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january 25th, 2021
the spring semester has officially begun! not going to lie i literally could not sleep last night because of first day jitters. i also had my first day of work today at the library so that was fun! i can already tell which classes im gonna like and which classes im going to struggle with. but we are aiming for a fat 4.0 this semester so lets do this !!! what are your guy’s goals this semester? i figured maybe i should start asking some questions at the end of my posts to get some interaction up in here lmao.
listening to: i go crazy - orla gartland
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Hybrid Note Taking Style
A note taking method that blends the best of paper and digital note taking that I’ve been exploring lately. So far it’s working really well for me :) Hope it helps! 
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march 19, 2021 ♡
Hey y’all! I hope all is well. Here’s some Italian notes and two of the three maps that I have! The other one is a map of Westeros, haha. I’ve continued to read abt the Roman Emperors and I’m abt to start on Hadrian’s section; so far, it has been so interesting and I absolutely love learning abt their lives. It’s also really cool to learn abt some of the lesser known emperors. I recently learned that Trajan’s wife, Pompeia Plotina, was quite an intriguing woman and convinced Hadrian to marry Trajan’s niece against the latter’s wishes. Also, Constantine apparently called Trajan “a wall-growing creeper” bcs of the many inscriptions that bore his name, haha. I’ve also been working on the last lesson of my Italian workbook and then, after that, there’s a review! I’ve definitely learned a lot. Also, I’m super excited for the first episode of Falcon & The Winter Soldier!! 
By the way, I’m so thankful to everyone who said that my caption has impacted them positively and that it makes them feel warm and wholesome emotions!! It’s really wonderful to see that I can bring such a light and warmth into your lives regardless if it’s something as infinitesimal as post captions. You’ve all absolutely melted my heart; thank you for being here!! You’re all strong and amazing people!! 🤍✨
🎧: vertigine - levante ft. altarboy
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03.07.21 // i’ve been feeling emotionally drained lately so here’s a list of my favourite tumblr posts that make me feel worthy of love ♡
a love letter to an angel
arabic love poems
arabic dark academia things
asian dark academia things
classical texts (ex. Homer, Iliad & Odyssey, Greek tragedy, history) in translation
doc with 900+ film books
doc with love letters
free books on art, architecture, fashion and history
free course on how to read, analyse poetry by the University of York
heaven in earth !!
how to annotate books
how to fall in love with life
it’s been a long, long time since i’ve memorized your face
if you feel lonely, read this
love poems
my favorite quotes about love
mental health resources
myths, culture and folklore
online library uwu
the sea! the sea! sea!
the days are so short, and you are so lovely.
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not me romanticizing my classes and pretending I’m a novelist in the 18th century about to publish my first draft when in fact I am just sitting in my dorm with a blank Google Doc
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hello!! as an online college student, i’ve been lucky enough to already have some experience with online schooling, so i’m here to offer all my advice for the students of quarantined schools! due to the covid-19 outbreak, it’s been very difficult for many who’ve had to switch to online school. however, there are many way to make it simpler and faster, and i’m here to give my best tips!!
firstly, make a list. whether you’re more comfortable with a physical to-do list or a virtual calendar to schedule things out (i’ve used google calendar almost my whole life but i just got the app elisi and it’s beautiful, minimalist, and easy to use! available on pretty much every device). planning out your work is the most efficient way to get it done.
don’t try to do everything at once. while it’s best to get things done soon, space out your work efficiently so you don’t feel overwhelmed!
create a simple, comfortable study space. it doesn’t have to be a perfectly organized desk or gorgeous setup at the kitchen table; i do all of my college work from my bed with a comfy throw blanket and fairy lights up. the most important thing is that you are in the right position to do work, you are comfortable, and that you are able to keep everything you need close to you.
work in chunks. to best knock out your work, take it an hour at a time with 10 to 15 minute breaks in between. make some tea, get a snack, stay energized.
drink lots of water. you are not immune to the coronavirus. it’s also easier to stay energized and focused when you’re hydrated.
MOST IMPORTANTLY: COMMUNICATE WITH YOUR INSTRUCTORS. at first i was very timid to communicate back and forth with my professors when something was wrong but i have learned that it is the most important thing to have good communication. if you don’t understand a concept, have trouble with the online system, or just need general help in your academics, sending them an email is the best way to solve the problem.
reward yourself!! once you’ve finished an assignment, give yourself a little treat (maybe a half hour of minecraft or your favorite snack to munch on!!)–it’s the best way to encourage your mind to work harder.
don’t work too late. you’re off from school. unless it’s the night of the due date, don’t push yourself until it’s done. the morning is just a sleep away.
these are some good playlists for background music.
another important tip! communicate with your classmates in case you don’t understand something. everybody learns differently and some pick up info different than others. 
make fancy notes!! get fancy with your stationery!! you have plenty of time now and can go bonkers with your beautiful notes.
continue to check your temperature and monitor symptoms. your school has closed for a reason. your safety and health are important.
retain a relatively normal sleep schedule, similar to the one you have when you normally go to school. slipping out of your regular sleep cycle can and will kick your ass when it’s time to go back.
lastly, eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. take a nap when you’re tired. remember to go to the bathroom and keep your water filled. take care of yourself.
if i think of anything else to add, i will!! just wanted to bring forth my advice in hopes that it benefits anybody who is at home b/c of quarantine or school cancellation :)
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3/3/21 | 60/103 Days of Productivity | Zoomester Study Challenge
Day 2: Why did you choose your major?
I love learning about the brain and what makes people tick basically
Day 3: Have you done a challenge before?
Started doing Studyblr challenges around this time last year when we first went into lockdown. @myhoneststudyblr 's challenges have been really great and given me something fun and interesting to post about (i would have just been complaining about the seagulls every single day otherwise)
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old photo from september but probably one of my favourites:) these are notes are from my earth sciences course first term and my bujo spread from that week
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i hope this will help some of you!!! i know online classes are awful, but we will get through this!!  
my masterposts
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Hui Ting’s Notion Templates (@sonderstudy)
hello everyone! due to requests, i’ll be sharing a couple of my notion templates! these will include: my weekly agenda, my module schedule, my reading tracker, my podcast track and my movies/tv shows tracker. 
these templates are all stripped-down versions of what i use daily and they can be customized to however you like them to look. once you’ve clicked on the links, they will direct you to a copy of my template, which you can duplicate into your own personal notion workspace. thank you all for showing so much interest in my notion setup and i hope you enjoy using these! 
List of Notion Templates Links:
Template Hub
Weekly Agenda Template
Class/Module Schedule Template
Reading Tracker Template
Podcast Tracker Template
Movie Tracker Template
Show Tracker Template
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winter studying challenge | friday, jan. 29, 2021;
go skiing or snowboarding?
hello! i can’t believe i’m bring active again with my posts??? but i’m also heavily procrastinating. anyway… my heart wishes i could snowboard and look like a total bad a$$, but i know i would crack my head open so… skiing lol.
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Winter Studying Challenge
20th December: Q: what's your least favourite holiday food? A: difficult to say! I actually dont love mince pies all that much. I have a gastric condition and they're a bit bad for it!
I'm leaving brighton and my boyfriend for christmas to go back home. London's in the same lockdown as spring now and it's actually a good thing for me because I wasted loads of time when I could still go out! I have no many deadlines.
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studyblr reminder
Being a studyblr doesn’t mean you need a Macbook.
Being a studyblr doesn’t mean you need all the fancy stationery.
Being a studyblr doesn’t mean you need to be a “perfect” student.
Being a studyblr doesn’t mean you need to know what you want to study if you plan on going to college.
Being a studyblr means that you find an interest in school and want to continue working hard. You don’t need to prove anything to anyone. You’re doing this for yourself.
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1. take notes every time you’re in lecture, and on applicable readings. so many people say that they’re bad at taking notes…when they NEVER take notes. taking notes is like any skill; the only way you get better is with time and practice. once you take notes consistently, you will develop a style of notetaking that works for you. 
2. rewriting your notes is valid. i see a lot of studyblrs and studygrams talk about how they never rewrite notes and that rewritten notes are a waste of time. i don’t agree. i think rewriting your notes can be an effective study method, provided you do it as soon as possible after the material is covered in class. not only does rewriting your notes make them neater, which can be nice if you have hard to read handwriting, but rewriting your notes lets you actively review material to solidify gaps in your understanding, rather than passively reading over the notes. of course, don’t do it just for the aesthetic, but i rewrite most of my notes and i’m okay with it.
3. handwriting your notes > typing your notes, in most cases. some people genuinely need to type notes and that is okay too. but most studies show that typing notes in lecture means they’re less effective at helping you remember the information covered. this is because when you type your notes, you’re more likely to copy down the information verbatim because most people type faster than they can write. when you handwrite your notes, you have to pick and choose what to write down because you can’t go quite as fast, and you are more likely to convey the information in your own words. if you like the convenience of digital notes but want to handwrite for better retention, consider taking your notes on a tablet with a program like goodnotes, which lets you handwrite with a stylus. but good old fashioned pen and paper works just as well if not better! i’m a pen and paper stan myself. 
4. functionality is more important than aesthetic. you don’t need to own any specific type of stationery to take good notes. maybe you don’t live near a muji store, maybe you like ballpoint pens better than gel pens, or maybe you just can’t be bothered to buy “aesthetic” stationery when what you can find at dollar tree works fine. that’s okay! purchasing specific stationery items won’t necessarily get you better grades. it’s really all about how you’re taking the notes. similarly, you really shouldn’t feel the need to worry about drawing elaborate diagrams, putting calligraphy titles on every lecture, or having the best handwriting when you take your notes. if these things help you learn or motivate you to study, that’s great, but you shouldn’t feel pressured to have “fancy” notes if it doesn’t suit your learning style.
5. for humanities classes, focus on concepts. for stem classes focus on examples. you kind of have to shift gears when you’re taking notes for different types of classes. in stem classes, understanding how to apply the concept is paradoxically much more important than having a super great understanding of the definition of the concept. so if your lecturer is working through a really long example, that’s not an excuse to zone out because you’ve already written down what the definition of the concept is. memorizing the pythagorean theorem is useless if you have no idea how to apply it. for your humanities classes, define as many key terms in your notes as you can if you don’t know what to take notes on. i’m grossly oversimplifying here, but you can kind of think of these classes as vocabulary courses where you’re looking to really understand what the words mean. you can later go back in and add examples. 
6. for faster notetaking, use a highlighter, a quick drying pen, and correction tape. fancy gel pens might feel nice, but when you are taking notes in a fast paced lecture, waiting for them to dry so your notes don’t smudge can be a real hassle. i would honestly recommend using a ballpoint, felt tip pen, or quick-drying gel pen as an alternative, even though these maybe aren’t as “aesthetic.” if you make a mistake, go for correction tape over correction fluid, because you don’t have to wait for it to dry and you can write immediately on top of it. if you like to add color to titles or key words, use a highlighter instead of a colored pen, as this is a lot faster than switching between pens.
7. don’t make your color-coding too complicated. i don’t use a strict color code for my notes because it’s not really practical for me, but i do like to add color to their notes, especially when it comes to memorizing specific types of information. if this is a tactic you’re considering trying out, i would recommend that you keep it very simple. try to limit it to three colors max. too much more than that and you’re liable to mess it up and get confused. you want the colors in your notes to simplify them, not make the information more difficult to digest.
8. focus on what the lecturer is saying, not what’s written on the slides or handouts. you’re not going to lecture to read powerpoint slides; you’re going to learn what the lecturer has to say, so if the lecture is going really fast, focus on the things that they’re saying rather than the presentation. this may feel counterintuitive, but most lecturers provide slides/other supplementary materials prior to lecture or after the lecture, and if they don’t, you can always send an email and ask. if you find yourself mindlessly writing down the info from the presentation or handouts and then zoning out, consider printing out the slides prior to class and annotating them with the lecturer’s comments. if they’re good at lecturing, most of the information probably won’t be on the slides anyway. remember, a lecture is a one time thing. you can always get the slides later obviously, this has changed a little in the time of rona because a lot of lectures are recorded for you to watch later, but i still think this is relevant because i don’t think anyone wants to go back and rewatch a zoom lecture because they weren’t paying attention!
9. organize your notes in a way that makes sense to you. you want your notes in a central location when it comes time for that final! maybe you want to have separate notebooks for every class, or maybe one binder or notebook with multiple sections. maybe you want to date your notes or title them so you can remember specifically at a glance what is covered in each section. maybe you want to mark up your notes with page flags so you can easily flip to the most important sections. how you organize your notes is up to you, but it’s important to have some kind of system so you can study them with ease. 
10. for notes on readings, summarize, summarize, summarize! if you have readings you want to take notes on, it’s not necessary that you copy down every single fact or key term. this will take forever, and more often than not, you will burn yourself out. instead, try to summarize what you’re reading in your head. try to write every paragraph as one or two sentences. this will force you to put the reading into your own words-active learning again-rather than painstakingly writing down extraneous information. 
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‘bout to cause problems on purpose, but:
new ask game, make me choose:
1. coffee or tea 2. earl grey or english breakfast 3. milk or dark chocolate 4. sweet or sour breakfast 5. hot or cold water to drink 6. hot or cold weather 7. cereal or milk in the bowl first 8. honey or maple syrup 9. crunchy or smooth peanut butter 10. twix or snickers 11. coca cola or pepsi 12. pineapple on pizza or not 13. all pasta tastes the same or shape matters 14. hair up or down 15. book or movie adaptation first 16. low or high-waisted jeans 17. shoes on or off in the house 18. sleeping with socks on or off 19. morning or evening shower 20. monday or sunday start of the week 21. planner or bullet journal 22. gel or ballpoint pen 23. black or blue pen 24. humanities or sciences 25. christmas is overrated or the festive vibes make me feel alive + bonus: which ending was worse - got or spn
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rainy day study session!! my world history practice book got really wet somehow like i don’t even know how it could have gotten like this but now it’s all wrinkled :(
🎶 - the woman that loves you // japanese breakfast
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