gingerboots · 3 years
i keep forgetting to be here but happy 20yr anniversary shrek :)
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gingerboots · 3 years
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gingerboots · 3 years
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gingerboots · 3 years
good morning i just woke up & decided this is galaxy brain, so now da!verse canon includes puss being mentored by the black fox
it might require some fuckery with the timeline, but what if dragon age verse guante blanco was the black fox 😳
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gingerboots · 3 years
everyone wants me 😏 especially this guy chasing me with a knife
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gingerboots · 3 years
it might require some fuckery with the timeline, but what if dragon age verse guante blanco was the black fox 😳
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gingerboots · 3 years
me, removing knife i have been stabbed with: ‘finders keepers’
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gingerboots · 3 years
❝ Why have enemies when you can have friends? ❞
❝ I thought you’d be taller and would have a beard. ❞
❝ I see you’re trying to get me to do something razzle-dazzle with that sword. ❞
❝ There’s an army of you, there’s only one of me. ❞
❝ I’ve talked, I’m happy to talk, but there is no way… that I am fighting. ❞
❝ Hang that up, don’t want it getting creased. ❞
❝ It should be clear by now that whatever you and your friends think I am, I am not it. ❞
❝ It’s all yours, son. Though I warn you, it’s got quite a bite. ❞
❝ You wanted to know what gave me such drive? It was you. ❞
❝ I am here now because of you. You created me. And for that, I bless you. ❞
❝ You’re no longer dealing with the man you previously met. ❞
❝ You’re no longer a myth. You’re starting to mean something. ❞
❝ You are resisting the sword. The sword isn’t resisting you. ❞
❝ You want him to think big? Give him something big to think about. ❞
❝ They’re fighting in your name. ❞
❝ How do you get money from a Viking? ❞
❝ You have won, [ NAME ]. You have won. Now, play with me. ❞
❝ When people fear you, it is the most intoxicated position a man can possess. ❞
❝ You know what happens now. You’re quickly becoming a legend. ❞
❝ This lot’s been trying that for years. Good luck doing that for them. ❞
❝ And once you finish it, how are you supposed to get to the middle? ❞
❝ Let me show you what your uncle will do if you do not accept. ❞
❝ The sword is yours now, son. Take it. ❞
❝ Long live the King! Long live the King! ❞
❝ I’m a little old for finger-wagging and speeches. ❞
❝ Can you just get around to telling me exactly what it is you want? ❞
❝ It’s quite dangerous being one of you lot, isn’t it? ❞
❝ You’re good with animals, aren’t you? ❞
❝ Never met one of you in the flesh. I thought you’d be taller…  ❞
❝ You have to break his old self completely, wear him down. ❞
❝ You’re playing with fire, [ NAME ]. ❞
❝ I’m not killing the king before he’s even become one! ❞
❝ Pick it up. Pick it up with both hands. ❞
❝ If you want that sword so much, your lordship, you can keep it… ❞
❝ Now, that would have hurt a lot more if I’d left the ring on. ❞
❝ It was [ NAME ] who murdered your father ❞
❝ Did you see everything you needed to see? ❞
❝ I need you to do as I tell you. I need to get you and the boy away from here. ❞
❝ You sharpened the blade. You created me. ❞
❝ Why has the water dropped? Why does the sword reveal itself now? ❞
❝ As your power increases, so do to the forces that will oppose you. ❞
❝ The born king will come. It is inevitable. ❞
❝ You felt it, didn’t you, my power? ❞
❝ I’ve never had any power or any desire to achieve it. ❞
❝ Don’t worry. You will soon understand what all the fuss is about. ❞
❝ What you didn’t account for is what you can do with this sword. ❞
❝ You wanted the prophecy, this is your prophecy. ❞
❝ The man who pulled sword from stone, behold, your born king! ❞
❝ Because for the first time, there is something you don’t know. ❞
❝ What gave you such drive? you felt if, the power, didn’t you? ❞
❝ I’m not getting drawn into this mess! ❞
❝ There are rumors, the legend of the sword, of a king other than yourself. ❞
❝ Listen to me, I need you to do as I tell you. ❞
❝ If I go down, you follow him. If he goes down, you follow me. ❞
❝ Did you see everything you needed to see? ❞
❝ Are you scared? You should be. ❞
❝ You make sense of the devil. ❞
❝ You put me in that brothel. You cut me on the streets. ❞
❝ But doesn’t it make the palace burn well? ❞
❝ No, I mean I’m sorry. You’ve made a mistake. ❞
❝ I’ll step off this throne and you can deal with me as the man you previously met. ❞
❝ Well, now that’s out the way, let’s eat. ❞
❝ I understand there’s been a change in the leadership. ❞
❝ I am confident that you will still honor the agreement made. ❞
❝ I’m prepared to extend the deadline by a week. ❞
❝ We’ve been wondering what you were doing in here. ❞
❝ I like it. What is it? ❞
❝ I’m not getting drawn into this mess. There’s an army of you. ❞
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gingerboots · 3 years
good evening i am thinking about They
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gingerboots · 3 years
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da!puss vc: yes i am an elf. yes i have a mustache & beard. i exist.
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gingerboots · 3 years
i want to make da!puss an elf because it just fits.     i see that da!elves cannot grow facial hair & that this on a very base level conflicts w/ how i see any humanoidified version of puss.     i think about grog critrole who as a goliath was thought to be incapable of growing facial hair yet achieved the feat anyway through the belt of dwarvenkind.     i assess that with all the dif belts & enchantments that exist in da there’s definitely something of the kind in the universe.     i posit that puss would have this item.     i conclude that puss becomes the first recorded elf to grow facial hair, which leads many to assume he’s actually human upon first glance.
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gingerboots · 3 years
,,ok so i know i made da!verse puss an elf but is there Actually anything stopping me from keeping him a tabaxi for that universe????     i acknowledge that all the races we’ve seen look more or less like humans but 🤔🤔🤔 edit: eh nvm keepin him an elf in daverse
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gingerboots · 3 years
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gingerboots · 3 years
i entirely put the (in boots) in the promo like that bc puss introducing himself as “PUSS,,in boots 😏” in shrek2 makes me very very happy & in taopib he kept introducing himself like “i am Puss in Boots” & i hear that as just “puss (in BOOTS)” with the parentheses & it’s dumb but dumb things make me :D
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gingerboots · 3 years
ok puss is like. not really retired, per se ????     but he’s not actively advertising himself as a mercenary / assassin anymore.     he’s still very much for hire for any job, but ever since most of the villains retired from, y’know, being villains, & the poison apple rebranded itself, puss no longer has a base of opperations for his usual work, so he makes do with word of mouth & being caught where he’s at.     he doesn’t really need to worry about accomodations anymore now as he can come & go from far far away’s palace, having his own quarters as a friend of king arthur   (   & for similar reasons no longer having to worry about money   ) ,  & he always has a place to stay with shrek & his family.
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gingerboots · 3 years
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i regret informing you of how to send images in asks
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gingerboots · 3 years
puss Is in fact the reason there’s virtually no ogres in duloc & far far away ^_^
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