction, and into God’s light and life. You are called by the Lord unto the Lord for the Lord. Make no mistake; you were never meant to be traveling down the rabbit trail of doom, deceived by the brilliance of the evil one; but you were. Therefore, you are called…
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gracestepsblog · 2 years
Acknowledgement of Accomplishments
Rev. Jonathan “Jonno” Strickling, MAL 5/15/22 To leave something or someone unacknowledged is a form of rejection.  Many suffer from the fear of rejection, so they stray away from public speaking, or speaking up for themselves.  When an entire people group and their accomplishments go unacknowledged or under-acknowledged, the necessity of healthy affirmation is lost.  Necessity is said to be…
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