ghost-hospital · 7 months
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Fourth Wing Special Edition - Chapter 16
2nd Xaden POV
@jodiemarie45 for the screenshots and @stormwvr
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ghost-hospital · 7 months
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Fourth Wing Special Edition - Chapter 9
1st Xaden POV
@jodiemarie45 for the screenshots and @stormwvr
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ghost-hospital · 7 months
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Love them
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ghost-hospital · 10 months
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ghost-hospital · 11 months
Hey everyone. One of my best friends in the whole world needs help right now.
She's a trans poc who has been unfairly kicked out of her home by roommates, robbed of her money, and turned away by her boyfriend.
She has been starving, dehydrated while trying to live off of rain water, and is currently in the hospital.
Literally anything could help. Please reblog if you are unable to support and spread this as much as possible!"
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ghost-hospital · 1 year
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[Singing] Redo! Redraw! Redeeeesiiiigggnnn! Referernce! Reference! Reference time! Post ep 4
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ghost-hospital · 1 year
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Updated my reference for Neverafter now that I’ve experienced the first episode.
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ghost-hospital · 1 year
what is the point of oscar the grouch on sesame street?
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ghost-hospital · 2 years
Still waiting to see what the fuck happened to beth may who CANONICALLY exists in the dndads universe
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ghost-hospital · 2 years
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Justice League S02E23 “Comfort and Joy”
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ghost-hospital · 2 years
Istg if we dont get a warlock Hermie with patreon Scam Likely i will take a plane to the US to punch Anthony in the face
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ghost-hospital · 2 years
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he's the funniest person i know
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ghost-hospital · 2 years
Brother Moments in Nightwing Annual 2021
pt. 1
(spoiler alert, duh.)
1. Standards and Comparison.
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Though it's quite sad that Batman compares his sons (when it comes to being Robin, at least), I guess it's just different when you're not just a normal kid but also a vigilante.
If you don't meet certain standards, someone will most likely get heavily injured or even die. You just can't afford to not be good enough.
In this scenario, Dick is the standard, so it can't be helped when the bar has been set and Jason is simply.. not there yet.
That aside, I'm glad Jason is portrayed to be more open about his emotions and experiences here. Most of the time, Jason Todd is portrayed as the killy-staby Robin with no other emotion other than rage, so I'm happy to see him being properly portrayed as a child with feelings of unfairness.
And Dick being the understanding brother he is, freaking apologises in Batman's stead. I love the way Tom Taylor writes Dick Grayson, and this is no exception. Please continue to write Good Brother!Dick Grayson.
2. Alfred covers for them.
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As always, Alfred being the MVP of this family. Alfred has always been one to encourage the members of this family to bond with one another, even if it seemed like they wouldn't get along (Jason and Tim, Bruce and Damian, etc.).
I like that they show a cheekier side to Alfred in this issue, handing over the keys to the Batmobile and asking for milk on the way back. Alfred is funnier than he lets on.
It really shows that he's not just a butler to this family. He's a key member that raised and took care of every single member, up 'til his final breath (we miss you, Alfred). It's why Dick named his foundation after him.
3. Robin lessons.
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We don't get Dick and Jason pair-ups very often, and when we do, it's hardly ever Nightwing!Dick and Robin!Jason.
It's so lovely to see Dick teaching and guiding Jason how to be Robin, especially in ways that Bruce can't teach him. It's best to learn from your predecessor, so teaching Jason how to be Robin isn't something that can be taught by Bruce.
Despite Dick feeling replaced by Jason and Jason feeling like he's being unfairly compared to Dick, they don't hold any animosity for each other and truly accept each other as brothers. Dick is willing to teach Jason what he knows, and Jason is willing to be taught by Dick. They're such wholesome brothers under all that trauma.
4. Dick holding back Jason.
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This parallels are heartbreaking, yet wholesome at the same time.
No matter how angry Jason gets, Dick will always do what he can in his power to stop and calm him down.
And no matter how old Jason is, Dick will always be there for him. He'll always be his big brother.
The fact that Jason only stops when Dick calls him Robin instead of Red Hood. I can only imagine that Jason had a moment of realisation when Dick called him by his old codename.
I suppose he's reminded of the time when he went too far as Robin, and Nightwing stopped him. Now, he's no longer Robin, but Nightwing is still there to stop him. I guess some things just don't change.
5. Secrets and confidentiality.
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Dick has always tried his best to be a good brother. He never had any siblings growing up, so I imagine it's hard to learn how to be a brother when you're practically already an adult.
Dick tries to be everything Jason needs: a brother, a friend, a mentor. He doesn't push or force Jason to do anything he isn't comfortable with, and he's patient with every mistake Jason makes.
Jason's trying his best, too. Opening up about his trauma at such a young age is no easy feat, but he trusts Dick enough to tell him when he asks about it. At least telling him enough for Dick to understand him better.
Alfred has such a proud look on his face, to see Dick comforting and teaching Jason like a good brother would. It must've made Alfred happy to know that these boys, despite everything they've been through, are his sons.
6. Trust between brothers.
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Dick doesn't even question it. He trusts Jason that much, even after all that's happened over the years.
They've fought, argued, had disagreements, but at the end of the day, they're brothers and they trust each other.
Jason seems slightly taken aback when Dick chose to believe him without question. I guess some part of him still doubts his worth as a vigilante (and maybe as a brother too).
It must be comforting to know that his brother, the one he's looked up to since he were young, still trusts in him despite all the mistakes he's made in the past.
7. Dick thinks he's funny.
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No comments on this one, Dick just thinks he's funny (which he is, btw).
(7 is a pretty awkward number to cut off the post but tumblr only allows 10 images per post so i guess this is where part 1 stops. stick around for pt.2 )
part 2 ->
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ghost-hospital · 2 years
Reasons why I love WFA Dick Grayson:
And why he is the best big brother
He saw merchandise and went “I gotta bring something for everyone”
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Being an annoying (affectionate) older brother
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He gives the best advice when needed. He knows when to laugh and when to take things seriously.
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Sharing his siblings interests and being there for them
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Letting them have the win
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His siblings feel safe enough in his presence to pull shenanigans like this
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This panel
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ghost-hospital · 2 years
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Shows how far they came as brothers. You know anyone else would have been knocked out by either of them if they made a crowbar joke
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ghost-hospital · 2 years
"I ship it so hard that I asked it to never end until we're dead"
-Brennan Lee Mulligan
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ghost-hospital · 2 years
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(in reference to the Ned speculation)
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