girlinthestory · 3 years
Luke no sabía ya cuanto tiempo tenía desde que se encontró aquella noche con la princesa en las cocinas del palacio. Claramente si alguien le hubiera dicho que ese momento lo llevaría a tener una amistad con la noble, el cocinero habría dicho que aquello era una broma cruel pero ahora se encontraba en uno de sus ya habituales paseos por los jardines, pero con la pequeña diferencias que las damas de compañía de la princesa no estaban con ellos, y era tal vez por eso que en el momento que se habían detenido y que solo se encontraban hablando que se atrevió a llevar su mano a la mejilla de la chica llevando una pequeña sobre esta mientras su vista se perdía en los ojos de la contraria.
No sabía en qué momento había empezado a desarrollar sentimientos por la princesa pero ahora le era casi imposible ocultarlos en especial cuando se encontraba tan cerca que podía apreciar claramente todos los detalles del rostro de la chica y justamente estaba perdido en este tratando de memorizar todos los detalles cuando la voz de la contraria llamó su atención, la súplica sin duda le parecía extraña pero aun así le hizo acercarse un poco más a ella —Almendra— expresó en un pequeño susurro mientras seguía con las pequeñas caricias en la mejilla de la princesa aun tratando de controlar sus impulsos pues realmente se moría de ganas de besarla e incluso sus labios ya estaban muy cerca de los de la contraria.
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Almendra sabía que tenía que alejarse, que era la única manera que los dos pudieran seguir con sus vidas tal y como lo habían estado haciendo desde que se habían vuelto amigos. Además, su amistad no era la única razón por la que esto era una mala idea; ella tenía que casarse pronto con alguna persona cercana a la realeza y si es que alguien se enteraba de esto, las consecuencias para Luke serían mucho peores que para ella. No podía hacerle eso, ni a él ni a su padre. 
Pero aunque sabía todo esto, su mente no podía controlar a su cuerpo y mucho menos, a su corazón. Lo quería y en ese momento, no había nada en el mundo que deseara más que besarlo. Sus ojos se alzaron a los suyos por un momento, justo antes de que ella hiciera desaparecer cualquier distancia que había entre ellos y presionara sus labios contra los del chico. Cualquiera podía pasar por los jardines, cualquier podía verlos, pero eso solo hizo que sus manos se movieran a ambos lados de su cuello, con la intención de mantenerlo en ese lugar por el mayor tiempo posible. 
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girlinthestory · 3 years
@girlinthestory​ said:  “ i kinda feel sorry for them. ”
Desde que habían acudido juntos al teatro la gente de Nueva York no paraba de especular sobre ellos, realmente parecía que toda la ciudad no tenía algo más que hablar que sus vidas, y claramente eso no le había agradado mucho a su padre pero a Theodosia eso no le estaba importando mucho pues disfrutaba mucho de su tiempo con Phillip, pues sentía que era la única persona con quien realmente podía ser ella realmente, y quien realmente la entendía y aunque no lo hubiera aceptado aún estaba desarrollando sentimientos por Hamilton.
Aquella tarde habían decidido tener uno de sus habituales paseos por la ciudad y en aquella ocasión, Burr había decidido que pasaran una parte de la tarde en una especie de pequeño picnic en uno de los parques de la ciudad tratando de ignorar a todos los que se encontraban cerca y claramente se secreteaban sobre ellos cuando la voz del chico llamó su atención —¿si?— pregunta con un tono de voz llena de curiosidad mientras fijaba su vista en el chico —La verdad a yo también aunque aún es un poco raro para mi el centro de los chismes de la ciudad— comenta con una ligera mueca —Pero no me molesta la razón por la que lo somos—
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Era difícil ser un Hamilton. No había una manera más amable de ponerlo en palabras, especialmente cuando habían tantas cosas que venían con el apellido y la reputación de su padre. Si bien a la mayoría de gente estaba preocupada por lo que hacía su papá desde su puesto en política, otra parte había encontrado en sus asuntos la mejor fuente de chismes y habladurías. Su madre era la que estaba más preocupada por todo, porque para él en realidad, nada tenía importancia, al menos no la suficiente para que se alejara de Theodosia. 
Philip sabía que ellos tenían algo especial, algo que quería defender frente a las acusaciones de los demás. Se sentía orgulloso de que la menor de los Burr quisiera pasar tiempo con él y por su honor, que jamás la trataría como un secreto de la sociedad. Ella valía mucho más que eso. Es por eso que no le molestaba estar en medio del parque, disfrutando del buen clima y la comida que habían traído para ambos. “Debo decir que no es nada raro para mí” Desde que había vuelto a la ciudad, siempre había sido así. “Me alegra que no te moleste. No sabría como disculparme si es que te causara siquiera una pequeña incomodidad” Su sonrisa era divertida, pero trató de esconderla en su bebida. “Espero que tu papá lo vea de la misma manera” 
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girlinthestory · 3 years
“You know giving me evils, eye daggers.. that counts as looking at me.” he couldn’t help but correct. “Oh wait wait wait– I didn’t mean it like that.. what I mean it Margaret was talking, we chat a lot and she sort of likes to pry and was– well she sort of just managed to get it out of me! You know what Margaret is like, she’s a big gossip there’s nothing she loves more than a gossip and I guess she just started to spread that about by accident.” he shrugged his shoulders. “It wasn’t like I did it on purpose, honestly.” Well Ben had truly dropped himself in it this time. 
Those were a lot of words. Beatriz didn’t expect to have a full recollection of what happened between him and Margaret but the girl had to admit that his explanation did settle some of the information. “She does talks a lot” Her eyebrows raised, supporting her point, but her attention came back to him. “I don’t... Look, it’s nothing personal” That felt stupid and very much personal, but the girl tried to keep her face and tone as neutral as she could. “I’ll try my best to not have absolutely no emotion when it comes to you. Is that better?”
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girlinthestory · 3 years
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The redheaded girl grinned at Melissa and pressed her lips against hers, kissing her happily. “Bored, I don’t think so. I will be doing all sorts of research up there. But lonely, yes. Though the stars are beautiful to look at, you are more so. Plus, they don’t talk back to me. You do.”
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She was unable to resist the other girl, easily kissing her back. “Sometimes I don’t, but it’s mostly when you are between me and the tv” Melissa teased back, with her cheeks slightly blushed. Still, her eyes went down almost immediately. “You won’t go away after this, right?”
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girlinthestory · 3 years
“I don’t really find it important, but it would make my working life much easier and I’d personally feel significantly less awkward, you know I could walk around the place without getting daggers from behind reception.” he couldn’t help but sigh and leaned over the reception. “Oh I don’t care if it’s affecting your work, I care that people are going on about it in the staff room and yet nobody seems to be able to tell me what it is I’ve done to piss you off.” he shuffled some papers, signed a few and promptly handed them over to her. “So are you going to tell me what I’ve done? I mean god if it’s that I told Margaret that I thought you were cute I didn’t meant to make you uncomfortable or anything like that.”
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See? This is exactly what she meant. Beatriz didn’t understand why he had to make this so hard, why he couldn’t just ignore her and let them both move on with their life. “First of all, I don’t look at you, okay? Let us start over there” He was cute and yeah, his whole face thing was a little confusing and distracting, but Bea stayed with her head in the game. She took the papers, ignoring his comment and she was about to even turn her chair away when he spoke again. “You... You told Margaret, what?” This was brand new information, not entirely shocking, but new. She was a girl, she had eyes, but she didn’t know it was public information that he was interested in her. Sighing, Beatriz moved her eyes to him. “I don’t... I don’t mind that you think that, but why do you even go around telling people that? Is there an actual reason?”
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girlinthestory · 3 years
“I feel like I’m well within normalcy to ask that,” AJ deadpanned with a shrug of his shoulders before he was hiking his flimsy government issued bag up further up on his shoulder. Truth be told, he wasn’t angry with Liliana about how things had unfolded in the past. Sure, he had landed himself in prison because of that fateful night, but he didn’t fault her. But he did fault her (and everyone else) for seemingly forgetting about him while he was locked up. It had been a very lonely five years, but this was to be expected. This was the event that he had been preparing for in therapy… if she hadn’t come to him, he would have found her. “It’s good to see you, Lil,” he tried, his tone softer this time as he did the opposite of her actions and simply could not tear his eyes off of her. She was a luxury of the outside world, and quite frankly, she was the best sight in the world for him right now. “Can we go to your car or something? I never… wanna stand in front of this fuckin’ place again.”
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Liliana wanted to scream or just get out of there running, far away from the memories that he was awakening in her, but she stood there and bit the inside her lip to not let go another comment. There was a time when AJ lighted up her heart in ways no one did, that brought a peace that she couldn’t find anywhere else, but now he just seemed to be a source of anxiety. “It’s good to see you too” Above all, it was true, that she was happy to have him in front of her again. “Yeah, yeah., fuck. Sorry, get inside” She should had known he wanted to get away from jail and not just stand with her looking at him like an idiot. The girl waited until he was inside the car and did the same, starting the car as soon as they were ready. “Do you have a place to stay?” Maybe he had a pen-pal girlfriend? A plan? She couldn’t know for sure. 
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girlinthestory · 3 years
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                 Yᴏᴜ ᴄᴀɴ’ᴛ ʙᴜʏ ᴍᴇ. I ᴅᴏɴ’ᴛ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴘʀɪᴄᴇ. Iғ I ᴅɪᴅ﹐ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴏᴜʟᴅɴ’ᴛ ᴀғғᴏʀᴅ ɪᴛ.      //    independent && semi-selective carla roson from elite  , written by kim . 
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girlinthestory · 3 years
open to f/nb suggestions: could be best friend that’s mentioned, ex girlfriend, sister, etc.
AJ wasn��t proud of his choices in life. He wasn’t proud of the fact that he had been incarcerated for the past five years, going against the very path of his past rehabilitation. To him, prison time was a necessary evil though. Once he found out that his best friend’s boyfriend was laying hands on her in the worst of ways, his anger boiled over and he nearly beat the man dead. It was something that he was proud of, showed little to no remorse, and would do again if he needed to. However, his family didn’t feel the same pride in his actions as he had. In the five years that he was locked up, they never once called, wrote, or visited him. However, on the day that he was being released, he was shocked to hear that it would be a release to someone. AJ couldn’t pinpoint who it could be and as he clung to the bag of his belongings and walked out the door, he was shocked to see the girl. “What are you…?” AJ asked as he made his way closer to the girl, confused as to why she would be the one to pick him up.
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Liliana’s life had taken a whole different turn, after the incident five years ago. It almost felt like she had passed from a nightmare to another; to her boyfriend’s abuse to seeing her best friend’s life cut short because of her decisions. She never had the courage to see him or ask about him. but she promised herself that what he had done would not be in vain. Now there was a chance for her to have a life, to be someone that he would be proud to save, and not the little conflicted girl that he had left behind. When the news of AJ’s release, Liliana tried not to think too much about it and drove her car right to the jail’s doors, waiting for him as she leaned against the car. “Really? Are you actually gonna ask that?” Her eyes stayed on the ground, unable to meet his, as she crossed her arms above her chest. “It’s the least I could do” 
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girlinthestory · 3 years
Me alegra mucho volver a verte en el dash ❤️
BABY. Aquí de nuevo. 
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girlinthestory · 3 years
♡  drivers license starter meme.
“  i got my driver’s license last week.  ”
“  just like we always talked about.  ”
“  you weren’t around.  ”
“  you always made me doubt.  ”
“  she’s so much older than me.  ”
“  she’s everything i’m insecure about.  ”
“  yeah, today i drove through the suburbs. ”
“  how could I ever love someone else?  ”
“  i know we weren’t perfect but i’ve never felt this way for no one.  ”
“  i just can’t imagine how you could be so okay now that i’m gone.  ”
“  you said forever.  ”
“  all my friends are tired of hearing how much i miss you.  ”
“  i kinda feel sorry for them.  ”
“  they’ll never know you the way that i do.  ”
“  i was driving home to you.  ”
“  i still see your face in the white cars.  ”
“  i can’t drive past the places we used to go to.  ”
“  i still fuckin’ love you.  ”
“  i still hear your voice in the traffic.  ”
“  know we’re through.  ”
“  god, i’m so blue.  ”
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girlinthestory · 3 years
open starter to males/females/non binary.  
about: lousie is a 24 years old cis-female, bisexual and a police-officer. 
plot: your muse and her are friends for a long time, but there is a lingering tension between them. 
“I’m so glad that you decided to come tonight” As her eyes moved around the club, Lou took a sip of her beer, moving her head along with the music. “I knew my sister was gonna ditch me as soon as she found a guy to hook up with. The devil works fast but Alicia works faster, for sure” 
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girlinthestory · 3 years
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“Can you imagine it? Next year at this time I will be in a space station to bring in the New Year. At least right now I’m here with you. Cheers to the next year. I love you babe.”
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“I love you too” Melissa didn’t want to take the mood down, so she tried to keep her smile on her face as she looked at her girlfriend. “I hope you don’t get too lonely over there, or too bored, I guess” 
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girlinthestory · 3 years
this post is a reversed starter call, meaning like this and i’ll go through your open starters
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girlinthestory · 3 years
plot: honestly gimme a receptionist at the hospital disliking him and he wants to impress her so badly like starts as frenemies and we plot from there? 
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“So any reason why you always give me daggers when I was by?” he asked as he leaned against the counter. He was determined, mainly because he’d totally had a huge crush on her when she first started working here and had clearly given the wrong impression at some point. “I mean I’ve been told you’re not my biggest fan and.. I mean I don’t know what I did.. but maybe if you told me I could start making it right?” he could only put it down to either giving her too much to do ro getting her name wrong, something stupid like that because Ben never tried to upset anyone at work on purpose, he just got a little bit swamped by the workload.
Beatriz knew this moment was meant to happen sooner rather than later, considering they worked together and she had made no effort in keeping her unease at bay whenever he was close by. It was stupid, really, considering he had done nothing to her directly. “I don’t see why you find it so important that I like you” Her eyebrows raised, even when she wasn’t looking at him but at her computer. She couldn’t tell him that his name gave her bad memories and that had initiated her dislike, that had only grown more when she couldn’t find any other valid reason to keep him at arm length. Just like in that moment. “is this affecting my work?” She knew it wasn’t, but she was being an ass just for the sake of being one. 
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girlinthestory · 3 years
[ caress ]
Almendra no podía respirar. 
Era como si el tiempo se hubiera detenido y todo alrededor de ella hubiera desparecido, dejando toda su atención en Luke y en como su mano requería su rostro con una delicadeza infinita. Nunca nadie lo había hecho antes, no con tanta reverencia, como si fuera lo más preciado que existiera. No sólo eso, el chico estaba tan cerca, que los detalles de su rostro se impregnaban en su mente uno tras otro.  Nunca iba a poder olvidar la manera en la que se veía en ese momento, o cómo el sol de los jardines chocaba contra su pelo y su mejilla. Eran cosas que estaban grabadas en su mente desde ese momento, y para siempre. 
No sabía qué hacer, ni cómo reaccionar. En realidad, sí lo sabía, pero ningún sentido de propiedad podría hacer que se alejara de él. En ese momento, su cabeza definitivamente no estaba conectada con su cuerpo. “Luke” Lo quería incluso más cerca, pero estaba aterrorizada con la idea de que cualquier movimiento fuerte lo sacara del trance en el que parecía estar y lo alejará de ella. “Luke, por favor” 
Bésame, por favor. Bésame. 
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girlinthestory · 3 years
❣️                             SOFT   INTERACTIONS  !
send  one  of  these  in  to  see  my  muse’s  reaction  (  add “ +reverse”  for  my  muse  to  do  the  action  to  yours ) .
[ crawl ]  for  your  muse  to  crawl  into  bed  with  mine .
[ flower ]  for  your  muse  to  offer  my  muse  their  favourite  flower .
[ slow dance ]  for  your  muse  to  ask  my  muse  to  slow  dance .
[ gift ]  for  your  muse  to  surprise  my muse  with  a  gift  ( & bonus if you add what the fit is ) .
[ homemade gift ]  for  your  muse  to  make  my  muse  a  gift    ( & bonus if you add what the fit is ) .
[ serenade ]  for  your  muse  to  sing  to  my  muse .
[ embrace ]  for  your  muse  to  pull  my  muse  into  a  tight  embrace .
[ caress ]  for  your  muse  to  gently  run  their  hand  down  my  muse’s  face .
[ caught ]  for  your  muse  to  catch  my  muse  wearing  their  shirt .
[ love letter ]  for  your  muse  to  give  my  muse  a  love  letter  they  wrote  for  them
[ boop ]  for  your  muse  to  boop  my  muse  on  the  nose .
[ date? ]  for  your  muse  to  ask  my  muse  to  go  on  a  date .
[ confess ]  for  your  muse  to  confess  their  feelings  to  my  muse .
[ sleepy ]  for  your  muse  to  slowly  fall  alseep  on  my  muse’s  lap .
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girlinthestory · 3 years
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