got-fantasy · 5 months
Eldest!Baratheon reader finally having had it with Robert after he started groping one of the maids while visiting storms end and punishing (spanking) Robert all through the night to the point his entire backside was glowing red 😋
He'd try to act tough and keep it together but seen Robert starting breaking down and sobbing about how unfair everything was. How he tries to do everything to get your attention and approval and yet you only gave him a disappointed look. Even after he took the throne.
After everything's been said you let him sleep beside you and wrap himself around you like his lifeline dependent on you.
You had planned a banquet in Storm's End, as an excuse to get all your brothers together. You hadn't seen Robert in months thanks to his duties as king, nor Stannis since he was made Lord of Dragonstone.
It was going well, everyone was having fun, smiles on there faces, but you should have known Robert would ruin it.
Out of the corner of your eye you saw him groping a more than uncomfortable looking woman.
He was supposed to be a king and yet here he was harassing women. He was a married man, was he trying to make you angry?
You were fed up, if he wanted to act like a spoiled child, you were going to treat him like one. You dragged him to your chambers, he was clearly confused, not sure why you'd bring him here.
You sat on your bed and pulled Robert over your lap, discarding his trousers and breeches while he was laid on your lap.
Robert immediately knew what you were going to do, and tried to get out of your grasp, begging you to let him go.
You didn't, he needed to learn his lesson. You rested a hand on his exposed ass, before striking it roughly, putting all of your strength into it.
You did it again, and again, and again. One after another for god knows how long. He tried to put on a brave face, but it broke quickly.
He just wanted to impress you, to spend time with you, but you were always too busy for him. Tears streamed down his face at his confession, all he wanted was your attention.
His ass was left bright red, even the slightest movement hurt Robert, he would feel your punishment for days to come.
You let him spend the night in your bed, how did you not realise he felt that way? At least you knew now. You were going to make sure to be there for him from now on.
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got-fantasy · 5 months
Saw your Imagine about Baratheon reader and couldn't stop thinking about baratheon reader being the eldest son- about a year older than Robert, reader and him being about the opposite everything personality wise while looking like twins physically.
Robert always trying to get your attention by doing dangerous, reckless things and you finding nothing entertaining about it. Instead focusing your attention entirely on stannis and renly, always comforting them, teaching them about history and how house baratheon came to be. Especially after your parents died. You became the Lord of storm's end but still found time to be with your two youngest siblings, even letting them sleep in your bed from time to time.
It's clear for everyone to see that Robert craved Eldest! Baratheon's attention desperately. You were everything he wanted to be. Strong, smart, wise, and fun.
He craved it so much that he'd constantly put himself in near death situations just to impress you, but it didn't. You'd scold him, you didn't want him to get hurt.
When your parents died, Eldest! Baratheon spent most of his time focused on his two youngest siblings, Stannis and Renly.
Especially Renly, he was only a child, so you decided to take him under your wing, making sure he was well looked after and cared for.
As for Stannis, he always respected you deeply, despite the fact you were the double of Robert, you were kinder, more compassionate, less self centred.
When Robert took the throne, he thought you'd finally be impressed, but you weren't. You were worried for the safety of your family. Too focused on Stannis and Renly's well-being.
He never liked his brother's all to much, except for you, but Robert started resenting them soon after. Trying everything to get you all to himself.
You loved your brothers, all of them. But Stannis and Renly needed you more than Robert did.
So for now you'd stay at Storm's End, and protect your family.
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got-fantasy · 5 months
Imagine being the third oldest Baratheon son. Older than Renly, but younger than Robert and Stannis.
They would be obsessed with you. You're their light, their beloved brother. They would constantly fight for your attention.
Robert is always trying to take you to brothels, while Renly tries to convince you that you'd be better spending your time with him.
Stannis would be silently annoyed by his brothers antics. Neither of them deserved you or your time. He did.
And you're completely oblivious to it all. Thinking nothing of your brother's possessive stares.
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got-fantasy · 1 year
Broken Trust | Petyr Baelish x Stark! Male! Reader
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Ned took his second oldest son, Robb's younger twin brother, with him to King's Landing. Petyr sees an opportunity.
Rays of the sun were beating down onto the garden, showering the plants in a gentle glow. It was a pretty sight, not one you were used to, but it wasn't enough to ease your thoughts.
You never wanted to come south to King's Landing. You argued tirelessly with your father about it, no matter what you would say he remained adamant that you come with him.
You were angry, spiteful. You were a black sheep sheep within the Stark family, sharing the status with your bastard brother.
Despite your uneasiness with your family you were comfortable, and you had Theon. God's how you missed him.
The two of you had always been close, and by the time you were both men grown you had found eachother sharing a bed frequently.
You wonder if that's why your father brought you here. He somehow found out what you were doing and brought you here to stop it, that wasn't likely.
Before you could think more into it a voice interrupted you. "Hello, Lord Stark. Fancy running into you here."
You looked up quickly, seeing a face you only faintly recognised. "Lord Baelish, it's a pleasure." He gave you what seemed to be a playful smile.
"Please, call me Petyr." He said as he sat down next to you. "What brings you here, young Stark?" His eyes seemed curious.
You took a moment before responding. "It's peaceful here. It lets me think." You said meeting his gaze. "What about you?"
Petyr chuckled "It's a beautiful day, it would be a shame to waste it inside. Though it must be quite different from the north." He looked to you, waiting.
You smiled half heartedly "Yes it is, everything seems to be." More emotion came from your voice than you intended.
Petyr tilted his head curiously. "You don't like it here?" You sighed before speaking. "It's not that i don't like it, I just wish I had a choice."
Petyr hummer in understanding "Your father forced you here, then?" Your sat up straight "He did. It didn't matter what I felt, he wanted so he got it."
Petyr's eyes seemed to change at your words, a small smile caressing his face. "Is that so? Well if you ever need a confidant I'm right here, young Stark."
His words made you smile, genuinely. Even back in winterfell you never had anyone to talk to, you were never really close to your siblings. And despite your arrangement with Theon, that didnt change. All of them content to ignore your existence, that's how it seemed.
Looking to the other man you spoke "I would like that, Petyr. If its not a bother." Your voice seemed softer than before Petyr thought.
"Of course not. In fact I'm honoured." He smiled. "I own a brothel, come meet me there tonight. Let's get to know eachother more."
Petyr thought it funny how your eyes widened "A brothel? As long as you don't expect me to become a patron i'll be there." You jested.
Petyr laughed, his body shaking slightly. "Well then, I shall see you there, young Stark." He nodded to you before taking his leave.
Petyr saw something within the Stark boy. Something he was more than happy to take advantage of.
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got-fantasy · 2 years
The Bastard and the Whore | Jon Snow x Male Reader
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Jon finds out his childhood friend works at a brothel
Jon heard rumours of the man who worked at the brothel, who would sleep with other men, but he didn't suspect it was you. Why would he? You were his childhood friend, pretty much his only friend.
It dawned on him now why his father and Lady Stark always tried to keep you away from Robb, from the rest of his family, all but him. You were a taboo subject, someone they pretended didn't exist, at the very least that meant no harm would come to you.
He didn't know what to do with this information, especially after all the years of lusting and yearning for you, now he knew he had a chance, only if he acted on it, he would no doubt disgrace his family.
You didn't know he knew, and he wonders if you did, would you want him? He didn't care much that you were a whore, indeed he was a bastard, he had no place to judge.
Jon, after much contemplation, decided to confront you. Sneaking down to the brothel, taking precautions to make sure no one would recognise him.
Once inside the brothel, he quickly made his way to the front desk, keeping his head down, hoping no one will notice it's him. Before he could say anything, the girl behind the desk spoke politely.
“Are you here for anyone specific?” Jon looked at her, doubts flooding his mind, until he struggles out a response.
“Yes, is Y/n here?” He said avoiding eye contact.
The woman's eyes looked at him, unblinking, making Jon doubt himself more.
“So, you're one of those, are you? He's in the back room, twenty gold dragons, then he's yours for the hour.”
Jon handed over the money and started making his way to the room you would be in. His heart only beating faster as he approached the door.
Slowly opening the door and letting himself in, he felt himself freeze as he saw you, the door closing itself behind him. You hadn't heard him enter, so your back was still turned to him.
Jon cleared his throat, alerting you to his presence. Turning around, you were greeted with the face of your best friend. Your eyes widened a bit before smirking at him.
“Jon? Never expected to see you in a place like this.” Jon blushed, which only got worse as you walked up to him. You took off the cloak he was wearing and placed your hands on his tunic covered chest.
You moved your face next to his ear, while your hands roamed his body.
“Well since you paid, you're free to do whatever you want” Jon's face was bright red, his arms moving to push you away.
“I'm not here for that.” He said, looking at the ground. “Y/n, I've wanted to be with you for as long as I can remember.” His eyes were now looking into yours.
“I didn't come here to sleep with you, I just couldn't wait any longer to tell you how I felt.”
The silence was too much for Jon to take, he almost fled the room in embarrassment, until you spoke.
“I want to be with you too, Jon.”
Before either of you knew it, you entered into a passionate kiss, his arms holding you close to him as your lips separated.
“What do we do now?” Jon looked at you, pupils dilated.
“You did pay for the hour, didn't you.” Jon only nodded.
“We wouldn't want that money to go to waste, would we?” You said, giving Jon a smirk.
He only grinned back at you as you pulled him towards the bed.
You both knew you would be there for much longer than an hour.
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got-fantasy · 2 years
Robb Stark:
Now you're gone
Jon Snow:
No one has to find out
The Bastard and the Whore
Petyr Baelish:
Broken Trust
Requests: Open
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got-fantasy · 2 years
Now you're gone | Robb Stark x Male Reader
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Robb's father catches the two of you committing a sinful act
Robb Stark still could not believe what had happened the other night.
The both of you were in his chamber, your arms wrapped around Robb's waist, his mouth on yours, too caught up at the moment to realise the door was still unlocked.
Before either of you knew it, the door flew open, Robb's father stepping into the room. Whatever he had gone there for was instantly forgotten, replaced with a rage Robb had never seen from him before.
"What are the both of you doing?" Ned's voice was low as he closed the door behind him, ensuring no one else would hear the conversation.
"Father, this is not-" Robb was cut off before he could ever finish the sentence.
"How long has this been going on?" A simple question, but Robb could not get the answer out.
"Two years, my Lord" You said looking at the ground, your voice uneasy
Lord Stark's eyes flicked between both of you with an intensity in them which made you uneasy. The silence seemed to last a lifetime before Ned spoke again.
"Three days." Ned said gruffly. Robb's eyes filled with confusion, his heart racing, fear making itself evident on his face, but still he hoped, he hoped that his father would let the both of you be.
Ned looked at his son, and then he looked at you, his face cold, expressionless.
"For the crime of laying with another man, your execution will be held in three days."
Robb's eyes widened, glancing over at you, only to see resigned acceptance, His heart beating faster than it already was.
"No, Father, you cannot do this." The panic was clear in Robb's voice as he pleaded with his father.
His words fell on deaf ears.
"I can and I must. Robb, you should be grateful you are my son, if you were not, you would be meeting the same fate." Ned spoke coldly
Ned spoke to you again, "I will let you walk free, but in three days time you shall be executed, and do not think of running."
"And Robb, do not think you will be going without punishment, I will never tell a soul of this, but that does not mean your actions are acceptable." Ned said simply, leaving before Robb could argue against him.
You and Robb spent the short time you had left together. He wanted to argue with his father, but you swayed him from doing so, knowing it would not change anything.
The night before the execution, you laid against Robb in his bed, his arms trembling as he held you. You tried to calm him, to tell him it was okay, that he would be okay.
Robb did not understand why you said those words. It was not okay, it was never going to be okay, but in your final night you reassured him.
Tears started making their way down Robb's face, his gentle sniffles turning into sobs, his whole body shaking.
Taking your head between his hands, he told you what you already knew.
"I love you, Y/n".
"I love you too, Robb."
Eventually, morning came, and Ned had come to bring you to your death.
Robb tried one more time, to fight against his father, maybe if he saw how much he loved you he would change his mind. But no matter how much he begged or pleaded, it was not enough.
Robb was in his room during your execution, his father forbidding him from going.
He could only lie on his bed and cry to himself, hoping no matter how unlikely that you were somehow alive. But he knew that would not happen.
Two weeks has passed since then.
Robb locked himself in his room, refusing to come out, only Ned knowing why. He had not stopped crying, the pain of your loss too much for him to handle.
He never thought he would.
But gods did Robb hate his father.
The thought of him filled him with a burning rage.
Why could he not have left you alone?
Why could it not have been him?
Why did he not remember to lock that damned door?
His life had lost all meaning when you left it, the world too cruel and unforgiving for someone as amazing as you.
And with a shaky breath he decided he would join you. A dagger in his hands, as he held the tip to his stomach, he thought of you one last time.
And then he plunged it in.
Gods, did he love you.
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got-fantasy · 2 years
No one has to find out | Jon Snow x Male Baratheon Reader
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Male Reader | Jon meets Robert Baratheon’s oldest son
Your day had been exhausting, you had just arrived in Winterfell with your family, so your father Robert could ask Ned to be the hand of the king.
You were currently in the room the Starks had graciously provided to you, restless yet trying to get to sleep, tossing and turning until you inevitably gave up.
Rising from the bed and getting dressed, you made the decision to go on a midnight stroll, silently leaving your room and sneaking down the halls until you made it outside the building.
The pitch black sky showcasing how late it was, did nothing to deter you, only pressing further on into the night hoping to find something to occupy your time until the morning.
The snow was crunching beneath your feet as you stumbled around aimlessly, making your way to a secluded area, you took off the cloak you wore for warmth and set it on the ground, covering the snow, before sitting down on it.
You found peace gazing up at the shimmering stars, laying down as you slowly forgot about the freezing temperature. Lost in a trance until you heard a voice all out to you.
“What are you doing out here, my lord?” You quickly sat back up, eyes roaming to determine the source of the question. Your eyes fall upon a young man with dark black hair.
“Stargazing, is it not obvious?” You said back, before relaxing and giving a small smirk. “Would you care to join me?” You asked.
“I shouldn't, besides, you shouldn't even be out here.” He said back. “What if someone were to try to attack you, you are the prince, it isn't safe for you to be out in the middle of the night” He continued rigidly.
“Maybe, but I'm already here and since you're so concerned with my safety, then you should stay to protect me” You said with a grin, patting the spot beside you.
Jon let out a small huff, moving over to you and sitting on the cloak, beside you. “It's beautiful, isn't it?” You asked, your eyes moving back up to the stars.
Jon followed your gaze, looking out into the dark sky, the stars reflecting in his eyes, “I suppose it is. But is that why you really came here?” Jon said, returning his gaze to you.
You let out a sigh and turned to face him, “I couldn't sleep, so I figured I'd come out here for a bit”.
"Anyway, I don't believe we've officially met I'm Y/n Baratheon, I take it you're Jon?"
Jon evidently shifted before giving his response. "Yes, I am, my lord."
You laughed softly before responding, "There's no need to be so formal it's just us here, please call me Y/n" You said in a kind tone.
"I don't think Lady Catelyn would be pleased if I addressed you so casually."
"Well then, it's a good thing that she's not here, isn't it" You said.
Jon looked taken aback before smiling to himself, "Yes, I guess it is."
"Y/n..." Jon began hesitantly, "You do know I'm a bastard, don't you?" He asked, his voice quiet.
You gave Jon a soft look, "Of course, but titles don't mean much to me, if I can be honest with you, I'd much rather be a bastard than a prince." You said
Jon looked surprised at your words, "You don't wish to be the prince?" He asked, eyes locked onto you.
"No, I don't, I feel like I'm trapped by the title, it suffocates me." You confessed, looking down at the snow covered ground. You turned your gaze back up to Jon, "But let's not ruin the mood, it's a beautiful night." You said, not taking your eyes off Jon
Jon wordlessly nodded, giving out a low hum, his eyes not leaving yours.
Before you could stop yourself, you leaned in to kiss the man, feeling his lips so warm against your own. Jon returned the kiss for a short moment before pulling away.
"We shouldn't be doing this, you're the prince, and I'm just a bastard, even if I weren't, we're both men, if anyone were to find out we would-"
You stopped him with another kiss, your hands gently caressing the back of his head. "No one has to find out." you silently promised, looking into his brown eyes.
Jon exhaled, thinking about the punishment the both of you would face if anyone were to learn of your relationship.
"No one has to find out." Jon mirrored back to you, leaning in for another kiss, his arms pulling you close against him.
You stayed out in the dark with Jon for most of the night, until morning came, and you had to sneak back to your room before anyone noticed your absence.
Even though you had just met him, you knew you would love Jon deeply.
And Jon felt the same.
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