gnarlyzig · 10 years
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gnarlyzig · 10 years
I'll be taking a short hiatus till sometime next week, probably Friday at the latest. This goes for all my accounts. I'm not leaving, but merely taking a break, I'll be back soon.
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gnarlyzig · 10 years
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gnarlyzig · 10 years
Um, you’re excused? Who said I was I was hitting on you anyway? I mean, that’s basically what I was doing, but I like to call it charming you — it makes me sound a lot more smooth. Uh, what’s there to say? Am I supposed to tell you what my favorite color is or something just as boring? Sounds lame, I’d definitely rather talk about you. What? That wasn’t crude, don’t be such a softy. Isn’t this your first time on the job? Have some fun, don’t be so uptight. It’s not like I’ll tell anyone that you think I’m good looking — don’t ask how I know, I can read minds. Psh, whatever. Why would you wanna’ do that when we could have a good time? Nah, I’ll stick with Imogen, even of it’s kinda weird.
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Excusez moi? I appreciate the compliment, truly. I just don’t think it’s appropriate for you to hit on your counselor. There’s a lot more! I doubt you want to be known just as the sickly boy. Tell me more about yourself. Well, Zig… I’d appreciate if you stopped being so crude. I’m here to help, and the vulgar talk is making me feel a little discouraged. You’re right about one thing, though. I will be screaming your name… but only in anger. Anyways, my name’s Imogen but you can call me Miss Moreno.
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gnarlyzig · 10 years
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That's right, before Paris we were cool. Then you ditched and brought back some new friends. I've got some too, Maya. So leave me be.
Text // Zig
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Then what’s it about? Why do you hate me so much? We were fine before I went to Paris…
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gnarlyzig · 10 years
text ✉ tor
Tori: It isn't a chick thing, Zig Novak. Do you have to say it like that? Like girls are some weird creatures from Mars or something? You're such a dork. What else was I supposed to do? That thing was huge and no one else was in the building! You promised not to make fun of me as long as I didn't tell your mother that you skipped, so you /better/ shut up. Wow, what a sweet thing to say. Right, and how would you know the size of his brain? Um, yeah, he takes me to dinner like.. a bunch. Don't be such a sour puss. It almost sounds like you're jealous or whatever. Do all guys just burn calories like nothing? I wish I could do that. He doesn't hate you! You're not his favorite person, but hate is a really strong word for it. Okay, but just for the tortillas.
Zig: I guess you would know, I don't get girls. I mean, I /get/ girls, but I don't get girls -- did that make any sense? Yep, I do. They might as well be from mars, sometimes it feels like you're speaking a different language or something. Aw, come on, it wasn't that huge. You're just a big baby. I could've killed that thing with my eyes closed. Hey, keep that on the down low! You tell her, and I'll tell your dad that you invite Owen over when he isn't around. I've got dirt on you too, Tortilla. Nice try. I'm the sweetest, you know that. Because anyone anyone with arms that big had to be lacking somewhere, and for your sake, I'm hoping it's his brain. Dinner? Sounds super fun, you must be proud that you're boyfriend can pay for a meal, good for him. I'm not jealous, I just don't see why you always pick tools. Do you ever go outside of your comfort zone? Date a nerd or something. Not all, I mean, you've seen the dude in the subway commercials, right? He used to be a big balloon. He totally hates my guts, but that can be overlooked. And for me, you can't forget the best part. C'mon, Tor.
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gnarlyzig · 10 years
text ✉ saunders
Campbell: He might, you never know. I bailed that one time we all went to Little Miss Steaks, and it didn't end well. /That's/ why I'm hesitant. I know they can be a little mean... but they're the only family I've got here in Toronto, and I can't make them mad, you don't understand. I already said it, so I'll say it again... no.
Campbell: Will it still be going after 9?
Zig: Whatever. You don't have to go, I just thought it'd be cool to invite you and stuff, I figured you'd actually go, so this is awkward. You're right, I don't understand -- if you wanna' waste your time hanging out with a bunch of tools instead of people who're actually decent to you, be my guest, dude. Alright, your loss. Guess you don't get to see my cool dance moves after all.
Zig: Have you ever been to a good party? Hell yeah it will. It's gonna' be a rager.
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gnarlyzig · 10 years
Yeah, I sorta' do, but that doesn't make it any less lame, man. I don't get why you hang around those guys, but maybe that's just me. All of 'em are bad, some are just a little less terrible than the rest. Whatever, Cam -- I didn't really wanna' talk about Maya. But cool.
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That blows. I could probably make that happen if you were up for it, I know you've gotta' be sore from hockey, and I wouldn't want to wear you out or anything. If you'd stand up to those guys you'd have a lot more time on your hands, but who I am I to make suggestions? I'm just your boyfriend. Missed me, eh? Hard to believe, you dodge me in the halls like the --... plague or something.
I tried, I’ve been trying. You know how the guys get over this stuff. They’re constantly trying to set me up. Uhm, well I… do, heh. Some of them aren’t have bad. Well, yeah… Maya’s my best friend. No, not really. Maybe a little bit with my billet parents go shopping you could come over. Um, but other than that… I don’t have any time… I’ve uh… missed you. 
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gnarlyzig · 10 years
C’mon, man. That’s when you tell ‘em off. Do what you want, you’re not there lapdog. Who cares about those hockey jerks anyway? Maya, huh? What, you don’t have any time for Zig?
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Man, can’t I get one weekend where the guys aren’t on my case? I can never just have time to hang out with Maya or anyone really. 
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gnarlyzig · 10 years
mayainreverie replied to your post:Hey tags (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ I’ve got a decent amount of...
Pick me
pageanttori replied to your post:Hey tags (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ I’ve got a decent amount of...
decent? DECENT?
can we do hte zaya pls a million i need it ok
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gnarlyzig · 10 years
Hey tags (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
I've got a decent amount of partners so far, but I'd really like to have a Zoe, a Drew and a Katie.
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How could you resist that face? Like this or message me.
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gnarlyzig · 10 years
Because I don’t want to, Maya.
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How can you seriously think that’s what this is about? You can go back to your boyfriend, I couldn’t care less about you. I hate you, remember? What’s there to make up? Like I said, you’ve already done enough.
Text // Zig
Why not?
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I said I was sorry for calling you out. I am. It was a bitchy thing to do and I’m just… I’m sorry! I don’t know what else to say! I just want to be friends, Zig… I know I haven’t been the best at that, but I’ll make it up to you if you give me the chance to.
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gnarlyzig · 10 years
text ✉ saunders
Campbell: Not really, no, he just wants us to play our best... I can't lie, Zig, I'm not good at it. Well if I lied and then saw them there, they'd rat me out. They always do just 'cause I'm the rookie, they think I deserve it. I have fun all the time, actually... Seriously, Zig, can't you take Tristan? Or someone from the band?
Zig: Dude, you’ll play fine if you skip one practice. What’s he gonna’ do, teach you some amazing trick to being a hockey star? Bail just once, live a little. How hard is it to lie? Call ‘em and say you’re sick, doesn’t sound too difficult if you ask me. See, if they’d do that, it just further proves my point. They’re jackasses, Cam. Yeah? Doing what? Nah, I got my sights set on you already, so come on, just go. How can you say no to me? I mean, you’ve seen this face, right?
Zig: Can’t you at least come after practice?
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gnarlyzig · 10 years
I’m not some weirdo criminal, man. Do us both a favor and get that outta’ your head, will you? I’m a lot nicer than I look, I guess it’s just my super manly tough exterior that makes people think that. I’m chill, Saunders. Don’t worry about me messing with you or whatever, I was hoping we could be friends or something -- I mean, I don’t want my roommate to hating me. Hey, I didn’t think about that, I guess we do, it’s just our job to find out what, heh. Your favorite, eh? Me too. I guess I wouldn’t mind sharing some of it with you, you clearly can’t eat a bunch unless you’re all stuck on getting sick. My mom used to hide stuff from me too, but I think it was more like cookies or something, she didn’t want me getting all fat that I blew up into a ball. Alright, so I’ll buy milk, you buy juice, cool. We’re opposites there, dude. I’m pretty sure I can sleep through just about anything. One time my mom poured a bucket of water and I went straight back to sleep. It’s a skill -- you think I could put that on my job application? It's not weird, it's accurate. You get it, don't you? Depends on how important, I guess. Maybe if it's an emergency you can pop in, but be quit, I wouldn't want you to mess up my game.
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Again, just making sure. I’m not trying to hound you or something if that’s what you’re thinking – it’s just, university is a new experience, you know? You never really know… know what type of people you’ll meet. You seem okay I guess, though. And we did have to fill out a questionnaire before getting room assignments, so we must have something in common, right? Rocky Road? That must be what we have in common then – that’s my favourite type. Mom always used to hide it because of the whole lactose intolerant thing, but when I found it, oh boy was it good. That’s kind of a weird combination of stuff to have in a room though, and I think I’ll pass on the milk. On second thought, just keep all your dairy products to yourself; I’ll stick to orange juice. Oh, okay… well I guess I’ll know within a few days, I’m a pretty light sleeper most of the time. In fact, I don’t really ever sleep much. I guess, but with younger siblings it’s not that fun when they’re complaining all the time. Uhh.. rocking some girl’s world? That’s a weird way of describing it. What if it’s really important? Whatever, nevermind. Yeah, me too.
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gnarlyzig · 10 years
I guess I could see how chatting up you would take my mind off some things, they should’ve warmed me that the therapist chick would be hot, I might’ve been a lot more eager to come. We could talk about my sickness, but that’d probably be a snore-fest. I mean, I know I’m sick, you know I’m sick, there’s not much to it. Let’s talk about you, eh? My name’s Zig — you probably already knew that, but I just wanted to refresh your memory so you know what you’ll be screaming later tonight.
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You’re obviously going through a lot so your hesitancy is to be expected. A few measly words can’t change your health unfortunately, but it can take your mind off all the negative things.. at least for a little while. I’m not going to pressure you to talk about anything you don’t want to. It’s all up to you, really.
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gnarlyzig · 10 years
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gnarlyzig · 10 years
many surprises await here ✘ zaya
Zig: shifted in his chair, impatiently drumming his fingers along the hard wooden surface as he waited for the next girl to approach his table. This definitely wasn’t his ideal way to spend a Friday night, but he was truly at his wits end. After a series of rather unfortunate events, he’d been majorly off his game. Constant useless dates and failed pick-ups had put him in an uncomfortable position, one his friends had practically forced him into. Attending some bogus speed dating service hadn’t really been his idea, at least not directly. One night he made a somewhat joke out of it, mocking his bad luck streak with girls. Unfortunately for him, his friends took the joke in literal terms and signed him up for this almost futile event. The dark haired boy had already been through a great deal of girls, he lost count around five, with little to no connection made whatsoever. Making some sort of associate with someone else in a minute must’ve been lost on him, because he couldn’t seem to get a grasp on his words and what to say in such a short time. He’d been aimlessly rattling off meaningless facts about himself, but that was only if he could get a word in edgewise. Most of the girls he’d met so far seemed to have prior experience with this, which was something he was clearly lacking. They’d already knew what they wanted to say, which usually consisted of: age, name, their place of employment, and anything else just as boring. While the last girl was droning on about her pets at home, Zig was sure he dozed off, even if it was just for a measly moment. “Alright, just one more then I’m getting the hell out of here,” he vowed to himself, boredom was getting the best of him and he didn’t know how much longer he could take it. Hearing the bell ding, the boy straightened himself up in his chair, letting his eyes flicker over the room as various people switched positions and before he knew it, someone was already taking their place in the seat across from him. She was pretty, a lot prettier than most of the girls he’d waded his way through as the night went on, so that was a plus all on it’s own. Even then, her look wasn’t extravagant, covered in loads of makeup with some fancy dress on, but it was simple, something he was coming to enjoy more with each passing second. Pulling himself out of his on reverie, he shot her his best smile, suddenly feeling the need to take a different approach. The whole evening had been mostly trial and error, every little date having something that went wrong or turned him off completely. Zig didn't want the chance of that happening again on either of their parts, he could easily make a fallacious opinion within the minute they're given to talk, or he could take a distinctly different method and hope for better results. Even if the latter didn't have a predicted outcome, he was still a lot fonder of it than any other choice that already presented itself. As the clock soon began ticking, he cut the girl off before she had any chance to say a word. "Look, this place blows, you and I both know it, right?" Zig asked, not waiting for an answer before speaking again, "We could sit here and make small talk for a minute or whatever and rattle of dumb facts about ourselves, but chances are I won't remember your name or anything about you tomorrow, so let's get out of here and do something bearable at least." The proposition might've sounded insane, and the likeliness of her ignoring his apparent boldness was relatively high, but it was worth a shot in his mind. "Let's skip the names and all that boring crap, there's an arcade around the corner, and I know a place where we can get a decent hotdog, so what do you say?"
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