frogpythoness · 6 years
My house in fugue woods (along with another mushroom) goes to @constellux 41,900 20,000g debt paid to @iamnottuxedomask 20,000g to @marveloushello 1,900g worth of ice cream at your door (or just in coupons bc Vivi would ok) to @thenervousnurse
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frogpythoness · 6 years
She's been seeing him all the time however. It almost took her by surprise to have the leading man of her most favorite soap to be talking to her once more. (Vivi, you've worked with this man before- get a hold of yourself.) " The one and only! Why hello, Mr. Fischer." Her eyes glinted a glow as she sported a one in a million grin. "Nice to see you in these neck of the bwoods." Wait, too soon? Oh her stars she didn't want to make it obvious that she's been watching him.
"How have you've been? Doing well, I hope." She grabs the potion and takes a look at it. " This will be 500g just so you know. Though I suppose for old times sake-" and the fact you could even stand up to that crazy guy" this is on the house."
" I'll still bestow my reading for you though."
Vivi’s Wonder Emporium
Best paired with this theme song:
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  Vivi wasn’t planning to sell anything at this bazaar, but then after seeing that this certain wizard was selling some wares….she wanted to show him whose boss in these neck of the woods. Might as well make a pretty penny while she’s at it, right?
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Buy my shit, bitches.I got bills to pay.  
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Marlin and Vivi had worked together in the past. Done…unsavory things in the past, under Matai. He hadn’t seen her since he’d left his employ, and passing her booth made him come to a sudden stop as he stared at her, looking as carefree as usual as she dealt with another customer.
In that moment, he was thankful for his knives on him. Just in case.
He sauntered up, hands in his pockets, eyes never leaving her face, and when she did look at him he looked away, setting his jaw and selecting one of her potion necklaces. “This. A potion surprise. And a reading.”
He looked again. Stared. “Nice to see you again, Vivi. Isn’t it?”
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frogpythoness · 6 years
" Well I will surely frequent your bakery then." Vivi acted like it was a big honor to be even saying such things like that. Truly though, the witch wanted to give this blonde a boon one day for her kindness. Lonliness is quite a bitch.
" Woah?! I can turn invisible?! " and her steed knew magic too?! This only made the witch all grins. "Gladly, I shall take this price with no hesitation." Of course, she hands the blonde 3000g. " You don't mind a tip, do you? Hehehe~🌟"
Petite Mon Cherry
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frogpythoness · 6 years
"It's ...you! "
She recalled seeing this man before, at the very least Vivi remembered him at the tourney...hugging that one kimono dude along with Laney and her friend. Of course, she never got to see him much more than that considering...ha ha. Did he meant to bring that up? The woman doubted he saw her performance, so she decided to let this comment roll off her sleeve. " Ah yes! I've been nothing but all rainbows and butterflies here, my dude." Is that what the cool kids say these days? Vivi never cared too much for linguistics. Though...all she could think about with the tourney was about him. Gale.
"Oh these? It will be 1300g then. Uh, um-" she stammered, then quickly recovered. "How about you? Still chatting about with cows?"
Vivi’s Wonder Emporium
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frogpythoness · 6 years
The witch had been alive for quite some time, so she at least knew the first ten numbers by heart! What a witty idea for a discount though, she can apperciate this human of exisquite tastes.
"3.1415926535!!" Her hand was up in the air as she chimed outloud, as much as she could remember. As much as the witch would had loved a discount, she was more than willing to pay the full price for her favorite pies. 💕
Porco’s Pi(e) Booth || Founding Celebration
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frogpythoness · 6 years
Vivi was minding her own beeswax until...Oh.You. There he was, standing in her booth. Well, she had to show him whose the boss now.
Kek. She'll show him extraordinary service!
"Why hello Wizard~~🌟" There was a skip in her step as she made her way forward to her long time rival. Looking at the objects he chose for the taking, the witch hummed in her reply. " Oh the potion and the stars then? Well- that will be 1700g!"
Honestly, she would upcharge his crusty old ass but decided to slay him with customer service and a smile.
Vivi’s Wonder Emporium
Best paired with this theme song:
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  Vivi wasn’t planning to sell anything at this bazaar, but then after seeing that this certain wizard was selling some wares….she wanted to show him whose boss in these neck of the woods. Might as well make a pretty penny while she’s at it, right?
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Buy my shit, bitches.I got bills to pay.  
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Shitty Complementary Tarot Card reading : Want your fortune told to you? Wanna know if little Miss Suzie is going to say yes to you at the dance or not? Sure, I’ll humor you and tell ya something. (( Warning: she’s not an actual certified fortune teller, Vivi is probably just going to tell you something awful or maybe good depending on her mood while she paints her nails. ))
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Glow in the dark stars :  1300G  QTY 5 A set of 500 stars. They glow in the dark and all that jazz. Stick them to your face for fun times! See how many stars you can put across your body!
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Potion necklaces:  1200 G 5 QTY Aren’t these cute? Well I made these myself, using crushed four leaf clovers and unicorn tears. They have boons cast upon them and will surely bring the wearer some good luck. 
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Same hat : 5000 G  3 QTY Ever wanted to have a neat hat? Or pretend you’re a witch or warlock?! Well now go and live your dungeons and dragons dreams with these! Unfortunately, wearing this won’t grant you any magical spells…but you can look cool while LARPing! 
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Shimmering Star Cloak:  15,000 G 1 QTY Ever wanted to blend in with the stars? Well boy, I got the cloak for you! This piece actually is handcrafted by elves from ages ago. The silky gold thread shimmers in both the sunlight and moonlight and would sure lead the wearer back home should they wish.
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Potion surprise!  500 G 5 QTY These potions are simply the best! I make them fresh for you to enjoy on the spot. WARNING: THIS MIGHT NOT END WELL FOR YOU. The types include: Gas potion: the user gets this uncomfortable urge to be flatulent  Chocolate potion: Tastes like chocolate! Everything tastes just like it from now on! It could be a good thing or bad, who knows! Everybody likes chocolate, right? Spicy potion:  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) It’s hot. Very hot. The user suddenly has this uncontrollable urge to flirt whether you’re good at it or not. If you can get some milk, it might cool you off. Magic potion: Suddenly –you’re a wizard Henry! Temporary gives the user elemental magic powers. If you already have magic, you kinda learn something new. Whooo! Also watch out, you might suddenly have crows attracted to you. Lighting potion: Somehow, you’re fast - like super hella fast- or at least, everything around you appears slower. Enjoy it while it lasts. May cause dizziness.
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frogpythoness · 6 years
Checkpoint 3/31
This one passed bINCHES
Except I gotta edit this shindig later
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frogpythoness · 6 years
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Ehehehe. Vivi felt rather good about herself, sporting such a powerful look. She wanted to have each and every little person she had a bit of a....fancy to eat their damn heart out. She’s fabulous, brave, and we’ll leave it that way. The witch clicked her heels three times and made her way over to the dance.
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frogpythoness · 6 years
The arrival of Vivi after so much time off made Maerwen’s eyes widen, and she dropped her tray to her side as she hurried over to see her. “Vivi, hello.” But before she could ask how she was feeling, she sprang immediately into excitement, words spilling from her lips as she craned over the sweets.
Very much like Vivi, really. Maerwen softened, lips quirking as she turned to stand next to her, also looking at the sweets on offer.
“Mm. Well, if you can’t make a decision, I suppose you’ll have to buy them all, won’t you?” She peeked at her from the corner of her eye, finally letting the smile spread. Would Vivi even realize she was being teased? There was no telling. But it would be interesting all the same.
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Vivi looked lost while contemplating, until she heard Miss Maerwen speak up about buying all of them. The witch wishes she could, but with what money? She still had to pay off a debt to some crazy one eyed man who claimed to know somebody she once knew...
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“....D-do you think I could even afford all of this?” With working three jobs and all...Vivi was just thankful she inherited an old witch’s hut in the woods. Hurray for free rent. “I want to pay you in proper, boss! Because--Because-- I’m no thief, I’m--”A witch!” just me!” After she let out a quick puff, she noticed that the dark elf was smiling. Oh. This was a joke, wasn’t it? Welp, she fell into that one. “.....I’ll take the milkshake please.” Considering that heated flare in her voice, she decided to add another. “Make that two.” -1,500 G 23400 TOTAL
Mini CuteTea - Festival Booth
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frogpythoness · 6 years
+ 5,400 G 24,900 G TOTAL
“Thank you~  ☆ “
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Voyage Shopping
Magnolia Clinic ( @thenervousnurse )
Para-Gone x2: 700G
Roundoff x2: 700G
Antidote x2: 800G
Ether: 500G
Magical Potion x2: 3,200G
Total: 5,900G
Arcadia Explorer’s Guild ( @frogpythoness )
Flashlights: 500G
Signal Flares: 500G
Rope: 600G
Week’s supply of emergency rations: 800G
Hand Radios: 1,000G
Sleep Bomb x2: 1,000G
Sticky Bomb x2: 1,000G
Total: 5,400G
Sorcery Emporium ( @constellux )
Navigation Potion: 700G
Total Paying: 12,000G
Old Total: 221,534G New Total: 209,534G
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frogpythoness · 6 years
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.....More.....sweets?  Oh, if there was an afterlife, this would been it alright. And it was from her loyal noble steed, Ava?--Laney! Vivi had to do her part and support her friendly acquaintance.  (friends? what are those?) So walking over, the witch greets the blonde in good spirits.  “Hey!~  Well if it isn’t Laney! ☆ “ Vivi greeted her, all warm and smug surprisingly. “I didn’t know you make sweets! Or at least, I’m presuming that you made all these...” Did it really matter? They all looked so good. “I was wondering if I could make a few purchases, please and thank you!~  ☆ “ The witch then points out to the goods that appealed to her (well everything did, truly.)  Dragon’s Breath , Funnel cake, and....Raindrop cake. “Can I have one of each?” She had such a pleasant grin and a glint of fire in her hazel eyes.
Petite Mon Cherry
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“Hello! Welcome!” she greeted as people walked by. Laney was a tad bit late in setting up her booth but it was all worth it. These items were specially made, for a special occasion. The Founding Celebration of course! What better way to show her pride than to sell a few treats? To shake things up a little, she decided to have a few treats with special effects. “Let me know if there’s anything I can help you with!” 
Keep reading
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frogpythoness · 6 years
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“!!!!!!!!” Vivi had decided to take a quick break to do some quick shopping,(and to scope the completion, she wanted to make sure she had fair and just prices.) then the most fabulous scent had graced the witch’s nose. 
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PIE! SWEET, SWEET, DELICIOUS PIE!!! They even had her favorites, blackberry and pumpkin! Vivi was so delighted and moved to tears by seeing them. She just had to have them. “I’ll take the rest of the pumpkin and blackberry, please!”
Porco’s Pi(e) Booth || Founding Celebration
Porcoline was a little fashionably late in getting his bazaar booth set up. But it was all according to plan. In opening his booth on this particular day, he could honor not just one, but two special occasions. The 14th of March was a day that some informally observed as a celebration of the mathematical constant π. And what better way to celebrate than with a humorous homophone?
He had baked away into the wee hours and made sure each and every one of his pies were perfect. In the time he got them out of the kitchen and into the bazaar, Porcoline sampled a bit of his stock. Let’s just say it was, er, quality control. That way, he was able to assure his customers that his pies were all, without a doubt, mathematically delicious.
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frogpythoness · 6 years
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Vivi was busy finishing up tidying the hats (In which you can see them in plain sight on the rack.) and turns her head as she finally sees her first customer. The woman look familiar from somewhere, but honestly... the witch had seen so many people come and go from her lifetime that it didn’t matter anymore. Well can you? ....No Vivi, don’t be rude. You got money to make, and an one eyed ass hole to pay off!  “Welcome, Welcome~  ☆  So you want a pack of stars and some necklaces?” The woman takes the objects and packs them nicely in a very quaint bag. This person who was buying from her sure had a lot of purchases on hand, sheesh....either this human was selfish, or wanted to play nice. Yuck. “Well the total is 3700 G! Also, you get a free complimentary reading upon each purchase! So....” Her eyes glance on her cards, and draws out one and tries to spew out some gibberish for the redheaded customer.  “The white knight will fall. The planet of the sun foretells plenty. The peaceful prince will be born.“ Whatever the heck that means, Vivi wasn’t like using a generator or something to tell this woman a fortune. “Anyways....thanks! Come again!” Only if you’re buying more shit. Wait a minute....wasn’t she a squire at some festival? Huh. +3700 G 19,500 G
Vivi’s Wonder Emporium
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…..Just how much more things will you buy, Aurelia?
Walking towards the butt end of the stalls, the nun holding many bags of objects stands still when she sees this stand. And Goddess…is there music playing? How? She sees some glow in the dark stars, and decides to purchase one and two necklaces. “These. Can I purchase them? …..Please and thank you.”  -3700 G 113,676 G
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frogpythoness · 6 years
Vivi’s Wonder Emporium
Best paired with this theme song:
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  Vivi wasn’t planning to sell anything at this bazaar, but then after seeing that this certain wizard was selling some wares....she wanted to show him whose boss in these neck of the woods. Might as well make a pretty penny while she’s at it, right?
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Buy my shit, bitches.I got bills to pay.  
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Shitty Complementary Tarot Card reading : Want your fortune told to you? Wanna know if little Miss Suzie is going to say yes to you at the dance or not? Sure, I’ll humor you and tell ya something. (( Warning: she’s not an actual certified fortune teller, Vivi is probably just going to tell you something awful or maybe good depending on her mood while she paints her nails. ))
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Glow in the dark stars :  1300G  QTY 5 A set of 500 stars. They glow in the dark and all that jazz. Stick them to your face for fun times! See how many stars you can put across your body!
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Potion necklaces:  1200 G 5 QTY Aren’t these cute? Well I made these myself, using crushed four leaf clovers and unicorn tears. They have boons cast upon them and will surely bring the wearer some good luck. 
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Same hat : 5000 G  3 QTY Ever wanted to have a neat hat? Or pretend you’re a witch or warlock?! Well now go and live your dungeons and dragons dreams with these! Unfortunately, wearing this won’t grant you any magical spells...but you can look cool while LARPing! 
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Shimmering Star Cloak:  15,000 G 1 QTY Ever wanted to blend in with the stars? Well boy, I got the cloak for you! This piece actually is handcrafted by elves from ages ago. The silky gold thread shimmers in both the sunlight and moonlight and would sure lead the wearer back home should they wish.
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Potion surprise!  500 G 5 QTY These potions are simply the best! I make them fresh for you to enjoy on the spot. WARNING: THIS MIGHT NOT END WELL FOR YOU. The types include: Gas potion: the user gets this uncomfortable urge to be flatulent  Chocolate potion: Tastes like chocolate! Everything tastes just like it from now on! It could be a good thing or bad, who knows! Everybody likes chocolate, right? Spicy potion:  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) It’s hot. Very hot. The user suddenly has this uncontrollable urge to flirt whether you’re good at it or not. If you can get some milk, it might cool you off. Magic potion: Suddenly --you’re a wizard Henry! Temporary gives the user elemental magic powers. If you already have magic, you kinda learn something new. Whooo! Also watch out, you might suddenly have crows attracted to you. Lighting potion: Somehow, you’re fast - like super hella fast- or at least, everything around you appears slower. Enjoy it while it lasts. May cause dizziness.
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frogpythoness · 6 years
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“B-Boyfriend? N-No, o-of course not! I-I don’t h-have one of those!” Violet replied immediately, red blooming across her cheeks. Sure, she had a date with Marlin soon, but surely they weren’t official official from one upcoming date! Plus, he would surely be disappointed in the date and not ask for another. Still, the very idea of someone thinking she was dating anyone made her cheeks burn.
“U-Um…t-that’s 200G…” Violet hesitantly stuttered out.
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“Uh huh. Sure Jan-” Her arms were crossed, whilst Vivi was amused by just watching the little lady’s reactions. “That look on your face means you’re guilty. G. U. L. I. T. Y.  But don’t worry, I won’t make you spill the beans- it’s not my business to know the truth after all.” Actually, she was supposed to keep tabs on someone for work, but the writer doesn’t want to be that meta and have her say she’s thinking of the person that this stand lady is going on a date with soon. Vivi cheekily chuckled, drawing back from the tease.
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“200G eh? Well that’s a pretty decent deal! Especially with such lovely specimens as these!” Pulling two 100g coins from her pocket, she places it on the table.  [-200G 15800 g TOTAL]
Violet’s Flower Booth || Founding Celebration Bazaar
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frogpythoness · 6 years
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“Vivi~” Popuri clasped her hands together, excited to see one of the guild members at her booth. She did her best to know everyone, but it could be hard when you were the Guildmaster. 
Even if she didn’t know her very well, that didn’t mean they couldn’t be friends! “It’s only 1,000G. You get entered for the raffle with a purchase, too~” She patted the entry box affectionately.
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This human always seems to be a bundle of joy, apparently. It did felt nice to be called out by name, though. Not that the witch was going to let anybody know of that. “Greetings.” At least she can hold some formalities in social etiquette.  Looking within her bag, she pulls up a wad of cash to hand over to the pinkette. “Here you go~” Then a quick pause. “What’s the raffle for?” Vivi was curious about it. She liked winning. -1000G 16000G TOTAL
Arcadia Explorer’s Guild Booth
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frogpythoness · 6 years
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“U-Um…I-I h-have t-to…u-um…meet someone…?” Violet stuttered out a very obvious lie, a little too flustered to even look the least bit convincing. Still, she paused, standing frozen behind her booth while keeping her eyes on the ground. Unfortunately, her desire to not be rude was overtaking her desire to flee far away from the woman who cursed her. She looked around for anyone she knew to potentially help her out, but saw no familiar faces. 
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“Meet someone? Like your boyfriend or somethin’---” Oh Vivi, that was rude to assume. But the last time she recalled seeing the woman, she was arm in arm with some tall ass fuck dude with a peculiar mask.  Or wait! Maybe she shouldn’t had said that, but it was always a fun idea to imagine two people falling in love. Much like this pink rose. It could be a gift to give to a secret lover or --  “Anyways, how much?” She holds up the thing, swinging it around in the air like she just don’t care.
Violet’s Flower Booth || Founding Celebration Bazaar
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