giftafeelingsblog · 2 years
The uncertainty experienced when choosing a gift can prick long after the moment of gift exchange resulting in banishing the gift out of sight. Get rid of that uncertainty by visiting GiftAFeeling and easily customize the perfect zodiac sign sweatshirt.
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giftafeelingsblog · 2 years
Anthropologie Zodiac Mug
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As humans, we try to find people who love and care for us, and it’s not to say that those who don’t give a sentimental gift don’t care, but the sentimental value that is behind gifts creates such a bond that surpasses the transactional aspect of some relationships. It has been said that after receiving a gift that holds value in a sentimental way it's correlated with the strengthening of the bond between the two individuals. Make the process of giving personalized and sentimental gifts by visiting GiftAFeeling to find the perfect anthropologie zodiac mug.
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giftafeelingsblog · 2 years
Beyond Yoga Tank Tops
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The more personal a gift the greater the likelihood that it will strengthen the bond that is between the gift-giver and the recipient. Recently, it was my best friend’s birthday and she has a dying love for yoga and all things meditation. It is a topic she passionately speaks about and is always interested in engaging conversation about. I used that information to my advantage of making sure to secure her the best birthday gift.
The thing with birthday gifts is that as a best friend, you want to make sure the gift you are giving is able to show to the other person you are listening and that you know them enough to get them a gift that they wouldn’t think of getting themselves, but would also love entirely.
I went ahead and got her a beyond yoga tank top for her birthday to really keep alive her love for yoga and help her practice in comfort. When she received the gift she was so thrilled that I was able to get her a gift that spoke to her and in a sense spoke for her. It tightened our bond with one another due to the fact that she had someone in her corner that truly knew her.
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giftafeelingsblog · 2 years
Promotional Products In Canada
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How can my promotional products be different than others?
We’ve been on earth for a long time. We’ve invented, built, and created so much; if we haven’t done so yet, we’re working on it. So what have we not done?  Are any ideas original ideas, or have they all been thought of already? This, indeed, is a big fear for many, many industries. For companies to continue to be successful, they need to promote themselves continuously. This is usually and simply done with a reusable water bottle with its logo on it or a mug. But let’s be honest, we’ve come to a time where slapping a name or a logo on a mug just doesn’t cut it anymore. To grab people’s attention, you need a little more. How can companies gain back this originality that makes them even more successful and different from everyone else? The real question is ­– what makes them special? At GiftAFeeling, we're your one stop print shop specializing in research-based giveaways, promotional products in Canada & personalized gifts to provide you the best cost efficiency and the highest ROI.
First, a company must have a strong and clear purpose. This not only provides structure to a company but also demonstrates dedication. This brings motivation and engagement to its employees and customers, which are the building blocks of companies. Research showed that companies that have a strong purpose perform better on the stock market and that 100% of employees were more likely to stay in the organization when the leaders were clear about their purpose. Most companies’ purposes can be found on their website.
Promotional Products
So now the company has a purpose and their main product, we need promotion. You could go for a water bottle with your logo on it or a mug but how meaningful is that? You want promotional products that align with your purpose and main product. Starbucks sells cups because of their drinks; they’re not going to start selling pens. And it is good to add some spice to promotional products, make them creative and fun. Again, Starbucks sells cups, but they have mugs in different cities or special designs depending on the time of year. Even though they are not the main product, they are supposed to support it. They have to be personal, useful, and fun. This article shows a few creative examples of promotional products in the past. To make the process easy you can also visit GiftAFeeling to find various promotional products in Canada.
It doesn’t stop as it goes beyond promotional products. Companies’ can’t just stick to the same promotional product. It doesn’t have to change but rather adapt to its environment fully. This can change with the seasons or events that take place or for improvements. They need to progress, evolve, and adapt to their time and environment. The best way to know this is from customer feedback. This is probably what should be prioritized the most because let’s be honest, these products are being consumed and produced for customers, so I think they would have more than a few things to say. It’s also important to have a bond with your customers and cater to what they like. Collaborations are always a great place to start as they attract various customers. This can be seen in Tim Horton’s collaboration with Justin Bieber for coffee and donuts. 
Final thoughts 
It’s a whole process. I never said it was easy. But when a company puts its all into a purpose and the main product, success is what comes in response. You need a solid purpose and the main product, some creative promotional products that align and a bond with loyal customers. To find more on promotional products in Canada and various other places in the world visit GiftAFeeling!
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giftafeelingsblog · 2 years
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Social dimension  
The social dimension focuses on the spectrum of the bond between the giver and the recipient, that is, how strong or weak it is. In this way, the gift such as a yoga sweatshirt, is used as a means to convey sincerity to the recipient regardless of the underlying expectation of reciprocity. It is innate to give, receive, and reciprocate amongst individuals. Recipients appraise the gift in terms of its value, the quality, the relationship between the giver and recipient. 
The value of the gift reflects the weight the giver is entrusting upon the relationship they want to establish with the receiver. This value placed can be adjusted according to the kind of gift given which is assessed based on previous gifts given. Therefore, giving too much, too little, or giving at a later time than expected are factors that can impact the relationship and ultimately the reciprocal behavior. Hence, it dictates the make or break of a relationship. Enhance every relationship in your life with personalizing a yoga sweatshirt at GiftAFeeling!
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giftafeelingsblog · 2 years
Zodiac Travel Mug
Reasoning behind gifting  
Establishing social networks and connections is fundamental among human beings. As such, giving gifts is associated with being a good person. It is viewed as a prosocial behavior enacted to build relationships and maintain them to the best of individual abilities. Find the perfect gift for your loved one by personalizing a zodiac travel mug at GiftAFeeling!
Along the same line of thought, the agreeableness personality trait is positively associated with “niceness” which links back to most prosocial behaviors including the ones discussed above. Thus, the opposite of that, that is disagreeableness, is related to using gifts as an outstanding debt that one is anticipated to repay sometime later.  
Another reason people may give gifts is due to socio-sexuality which describes people’s willingness to engage in casual sex minus the commitment component. Sociosexual people use gifts to escalate a relationship to fulfill their end goal which is sexual access.
In addition, people with low self-esteem use gifts in the hopes of seizing a date, of getting the favor returned, to express well-intentions on a special occasion, and to make the receiver fall in love.  Whatever your intention for gifting is, visit GiftAFeeling to find the perfect personalized zodiac travel mug!
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giftafeelingsblog · 2 years
Meditation Blankets
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The mere act of giving has a much deeper connotation. Attentive giving can be considered an expression of love. Keeping in mind the expressive and thoughtfulness part of gift-giving, a well-thought-out gift is not only used to please the other person in order to elicit a sense of gratification to pacify the preferences of the other person. But it also evokes a feeling of connection and commitment that reflects an underlying intimacy for another person.  Find personalized meditation blankets at GiftAFeeling and make every gift count!
Some tips on finding the perfect gift!
1)    Get them a gift that solves a problem they have. 
Solving a negative aspect that they may have in their life is a way to show that you care by wanting to help them out. It also tackles the other aspect of gift-giving, a gift that will be desired. People want to get rid of their problems and receiving something that helps them do that is greatly appreciated! If they like yoga or meditation, browse our collection of personalized meditation blankets at GiftAFeeling.
2)    Give a gift that has long-term rewards. 
Some presents are very extravagant and can look amazing for a short amount of time, but they may not serve a purpose. That leaves the recipient to deal with it after the initial flashy-ness has decreased. Gifts like flowers are beautiful for a short while but eventually they will wilt. Instead, a plant is something that will continue to live and grow, providing the recipient with continuous benefits and happiness. 
3)    Be thoughtful by giving meaningful presents.
Gifts that hold some meaning to the recipient will always remind them of happy memories. It is something that they will cherish and be happy with as time passes. Getting a gift that is personalized to their likes or things that are associated with them shows thoughtfulness. Everyone appreciates sentiment because it can make experiences even more meaningful. They will likely look back on the gift as something that has attached happy memories and good experiences to it. Give your loved ones a gift that is useful and meaningful to them, shop and find the perfect meditation blankets at GiftAFeeling!
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giftafeelingsblog · 2 years
Zodiac Hoodies
            The fear of gifts. This is very much a real fear to some, including myself. It’s not like I see a gift and scream while running away. Although, there may be some people that do look at gifts and react to that extent. However, the giftophobia I am speaking about is more so the idea of the receiving and the giving of gifts, and the meaning behind the gift. Some may be able to relate, but receiving gifts, giving gifts, and the whole concept of the gifts can be scary. The reason it can be scary because of the intimacy and thought that is put into it. There are times when giving gifts is super easy, but there are other times that the thought of giving a gift is nerve-wracking, to say the least. Make the process easy and shop our collection of Zodiac Sign Hoodies at GiftAFeeling.
Last weekend I went to a wedding and had to buy a gift for the bride and groom. The whole process took me a total of four hours including wandering around the store, and a bunch of self-consultations that the gift I was giving was good enough. As for receiving gifts, especially on your birthday is flat-out weird for me. That is truly when my gift phobia starts to kick in. Not necessarily fearful of the gift itself, but fearful of how personal receiving the actual gift is. Even if I were to receive a pencil, something ordinary and not personal, it would still find a way to activate that giftophobia of mine. I believe the root of the phobia of gifts is the lack of intimacy, affection, and appreciation throughout life, more specifically, during childhood. The idea behind the gift solidifies that fear and tends to be carried over to adulthood. 
There’s a lot of pressure surrounding the concept of gifts and in some cases, a lot of expectations that are attached to it. It could be expectations as mentioned before if the gift is good enough, when in the giving position of gifts. Or the expectation of someone close to you giving you a gift that can display that they know you well enough to get you something you would like. Regardless of the occasion of the gift, it’s the fact a gift was given and/or received.  Honestly, the idea of seeing a gift and screaming while running away seems a lot better at times than the actual concept of gifts. I believe once we acknowledge that it’s okay to receive and give gifts and can overcome that giftophobia, it’s not that bad after all. Of course, this is a fear that won’t go away in a blink of an eye but putting in the work and gaining the resources to overcome this fear is important. Now that I reflect, although gifts can be scary, they are just a way to show appreciation and that is a great thing to be a part of.  With time, the lens of fear casting over the concept of gifts will disappear and giftophobia will be conquered. Our goal at GiftAFeeling is to help you conquer your troubles with finding gifts by providing high quality and personalized gifts, explore our collection of Zodiac Sign Hoodies.
“I’m going get them their favourite candy, so they know that I know them the best.” Regardless of if that statement was ever said out loud, our mind does come up with similar thoughts when we want someone so badly to be a part of our life that we give them abandonment gifts. According to WebMD, abandonment issues are when a parent or caregiver does not provide the child with consistent warm or attentive interaction, leaving them feeling chronic stress and fear. Abandonment issues manifest and every individual very differently according to their attachment style. With abandonment issues surfacing in our relationships, some may feel the need to shower the other person with gifts in hopes that they won't leave them. I'm not sure if abandonment gives us a real concept of gifts however it is a very common phenomenon. Even when it's not consciously known sometimes, it subconsciously ends up impacting our behaviour, thoughts, and actions. 
Abandonment of gifts in my opinion complicates the situation and relationship. For the person giving the gift, it can reinforce that behaviour to show up again whenever there is a situation where there is a trigger present. As for the other person, if they are aware of the abandonment wound of their significant other or friend, it can make the other person either feel this reassurance that you are giving out of kindness, or it can give the other person insight that you are making the effort to give them gifts to keep them in your life. On the other hand, if the other person is unaware of the abandonment wound, it can cause some confusion in their interpretation of receiving a gift at times when the decision of leaving the relationship is brought up. 
Abandonment gifts can do more harm than it does good. Of course, depending on the perception of people it can be good for the person receiving the gifts because sometimes it feels good to be showered with gifts. However, for the person who is giving the gift, it comes from this place of negligence. That stem from prior beliefs from childhood that since they were neglected and abandoned, the one way to make someone stay or desire to be present in your life is by giving them gifts, so they essentially can see your worth.
 As mentioned before, it can do more harm than it can do good. This type of behaviour of giving abandonment gifts feeds the abandonment wound. The more present that wound is, the more abandonment gifts will be given. It leaves the space of gift-giving to be out of fear rather than genuine appreciation which is usually the intention that wants to be delivered when giving a gift. The sound of abandonment gifts may sound a bit too harsh, due to the negative connotation of the word abandonment which is probably why it’s not the ideal gift concept. Has anyone ever given you a gift during times of possible separation?
Are e-gifts a good gift? 
With the advancement of technology comes a range of ways to do traditional things at a technological level and that includes gift-giving. Usually the process of gift-giving and/or receiving entails going to a store and buying. However, nowadays life can be so busy that going to the store is a lot more of a hassle, as well as spending time at the store in search of a gift. A gift-giving that has become popular over the course of time has been e-gifts. E-gifts are usually a redeemable card to a desired location. E-gifts are more commonly given when the receiver of the gift is of acquaintance. Business, companies, and last-minute gift buyers’ resort to e-gifts because it is the easy, appropriate, and quickest gift to give. E-gifts are made easy with customizable gifts choices like our collection of Zodiac Sign Hoodies that can be personalized for anyone.
I believe e-gifts are a wonderful concept of gifts due to the efficiency of them. However, I do think that e-gifts do make things less personal. There can be several reasons someone may receive an e-gift but most of the time it is received during work parties. The situation at work is that you work with these individuals on a daily basis’s however, they are not close enough to you that you want to spend a large sum of money so giving a e-gift to Starbucks is a lot better than buying them a gift that there is a slight chance they will not like. In those cases, I believe e-gifts are the way to go. E-gifts are playing it safe than sorry. 
Nonetheless, if it is your best friend’s birthday is an e-gift still the best option of gift? This depends on the person and situation. Most of the time, when receiving a gift from a close friend or family member, resorting to an e-gift may give the impression that there was no effort put into the gift other than sending an e-gift by email. E-gifts take away that personal touch that traditional gift-giving has. The idea of waking up on your birthday and receiving a bunch of emails with e-gifts rather than waking up and seeing a bunch of gifts in front of you takes away that experience and those feelings that go along with gift-giving and receiving. Imagine a world where kids at Christmas didn’t have to wake up early for Santa Claus to bring gifts. Instead, they would wake up in the morning from their bed and turn their devices on just to see what they got as a gift from their email. 
As mentioned before, the idea of e-gifts is great. It takes away all those hours of wondering what to get your friends’ sister’s friend. Sometimes the best thing to do in those situations is to get an e-gift and hope for the best because at the end of the day, there’s not that much of a connection, relationship, and bond with that person. However, e-gifts for a close family and/or friend is where e-gifts become tricky. You want the gift to express your effort and intentions, something e-gifts can’t always do. Shop at GiftAFeeling and explore our collection of personalized Zodiac Sign Hoodies!
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giftafeelingsblog · 2 years
Zodiac Tote Bags
Human relations and their development are essential areas of research. Gift exchange is the spotlight on the maintenance of mutual relationships. It is an example of commitment and reciprocity that can strengthen relationships and is a way of conveying your feelings concealed in an aesthetic box.
In fact, these emotions serve as social coordination that drives goals and behaviours between individuals. Often gratitude is one such feeling that triggers a sense of joy experienced after a gift exchange. From this stem the mutual direct and indirect relationships which can provide long-term benefits such as greater life satisfaction, optimism, extraversion, and low-stress levels.
Different research supports the notion that gratitude increases moral behavior which motivates people to maintain strong bonds and strong social ties because of the feeling of mutuality and communal ties that sustains during the process. Explore the perfect personalized zodiac tote bags for your loved ones at GiftAFeeling!
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giftafeelingsblog · 2 years
Best Gifts for Zodiac Signs
How does giving gifts impact us?
Giving a gift is an altruistic act – meaning that it is a selfless act to benefit others. Altruism is linked with higher levels of happiness and satisfaction with life. Therefore, while giving someone a gift and making them happy, we are also making ourselves feel happy. The sight of a loved one getting excited at a gift you gave them promotes us feeling pride and satisfaction. Additionally, from the lens of positive psychology which encourages the notion of doing something positive, attracts positivity in your own life. When giving gifts, we expect reciprocity from the person. We expect that they will show their appreciation or that they will also give a gift when it’s our turn to feel special. Shop at GiftAFeeling to explore our collections of personalized zodiac shirts and many more zodiac gifts!
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giftafeelingsblog · 2 years
Women's Yoga Tank Tops
When you give someone a gift, you are doing them a good deed. It may seem simple, but this is the science behind giving gifts and why it makes us feel good.
You can help another person by giving them something they require or desire. This generates an oxytocin release in your brain which causes you to feel happy for helping them out!
You show appreciation for those around you when you give them something thoughtful, like flowers at the office or chocolates for the teacher who has been working hard all year long! These small gestures mean so much more than just a material item because it shows that you care about them.
We work hard every day just to make sure our family members are taken care of financially so when we get something nice back in return it just makes everything worthwhile. Treat your special someone to a gift and explore our personalized women's yoga tank tops.
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giftafeelingsblog · 2 years
Zodiac Sign Hats
Gifts that hold some meaning to the recipient will always remind them of happy memories. It is something that they will cherish and be happy with as time passes. Getting a gift that is personalized to their likes or things that are associated with them shows thoughtfulness. Everyone appreciates sentiment because it can make experiences even more meaningful. They will likely look back on the gift as something that has attached happy memories and good experiences to it.
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