frenchhoethefirst · 2 years
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frenchhoethefirst · 2 years
I would die if Thomas called Alastair „Love“ or „Sweetheart“ in Chain of Thorns
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frenchhoethefirst · 3 years
youre not better than other people just because you listen to weird music
yes I am
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frenchhoethefirst · 3 years
List of companies supporting or funding the military against Palestine to not spend money on?
That’s a great question! Here’s the answer:
Israeli Fruit and Vegetables
Fruit and vegetables are one of Israel’s biggest exports and all Israeli agricultural exporters are complicit in Israel’s violations of international law as they operate on stolen Palestinian land.
Caterpillar bulldozers are regularly used in the demolition of Palestinian homes and farms and in Israel’s massacres in Gaza.
Hewlett Packard helps run the ID system that Israel uses to restrict Palestinian movement. For more information, see https://bdsmovement.net/boycott-hp.
Puma sponsors the Israel Football Association, which includes teams in Israel’s illegal settlements on occupied Palestinian land. For more information, see: https://bdsmovement.net/boycott-puma
SodaStream home drinks machines are one of Israel’s best known exports.
Ahava cosmetics are another of Israel’s best known export companies.
Sabra hummus is a joint venture between PepsiCo and the Strauss Group, an Israeli food company that provides financial support to the Israel Defense Forces.
*Taken from https://bdsmovement.net/get-involved/what-to-boycott  
Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) is a Palestinian-led movement for freedom, justice and equality. BDS upholds the simple principle that Palestinians are entitled to the same rights as the rest of humanity.
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frenchhoethefirst · 3 years
sona: I don't want you doting over me and the baby. I want you to pursue your own happiness.
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frenchhoethefirst · 3 years
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frenchhoethefirst · 3 years
alastair: everywhere I turn BAM there’s thomas!
cordelia: that’s because you’re following him around?
(inspired by @nocontextgrishaverse )
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frenchhoethefirst · 3 years
Hi you beautiful person! If you are interested would you do a fic of Thomas getting his first rune?
Hello back to you, you beautiful person! I’m sorry this is a bit short, but I do plan to expand on it in the near future because we get so little Sophie and Gideon!
Thomas’s First Rune - The Lightwood-Collins Family
Characters: Thomas Lightwood, Gideon Lightwood, Sophie Lightwood, Barbara Lightwood, Eugenia Lightwood, Jem Carstairs (as Brother Zachariah)
Time: 1895, Alicante, Idris
“Breathe, Gideon,” Sophie cooed, rubbing her husband’s back. Gideon was pale and sweaty in his red suit. Sophie’s own red dress was tied perfectly, not a thread out of place. She knew her daughters were calmly waiting outside their bedroom door, in their own matching red dresses, for their parents to emerge for the ceremony. 
“I’m fine,” Gideon squeaked. Sophie sighed. He’d been a worried mess for days leading up to their son’s First Rune Ceremony. She knew the situation with their nephew, Jesse, caused Gideon great stress. Jesse was sickly much like Thomas was, and if he was sick enough for Tatiana to refuse to rune him, what would become of Thomas? 
“Amor,” Sophie said gently, cupping his face in her hand. He’s matured greatly since she met him; his face has chiseled out and his jaw was often stubbly. He still, however, had the same lovely green eyes. “Thomas will be all right. His sisters did wonderfully at their runing ceremonies and have been helping him prepare.”
Gideon looked at her in love and desperation. “I know,” he sighed, covering her hand with his own. “But Barbara and Genie weren’t sickly children. They were able to begin their studies early and receive their runes without issue. But Thomas; he’s so small and—“
“And he’s our son,” said Sophie sternly. Gideon closed his mouth. “He is half you and half me. I am an Ascendent Shadowhunter. I survived drinking from the Mortal Cup and receiving my runes when the odds were stacked against me, too.”
“I was frightened then too,” Gideon mumbled. “I believed in you but I still worried.”
Sophie smiled gently. “That is only called love, Gideon,” she said. “You worried for me because you love me and you worry for Thomas because you love him, too. I understand. But we must believe in him, as well.”
Gideon’s eyes flickered across her face but Sophie stood her ground. Her boy was a fighter. He will be an excellent Shadowhunter. Gideon slowly began to smile and nod. He let out a long breath. “You are right, as always,” he told her. “He is our son which means he is capable of great things.”
Sophie kissed him briefly and patted his shoulder. “Now you get it,” she grinned. “Now, let us go before our daughters take it upon themselves to march Thomas to the ceremony room.”
“Are you ready, Thomas?” Sophie asked her son. Thomas looked dashing, and very much like his father, in his red suit. “You needn’t be afraid.”
“I’m not afraid,” Thomas insisted. Sophie knew he was upset at all the fuss about him; both his sisters stood behind him as if to ward off any prying eyes. His father shot protective glares at anyone who looked at his son in a pity expression. Sophie placed her hand gently on Thomas’s cheek.
“I know. I meant it more toward your father,” Sophie joked, catching Gideon’s stricken attention. “It’ll be all right. It will only be the five of us in the ceremony room with Jem—Brother Zachariah,” she assured. “It’s your special day. We will celebrate however you wish afterward with your uncles and aunts and cousins.”
Thomas smiled, still looking a bit nervous but largely excited. Sophie herself was proud of him but also sad—her children were growing up so quickly and there was nothing she could do to slow time down. She only hoped they would be all right and happy. After all, that was her duty as a mother, wasn’t it?
“Okay,” Thomas agreed. He shrugged his hands out of his sisters’ and held his chin up. “I’m ready to receive my first Mark.”
Thomas Lightwood, declared Brother Zachariah. You have received your first Mark of the Gray Book, gifted to the Nephilim from the Angel Raziel. Rise and begin your training as a Shadowhunter.
Thomas stood, and beamed. “I will serve the Nephilim and the world as a protector. I am ready to begin my training.”
Behind him, he could hear his family—his father, his mother, and his elder sisters—cheering for him. Pride filled his chest. He knew he could do it and here he was. He was ready to be a Shadowhunter. Let the training begin.
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frenchhoethefirst · 3 years
Another day, another Carstairs making a ridiculous grandiose shocking confession in the sanctuary to save the love of their life
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frenchhoethefirst · 3 years
Ok but going back to the Gracetopher scene. It broke my heart because Christopher knows that no one really understands him, even though they try. But Grace was just genuinely interested in what he had to say and I love them. Christopher deserves someone who is interested in his passion. And even though I used to hate her, I now think that Grace deserves someone like Christopher. I know he’s kind of out there sometimes, but I think he’d be a really devoted partner, kind of like Henry. He would truly love her. I really just want more Gracetopher in my life.
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frenchhoethefirst · 3 years
If there is one thing I have learned form Chain of Iron so far, it’s that James is without doubt the horniest Herondale in history. 
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frenchhoethefirst · 3 years
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Carstairs family 😊😊😊
Characters belong to @cassandraclare
Tap for better quality.
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frenchhoethefirst · 3 years
i remember reading tda for the first time and thinkin g"Huh,that julain fellow sure is into that lady named emma,i wonder what that's like"then i i watched a video of emma heesters,and it was like "I get it"
Okay but like ?!?!?!?!!??
Emma Cordelia Carstairs is a fucking goddess.
She is one of the best fighters in the tsc universe and that’s purely because of her training and hard work.
She is absolutely stunning and she is blonde (that last bit is personal for me)
She will slap the fuck out of you or lead you to ant hill if you disrespect her best friend.
What more can you want from a woman????
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frenchhoethefirst · 3 years
Today in some countries is Fathers Day, would you please rank who are in your opinion the best dads from tsc?
Lmao this is simple enough cause the bar is extremely low for fathers in tsc.
The following is a list of great dads who are my favorites. It doesn’t mean any of them are bad dads or less than others of course 😌
1. Magnus (don’t @ me he has been looking after bebes for centuries)
2. Alec ( I’m biased what are you gonna do about it 😎)
3. Gabriel (top tier parenting your fav could never)
4. Julian ( I said what I said)
5. Luke (he is so advanced cause he was a dad even before he was a dad?!?!?)
6. Jem (just a soft papa going on walks with his silly melon)
7. Will (he is amazing and makes sure his kids are cultured and would definitely be no 1 on the most embarrassing dads lmao)
8. Gideon (remember when he put up with Tatiana’s bullshit simply because he wanted to help bebe Thomas?? I wish we could see more of him 😭)
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frenchhoethefirst · 3 years
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frenchhoethefirst · 3 years
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the boy and the girl 🏹🌟 (aka malina supremacy)
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frenchhoethefirst · 3 years
TSC characters youre not allowed to hate because they are precious and deserve the world
1) everyone is entitled to their own opinion and whether you like a character or not is your own business. you should never feel like you have to like a character, even the most popular ones.
2) Christopher Lightwood
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