goldsnail-rolling · 11 months
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As someone who falls into 3 of these categories, I feel very called out by my own meme 😅
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A meme image of 4 arms / hands reaching out & grabbing another hand's wrist, forming a kind of square.
Hand 1: Trans & non-binary folks
Hand 2: Bi & pan folks
Hand 3: Aro & ace folks
Hand 4: Neurodivergent folks
In the middle between them all: "Wait… doesn't everyone feel this way?"
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goldsnail-rolling · 11 months
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goldsnail-rolling · 11 months
Having feelings for someone is such a new and strange but good feeling. I haven't felt this way about someone in like 10 years and I'm not sure how to act. I'm demi sexual and demi romantic and I've only ever been with 1 person and we were together for 8 years. When I broke up with them I thought I would never feel attracted to anyone because I hadn't felt that for years with my previous partner. I've been single for 2 years and haven't been looking for a relationship but this person I met is so amazing. We have been on 3 dates and have some more planned. On our last date we were sitting on their couch playing video games and by the end of the night our shoulders were touching (I know it was super scandalous) It felt so exciting and new. I'm going out with them again on the weekend and I want to introduce more physical touch like hugging or cuddles but I don't know how to initiate it without making things weird or awkward. I feel so behind on how relationships work and I don't want to screw this up because it seems so nice now. I guess I'll just have to see how it plays out.
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goldsnail-rolling · 11 months
something I don’t really see mentioned or acknowledged at all is that “being in the closet” is a spectrum.
some people are only out to themselves.
some people are only out online.
some people are only out on specific websites or accounts.
some people are only out on a specific space on an account, such as a discord server.
some people are only out irl.
some people are only out when they’re in an area they don’t live in (such as the next city over, or on vacation).
some people are only out to their therapist and/or medical team.
some people are only out at school/uni.
some people are only out at work.
some people are only out to their family.
some people are only out to their friends.
some people are only out to their partner(s).
some people are only out to specific family/friends/partners.
some people express a muted or more “palatable” version of their identity in some or all spaces, not necessarily expressing the fullness of their identity anywhere but to themselves.
some people are partially or fully expressing their gender and/or sexuality, but not expressing other identity signifiers such as new pronouns or name.
or the above but express different versions of these signifiers in different circumstances or spaces.
some people express their identity fully, but don’t correct anyone who is “wrong” or tell anyone the full extent of their identity, with some answering when asked and others not.
some people have come out “fully”, and gone back into the closet “fully.”
some people are stealth, and are very cautious about who they allow (if anyone) to know their full identity.
and most queer people are incredibly complex mixtures of all of the above scenarios, and many more. I can’t possibly list them all.
we cannot meaningfully divide experiences between those who are “in/out of the closet” (full stop) because individual experience is way more nuanced than that. and everyone’s definition of either in/out is going to be different, ranging from “if 1 other person knows, you’re out of the closet” to “unless everybody knows the full extent of your identity, you’re not out of the closet.”
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goldsnail-rolling · 1 year
Gender presentation is so hard to describe to people that aren't in the loop. Like yes, I do wear a lot of femme styles. I love the long skirts and flower accents and eyeliner.
But I prefer not to be referred to as 'girl' or 'woman' when wearing these things. This is difficult for a lot of people.
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goldsnail-rolling · 1 year
Yesterday I was talking to my Christian Grandma and I mentioned that I wouldn't even consider going to the US right now because I wouldn't be safe (I live in Canada) and then I ended up coming out to her as Nonbinary. She has been surprisingly okay with my name change ( 6months ago) and was asking a lot of really positive questions about what it means to be trans and the difference between sexuality and gender. I'm so proud of her for trying to understand me because she hasn't been the most open minded or supportive of me in the past. If someone really loves you they will take the time to understand and accept you. I'm so grateful I have people in my life who are willing to grow and be more accepting of me and people like me ❤️
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goldsnail-rolling · 1 year
how do draw good
fill 14 sketch book
bad stuff is good stuff bc you made stuff
do you like sparkle???? draw sparkle
draw what make your heart do the smiley emote
member to drink lotsa agua or else bad time
d ont stress friend all is well
your art is hot like potato crisps
don’t let anyone piss on your good mood amigo
if they do
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goldsnail-rolling · 1 year
I love going to the library. So many great books, videogames, boardgames and I can spend all day there using the wifi and different services that are offered.
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goldsnail-rolling · 1 year
This was my first holiday home since changing my name. Today was the most tiring family event I've been to in a while. Constantly being dead named by people who say they are trying but really aren't. Dealing with family who are so up in their conservative, racist, homophobic, closed minded views, who just tell you you are wrong and get riled up when you calmly call them out on their closed minded ness. My uncle who almost exclusively calls me by a nickname that I've had my whole life that I gave him permission to still use still managed to dead name me.. I'm just so done peopling today.
Rant over.
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goldsnail-rolling · 1 year
I was cleaning out my childhood room when I came across a bag of crystals that I had gotten when I was on a trip as a kid.
I really think I've been a witch my whole life and didn't know it.
If anyone can help me ID some of these that would be so helpful 🖤
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goldsnail-rolling · 1 year
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merry crisis
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goldsnail-rolling · 1 year
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goldsnail-rolling · 1 year
I sometimes make art. Here are some of my recent paintings
Ps if anyone has tips on photographing my art that would be greatly appreciated 🥰
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goldsnail-rolling · 1 year
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Hopefully this tip can really help someone, please take this advice or suggest to friends and family if you feel it could really assist them
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goldsnail-rolling · 1 year
This is an ai “artwork” hate blog now
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goldsnail-rolling · 1 year
My aromantisim and asexuality is weird in the sense that I am very cool with romance and sex in movies, books, and so forth, but not in the way where I see myself in that position.
I do not want to be in any of those positions, but I have no problem watching and reading about them in the same way I have no problem reading about dragons, wizards, elves and other imaginary things.
The same way that I do not want to be an elf, or meet a dragon, but I would read fantasy books because I have no problem with them as fictional characters, I can read books with romance and smut, because they are fictional things that for me do not exist in real life.
if I ever see a dragon in real life I would be immensely terrified, but I would read a book about it, and while I wouldn’t go “oh I want to ride a dragon” I wouldn’t also go “ahh dragon, terrifying”… I don’t know if this makes sense?
The concepts of romance and sex do not affect me really in a theoretical sense, because I live life knowing that I would never be in a situation where they become real things, I do not want them, I do not read novels with them and go “I want these” even in a fictional sense, but I CAN read them and enjoy them.
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goldsnail-rolling · 1 year
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