gay-enchilada · 8 hours
girl who wont shut up about how she "loves a man in uniform" but as she keeps talking it becomes clear she's talking about butches in customer service jobs
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gay-enchilada · 8 hours
Reblog to let your followers know that despite your current obsession your previous obsessions still exist and are simply lying dormant until they awaken and strike again
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gay-enchilada · 8 hours
Remember when you'd turn on the radio and almost always Poker Face was playing
Back when God was still listening
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gay-enchilada · 8 hours
so we're just not gonna have a national conversation about how Boeing killed one of their own employees to keep him from talking to the press
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gay-enchilada · 8 hours
no woman should ever have to explain why she doesnt do something to her body.... 'why don't you wear makeup?' 'why don't you shave?' like. thats what i look like. idk what to tell you
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gay-enchilada · 8 hours
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gay-enchilada · 19 hours
I know someone who calls herself a feminist, puts her pronouns in her work email signature, donates money to women’s empowerment funds, and thinks we should deport more refugees. I also know someone who calls people ‘pussies’ when he plays video games, who doesn’t know what a pronoun is, and, for his defence of low-wage women workers in a highly-exploited industry, is a better, more strident defender of the rights of working-class women than almost anyone else I know. Of these two people, I know who is on my team, and who I want on my team, yet the standard liberal feminist calculation would have me chose the woman who loves a little deportation over the man who is occasionally uncouth, solely because the woman knows to keep her language civil, and the man doesn’t. Liberal feminists get incredibly caught up in the politics of language, because language is all they have. They don’t have a revolutionary programme for overthrowing patriarchy, so they’re forced to tinker around the edges of it, quibbling over word choice and jargon instead of building the coalitions necessary for destroying patriarchy.
— We Should Not All Be Feminists by Frances Wright
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gay-enchilada · 19 hours
Donations Needed: Help a Gazan Skater Evacuate His Family
This is the link to help Hani. Hani is a skater currently living in Belgium and rebuilding his life. His family lives in Gaza and are suffering at the hands of the occupation. His father was killed and they lost their house. He is now responsible to protect his family.
He needs the funds to help them evacuate. Please donate and share this.
Read more about Hani’s situation below (from his GoFundMe):
“Hello, I'm Hani from Gaza, and I'm 23 years old. I've been living in Belgium for a year, and I'm an inline skater. I'm collecting donations to get my family out to safety from northern Gaza to Egypt because I can't afford the large amount of money needed. I'm here in Belgium in the process of rebuilding my life and achieving my dreams.”
“After losing my house and its destruction on October 13th, my family became displaced in tents, and on September 15th, I lost my father due to the attack on Al-Shifa Hospital. My father was suffering from kidney failure and passed away due to lack of treatment. He was the breadwinner of my family. Now I am responsible for my family, which consists of 10 members, including 3 minors, and my 18-year-old brother. The rest are my sisters, including two toddlers, one is 3 years old, and the other is 2 years old.”
“My siblings were university students and had dreams too, but because of the war, they lost everything; they lost the university, our home, and our father. They aspire to continue their studies at the university, but the war destroyed everything. I'm now trying to get them out of Gaza to Egypt to rebuild their shattered lives. To do that, they need to be evacuated, and they need to pay for the coordination into Egypt. Due to war time prices, they're asking for 5,000 euros per person to get them out of Gaza because northern Gaza has been completely wiped out, with insufficient food and people scattered among the rubble of homes under heavy bombardment. I hope you can help me through your donations or by sharing the story with friends. Thank you so much with lots of love.”
Please donate. Every little bit helps. If you cannot donate, share this.
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gay-enchilada · 1 day
Wildfire Preparedness Day 2024
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(Alt text included within image.)
May 4th is not just Star Wars day, it's also Wildfire Preparedness day! So what better time to finally share my new preparedness poster?
One thing I hear a lot when discussing wildfire preparedness is that people want to protect their most treasured items, so they have them pre-packed to make them easy to grab in the event of an emergency. I've always found this kind of sad. Understandable! But sad. You shouldn't have to hide away the things you love.
Which is where the concept of a preparedness shelf comes in. The idea here is to keep all your evacuation based stuff AND your "save first" items in one spot where they can be displayed instead of hidden away, but still easily grabbed and evacuated.
This has several advantages. For one, you don't have to hide away the things you love but they will still be easy to access in one central spot. For two, if you are not home at the time of evacuation and someone else is (maybe a partner, or your neighbor, or an older child) and they call you and ask what you want them to grab, you do not have to direct them all over your house, just to one central location.
As always, use your best judgement about the hazards in your area and what works for you.
If you are in the U.S.A. and experiencing disaster related anxiety, call the Disaster Distress Hotline at 1-800-985-5990 for support and resources.
If you would like a print of this poster, you can get the high quality digital file on my website for $3, and discounted rates are available if you would like to purchase the right to make more prints! You can get files of the evacuation prep poster the same way!
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gay-enchilada · 1 day
3500 years ago a bunch of people decided to build a tower to the sky and now I have to worry about keeping up my Duolingo streak
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gay-enchilada · 1 day
I just want to get dicked down again =/
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gay-enchilada · 3 days
do you guys ever like forget you're interested in something until you start engaging with it again and you go "oh wait i'm like crazy crazy about this yeah"
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gay-enchilada · 3 days
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gay-enchilada · 3 days
if you live in the range of the tornadoes tonight, take pictures of your valuables and document everything you can, as specifically as you can. take pictures of every corner of where you live if you can, including pictures of the outside. if there is something expensive that you have documentation for, take pictures of the documentation and try to keep the documentation somewhere safe. walk through video might also be helpful. this is so you can make better insurance claims later.
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gay-enchilada · 3 days
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gay-enchilada · 3 days
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gay-enchilada · 5 days
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You don’t say.
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