gamer-bird · 1 year
Chapter 5!!
...idk why I made this post. The chances of anyone actually clicking the link and even reading it is small, if not miniscule. But, hey, can't say I didn't have the grit to.
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gamer-bird · 2 years
Soooo....I noticed this little game has been...somewhat lacking in content, and I figured "hey, I have an idea!" So, have a Dad Morgo Redemption arc. The planned size is about 16 chapters and, of course, massive spoilers for the game. I figured the smooth talking parasite deserved a proper redemption, since everyone seems to skip the process and go straight for the feels, which...fair. But he's also a murderous, manipulative narcissist that deserves more than a slap on the wrist.
Also, yes, it's rated M for a GOOD reason. Read at your own risk.
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gamer-bird · 2 years
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gamer-bird · 3 years
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Comfort (Ancient Magus Bride) https://www.instagram.com/p/CM6FSg2jb5V/?igshid=1ofibqlqi5a92
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gamer-bird · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Third Shift Society, Third Shift Society (Webcomic) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ellie / Ichabod Characters: Ellie (Third Shift Society), Ichabod (Third Shift Society) Additional Tags: Light Angst, Bad Puns, Fluff and Humor, Post-Canon, light shipping, Feel-good, I Will Go Down With This Ship, to my last breath Summary:
Want more one-shots with these guys? Why not a post-ritual sleepover? Basically, this is post Season 1 finale, so it does have major spoilers for the series, and a bit of headcanon, but that's to be expected from me. This takes place AFTER Ellie tells Ichabod about the mark and the....falling out, so to speak. So, SPOILER WARNING!!
Seriously, y'all should make more fanfictions of this series. There are literally NO stories for these two, which I find to be somewhat sad.
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gamer-bird · 3 years
Coming from a state champion baker:
If y’all use a decent box mix and use melted butter instead of vegetable oil, an extra egg, and milk instead of water, no one can tell the difference. I sure as hell can’t. 
Also, if you add a little almond extract to vanilla cake, or a little coffee to chocolate cake, it sends it through the roof. 
This concludes me attempting to be helpful. 
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gamer-bird · 3 years
I will reblog this whenever I see it.
dude seeing these Mega high quality images of the surface of mars that we now have has me fucked up. Like. Mars is a place. mars is a real actual place where one could hypothetically stand. It is a physical place in the universe. ITS JUST OUT THERE LOOKING LIKE UH IDK A REGULAR OLD DESERT WITH LOTS OF ROCKS BUT ITS A WHOLE OTHER PLANET? 
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gamer-bird · 3 years
You mean I’m NOT a born disappointment and consistent spaz that just pretends to forget things all the time and tries to be intentionally annoying by avoiding eye contact and changing subjects all the time?! You mean to say that I ACTUALLY forget things and silently cry while I’m crushed with the constant feeling of inadequacy, shame and incompetence, none of which is my fault and can be helped?
Are you saying.....that I’m just someone who thinks differently? That isn’t stupid, or ugly, or uncaring, or a ditz, or a drama queen, or lazy?
That I just...feel out of place? Because of this little quirk I have called ADHD?
Common phrases said to you before you realise you have Adhd
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gamer-bird · 3 years
Hi this thread is making me insane.
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gamer-bird · 3 years
Ok, I’m bookmarking this website
I made some ASMR ambient atmosphere mixes for your highly specific needs
1.) Haunted campout in a northern forest where strange beasts lurk in the distance and whispers of the unquiet dead keep you awake through the long dark night  2.) The Joker is probably getting ready to murder you horribly in an abandoned warehouse 3.) Killer Croc hunts you through the Gotham sewers, occasionally eating corpses  4.) Man has pleasant vanilla sex with a monster in cheap motel bed 5.) You’re the last gunslinger marching across a dreary wasteland after the world has moved on, pursuing the man in black across the desert while the machines of the old world still hum their death throes
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gamer-bird · 3 years
The universe is an ongoing explosion.
That's where you live.
In an explosion.
Also, we absolutely don't know what living is.
Sometimes atoms arranged in a certain way just get very haunted.
That's us.
When an explosion explodes hard enough, dust wakes up and thinks about itself.
And then writes about it.
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gamer-bird · 4 years
HEY THIS IS IMPORTANT whats your favorite place to find drawing references?
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gamer-bird · 4 years
The supports are jerks I hate them
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gamer-bird · 4 years
Fawkes the Phoenix was based on a harpy eagle, howmcute would a kestrel phoenix be with a peacock tail and train?
this is a Good Opportunity considering i was never a big fan of fawkes’ movie design how about
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gamer-bird · 4 years
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gamer-bird · 4 years
Yes, hi. It's me, just an artist passing by that has never gotten more than five comments ever on a piece of art.
But this isn't about contesting misery. I just wanted to drop this little tidbit here: based on the previous posts I've seen from you, it seems you're doing better. Sure, there's always hiccups, but you seem....happier? Idk, there just seems to be a huge difference between the Juno I last saw and now. It feels...nice, knowing you likely got help and are starting to feel better about your art.
I say this because I have to ask: why do you make art? Why do ARTISTS make art? Despite many of them lacking an audience? Despite feeling utterly repulsed by some of their creations? Despite impaling themselves with arrows tainted with dark clouds then maiming and hurting their favorite characters, just to feel a sense of temporary relief?
Because it's who we are.
We ARE creators. This is how we express ourselves, whether it be showing our emotions vicariously through our characters or projecting our desires and needs through a story, art for us is as essential as food and sleep is for any other being. Why? Well, we may never know for sure. Hell, not even I know why I definitively make art. Sometimes it's to vent frustrations or to rewrite bad stories. Sometimes it's to visualize a fantasy or an imsane idea veuond words. Sometimes...it's the only way for me to make sense of the world right now, wrapped up in waring emotions and silent screams. And sometimes, it's because I like bright colours shut up it looks cool...
What I'm trying to say is, it seems as if you're losing sight of why you enjoyed posting art in the first place. Was it for attention? Popularity? To be sung praises? To be featured on a renowned person's page? Perhaps; I can't deny that sounds pretty tempting. But, at least for me, I don't make art for other people. I don't pander to the masses, make what's popular just to get people to see me. Admittedly, it's a bit disheartening that I've never gotten more than five comments on my art. But I don't do it for them. I do it for me.
Who wants a comic about this niche catoon? I do.
Who wants a mature-rated fanfiction between two beings that are rarely ever shipped together? I do.
Who wants a crossover of two medias that have nothing to do with one another, yet two characters would hypothetically get along?!
Me. I want that.
And being an artist, I can make that. And whatever other kind of art I want.
I can't speak for you, but that's why I make art. Hopefully, some day soon, you can answer that too and find peace, or at least contentment, in what you make.
Idk if this helped, but tl; dr:
Maybe it's time you stop questioning why you still have this account and why you still post art. Instead, question for whom do you make it for and what you truly want from your art.
Rant ahead (tumblr hiatus)
Ok, so this has been on my mind for a long time now and I don’t really know how to say it.
For like 2 weeks I’m slowly starting to enjoy drawing again, like…really enjoying it. No self-loathing bullshit and such, which is…kinda new to me. And yet I’m somehow afraid to post my stuff.
Especially here on tumblr. Because for the last months, whenever I posted something here, it felt like posting into the void…and it just hurts. I don’t know if it makes sense, but I’m getting little to no feedback on here and every time I post something new, it’s just discouraging me.
I’ll be honest, I’ve often had the urge to abandon or simply delete this art blog. Many, many times. Because..who cares, right? People say that tumblr is a dying website and I get it, but there’s still so much buzz going on around here. And I start wondering if maybe people here are just fed up with my art? Because if that’s so, then deleting this blog would be way easier for me and I’d do it in a heartbeat. Get this emotional baggage off of me. But for some silly reason I still cling to it.
And I simply don’t get it, because it feels like there’s nothing here for me anymore. I have this childish thought where I wish I could go back 3-4 years when I felt happy around here. When I was giddy with every new drawing I was able to upload. Now I’m just thinking “oh boy, another one for the trash, why do I even try anymore.”
Well…sorry if I sound like an ungrateful bitch and I apologize to everyone who still supported me, even in times when I was so fucking depressed that I barely posted anything. But I really don’t know what still keeps me here. I got an instagram and twitter account, and yet I still tried to keep this one going. Maybe I’ll just abandon it anyway, maybe even delete it if I grow 100% tired of it. Or maybe one day I’ll just continue to post my drawings here as usual, without much hope that it will be positively received anyway.
That’s it, that’s the rant. If you read through it, thank you. If no one read it at all, then I got my confirmation that tumblr is indeed just a huge void. And I need some distance to it.
Goodbye for now.
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gamer-bird · 4 years
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The Outbursts of Everett True was a comic strip that ran in papers from 1905 to 1927, wherein the aforementioned Everett True regularly beat the everliving shit out of rude people as a warning to anyone else who might consider being rude. Men have not only been taking up too much room on public transport for about as long as public transport has existed, but the people around them have been irritated about it for at least a hundred years. The next time someone tries to claim that manspreading is a false phenomenon, please direct them to this strip so that Everett True can correct their misconceptions with an umbrella upside the head.
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