It's storming here.
I get bad headaches from sinus pressure when the barometric pressure drops.
These preasure headaches make the back of my neck at the base of my skull swell, inducing claustrophobia and heightened senses.
Add someone blowing off plans with me, and everyone in my house being loud.
My demons are singing screamo.
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This weather, it makes my demons sing.
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Yup seeing as the bulk of the states sits between the two outlined areas, you know in the same space where the bloody dog is.
But that aside, yeah, climate change is happening. It's reasons are multifaceted, but the effects are real as is the danger for places not use to the extremes.
But when beef in the states is $6 a pound this winter for the low grade ground chuck, tell me it wasn't climate related shit that flooded the whole of the central plains (that'd be the bit not highlites in the states) cause hay was high last year, it's gonna be astronomical this year and the next. Corn and soybean crops took a hit too.
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Europe is currently being burned alive and people still think climate change is a joke. It’s warmer in North Europe than in the middle eastern deserts.
Nearly all northern countries broke their decades old heat records this week.
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everyone in fantasy novels is horny on main for elves and it’s honestly a travesty like why the hell would you want to marry an elf you’ll just spend the rest of your days growing old in the woods with a bunch of immortal bastards whose heads are so far up their asses they think singing week-long ballads is prime entertainment and say shit like “thou” and “beseech” unironically y'all should be hooking up with dwarves who 1. actually know how to throw the fuck down and let loose at a party 2. will literally shower you in diamond dust and gold they mined and crafted with their bare hands and 3. can sling you over their shoulder like a sack of potatoes with their huge muscular arms developed from hours of said mining and crafting. there’s literally no contest.
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My answer was Jeremy Renner.
But yeah...
anyway why is archery so fucking sexy
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So why did Sam follow Frodo?
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Mom was 34, dad was 49.
I was 16 when he died.
33 when she died.
We didn't have money, but they did their best.
Being an only child was lonely.
Have folks to sick to keep proper house made it even more so.
My cousins are 10 and 12 years older than me. They hardly know me,but they're all I've got left. Everyone else is dead.
I had my oldest at age 20. We've put him through scouts, robotics, color guard, swim team, several other interest.
We own our home.
My youngest will be 14 in a few weeks, she too has done several extra curricular activities and hobbies.
I'm looking forward to being 45 with grown kids. I'm looking forward to being young enough that I can enjoy my grandchildren.
But these are my choices and my experiences.
Age doesn't equal financial stability or maturity. Age doesn't make you any more ready to be a parent, some people never arrive at 'ready'.
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Every f*ING gas station reader in the Midwest.
insert your card into the chip reader. put it in. hurry up. just fucking put the card in the chip reader. now leave it. leave it. do not even look at it. leave it alone you asshole leave your card in the chip reader. keep it in. if you take it I swear I wi–
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Are we not going to mention that in the only comic universe where he has said wife and kids, Natasha murders them?
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requested by anonymous
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Good Omens 2 : Mr. And Mrs. Smith-Crowley-Fell
Okay but you know what the absolute funniest shit in the world is?
Aziraphale and Crowley spend the whole thousand years they've had the Arrangement going meeting in secret, having private rendezvous in crowded public areas where they're unlikely to be noticed, with all kinds of secret codes and Bond shit going on. Which, granted, may be because Anthony "only bought petrol once and it was solely because he wanted the promotional James Bond bullet hole window transfers to stick on the Bentley" Crowley thinks all the spy stuff is Very Cool And Will Make Him Look Interesting... but also is definitely because they're both so paranoid about what their respective sides will do if it ever comes out that they've had even one (1) positive interaction. Like, based on Aziraphale's conversation with Gabriel while Crowley's off delivering the Antichrist, as far as Heaven is concerned Aziraphale and Crowley have never even spoken...
...and meanwhile Gabriel and Beelzebub have this totally friendly professional relationship that's clearly a longstanding acquaintance, and Michael's got back channels to the Dukes of Hell.
How much do you wanna bet that if Aziraphale and Crowley had just said to their superiors "oh yes I have lunch with him twice a year, totally professional courtesy, it's easier to circumvent my Adversary if I get him drunk and get him to tell me what his orders are," they would've been able to get away with literally anything and Heaven and Hell would've bought it wholesale. These idiots could probably have straight up moved in together and as long as they framed it as keeping an eye on each other, nobody would have given a damn.
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Unpopular opinion: The 9th Doctor and Rose Tyler had better chemistry than the 10th and Rose.
Agreed upon fact: David Tennant is the mortal embodiment of charisma personified.
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Reblog if you are or know of an adult fan fiction writer
I’m trying to prove a point
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Gotta love these snake boys ~ 🐍🐍💖
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"I will never let you fall
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all
Even if saving you send me to heaven" ~ My Guardian Angel, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
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Educate me, what is this from?
I see all your “tv aziraphale and crowley as women” cast and ??? why are your actresses so young when the actors aren’t? Besides, we already have the perfect pair?
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Crowley to Aziraphale
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Wexter needs more love.
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I was walking through the toy aisle at Target when I found this thing and had a VIOLENT AND IMMEDIATE FLASHBACK to when JP first came out and they had a bunch of REALLY COOL T Rex toys that I would have sold one of my scrawny small-child limbs for but my mother wouldn’t get me one because they were “too violent and also ate people” :(
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