gewuselimkopf · 1 year
Some penguin classic covers I made of some of my favorite books.
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gewuselimkopf · 2 years
⋆。˚ ☁︎ Journaling ideas ☁︎ ˚ 。⋆
ʚ♡ɞ For personal growth/healing/self discovery
☆ What’s something you never want to change about yourself? Why?
☆ When was the last time you cried? Why? Explain all what you felt in detail.
☆ What is your biggest fear? Why?
☆ How is your dream self like? Describe everything, from the place where it would live to its profession.
☆ What do you need to let go? Why?
☆ If you could do everything, what would you do? Why? Write three things.
☆ What do you want to feel? What can you do for feeling that?
☆ What’s your biggest dream? How can you achieve it?
☆ What are you grateful for? Why? Write three things.
ʚ♡ɞ For leisure/stress relief
☆ Info about a celebrity you really like
☆ Lyrics that explain what you feel/have felt
☆ Lyrics of a song you really like
☆ Affirmations
☆ Inspiring quotes
☆ Info about a movie/show you have recently seen
☆ Info about a book that you really like
☆ Info about a place you want to visit
☆ Info about your comfort character
☆ Recipes
☆ A dream you had
ʚ♡ɞ Layout inspo
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3K notes · View notes
gewuselimkopf · 4 years
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕰𝖑𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖘
The Elements are the forces of Nature and life, and are incorporated into ritual and magick. Every aspect of existence is bound up in Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. And the fifth element which is Spirit (or also deemed Aether), which is present in each of the other four. Each of the four classical Elements is associated with one of the four cardinal directions; North, East, South, and West.
There are also energetic associations, that add great depth to interpretations of how people with different zodiac signs interact with each other, for each sign is associated with an Element, and each Element is different.
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↟Direction: north
↟Energy: ♀
↟Rules: grounding, strength, healing, nature, stability, foundations, empathy, fertility, death, rebirth, and wisdom.
↟Season//time: winter//midnight
↟Zodiac: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.
↟Ruling Planets: Venus, and Saturn.
↟Colours: green, brown, black, white, and gold.
↟Plants: cedar, cypress, honeysuckle, ivy, magnolia, grains, primrose, oak, sage, and nuts.
↟Crystals: emerald, tourmaline, quartz, granite, dedrock, peridot, onyx, jasper, and amethyst.
↟Tools: pentacle, salt, crystals, dirt, herbs, wood, plants, and flowers.
↟Virtues: patience, truth, dependable, thorough, focused.
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↟Direction: east
↟Energy: ♂
↟Rules: mind, clarity, knowledge, logic, abstract, wind, consciousness, intuition, and memory.
↟Season//time: spring//dawn
↟Zodiac: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.
↟Ruling planets: Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus.
↟Colours: yellow, gold, white, and light blue.
↟Plants: acacia, anis, aspen, clover, frankincense, lavender, lemongrass, pine, and vervain.
↟Crystals: topaz, amber, citrine, jasper, and agate.
↟Tools: feather, wand, staff, incense, pen, broom, and bell.
↟Virtues: intelligent, practical, optimistic.
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↟Direction: south
↟Energy: ♂
↟Rules: energy, will, destruction, courage, strength, self-knowledge, power, passion, sexuality, self-healing, divinity, light, and flame.
↟Season//time: summer//noon
↟Zodiac: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.
↟Ruling planets: Sun, and Mars.
↟Colours: red, orange, gold, and white.
↟Plants: allspice, basil, cinnamon, garlic, juniper, hibiscus, nettle, onion, poppies, peppers, and thistles.
↟Crystals: ruby, garnet, red jasper, bloodstone, quartz, tiger's eye, and agate.
↟Tools: candle, lamp, athame, dagger, and burned herbs.
↟Virtues: courage, enthusiasm, willpower.
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↟Direction: west
↟Energy: ♀
↟Rules: emotion, intuition, psychic, love, deep feelings, the unconscious mind, fertility, tides, reflection, lunar energy, and healing.
↟Season//time: autumn//twilight
↟Zodiac: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.
↟Ruling planets: Moon, Neptune, and Pluto.
↟Colours: blue, aqua, silver, and green.
↟Plants: aloe, apple, chamomile, ferns, gardenia, jasmine, lemon, lily, lotus, moss, seaweed, rose, thyme, and willow.
↟Crystals: amethyst, aquamarine, beryl, blue tourmaline, lapis lazuli, opal, pearl, and sodalite.
↟Tools: seashells, ocean water, seaweed, moss, stones, chalice, and cauldron.
↟Virtues: love, compassion, receptivity, and flexibility.
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gewuselimkopf · 5 years
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The Amity Affliction // O.M.G.I.M.Y.
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gewuselimkopf · 5 years
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“Schaupiel, alles was du sagtest war nie echt! ” Kontra K ~ eiskalt
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gewuselimkopf · 5 years
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“Gehen Richtung Hölle, aber träumen vom Paradies.”
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gewuselimkopf · 6 years
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Weil es nunmal wichtig ist!
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gewuselimkopf · 7 years
I’m not your ordinary girl. I was born, without a heart, in the cold, in the dark.
Fit for Rivals - Novocaine (via i-do-not-want-labels)
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gewuselimkopf · 7 years
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gewuselimkopf · 7 years
Im Mai wählte ich ein Notizbuch aus. Ich fand in der Papeterie Uhlandgasse ein schönes, schlichtes, auch klein genug, um immer mit dabei sein zu können. Vorne drauf schrieb ich: “Wie will ich leben?” Seitdem beobachte ich Details: Was mach ich nach dem Wachwerden, wohin nehm ich ein Handy mit, was lese ich, was sehe ich mir an, mit wem rede ich, wie oft putze ich das Bad, über wen denke ich nach. „Muss ich das?“, „Will ich das?“ und vor allem: „Brauch ich das?“ Ich muss mir oft lange oder immer wieder neu zuhören, die Antworten sind vage, oder sehr speziell. Manchmal muss ich recherchieren. „Wie willst du eigentlich leben?“ Ich stehe im Edeka vor Buttern und Margarinen und während ich in mich hineinhöre und merke, dass ich nichts über Transfette und Omega-3 weiß, begreife ich, dass dieses Gefrage das Befreiendste ist, das ich je gemacht habe.
29. Juli 2017 (via tgbch)
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gewuselimkopf · 7 years
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I am devastated. I have been staring at my screen for a while now, I just don’t have the words for this. I feel like I lost a good friend. And I know that sounds stupid because how can you say that about someone you didn’t even really know personally? I don’t get it either, all I know is that my heart is broken. I never felt understood, until Chester started singing. I went through some horrible stuff he went through as well and I just.. felt connected to him. And now he’s gone. I’m so sorry. I hope his family and friends get to heal from this terrible loss. I hope he is finally at peace with himself. 
I’m sorry I have been gone for a long time again. It happens too often, I know. I’m still dealing with mental issues myself, I’m not sure if it will ever get better. But for this I had to make an exception. I tried to make something special for him and for the rest of the band. I made a photoset of every chorus of the new album. I hope you guys like it. I know I’m not the best editor, but it was really made from the heart. Rest in peace Chester. 
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gewuselimkopf · 7 years
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Linkin Park - Leave Out All The Rest
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gewuselimkopf · 7 years
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I’m really proud of my space rn 
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gewuselimkopf · 8 years
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gewuselimkopf · 8 years
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gewuselimkopf · 8 years
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small progress is still progress!! 
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gewuselimkopf · 8 years
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reblog and make a wish! this was removed from tumbrl due to “violating one or more of Tumblr’s Community Guidelines”, but since my wish came true the first time, I’m putting it back. :)
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