13 bonnes raisons de devenir maman
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13 bonnes raisons de devenir maman
Parce que personne ne t’aimera autant que ton enfant
L’amour qu’un enfant porte à sa mère est inconditionnel. C’est la personne qui sera VRAIMENT toujours là pour toi et qui t’aimera envers et contre tout. Oui même plus qu’une soirée avec Ashton Kutcher ou qu’un pass pour shopper gratuitement aux Galeries Lafayette.
Je veux ma maman
La poussette va changer ta vie
Le bon plan n°1 quand on devient maman ? La pousette, of course ! Plus pratique qu’un sac à main, plus grand qu’un sac à dos et avec des roues. C’est la meilleure invention pour les femmes, pense à tout ce que tu vas pouvoir trimbaler dans ta poussette le jour où tu devras emmener bébé faire une balade au parc, c’est merveilleux !
Une bonne excuse pour regarder des dessins animés
Tu vas enfin pouvoir prendre un abonnement à Canal J et Disney Channel ni vu ni connu. Les marathons Totally Spies – Franklin – Mickey Mouse n’attendent que toi !
Parce que ça vaut le coup
Tu bénéficies d’une réduc dans le train, tu déclares une part de plus aux impôts et t’es prioritaire presque partout : supermarché, resto, aéroport… Rien que ça, ça devrait te convaincre.
Pour arriver en retard au boulot
Entre l’enfant malade, la maîtresse à la bourre, le bébé qui pleure… Tu as des excuses à la pelle pour éviter l’heure de pointe sur la route et prendre ton café tranquillement au lieu de te speeder parce que tu as 7 minutes de retard au bureau. Magique.
Les fringues de bébé
Tu as déjà fait un tour au rayon bébé chez Zara ? Parce nous, on y a jeté un oeil et depuis on ne rêve que d’une chose : avoir un bébé pour dévaliser les boutiques. Tellement mignon. Et imagine, un sweat accordé entre ton enfant et toi ? Trop classe !
Parce que ton enfant te trouvera toujours belle
Même sans maquillage, même après une nuit blanche. Ton enfant te dira “tu es belle maman” dès que vos regards se croiseront, et ça fait du bien au moral.
Pour avoir la place dans le bus
On a pas besoin de détailler, si ? La grossesse a ses avantages…
Pour éviter une soirée pourrie
“Je suis vraiment désolée, mais je dois emmener ma fille à la danse, mon fils au karaté, leur faire des pâtes-nuggets, leur donner le bain, lire une histoire… Bref, je peux pas venir.”
Je suis désolée, je ne peux pas
Pour dire à ton enfant de mettre la table
Quand tu as la flemme, ça peut toujours servir.
Les virées avec les enfants
Disney, Aquaboulevard, Parc Astérix, bowling, zoo, accrobranche… On continue ?
Tu sais que quelqu’un s’occupera de toi quand tu seras vieille
S’il faut te rendre visite, tes enfants seront là. S’il faut t’habiller, tes enfants seront là. S’il faut faire tes courses, tes enfants seront là. S’il faut t’emmener chez le docteur, tes enfants seront là. Bref, tu as compris, ils seront toujours là pour toi, comme tu le seras pour eux toute ta vie. C’est ça la famille.
La Fête des Mères
Bingo, des cadeaux ! Bon, et de l’amour aussi. D’ailleurs le film “Joyeuse Fête des Mères” (sortie le 25 mai 2016) nous prouve que la Fête des Mères, c’est bien plus qu’une simple journée…
A lire aussi :> 20 petits bonheurs de maman> Jeunes parents : ces 10 moments qui filent des sueurs froides auxquels vous n’échapperez pas
Read more: aufeminin.com
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The Top 10 Searches that Land People Here: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
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The Top 10 Searches that Land People Here: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
People land on To Love, Honor and Vacuum in all kinds of ways!
It may be links they saw on Twitter or Facebook. It may be posts that people emailed to them.
But the two most common ways are Pinterest and Google–with Google being the biggest one.
And because so much of my traffic comes from Google, I can learn a lot about the kinds of people who read the blog from the kinds of searches that land them  here! After all, I write a whole lot of different kinds of posts. Some are happy ones about how to make your marriage great. Some are technical ones about how to make sex great. Some are slice of life posts or things about the Christian walk. But a lot are posts about troubles that people are having in marriage, and often those drive the most traffic.
Here’s what’s cool about Google. If someone’s in a crisis in their marriage, and they type that crisis into the search bar (“I caught my husband texting another woman”), and I pop up, then when they’re looking for help for marriage, they’ll wind up here, where hopefully they’ll find some practical advice from a Christian perspective.
It’s funny, when I was younger I always wanted to be a missionary (and Keith and I still plan on going back to Kenya sometime soon!). But what’s neat is that I have thousands of people from Africa, or India, or even from the Middle East showing up here everyday for help with their marriages. It’s outreach, all on its own! (and if you ever want to be part of a prayer team for that aspect of this ministry and this blog, you can join here!).
So here’s a look at the 10 most common searches that send people here:
The Happy Searches that land people on To Love, Honor and Vacuum:
Maybe happy isn’t the right word, but these searches don’t mean that people are in crisis. They just may want to get a better marriage! So here they are, in descending order:
1. How to satisfy my husband
I’m hoping people aren’t searching this because their husbands have told them that they’re bad in bed or something, but I do have a post on how to make sex feel great for him!
10 Ways to Make Sex Feel Awesome for Your Husband:
I have a lot of posts on this blog on how to make sex feel great for HER (or for you, really!). And it makes sense, because let’s face it: usually, when you’re making love, no matter what you do he ends up satisfied in bed, while often you’re left unsatisfied. So it seems like we women need more help in that department.
But just because he’s often satisfied doesn’t mean that we can’t turn up the notch and make sex feel even better! Here’s how:
2. Hobbies/Conversation Starters for Couples
Definitely a happy one! People want to know about hobbies to do as a couple, or about my conversation starters for couples. What I’m hoping they’ll also do is sign up for my emotional connection email course, which can help bring them even closer.
3. “How to Initiate Sex”
One of my all-time most popular posts, 10 ways to initiate sex with your husband! I also have a follow-up to it: 10 ways to signal to your husband that tonight’s going to be a good night!
10 Ways to Initiate Sex with Your Husband
With 4 things NOT to do (don’t overthink it, don’t be embarrassed, and more!), and 6 things to do to help you feel less awkward, here are 10 tips that will make initiating sex a lot more natural for you–and more fun!
4. “Adventurous sex”
Now, people could be searching for this wanting some seriously X-rated stuff. But I’m hoping that it’s simply tips to help us relax and try new things! Really to adopt more sexual confidence and relax more. They get sent here:
10 Ways to Be More Adventurous in Bed
Want to get more adventurous in bed? Are you shy to suggest anything new? Here are 10 ways to be more adventurous!
(And try this if you feel like your husband WON’T get adventurous.)
5. “How to Flirt with Husband”
This was a HUGE post on Pinterest a few years back, and it was my top traffic generator for a few years. 16 ways to flirt with your husband (and if you sign up for the newsletter, I’ve got a downloadable freebie with 25 ways!).
The Sad Searches that land people on To Love, Honor and Vacuum:
Not all of the searches, though, are happy ones. Here are some with sad overtones:
6. Wife Doesn’t Want me/Wife rejects me all the time
A LOT of the people who end up on this site from Google are actually men. And here’s the most common search term: something about how a wife hates sex. In this case, they’re usually being sent here:
10 Reasons Why Your Wife Doesn't Want Sex
Here are all the reasons that women tell me they may say no–from feeling exhausted to not feeling emotionally connected to sex just plain not feeling very good.
Guys can read this and see if any of them resonate–and then go to other posts that help them talk to their wives about how they’re feeling.
7. Porn Addiction Side Effects
This is actually the one I’m MOST excited about having rank in the top 10. The only problem is that it used to be a lot higher, but because the post is older now Google isn’t giving it as much juice. But my prayer is that more people land on this post when they’re looking for the effects of porn, because maybe they’ll learn that it is worth quitting! There’s so much toxic information about porn on the internet, and I’d so much rather they end up here.
The Top 10 Effects of Porn on Your Brain, You Sex Life, and Your Marriage
Porn is not harmless!
And in this post I list 10 of the most common effects, including a loss of libido, an increase in erectile dysfunction (and other sexual dysfunction), a loss of intimacy, and more.
If you’re talking to teenagers about why they shouldn’t use porn, it’s more effective to show them a post like this than to just say, “God doesn’t want you to do it!”
8. “I cheated on my husband”
I’m surprised this ranks so high! Google has recently found me for this search term. We tend to think that it’s husbands who have the affairs, but I get a lot of emails from women who have cheated, too.
How to Rebuild Your Marriage–When You're the One Who Cheated
How do you recover from an affair if you’re the one who strayed?
I actually get that question a lot on the blog–and so I’ve got 8 things to remember in this post. Here’s just one:
Allow Room for Anger
You may think that several months have gone by, and things are progressing, so he shouldn’t be angry anymore. But it’s often just as you are starting to talk that his anger starts really surfacing. Now he may have a lot of questions–what did you do with that guy? Tell me in detail! What were you thinking when you spent all that money? etc. etc.
When he starts demanding answers, don’t say, “I’ve said I’m sorry! What else can I say? You seem to want to punish me indefinitely!” That may be natural, but he does need time to get his questions out. I’d advise answering them as honestly and succinctly (you don’t need to go into a lot of detail) as you can.
Also, avoid the impulse to defend yourself. “I wouldn’t have had the affair if you had shown some interest in me!” Or “If you hadn’t spent so much time on video games maybe I wouldn’t have felt so lonely!” Those are real issues, and do need to be dealt with. But leave them for another time, or bring them up with a counselor. For now, let him express his anger. Once you have talked about his issues, you can say, “I don’t ever want to be tempted in this way again. Can we talk about how to build our relationship so that neither of us ever strays?” Then you can mention some of your issues–video games, for instance. But leave this until after he has had a chance to deal with his anger.
Read the rest of it here.
9. “Sex boring”
Sex shouldn’t be boring! And if it is, here’s a pep talk I gave about that:
Sex is SO Boring!
You know, it really shouldn’t be.
And so if it is–it’s up to you to figure it out! That may take some work. But life shouldn’t be something that happens to you. It should be something that you intentionally live out!
I lay out the reasons that sex gets boring in this post, and then show the mindsets that need to change to figure out how to make sex an exciting part of your relationship again.
10. “Husband prefers hand over me”
When I asked Connor to find the top 10 searches on this blog for me, I was not expecting to see this one! But apparently a lot of people end up here with that problem! Wow. I’m going to have to write more about that (and boy is that sad). But when they type that in, they get sent to this post on red flags in marriage:
Top 10 Sex and Marriage Red Flags You Shouldn't Ignore
Sometimes I get sent horrible emails from women who are in awful marriage situations–but they don’t seem to know how bad it is.
We simply don’t talk about sex very much with our friends, and least not in detail, and so we don’t always realize when our experience actually is strange.
So I thought it was worth being very clear about 10 things that AREN’T normal, and that should cause you concern. (and, yes, your husband preferring masturbation over sex is one of them!)
So now you’ll have a feel of how people find me. And you’ll see why I consider Google a mission field! From Pinterest I tend to get people looking for more generic, happy posts on marriage, so that’s good. But a lot of people who land on the site really are in crisis, which is likely why I get so many sad reader emails.
I’d love to know in the comments: How did you find me? What were you looking for? Let me know!
And I’ll be giving away a copy of my 24 Sexy Dares to someone who comments before Saturday! So leave a comment!
Author Social Media Sheila’s Best Posts Books Courses Freebie
Sheila Wray Gregoire has been married for 27 years and happily married for 22! She loves traveling around North America with her hubby in their RV, giving her signature “Girl Talk” about sex and marriage. And she’s written 8 books. About sex and marriage. See a theme here? Plus she knits. Even in line at the grocery store.
Find Sheila Here:
Facebook Twitter Instagram YouTube Pinterest
Sheila’s Favorite Posts on To Love, Honor and Vacuum:
10 ways to initiate sex 10 Effects of Porn on Your Brain, Marriage, & Sex Life Why So Much Marriage Advice is So Trite How can Sex be Hot and Holy at the Same Time?
Check out some of Sheila’s Books:
The Good Girl’s Guide to Great Sex 31 Days to Great Sex 9 Thoughts That Can Change Your Marriage To Love, Honor, and Vacuum
Check out Sheila’s Courses:
The Boost Your Libido Course The Whole Story: Talking to Your Daughter about Sex, Puberty, and Growing Up The FREE Emotional Intimacy E-Course
Are you ready to take your marriage to the next level?Sign up for our emails and get access to the TLHV free marriage and parenting resource library. We have over 25 downloads and are constantly adding more. Sign up here!
Does Your Sex Life Need a Pick-Me-Up? Maybe it’s gotten stale. Maybe it’s never felt that great. Or maybe you just feel like you’re missing something!
Read more: tolovehonorandvacuum.com
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Feminize Your Canon: Mariama Bâ
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Feminize Your Canon: Mariama Bâ
Our monthly column Feminize Your Canon explores the lives of underrated and underread female authors.
As a Muslim schoolgirl in Senegal in the forties, Mariama Ba had to choose her life’s direction at the age of fourteen. When girls graduated from primary education in the French colonial system, the main options were enrollment in either typing or midwifery courses. Only the most academic students at Ba’s school progressed to the Ecole normale des jeunes filles de Rufisque: an upper-class teacher training college just outside Dakar, whose intake included the surrounding Francophone territories. Ba had decided to become a secretary, but her dynamic headmistress, ambitious on her behalf, wouldn’t hear of it. “You are intelligent, ” she told her pupil. “You have gifts.” So Ba took the entrance exam for the Ecole normale and received the highest mark in French West Africa.
The headmistress’s discernment of exceptional talent was again strikingly vindicated when Ba, on publishing her debut novel at age fifty, became one of the first black African girls to achieve international renown as an author. So long a Letter, an incandescent criticism of Islamic polygyny from the point of view of a middle-aged Senegalese widow, won the first Noma Award for Publishing in Africa and was translated into many languages. Ba, who had been a women’s rights activist since the sixties, was suddenly hailed as the pioneering feminist voice of a continent. Sadly, she had little time to enjoy her success. Less than a year after accepting the Noma prize and devoting a speech at the 1980 Frankfurt Book Fair, Ba died of cancer. According to those who knew her, she didn’t rail against her fate. She accepted premature death as the price of her startling literary glory.
Posthumously, the plaudits continued to come in for So Long a Letter. A Guardian its consideration of the 1982 Virago edition, translated by Modupe Bode-Thomas, described Ba as “in a class of her own, convey with real power and verse a subtle, altering world of female experience which humen do not insure and cannot write about.” The London Review of Books proclaimed: “One could not wish for a more politically alert and more passionately involved account of what life is like for trained Muslim women.” There was censure, too. The Nigerian poet and scholar Femi Ojo-Ade accused Ba( along with her fellow Senegalese author Nafissatou Diallo and the Nigerian-British novelist Buchi Emecheta) of espousing a credo of “social and psychological alienation” and “cultural bastardization.” Feminism, he berated, is intrinsically “an occidental phenomenon.” As Ba said in her Frankfurt speech: “In all cultures the woman who builds demands or protests is devalued.”
Growing up in a conservative, affluent community in Dakar, Ba was conscious of women’s rights from an early age. After her mother died, Ba was raised by maternal relatives in an extended family network that included her grandmother’s three co-wives. Religious rituals were closely observed: there was a mosque in the courtyard of the family’s compound, and during school holidays Ba studied the Koran under the supervision of an imam. Countervailing the traditional tenor of Ba’s home life, however, was the influence of her progressive and liberal father, a civil servant who became the deputy mayor of Dakar and the first Senegalese health minister. Amadou Ba made sure to foster his precocious daughter’s intellect by bringing her volumes, conversing with her in scrupulously grammatical French instead of Wolof, the local speech, and ensuring–against the wishes of her grandparents and uncle–that she remain in school after age fourteen. Ba’s grandmother, meanwhile, prepared her for the conventional role of a Senegalese Muslim wife, as Ba explained in a magazine interview :P TAGEND
I had to know how to cook, do dishes, pound millet, stimulate flour into couscous. I had to know how to clean clothes, iron ceremonial boubous[ the colorful wide-sleeved robe worn by both sexualities in Western africa ], and when the right time came, with or without my permission, fall into another family–that of a husband.
Ba went on to have three husbands, all selected( and relinquished) of her own will, and nine infants. Her third and longest wedding was to Obeye Diop, a left-wing journalist turned politician who held the post of Senegalese minister of information. They had five children but eventually divorced. Looking back on their twenty-five-year relationship, Diop said, “The meeting of two resisting temperaments, two decides of roiling opinions, two voracious intellectual appetites, two different philosophies, is not easy to manage.” And both had demanding careers. After twelve years as a teacher, Ba was appointed to the Regional Inspectorate of Education of Senegal; she also held positions in several women’s empowerment associations, including Soroptimist International. Around the time her marriage ended, she was encouraged by friends to write a novel. Annette Mbaye D’Erneville, the journalist and children’s author, told Nouvelles Editions Africaines to expect a manuscript from Ba, even though nothing had been written yet. The ploy ran: as soon as Ba imagined the men at the publishing house mocking her for not following through, she began So Long a Letter.
Set in post-1 960 independent Senegal, So Long a Letter is an elegiac, intimate series of confidences and reminiscences from Ramatoulaye, a widowed teacher and mother, to Aissatou, a childhood friend now living in the U.S. From the first page, with its nostalgic sketch of the women’s shared history, it is plain that a literary virtuoso is at work. Ramatoulaye tells Aissatou :P TAGEND
I conjure you up. The past is reborn, along with its procession of emotions. I close my eyes. Ebb and tide of feeling: hot and dazzlement, the woodfires, the sharp green mango, bitten into in turns, a delicacy in our greedy mouths. I close my eyes. Ebb and tide of images: drops of perspiration beading your mother’s ochre-colored face as she emerges from the kitchen; the procession of young wet girls chattering on their route back from the springs.
Following her husband’s fatal heart attack, Ramatoulaye has begun her enforced period of mourning and seclusion. Over multiple days she receives an endless stream of visitors–friends, household, and strangers–paying their esteems. Yet though she profoundly loved her husband, Modou Fall, there is nothing straightforward about her heartache, or about the ceremonies surrounding her. Modou, after twenty-five years of happy marriage and twelve children, took a second wife: his teenage daughter’s friend and analyze partner. Then, instead of dividing his time and financial resources between his spouses as per Koranic law, he abandoned Ramatoulaye and their children entirely, draining a joint bank account as he did so. Five years later, he is dead, and she is obliged to follow all the rituals of new widowhood with her co-wife in her house and by her side. Among various torments Ramatoulaye suffers through gritted teeth, Modou’s sisters “give equal consideration to thirty years and 5 years of married life. With the same ease and the same terms, they celebrate twelve maternities and three.”
Taking refuge in the past, Ramatoulaye also relives the dramatic events of Aissatou’s life. As a young lady, she married Modou’s friend Mawdo. But Mawdo’s aristocratic mom, Aunty Nabou, disapproved: Aissatou, who belonged to a lower ethnic caste and whose father was a goldsmith, wasn’t good enough for her son. Eventually, Aunty Nabou penalized her unacceptable daughter-in-law by offering Mawdo in marriage to his young cousin. He consented, he said, lest his mother “die of disgrace and chagrin, ” and he promised Aissatou he wouldn’t live with his new bride. But Aissatou refused to participate in polygamy. “I am stripping myself of your love, your name, ” she wrote to him. “Clothed in my dignity, the only worthy garment, I go my way.” While raising her small children, she trained as an interpreter and went to work at the Senegalese embassy in New York. “How much greater you proved to be, ” Ramatoulaye marvels, “than those who sapped your happiness! ” In trying a different kind of dignity for herself when she was betrayed, Ramatoulaye called on all her reserves of emotional endurance :P TAGEND
To overcome distress when it sits upon you demands strong will. When one thinks that with each passing second one’s life is shortened, one must profit intensely from this second; it is the sum of all the lost or harvested seconds that builds for a wasted or a successful life. Brace oneself to check despair and get it into proportion! A nervous breakdown waits around the corner for anyone who lets himself wallow in bitterness. Little by little, it takes over your whole being.
So Long a Letter has often been read as autobiographical. Ba called it “first a cry from the very heart of the Senegalese girls … But it is also a cry which can symbolize the cry of women everywhere.” Her heroine, she claimed, had a “greatness of soul” that she herself absence. Whereas Ba choice divorce and independence over culture faithfulnes, like Aissatou( who also shares her surname ), Ramatoulaye stoically contains her heartache and outrage while behaving–mostly–impeccably in the eyes of society.
After her official forty days of mourning, Ramatoulaye receives many offers of wedding in quick succession. First in line is Tamsir, Modou’s thrice-married brother. “I shall marry you, ” her announces with a farcical display of magnanimity. “I prefer you to the other one, too frivolous, too young.” Ramatoulaye doesn’t care that the brother-in-law “inherits” her by tradition: she’s incensed by the idea that she’d agree to be Tamsir’s fourth wife, especially as she knows he’s just after her inheritance. Eloquent in her fury, she reminds him that he cannot even financially support his existing spouses. “I am not an object to be passed from hand to hand … I shall never be the one to complete your collecting, ” she blazes. The reader, whose emotional investment in Ramatoulaye’s plight Ba has effortlessly engaged, wants to cheer out loud.
It was Ba’s view that polygamy is never good for women, who are forced into it “by humen, by society, by tradition.” But she saw the underlying issue as universal–in her opinion, polygamy merely legalized and legitimized men’s inevitable behaviour. She once remarked on insure two houses in France with a link internal door, purpose-built to enable a man to go between his wife and his lover without stepping outside. “All humen are basically polygamous, ” she said. “This is a general man/ woman problem … frankly I do not think that humen is also available sexually faithful.” Polygamy also features in the plot of Ba’s second novel, Scarlet Song, published posthumously in 1981 and in an English translation by Dorothy S. Blair in 1986. A misfortune of doomed love between a black Senegalese Muslim man and a white French Christian girl, it is also a lamentation on patriarchally sanctioned male egocentrism and on the near impossibility of transcending one’s culture and upbringing.
When Ousmane, a young doctrine graduate from a humble background, marries Mireille, a wealthy diplomat’s daughter, the report is stacked against them. But with their intelligence, idealism, and mutual devotion–and the birth of a son–they expect their relationship to survive conflicting worldviews and the widespread disapproval they incur. Ousmane, who romantically compares himself to the hero of a Corneille drama, reflects: “To choose a spouse outside the community was an act of treason, and he had been taught,’ God punishes traitors.’ ” Yet in Ba’s scathing portrayal of a stubbornly sexist society, it is Mireille who suffers the worst punishment in the wake of her marriage collapsing. More structurally conventional and melodramatic than So Long a Letter, Scarlet Song is nevertheless a gripping and fascinating portrait of the complex, evolving social mores of post-independence Senegal.
Since Scarlet Song’s publication, Ba’s work has gradually faded from international prominence. In the anglophone world, her deserved reputation as a grande dame of African literature doesn’t extend far beyond the occasional postcolonial literature college course. Not that she’d necessarily have cared too much: her priority was to blaze a trail for African females writers, and that she did splendidly. Ba’s other primary goal was for girls to benefit from the kind of education she’d enjoyed. While she repudiated the French assimilationist project in Western africa, she valued the colonial school system for its narrowing of the opportunity gap between the sexes. “We were true sisters, ” recalls Ramatoulaye of her class at teacher training college, “destined for the same mission of emancipation.” Ba’s name still graces one of the most prestigious public schools in Senegal: La Maison d’Education Mariama Ba, on the small carless island of Goree, where around two hundred daughters are ready for the baccalaureate.
Above all, Ba believed in books as the key to women’s liberation. “The power of volumes, ” muses Ramatoulaye, “this marvelous invention of astute human intelligence … Sole instrument of interrelationships and of culture, unparalleled means of giving and receiving. Books knit generations together in the same continuing effort that leads to progress.” Or, as Ba said to an interviewer the year before she died: “Books are a weapon, a peaceful weapon perhaps, but they are a weapon.”
Read earlier installments of Feminize Your Canon here.
Emma Garman has written about volumes and culture for Lapham’s Quarterly Roundtable, Longreads, Newsweek, The Daily Beast, Salon, The Awl, Words without Borders, and other publications.
Read more: theparisreview.org
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À quoi je joue, avec mon bébé de 4 mois ?
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À quoi je joue, avec mon bébé de 4 mois ?
Au depart c’est plutot facile: un bebe ca dort. ca mange. ca dort. ca mange. ca ouvre eventuellement un oeil et pouf ca dort encore. et ca re-mange. et entre tout ca on peut caler quelques crisis de larmes a cause du systeme digestif qui se meet en route ou d’une rasade de lait qui traine un peu trop…
Et puis viennent les moments d’eveil. Et la … Mais comment on joue avec un tout petit bebe?
Pour repondre a cette question j’avais donc envie de partager avec vous les jouets/ activites favorites de mon petit bout de lard!
– Cube d’eveil/ Mes Bouilles a Bisous –
J’avais achete ce truc avant sa naissance, me disant qu’il ne s’y interesserait pas avant un bon moment … Loupe! Ce drole de truc fait partie de ses jouets favoris! Ici on a tout le necessaire pour eveiller et occupe un petit chat: plein de textures, des contrastes et des couleurs fortes, des machins qui pendouillent, des trucs a mettre dans sa bouche, un petit grelot qui fait glong glong quand on secoue le machin … Il ADORE ce truc! Et pompon sur la garonne, c’est fabrique a la main par une maman dont la boutique regorge de jolis creations!
– Livre Blanc sur Noir >”> de Tana Hoban/ Livre en tissu Wee Gallery ~ ATAGEND –
Officiellement le livre ou l’auteur s’est le moins casse le cul au monde mais qu’est-ce que ca fascine mon fils! Le principe est simple: des formes pleins imprimees en blanc sur un fond noir. Contraste maximum pour un attrait optimum. A noter que, histoire de pas se fouler-bis, il existe aussi en version ” >.
Dans la meme veine que > il adore ce livre en tissu Wee Gallery! Les dessins sont trop mignons( bon ok, lui il s’en cogne mais moi ca me fait plaisir ), encore une fois c’est bien contraste et ca, ca plait aux bebes, et les oreilles du chat font scrounch.
On le pose devant lui quand il est sur le ventre et c’est parti pour, pfiooou…bien 4 minutes d’absorption totale!
– Hochet Lion Maileg/ Hochet elephant Konges Slojd –
Autre passion depuis quelques semaines: decouvrir que ces trucs bizarres au bout de ses bras sont capables d’attraper des choses. Du coup les petits hochets ont la cote! Le petit lion Maileg etait son favori quand il etait tout petit petit( je le secouais devant ses yeux en lui chantant une chanson pourri et en lui caressant le face avec la criniere du lion) mais l’elephant n’est pas en reste! D’autant qu’il a les oreilles qui typeface scrounch scrounch alors je vous laisse imaginer…!
Ces deux la sont aussi mes favoris parce que ce sont vraiment des petits hochets hyper bien adaptes aux petites mains et avec lesquels il est quasi impossible qu’il se blesse( aka les trucs en bois c’est cool, mais les yeux au beurre noir beaucoup moins…). Et puis ils sont si mignons!
Ca fait plusieurs semaines que mon fils adore se regarder dans les miroirs. Parfois il est tres concentre- en mode mais quelle est donc cette drole de bestiole?- parfois il se marre, parfois il regarde juste sa main bouger dans le miroir, parfois il regarde aussi maman qui le regarde la regarder dans le miroir( vous suivez ?). Celui-ci c’est moitie celui que j’utilise pour me maquiller le matin, moitie le sien, et j’en ai aussi place un a cote de sa table a langer.
Oui. Mon fils a developpe une certaine passion pour la chanson francaise un poilou ringarde. M’ecouter chanter “> se place, easy, dans le top 3 de ce qui l’eclate le plus! Donc on chante, on danse, on secoue ses bras, ses jambes, on applaudit avec ses pieds…tout y passe, sur fond de tres bon son.
Oui, encore un truc qui fait scrounch. Succes et occupation garantie pendant de longues minutes. Fonctionne aussi avec un paquet de lingettes ou de cotons.
La voix de celle qu’il a entendue pendant des mois du fond de son four c’est toujours genial pour un tout petit. A quelques semaines je lui lisais des tas d’histoires du Pere Castor( TMTC) et aujourd’hui il est toujours aussi absorbe lorsque je lui raconte un truc. Fonctionne aussi avec une histoire inventee, la liste des courses, les sous-titres de Friends, une recette de curry thai.
Ici Lardon adoooore quand on imite les sons qu’il fait! Alors certes on a vraiment l’air con mais tant pis.
* La video de Lea Jouer sans jouets >”> qui reprend des DIY hyper simples mais hyper cool pour jouer avec un bebe un peu plus grand
* Cet article d’Anne sur les jouets favoris de sa petite minette, que j’ai adore!
The post A quoi je joue, avec mon bebe de 4 mois ? seemed first on Et pourquoi pas Coline ?.
Read more: etpourquoipascoline.fr
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Modi ministers in five years – Prakash Javadekar, Ministry of Human Resources
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Modi ministers in five years – Prakash Javadekar, Ministry of Human Resources
— Read the article[ Modi pastors in five years- Prakash Javadekar, Ministry of Human Resource] on OpIndia website —
In this series on the performance of various pastors in the Modi government, let’s take a look at the Human Resource Ministry.
Prakash Javadekar also started as a member of ABVP, the student union affiliated to RSS. During the Emergency, Javadekar participated in student motions against the government. During this period, he resulted several protests and was under arrest for several months.
From 1984 -1 990, he first served as secretary, and then the general secretary in the Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha, the youth wing of BJP. In 1989, he was appointed state secretary and campaign chief of the Bharatiya Janata Party in Maharashtra, a position he held till 1995. Javadekar was elected to the Maharashtra Legislative Council between 1990 and 2002. He also was the executive president of the state planning board and then chairman of the task force on IT in the Government of Maharashtra.
In 2008, he was elected to the Rajya Sabha as a Member of Parliament from Maharashtra. He was re-elected from Madhya Pradesh in 2014. After 2014 elections, he was first appointed as Minister of State( Independent Charge) for Environment, Forests and Climate Change. Later in 2016, he was elevated as Cabinet Minister and dedicated charge of HRD Ministry. Some of the achievements mentioned of MHRD are prior to Javadekar taking charge, during Smriti Irani’s tenure, however for purposes of compilation they are mentioned in Javadekar’s profile.
Swachch Vidayalaya under Swachch Bharat- Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his first speech as PM from Red Fort said, “all schools in India need to have separate toilets for girls, so that girls aren’t forced to leave school midway, and this should happen within next one year, and by next Independence Day we should be able to announce, that no school in India is without separate lavatories for girls”. Prime Minister Modi is known to set ambitious target for himself, as well as his colleagues, and also known to achieve them. When he announced this target, MHRD rolled out ambitious Swachch Vidyalaya Scheme, with an aim to construct lavatories in the schools, largely government, which either lacked toilets entirely, or lacked separate toilets for girls. When the strategy was started, it was seen that around 2.63 lakh government schools didn’t have adequate toilet facilities, and over 4.1 lakh lavatories needs to be constructed to achieve 100% sanitation in schools. MHRD started work on war footing, and attained the target in one year, as per target set by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Further MHRD launched Swachch Vidyalaya Puraskar to recognize, inspire, and celebrate excellence in sanitation and hygiene practice in schools. The awards have been started to honour schools that have undertaken significant steps towards fulfilling the mandate of the Swachh Vidyalaya Campaign. Dashboard of toilet status in schools can be seen here.
UDAAN- Udaan scheme was launched in November 2014, CBSE to address the low enrolment of girl students in prestigious engineering institutions and the teaching gap between school education and engineering entryway examinations. This project supports about 1000 selected meritorious girls from the economically weaker section, to prepare for the engineering examination. Objectives of Udaan and detailed information about the strategy can be seen here.
National Academic Depository( NAD)- NAD was launched in September 2016, to develop a digital depository for school learning certificates, degrees and other academic awardings of higher education institutions, on the pattern of a securities depository in line with the vision of Digital India. NAD is an initiative to provide an online 24 X7 store-house of all academic awards, to help in safe storage, easy retrieval and validating the authenticity of academic awardings. As on latest data, around 3.36 crore academic awards have been stored into NAD. More than 1,000 academic institutions including School Boards have on-boarded NAD and more than 5 lakh students have already registered on NAD.
New IITs- As per the BJP’s manifesto to have an IIT, IIM and AIIMS in every state, 6 New IITs at Jammu, Bhilai, Goa, Dharwad, Tirupati and Palakkad have been established and ISM Dhanbad was converted into an IIT.
New IIMs- In 2014 -1 5, six new IIMs were announced for the states of Punjab, Bihar, Maharashtra, Odisha, Himachal Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh. Accordingly, IIMs were started functioning from 2015- 16 session from temporary campuses at Amritsar, Bodh Gaya, Nagpur, Sambalpur, Sirmaur and Vishakhapatnam. In the next budget, an IIM was approved for Jammu and Kashmir and it has also started functioning in Jammu.
Global Initiative of Academic Networks( GIAN) in Higher Education was launched in November, 2015. This program seeks to invite recognise academicians, entrepreneurs, scientists, experts from premier organizations from across the world, to teach in the higher educational institutions in India. More information on GIAN can be found here.
SWAYAM( Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds)- The Ministry of HRD has embarked on a major and new initiative called’ Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds'( SWAYAM ), which will provide one integrated platform and portal for online courses, using information and communication technology( ICT) and covering all higher education topics and skill sector courses. Till date, more than 28 Lakhs learners have been enrolled in 1000+ MOOCs courses that have been run through SWAYAM. More information about SWAYAM can be found here.
National Digital Library( NDL)- MHRD, under its National Mission on Education, through Information and Communication Technology, initiated the National Digital Library of India( NDL India) project, to develop a framework of virtual repository of learning resources, with a single-window search facility. In this digital library, more than 1.5 Crore e-books and documents are available. Over 30 lakh students are already taking benefit of this. NDL can be accessed here.
National Rankings for Higher Education Institutions- National Institutional Ranking Framework( NIRF) launched in 2015 to help Indian Educational Institutions to participate in the world rankings with greater confidence. More information about NIRF can be seen here.
Smart India Hackathon- A unique IT Initiative under which students are encouraged to apply knowledge to real life situations, and to find innovative solutions to the day to day problems. Details about Smart India can be found here.
IMPRINT- IMPRINT was launched in November, 2015 to channelize the research in premier institutions into areas, that can have the largest social and economic good for the country. Under this initiative, research projects under 10 selected domains are jointly funded by MHRD, and other participate Ministries/ Departments. These domains are Healthcare, Energy, Sustainable Habitat, Nano Technology Hardware, Water Resource and River Systems, Advanced Materials, Information and Communication Technology, Manufacturing, Security and Defence, and Environmental science and Climate Change. 142 research projects with an outlay of Rs. 323.16 crore for 3 years with joint fund from MHRD, and participating Ministry in the ratio of 50:50 have been approved and currently under execution. More details about IMPRINT can be found here.
Uchhatar Avishkar Yojana( UAY)- UAY was launched in October 2015, with an annual investment of Rs 250 crore, to promote innovation of a higher order as per the needs of the industry, and thereby improving the competitive edge of Indian manufacturing. The project envisages cooperation between the academia and industry- within or outside India. 87 projects at a cost of Rs. 265 crore with joint fund from MHRD, participating Ministries, and industry in the ratio of 50:25: 25 have been approved, and currently under execution. Under UAY Phase-II, 65 projects with a total cost of Rs. 139 crore for a period of 3 years has been approved. In an interview HRD minister Prakash Javadekar spoke about it.
National Testing Agency( NTA)- NTA has been created as an autonomous, and self-sustained premier testing organization, to conduct all entrance tests for higher education institutions in the country, to reduce the workload of CBSE and other organizations. In 2019, NTA would be conducting entrance exams like NET, NEET and JEE for the first time.
NEET- National Entrance Eligibility Test( NEET) is being implemented in the country for admissions to medical colleges, and all admissions to medical colleges are done on the scores of NEET, saving students, hassles of registering, travelling and appearing for multiple entrance exams of different universities, saving hour, money and endeavors. It is also proposed to have a similar single entrance quiz for engineering courses as well. Earlier NEET was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 2013. Centre and Medical Council of India approached Supreme Court once again, to review the original judgment, and in April 2016, SC overruled its previous decision, and ordered that the admissions to the medical colleges would be done only on the basis of NEET exams.
More autonomy to IIMs- Modi government passed the IIM bill in 2017, to give more autonomy to premier Indian Institutes of Management, which are located all over India. This autonomy wholly removes government control over IIMs, and their functioning would be controlled by their respective boards. This bill also devotes power to IIMs to award postgraduate degrees instead of postgraduate diplomas as they do currently.
Institutes of Eminence- Institute of Eminence( IoE) scheme was first announced in budget 2016. Later Prime Minister Narendra Modi while speaking at centenary celebrations of the University of Patna said,’ no Indian institution is ranked in top 500 institutes of the world. “Isn’t it a slur on us? Shouldn’t the situation change in a country that has had an unmatched legacy in the field of education, with institutions like Nalanda, Vikramshila and many more? Modi had said. This scheme is follow up of budget announcement, as well as Prime Ministers announcement and is aimed at developing world-class organizations which would put India on the global education map. 20 Institutions( 10 public and 10 private) will be offered greater autonomy, and liberty to decide fees, course durations and structures. The 10 selected public organizations would also receive a grant of Rs 1000 crore over 5 years, while the 10 private organizations would not receive any financial assistance.
Under this strategy, it is expected that the selected institutions will come up in the top 500 of the world ranking in 10 years, and in top 100 of the world ranking eventually over hour. To achieve the top world ranking, these Institutions shall be provided with greater autonomy to admit foreign students up to 30% of admitted students; to recruit foreign faculty upto 25% of faculty strength; to offer online courses upto 20% of its programs; to enter into academic collaboration with top 500 in the world ranking Institution without permission of UGC; free to fix and charge fees from foreign students without restriction; flexibility of course structure in terms of number of credit hours and years to take a degree; complete flexibility in fixing of curriculum and syllabus.
Till now the government has awarded IoE tags to total 6( 3 public and 3 private) organizations. Public institutes include Indian Institute of Science( IISc ), Bangalore, IIT Delhi and IIT Mumbai while private institutions include Jio Institute( Greenfield Category ), BITS, Pilani and Manipal University.
More autonomy to universities and institutions- Prime Minister Modi had pitched for reducing government( UGC) role in universities and awarding them more academic freedom and autonomy in as early as January 2015, 8 months in his tenure as “Ministers ” while inaugurating 102 nd Indian Science Congress at Mumbai. Accordingly MHRD has started granting more autonomy to universities and organizations. Experts have welcomed this move. As of now 60 universities and organizations have been granted autonomy.
UGC to be replaced by the Higher Education Commission of India( HECI)- Modi government has proposed to replace the age-old Universities Grant Commission( UGC) with HECI to keep up with the time. Accordingly, the government has placed a draft of the bill in the public domain and invited stakeholders’ comments on it. This bill would be brought in parliament, and when parliament clears it, UGC will be replaced by HECI. How different HECI would be in functioning from UGC can be read here and here. One of the piquant features of HECI is it would be fully digital without any physical file movement. Existing UGC staff would be absorbed in HECI and would be trained for functioning in digital mode.
National Education Policy( NEP)- Modi government decided to “ve brought” new National Education Policy( NEP) which was last formulated in 1986, and updated in 1992. A panel of experts was formed with senior scientist K Kasturiranjan appointed as chairman to prepare a new NEP. This panel has now submitted draft NEP to the government. Government has said that it would soon induce draft policy public and invite comments on it.
Vedic Education Board- HRD ministry has decided to set up a new Vedic Education Board, by the name of Bhartiya Shiksha Board( BSB ). BSB will standardize Vedic Education across the country, and will have the power of drafting syllabus, conducting quizs, issuing certificates, like any other board. This is big move in the direction of recognizing ancient Indian texts like Vedas and other scriptures, which was always held in contempt by the previous Congress governments.
Atal Tinkering Labs- Atal Tinkering Labs( ATL) are dedicated works spaces where students from class 6th to class 12 th, learn innovation skills and develop notions that will go on to transform India. The laboratories are powered to familiarize students with state-of-the-art equipment such as 3D printers, robotics& electronics growth tools, sensors etc. The lab activities are designed to spur the spark of imagination, and go beyond regular curriculum, and textbook learning. The labs will be allowed students explore skills of future such as design, and computational thinking, adaptive learning and artificial intelligence. ATLs will be hubs of invention, where young minds will accelerate their ideas to solve unique local problems. ATLs are part of Atal Innovation Mission. “Theyre for” the first time that any government is talking about innovation and adaption of new technologies for school children. As of now 5,441 schools have established ATLs. ATLs functions under Atal Innovation Mission which has been started by NITI Aayog.
First University in Ladakh- Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently announced that the government will establish the first university in the Ladakh region of Jammu and Kashmir. Despite being the most important point geographical region in the state of Jammu and Kashmir, owing to appeasement based politics of valley based political parties, Ladakh was always ignored on many developmental issues. Not having a single university, in such big region, constructed Ladakhis dependent on valley even more. Now Narendra Modi government has started correcting these anomalies.
The author is journalism pass out from Indian Institute of Mass Communication, New Delhi. After dangerously flirting with the idea of left during his IIMC days, due to the proximity of the IIMC with JNU, a den of revolutionary leftists, he became firmly aligned to right after realise the futility of the left. He tweets at @kpophale.
Read more: opindia.com
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How To Create Digital Products For Fast Profits
New Post has been published on https://ecoursesfree.com/awesome/how-to-create-digital-products-for-fast-profits/
How To Create Digital Products For Fast Profits
Creating digital products that sell is a lot easier than you think. If you are able to write a blog post, you are qualified to create your own product, simply because writing an e-book are like writing a series of articles.
There are only two difficult aspects, but I will stroll you through these in this blog post :P TAGEND
What tools to use for creating a product without technical knowledge. How to pick a platform to sell your product so that it doesn’t cost an arm and a leg.
Creating Digital Product That Sell While You Sleep
You already know that creating information based products is the best style to make money on the internet- simply because you can keep your costs low. There are no procurement and shipping charges, and you can charge as much or as little as you want to. Thousands of professionals earn their living by selling digital products on their blogs or different digital marketplaces.
But please don’t fall for the “make money while you sleep” slogan. It’s true that once set up, your blog will attain marketings without the need to be there personally, however, you will always have to put in the time for marketing, handle customer queries, etc. There is no easy buck on the internet, otherwise, everyone would already be taking advantage of it.
The Best Selling Digital Products
Now that you decided that you want to get into the digital product business, you may be asking, “But what types of digital products should I make? ”
E-books are one of the most popular digital products. They are relatively simple to produce since they just require some written text and a few images. E-books are simple to distribute via large marketplaces like Amazon or in your own online stores. Clients can easily read them on e-readers, tablets, computers, and even their mobile phones.
Documents most often come in the form of handbooks/ guides or templates( like resumes, sample legal contracts ). There are documents like a privacy policy or home renting contract templates, documents with fluctuations on the same files( like other languages or color schemes ), user manuals of auto models, phones, computers, etc.
E-learning is an industry with growing momentum. We are even find traditional educational institutions exploring this avenue to make their content available to learners. Their price scopes from a few bucks to several thousand dollars.
Professional services
Services are, of course , not products. However, you can sell them in the same way you sell digital products. Some examples would be :P TAGEND
Graphic design
Web design
Getting Started
First, you will need to get out of your perfectionist syndrome when you start working on your first product. I agree that on today’s internet your product needs to be good if you want to compete with others … however, you won’t be able to create the best product ever in your niche to start with.
The goal is to launch your product in an acceptable state, then you will improve it later on.
Creating Your Own E-books
If you are an expert in a topic, writing an e-book can take you a few days to a week.
You can be fancy and generate your volume in InDesign or PowerPoint. These are nice, however, they have huge disadvantages: The resulting file will be large and adding to a PowerPoint slide can be a nightmare because of the re-pagination.
Therefore I recommend that you use a simple and free e-book template for Libre Office or Open Office. These programs provide an easy way to save your volume in PDF form.
I recommend Canva( it’s free) for creating your covering image and marketing images.
Make sure your images are compressed. This will construct the resulting file smaller.
If you want to create a screenshot, paste it into LibreOffice. You can crop and save the image right in the program only by right-clicking on it. After you enter the file name you want to save the image under, you will get a dialogue box where you can set the height and width of the image :P TAGEND
I usually defined my images to 700 pixels in width and then I compress them use TinyPng. This style I almost always get an image file that is under 100 kB.
Platform For Selling Your E-books
Once your e-book is ready, there are several ways you can sell it.
JvZoo– No upfront fees. JVZoo will charge a commission fee of 5% of the gross selling price on each product or service sold by a marketer. They host your e-book for you, but you need to set up the sales page on your own blog. You can set up individual products or recurring memberships with trials.
It has a built-in affiliate program. After you listed your product, you can instantly start recruiting affiliates.
E-Junkie– 30 -day free trial. After that, you can start with the$ 5/ month scheme, which gives you 200 MB and the ability to sell 10 products- unlimited marketings and unlimited downloads. They issue a unique, expiring download link for every purchase, hence opportunities of stealing is smaller.
You can start selling in 3 easy steps :P TAGEND
Step 1: Link your pay processor( PayPal, Stripe, Braintree, Authorize.Net, 2Checkout and more)
Step 2: Add your product( Tangible, Digital, Ticket, Codes, Email Newsletters and more)
Step 3: Copy-Paste the button codes or links in your website, blog or social networks.
They offer an E-junkie plugin for WordPress that automatically generates a storefront section on your WordPress site, utilizing the same product listing details and images as an E-junkie Shop.
If you don’t have your own website or don’t wish to add E-junkie button codes to your exist site, you can list your products in your own E-junkie Shop page with a URL that lists just your own products. Adding product listings to your E-junkie Shop also provides an easy way for existing affiliates of other E-junkie merchants to find and join your affiliate program.
You can select the Sales Tax/ VAT alternative if you want us to calculate Sales Tax or VAT on sales of that product.
WooCommerce- This is a solution to sell products, including digital ones on your blog. It takes some time to set up, however you can add an infinite number of products and in order to receive pays you just need to plug in your PayPal account.
Amazon: Everyone has heard about selling digital products on Amazon … To sell your e-book on this platform you will need a special format for Kindle (. mobi ). Reflowable e-books permit the reader to resize text and are available on all Kindle devices and free Kindle reading applications.
The advantage of selling on Amazon is the large existing audience, however, the cost phases are usually much lower compared to PDF e-books you can sell on other platforms.
Creating A Sales Page In WordPress
I have mentioned that some of the e-book selling solutions require your own marketings page.
Despite the fact that you may need sales and landing pages for various purposes, unfortunately, WordPress is not set up for creating such pages. In order to create these, you will need an external plugin.
Thrive Architect is a drag-and-drop page builder solution. There are pre-made sales pages you can pick from, such as this one – you merely need to change the text :P TAGEND
You can look at all the available sales and landing pages.
Creating An Online Course
There are several paid platforms where you can create and sell your online course.
Podia costs $39/ month. If you want the Pro version with an affiliate program feature, you would pay $79/ month.
Teachable’s basic scheme expenses $39/ month, plus 5% in transaction fees, with monthly payouts. Their Pro version costs $99/ month , no transaction fees and instant payouts.
Thinkific expenses $49/ month. It also has a free version, but regrettably, that doesn’t have an affiliate program.
These platforms make it easy to create your course, however, they are not cheap.
Selling Digital Products On Your WordPress Blog
This route necessitates more tech knowledge, but it can be route cheaper.
You can use the Thrive Apprentice plugin and you will have an interface like this :P TAGEND
You will also need a shopping cart if you want to charge money for your courses.
You can use SendOwl for this purpose, which is very simple to set up, however they charge $15/ month if you want to use their platform to create your own affiliate program.
If you don’t mind the technological challenge, you can use WooCommerce to sell an unlimited number of free or paid courses. Would you like to see a demo? You can check the live store on FunnelXpert, sign up for a free or a paid course and experience firsthand.
The advantage of WooCommerce is that you can use a wide selection of payment processors, including those used in foreign countries and you can also use its coupon feature if you want to run discounts.
This is how you can start making money by selling your digital products.
Please leave any questions in the comments. We will be updating this post based on your questions so that everything is covered.
Author: Peter Nyiri is an internet marketer, the owner of FunnelXpert. He is on a mission to help bloggers build an income generating machine so that they can live the lifestyle that they want.
The post How To Create Digital Products For Fast Profits seemed first on Anastasia Blogger: How to Start a Blog, Blogging Tips, Make Money Online, Work from Home.
Read more: anastasiablogger.com
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In the News: Catching Up with the Small Business Persons of the Year
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In the News: Catching Up with the Small Business Persons of the Year
We’d be remiss if we let National Small Business Week go without mentioning the event’s champions, as it were.
Small Business Trends was able to catch up with the duo the U.S. Small Business Administration named the 2019 National Small Business Persons of the Year. They’re Jennifer and Jeffrey Herbert. They own Superstition Meadery, a company they started in Prescott, Arizona, only back in 2012.
In our interview with them, we find out the key to their early success in business and you can find out how you can imitate it.
For the rest of the week in small business news, check out our weekly roundup below :P TAGEND Small Business Operations Nextiva Launches NextOS Suite for Small Business Communication
Nextiva just announced a new situated of tools for businesses called the Nextiva Business Suite. And this includes the Nextiva Business Communication Suite and the Nextiva Customer Relationship Suite. What Nextiva’s New Suite Can Do Basically, the Nextiva Business Communication Suite blends Nextiva’s voice communication answers with CRM.
Startup FirstData Launches CloverAchievers to Boost Small Businesses
Welcome to Clover, the cloud-based payments platform from FirstData. Clover simply announced a new initiative called CloverAchievers. Check out this competition designed to reward business owners who are striving to grow beyond the status quo. All different types of small businesses may enter the contest.
50 Genuinely Weird Restaurant Ideas from Around the US
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Reasoning About Applying for an Industry Award? There is 11 Things to Consider First
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Nextiva Names Former Apple Executive Marc Stoll as Next President and COO
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Attention: Social Media Marketing is No Longer Enough for Your Business
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Product Listings 20 Places to Find Online Entrepreneur Courses
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20 Places Small Business Owners Can Take Online Accounting Courses
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Image: Superstition Meadery/ Facebook
This article, “In the News: Catching Up with the Small Business Persons of the Year” was first published on Small Business Trends
Read more: feedproxy.google.com
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Our Community-Supported Meditation Initiative: An Update
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Our Community-Supported Meditation Initiative: An Update
We’re attain excellent progress toward the goal of Wildmind becoming a Community-Supported Meditation Initiative. In this new model Wildmind’s teaching will be supported by sponsors contributing as little as$ 4 each month.
Sponsors will of course gain a number of benefits. All of the new courses I develop will be available only for them. They’ll also have exclusive access to a monthly article and meditation download, as well as an online forum.
There are 1,500 shares available. Right now virtually 40% of them have been sponsored. It’s taken only three weeks to get to that point, which is wonderful! Initially I thought it might take up to a year to reach our goal. Now it looks like it’ll be more like three months.
Here’s a graph presenting the current position :P TAGEND
At the current rate of growth, we’ll be fully funded by the middle of July. So if you want to be a part of this project, I’d suggest taking action now.
On a personal note, I’m aroused about the feasibility of establishing being supported by the community of Wildmind’s advocates. It’ll be liberating for me not to have to focus on marketing, and be enabled to to focus my attention 100% on teaching. It’ll also be a relief to be able, for the first time in years , not to have to constantly be concerned about finances. I can tell you, it’s been hard sometimes!
The transition from the model where we charge for classes to being community-supported is going to be challenging financially, so I’m asking you to contribute so that we can make this change rapidly.( If you’re already a sponsor, please help by spreading the word!)
Be a part of this! Gain the benefits of becoming a sponsor by using the PayPal form below :P TAGEND
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The post Our Community-Supported Meditation Initiative: An Update appeared first on Wildmind.
Read more: wildmind.org
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MANUU Offers admissions in Languages, Social Sciences & Journalism
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MANUU Offers admissions in Languages, Social Sciences & Journalism
Hyderabad: The online admissions for various merit based regular courses of Maulana Azad National Urdu University, are open.
MANUU is offering admissions into various UG and PG courses in the Schools of Speech, Social Sciences, Mass Communication& Journalism besides Science& Commerce. The last date for submission of online application is June 30, according to a press release.
For Madrassa passouts, a bridge course is being offered so that they will be eligible to take admissions in B.Com ., B.Sc. or Polytechnic programs on merit basis. Two new vocational courses- Medical Imaging Technology( MIT) and Medical Laboratory Technology( MLT) at undergraduate level are being introduced at university’s headquarters.
Various merit based Post Graduate courses in which admissions are available include Urdu, English, Hindi, Arabic, Translation Studies, Persian, Women Study, Public Administration, Political science, Social work, Islamic Study, History, Economics, Sociology, Journalism And Mass Communication, M.Com; and M.Sc.( Mathematics ).
Part time diploma programme, Ghazal Appreciation( Tahseen-e-Ghazal) is a unique programme designed to construct the ghazal loving non-Urdu public understand the basic nuances of this popular Urdu literary genre, the release said.
For more details, online application and e-prospectus, students can logon to university website www.manuu.ac.in. or email to admissionsregular @manuu. edu.in.
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The post MANUU Offers admissions in Languages, Social Sciences& Journalism appeared first on Telangana Today.
Read more: telanganatoday.com
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On Magpies, Jogging, and Listening to Podcasts
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On Magpies, Jogging, and Listening to Podcasts
So I’m supposed to have a podcast out today!
And I’m going to tell you a little bit of a story to give you three reasons why I don’t. But don’t worry-I’ll give you some other stuff to listen to!
Here’s the first reason.
I’m out in Alberta right now on a speaking tour.
Tammy and I left last Thursday to fly out for an event Friday night, and then a big event speaking to 500 women on Saturday morning. Tonight I’m speaking at Centre Street in Calgary with my Girl Talk, and I’m super excited! I love get out to Alberta( as long as it’s not in the dead of winter) and we’ve had a great time.
But it has meant that I’ve been super busy and it’s been hard to find time to record.
We’ve been having a blast, though! Last Friday night at my Girl Talk near Edmonton I gratified up with a long-time reader named Lois. She drove over 3 1/2 hours to hear me, and brought a bunch of women from her church with her. She’s been commenting and emailing for years, and as soon as she told me her name I recognized it. I simply LOVE meeting people when I talk who have known me and follow me for a long time. It really is like session friends.
Lois and I at the Girl Talk at Westlock Alliance Church
By the route, if you’re not signed up to my email listing, “youre supposed to”! I send out emails to everyone who lives within 200 miles of wherever I’m speaking, so you’ll be notified if I’m going to be near you. That’s how I plan my tours, too-I send out announcements to anyone who lives in the province/ nation/ nation I’ll be going to to see if any churches want to be added on to the tour. So please sign up!
Incidentally, it’s been so neat to “meet” more of you on the blog this week! On Tuesday I asked all of you to comment about how you first determined the blog( and if you haven’t commented yet, you should, because I’ll do a describe for my Sexy Dares in my Friday newsletter from one of the commenters !). Some of your responses have really made me tear up, especially about how God has used the blog. I love what Lindsey said :P TAGEND
I was first exposed to your blog when a friend on Facebook shared an article on submission years ago. At that point I thought you were a little too feminist for my savor, and I disagreed with your post.( I loved your sexuality articles, though, and they maintained me around) Boy! Have things ever changed! I still would never refer to myself as a feminist, but my husband and I now refer to ourselves as having an egalitarian marriage. The other day my young son wanted to do something the opposite of how I said here today, and he asked my husband “can’t you just overrule her? ” Now, used to be when he would say something like that, my husband would back me up- but with the understanding that he could overrule if he wanted to. That day, for the first time ever I heard him say to my son, “No, I can’t merely over rule her. Mommy and I are equal. We are a team.”. I’m getting misty-eyed just writing it. It’s my hope that the farther we get away from bad ways of operating, the healthier and better example for our children we will set. Thanks for your blog.
To me, it’s not about feminist or not feminist. It’s simply about Jesus. Are we constructing matrimony about growing closer to Jesus and doing “Gods will”, or are we inducing matrimony about doing a husband’s will? This stuff matters, and too often we’ve gotten it wrong. When Jesus isn’t front and centre, we’re going to go off base.
Incidentally, after last week’s podcast where I was talking about how God doesn’t want us only believing a bunch of things; He wants us actually living like Christ and bringing Christ to a hurting world, a woman commented on Facebook that she was worried that I didn’t believe that redemption was by grace alone because I was getting into works. “Its exactly” the problem I’m talking about. We’ve reduced Christianity to a situated of notions instead of a relationship with the living God who should make a difference in our lives. So sad.
Then on Saturday morning I did something a little bit different for me.
Back in 2003, when I started speaking, I mostly did denominational events and women’s retreats. For about 9 years all of my speaking was for general women’s groups. But in the last few years I’ve largely been speaking about wedding and sex. So when Beulah Alliance hired me to headline their big women’s breakfast, it was fun to write a talk that had absolutely nothing to do with sex at all.
Our theme was Wonder Woman: Strong. Courageous. Fearless.
We had 500 women at the event, and I shared about how God wants us to live a big life-to stop trying to control everything, and to let go. When we do that, then we’re not ruled by fear. And that’s when we can brought forward and do amazing things.
I’ve just finished read the absolutely amazing inspiring biography of a woman named Josephine Butler who was, in her hour, as well known as Florence Nightingale. She campaigned for the dignity and right of prostitutes, who in Victorian England were demonized, while the men that used them were still considered high class. She fought against sex trafficking of children. She fought for greater economic opportunities for women. And she did it all in the name of Jesus. Her favourite saying was ” God plus one female equals a majority .”
She altered England, and changed the rights of women in Europe as well. And she did it even with such tremendous opponent. Actually an inspiration. Here’s her biography :P TAGEND
Josephine Butler: Patron Saint of Prostitute
Take Me There !
Or you can watch a brief documentary of her life here :P TAGEND
And now about the Magpies
After speaking on Saturday, Tammy and I holed up in a lovely Air Bnb in Edmonton for a few days before i just had to drive down to Calgary. I was hoping to record the podcast there, and brought my microphone and headset and everything along with me. But our Airbnb is in a very loud traffic area. And not just that-there is a magpie nest directly outside our balcony. There was just no way to get good audio quality!
( Although I must admit-even though magpies are awfully loud and are pests, they’re really much prettier than the crows and grackles that bother us in Ontario ).
But being here in this Air Bnb also means that we spent Mother’s Day with each other-instead of with our families. My husband sent me some chocolate truffles, which were wonderful. But I bought Tammy and me a really, really awful chocolate cake( we were both hot flashing, so we look terrible, and I’m keeping my hair back ):
And now about Jogging
Actually, I guess that’s only two reasons I’m not doing the podcast this week. I can’t really think of another.
But I will tell you about jogging, because I’m hoping person out there can help me out. I’ve recently started the couch to 5k running plan, and I’ve been LOVING it. I required to get more cardio into my routine. I’m quite good at stretching and doing weights, but I need to sweat. But lately my foot have been hurting. I have to wear shoes in the chamber of representatives or my foot hurt. Then, when I jogged here in Edmonton, my foot are significantly, genuinely sore WHILE I was jogging. I thought it was maybe because they’re still swollen from the plane flight?
I have awesome running shoes( I just bought top of the line ones ). When I get home I plan to see a physiotherapist and maybe get some orthotics. But anyone else ever have this issue? It’s like my feet are sore and they tingle all the time now.( It’s not MS because I haven’t lost any sensation, so don’t worry about that !)
And about podcasts
While jogging, though, I’ve been listening to some podcasts. I get Keith into them when he flew down to Louisiana to pick up our RV and drive it home last month. That was a lot of hours in the RV by himself, we are therefore downloaded some podcasts and he’s really enjoying them. And I am, too! If any of you have any good ones about women and the church, I’d love some suggestions.
So now about my podcast …
So I can’t record one today, although we’ve been brainstorming a whole bunch of different ideas about podcasts coming up. But I will tell you what the two most listened-to podcasts have been to date, and maybe you can catch up!
The Podcast About Women and Porn( And Creepy Dudes !)
Hot and Holy Sex, Control Freaks, and More !
If ” podcast” sounds scary and route too technical for you, it doesn’t “ve got to be”. Most of our telephones come with a podcast app. Merely go into it, and search” To Love, Honor and Vacuum” on that app. Then you can choose to subscribe( please do !) or listen to individual episodes. If you subscribe, then every time I record a new one it will be there for you. And then, when you’re out for a walk, or grocery shopping, or jogging (!), or driving, you can listen in. I’m seriously enjoying it. And I try so hard on my podcast not to waste time with too much personal stuff like what I had for breakfast and jump right in to the meat of it. I love making these, so I hope that you love listening.
And if you like the podcast, can you rate it 5 stars and leave a review, too? It helps other people find it!
On Thursdays, when the podcast comes out, I usually post an “extras” post here with links to some of the things I mentioned in the podcast or more ideas, if you want to go more in depth. So enjoy!
And I will be back next week, after I’m back at home, and hopefully after I’ve seen a physiotherapist!
What podcast have you liked very good? Have you listened in? Let me know!( And seriously-any tips about jogging ?)
Social Media
Sheila’s Best Posts
Sheila Wray Gregoire has been married for 27 years and merrily married for 22! She loves traveling around North America with her hubby in their RV, dedicating her signature “Girl Talk” about sexuality and marriage. And she’s written 8 books. About sexuality and wedding. See a topic here? Plus she knits. Even in line at the grocery store.
Find Sheila Here:
Sheila’s Favorite Posts on To Love, Honor and Vacuum:
10 ways to initiate sex
10 Consequences of Porn on Your Brain, Marriage,& Sex Life
Why So Much Marriage Advice is So Trite
How can Sex be Hot and Holy at the Same Time ?
Check out some of Sheila’s Books:
The Good Girl’s Guide to Great Sex
31 Days to Great Sex
9 Thoughts That Can Change Your Marriage
To Love, Honor, and Vacuum
Check out Sheila’s Courses:
The Boost Your Libido Course
The Whole Story: Talking to Your Daughter about Sex, Puberty, and Growing Up
The FREE Emotional Intimacy E-Course
Are you ready to take your matrimony to the next level? Sign up for our emails and get access to the TLHV free marriage and parenting resource library. We have over 25 downloads and are constantly adding more. Sign up here !
Read more: tolovehonorandvacuum.com
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Gingerberry Lemonade
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Gingerberry Lemonade
Is it just me or does the end of springtime seem to bring out the best recipes? Maybe it’s all the fresh create or the weather finally being warm enough to dine outside, but I’ve been especially excited to exam out some new sips, sweets, and main courses. For that reason, it may seem like the perfect time to introduce this delicious gingerberry lemonade cocktail( or mocktail in my suit ). I first tried it at The Little Market International Women’s Day event and was instantly taken by the fresh flavor with a little kick, thanks to the ginger. My good friend( and recent guest on Asking For A Friend ), Kate Martindale, was kind enough to lend her signature food styling touch to this drink, and shared the recipe down below. Keep reading to see why you need to add this to your spring beverage menu ASAP…
Gingerberry Lemonade
2 oz. Casamigos Blanco( simply leave this out if you’re going for a mocktail version) 1 oz. fresh lemon juice 5 oz. simple syrup 25 oz. ginger syrup by Liber& Co. 25 oz. blueberry puree splash of soda water coarse sea salt rose or other edible flowers
Prep glasses by salting the rims. First, cut a wedge of lemon, and notch the centre for human rights. Running this piece of lemon along the rim of your glass, then flip the glass over and twisting in plate of salt. For a colorful rim, use a pink salt–you can even add some edible rise petals, finely chopped, if you’re feeling creative. Next, combine all ingredients in a tin mixer. Add ice, shake vigorously, and strain into a salted Collins glass. Add fresh ice and a splash of soda water.
Garnish with fresh blueberries and edible flowers.
How good does that look? I’ll definitely add the mocktail version to my next dinner party menu. To listen to my dialogue with Kate about all things decor and styling( including gorgeous food shots like these ), check out her episode of Asking For A Friend!
What recipes are you excited to try out this week?
Tell me below!
XO Lauren
Photos: Jessi Burrone Styling: Kate Martindale Affiliate links may have been used in this post.
The post Gingerberry Lemonade appeared first on Lauren Conrad.
Read more: laurenconrad.com
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Chicken Fight and 25 Other Food & Drink Events in Denver this Week
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Chicken Fight and 25 Other Food & Drink Events in Denver this Week
Denver has some fulfilling events this week. From a Fried Chicken Festival to an all you can eat Luau your taste buds are sure to be entertained. Wherever your pre-Memorial Day Weekend galas take you, make sure to check out this roundup of food and beverage events in Denver.
Monday, May 20 Hold the Glass Monday: Rose Edition
Photos Courtesy of Stem Ciders on Facebook
When: Monday, May 20 2- 10 p.m.
Where: Stem Ciders, 2811 Walnut St ., Unit 150, Denver
Cost: Free admission
The Lowdown: For this month’s Keep The Glass event, Stem Ciders features their Rose cider. Guests who order the pink beverage will be able to take home a Stem Cider glass while supplyings last.
DTC Eats
Photo Courtesy of Il Posto on Facebook
When: Monday, May 20 5- 10 p.m.
Where: Il Posto, 2601 Larimer St ., Denver
Cost: $45, bellow Il Posto for reservations
The Lowdown: Il Posto and The Denver Museum of Nature and Science present a tasting menu that celebrates Leonardo da Vinci. Da Vinci is mostly known as an discoverer, artist, technologist and so on, but was also a vegetarian. This four-course vegetarian meal includes Burrata, Insalata, Risotto and Il Campo with foraged mushrooms and a pistachio-truffle emulsion.
Tuesday, May 21 Cookbook Event with Steven Raichlen
Crooked Stave Beer
When: Tuesday, May 21 6:30- 9:30 p.m.
Where: Crooked Stave RiNo, 3350 Brighton Blvd ., Suite 130, Denver
Cost: $100- $125 get tickets here
The Lowdown: Crooked Stave Brewery RiNo hosts Chef Jared of Thistle& Mint for a Rocky Mountain inspired meal. The six-course tasting menu features dishes influenced by the history of Coloradan cuisine and will be expertly paired with Crooked Stave brews.
Sushi Pairing with Bamboo Sushi
Photo Courtesy of Safta Restaurant
When: Tuesday, May 21 6- 9 p. m.
Where: Safta( Inside The Source ), 3330 Brighton Blvd ., Suite 201, Denver
Cost: $125 get tickets here
The Lowdown: This Tuesday Safta and some of Denver’s top cooks host a Feed the Children Dinner. The event features a multi-course dinner with paired beverages and silent auction emceed by Billy Harris. Proceeds from this event will go towards filling a truck with $ 100,000 worth of food and essential supplies which will be given to Denver area families who struggle with hunger and poverty.
Wednesday, May 22 Ratio Comedy Night
Photo Courtesy of Mythology Distillery on Facebook
When: Wednesday, May 22 4- 10 p.m.
Where: Mythology Distillery, 3622 Tejon St ., Denver
Cost: Free admission
The Lowdown: For the last eight months Mythology Distillery has been working on a new whiskey release and the spirit is finally ready for consumption. The Hell Bear American Whiskey was finished in fresh Syrah wine barrels from Domino IV Wines in Oregon to pick up a big fruit flavor. The event will also feature live music by Mike Heuer starting at 6 p. m.
Cerebral Brewing Run Club
Photo by Emma Pion-Berlin
When: Thursday, May 23, 6- 10 p.m.
Where: Industry Denver, 3001 Brighton Blvd ., Denver
Cost: $65- $135 get tickets here
The Lowdown: Chicken Fight Fest returns to Denver this year with more than 40 top Mile High restaurants vying to be voted the best wings, fried chicken or overall chicken dish. Tickets include unlimited chicken and cocktail tastings and live amusement. Tickets are on sale now.
American Grind Graduation Party
Morin. Photo by Alden Bonecutter
When: Thursday, May 23 5- 9 p. m.
Where: Morin, 1600 15 th St ., Denver
Cost: $120 get tickets here
The Lowdown: Morin Restaurant partners with Hiyu wines to present a seven-course meal. The dinner will feature courses paired by Nate Ready from Hiyu Wines in collaboration with Executive Chef Max Mackissok, Wine Director Mary Allison and Chef de Cuisine Charles Mathews.
!Loteria! A Fiesta Benefitting Focus Points
Photo by Lindsey Bartlett
When: Thursday, May 23 6:30- 8: 30 p.m.
Where: Stout Street Social, 1400 Stout St ., Denve
Cost: $60 get tickets here
The Lowdown: Stout Street Social presents an exclusive brew pairing dinner this Thursday with Sanitas Brewing. This four-course meal features dishes like Korean Short Ribs paired with Sanitas White IPA. For more information call 720 -2 14 -9 100 or go here.
Friday, May 24 Pilot Series Beer Release: Table Saison
Photo Courtesy of Hogshead Brewery
When: Friday, May 24 6- 11 p.m.
Where: Hogshead Brewery, 4460 W. 29 th Ave ., Denver
Cost: Free admission
The Lowdown: Hogshead Brewery celebrates the annual release of their 13 -week lager. The event will feature German everything from bratwurst and sauerkraut to music and lederhosen. You can sip on your favorite brew will munching on some German delights.
Commemoration Weekend Lobster Festival
Photo Courtesy of Otero Taproom on Facebook
When: Friday, May 24 3- 10 p.m.
Where: Wayfinder Co-Op, 5255 Santa Fe Drive, Denver
Cost: Free admission
The Lowdown: The Otero Taproom opens in the Wayfinder Co-op this Friday. Otero will be serving up brew and wine and will be hosting food trucks, live music and outdoor-inspired art. The core of Otero’s rotate brew and wine come from breweries and wineries that support environmental and conservation initiatives like the Colorado Fourteeners Initiative.
Saturday, May 25 Sour, Wild and Fruited Fest
Black Sky Brewery. Photo by Dustin Hall of The Brewtography Project.
When: Starts Saturday, May 25 at 4 p. m.
Where: Black Sky Brewery, 490 Santa Fe Dr ., Denver
Cost: Free admission
The Lowdown: Black Sky Brewery is bringing back its Goat Roast for a fifth year. The roasted goat will be available at 4 p. m. and live music starts at 8 p. m. Spend your Saturday chowing down while throwing down to the music of bands like Gutpest and Voltaic at Black Sky Brewery.
Ostara& Rest Release
Photo Courtesy of Station 26 Brewing Co. on Facebook
When: Sunday, May 26 12- 4 p. m.
Where: Station 26 Brewing Co ., 7045 E. 38 th Ave ., Denver
Cost: Free admission
The Lowdown: Station 26 Brewing Co. is celebrating 303 Day in May this year with a market featuring local craft makers and doers. With vendors ranging from Chibby Wibbitz Sliderz n Bitez to Idiot Cult there is something for everyone. You can sip on a refreshing Station 26 beverage while perusing local artisans.
Summertime Sunday Luau
Photo Courtesy of Don’s Club Tavern on Facebook
When: Starts Sunday, May 25 at 3 p. m.
Where: Don’s Club Tavern, 723 E. 6th Ave ., Denver
Cost: Free admission
The Lowdown: It wouldn’t be Memorial Day Weekend without grilling and Don’s Club Tavern invites you to light up the barbecue. Don’s Club Tavern will have free hotdogs while renders last but foster guests to bring their favorite sausage and sides to share. The event will also feature games and raffles with proceeds benefiting Mountain Pet Rescue.
Great Mountain Honky Tonk
Read more: 303magazine.com
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Sex Ed for Christians: The Theology of the Penis
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Sex Ed for Christians: The Theology of the Penis
What does the penis, or male genitalia in general, teach us about God, about wedding, about the sexes?
This month I’m trying to expand on sex ed for adults in our Wednesday themed posts, and I want to talk today about what the penis tells us about God. So far we’ve looked at 10 things to know about women and arousal, and about the theology of the clitoris. So now let’s turn to the theology of the penis!
I’m going to be honest: this was much more difficult to write than the woman’s one. For a while, all we could think of was,
” Sometimes, life gets hard. Then it’s not. Then, at inconvenient or awkward days, it gets hard again. Especially during the teenage years .”
But we decided that would be in exceptionally bad taste.
Many( including Pope John Paul II) “ve written” more doctrinal was working on this( and have been in much better taste ), that have encompassed far more than simply the sexual function of the penis. Today, though, I want to focus just on the sex act here, since that’s what I tend to write about. So what do we learn about God and God’s design for sex from how the male anatomy works?
Sexual attraction is natural
First, at its most basic, intercourse only works if the man is aroused. On the arousal timeline, he feels desire( libido ); exhilaration( arousal ); stimulation( intercourse& orgasm) and recovery.
But he has to be aroused, or nothing works! So God made men to be quite easily provoked( in general ). If you compare bell curves of women’s libidos and men’s libidos, you’ll was of the view that they overlap, with men’s libidos, in general, being higher. This doesn’t mean that there aren’t some women with higher libidos than some men; but in general, men tend to have an easier time get evoked and remaining evoked than women do.
And this is the way that we are designed! Sexual attraction, then, is a natural thing that most men feel. It is not a sin. They’re wired to be attracted to women sexually so that sexuality is easier to do. If men were as hit and miss considering arousal and sex response as females are, then sex would be far less frequent and far more disrupted.
( Again, this is not to say that some humen don’t suffer from sexual dysfunction or low libido; merely that in general men’s arousal is more automatic than women’s .)
We should stop framing sexual attraction as a sin, then. As I’ve said before, and as I’ll write more about soon , noticing is not lusting. You can notice a woman is beautiful and then do absolutely nothing else with that think. By telling men that every time they notice a beautiful woman they’re in sin, we’re put humen in an impossible situation.
Other Posts in our Every Man’s Battle Series on Lust:
Why Every Man’s Battle Backfires
Is Don’t Be a Stumbling block a Really Bad Modesty Message ?
Sex, for men, is about being accepted and “let in”
While girls can have sex when they don’t want to( something that is tragic for all too many females ), men tend to need to be into it to perform.( This doesn’t mean that men can’t be raped; bodies will respond to stimulation even if you don’t want to, and that’s called arousal non-concordance. Additionally, men can be raped via anal sex. But in a relationship, in general, men can’t have sex unless they want to ).
What many humen are looking for, then, is for a woman who also wants to have sex. Good spouses want to be wanted; they don’t want to be placated. Sex is actually about a human entering a woman’s body and leaving a part of himself there. Sex is, then, about a human being accepted. Her wanting sex means that she wants him. She wants to experience his desire and his exhilaration, and she wants to be the object of it. When she is enthusiastic about sexuality, then, he feels wanted and accepted.
Enthusiasm Matters !
10 Ways to Make Sex Feel Amazing for Him
Sex involves humen, in general, to woo women
Men feel arousal quite easily and often quite intensely, but they also have this need to feel accepted( literally “let in” ). For this to happen, then, they have to get girls to actually want them. Certainly a bad man can force a woman, but that merely satisfies lust; it doesn’t satisfy the emotional need to be accepted that humen also have. Their libido and easy arousal, then, becomes a God-given impetus to woo their wives. If they want willing partners, they need to build the relationship and the emotional connect so that she is willing to be vulnerable with him. His libido, when channeled correctly, actually feeds a more intimate relationship.
Men’s area of greatest pleasure is also its own area of greatest vulnerability
Men’s genitalia is the focus of the greatest pleasure that they can feel-but it is also their most vulnerable point. Want to bring a man to his knees? Kick him you-know-where. Every basic self-defense course teaches females this. Go for the testicles!
Why is that? I’m going to suggest that it’s to remind humen that this part of themselves that can all too easily take over the relationship and dominate a woman can also become his biggest downfall. It’s to remind him that he is vulnerable. He needs to use his body correctly, or he risks being hurt, and hurting others.
Does your marriage need some spicing up-and some fun?
Try these 24 dares-plus one bonus-to take your wedding to the next level!
Let’s add some heat !
Men need to stay in control-of themselves
If men want to avoid this vulnerability, then, they need to stay in control-of themselves. One of my faithful readers, Phil, pointed this out to me in the comments last week. If sex is going to go well, men can’t let themselves carried away. They have to think of the woman who is with him, to make sure that she is enthusiastic, enjoying herself, and accepting him. He has to make sure he doesn’t overpower her, which is all too easy to do.
Sex can become like a conquest-you dominate her and she submits to you. But for sexuality to be all that he wants it to be, with a partner who accepts him and is enthusiastic, it must be so much more. And that means not allowing your base instincts to run wild. You must instead temper them with love, with deliberation, with generosity. That makes the stronger look out for the weaker, and it constructs sexuality far better about giving than it otherwise could be.
You’re supposed to serve God-even with that part of you
While we know from the New Testament that circumcision is no longer a requirement to be a part of God’s covenant family, it was the marker of covenant faithfulness from the time of Abraham to the time of Christ. In fact, Paul uses the analogy of circumcision in Romans 4 to describe baptism, which has now replaced circumcision as the sign of our belonging to the people of God. Circumcision was only performed on humen , not on females, as circumcision of men does not inhibit their sex function while female genital mutilation definitionally does affect a woman’s ability to enjoy sex.
By submitting to circumcision and participating in circumcision rites for their sons, the Israelites submitted their whole selves, including their genitalia, to God’s covenant. So what does circumcision actually tell us about how God sees men’s sexuality?
Circumcision is a sign of being in covenantal relationship with God-and that sign was done on that part of the body. There’s all kinds of reasons for that( it was the part of you that had children; it was the part of you that was the most intimate ), but I guess one of them is telling us that at its most basic, we must serve God even with that part of us. We’re in a covenantal relationship with God, and that includes our sex drives and our sexuality.
So your sexuality life is supposed to come under submission to God. It isn’t an animalistic force-out that cannot be contained.
Much teaching about sexuality in the church describes male libido as an unwieldy force that every man must battle at all hours. It is as though many in the church believe the Spirit is impotent when it comes to the problem of male lust. Of course, that is ridiculous. While many men struggle with lust, many others do not. God’s original design was not that we serve God in everything EXCEPT our sex drives, which can’t be tamed( so girls have to tame humen for them by not causing lust ). No, God’s design was that we serve God in everything, ESPECIALLY our sex drives. So let’s stop talking about sex as the one region that humen are unable to submit to God because lust is so overpowering. We as a church should come alongside the fighting while nevertheless expecting holiness and” spurring one another on towards love and good deeds”( Heb 10:23, NIV ).
What do you think? Is there something that I missed? I did find the women’s version easier to write! So let’s talk in the comments!
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Sheila Wray Gregoire has been married for 27 years and happily married for 22! She loves traveling around North America with her hubby in their RV, dedicating her signature “Girl Talk” about sex and wedding. And she’s written 8 volumes. About sex and wedding. See a topic here? Plus she knits. Even in line at the grocery store.
Find Sheila Here:
Sheila’s Favorite Posts on To Love, Honor and Vacuum:
10 ways to initiate sex
10 Effects of Porn on Your Brain, Marriage,& Sex Life
Why So Much Marriage Advice is So Trite
How can Sex be Hot and Holy at the Same Time ?
Check out some of Sheila’s Books:
The Good Girl’s Guide to Great Sex
31 Days to Great Sex
9 Thoughts That Can Change Your Marriage
To Love, Honor, and Vacuum
Check out Sheila’s Courses:
The Boost Your Libido Course
The Whole Story: Talking to Your Daughter about Sex, Puberty, and Growing Up
The FREE Emotional Intimacy E-Course
Are you ready to take your wedding to the next level? Sign up for our emails and get access to the TLHV free wedding and parenting resource library. We have over 25 downloads and are constantly adding more. Sign up here !
Read more: tolovehonorandvacuum.com
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3 top HR tech tools no company should be without
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3 top HR tech tools no company should be without
Is your company taking advantage of top HR tech tools? If not, you might be missing out on opportunities to not only increase the efficiency and accuracy of your HR department, but also improve employee engagement.
In today’s fast-paced business environment, HR professionals are being tasked with more and more responsibilities- many of which are necessary but day eating.
While the listing of HR responsibilities continues to grow, employees are also becoming conditioned to expect more from their employer. You want to do what’s right for your company, as well as your employees. The good news is that there’s a answer for both sides of the equation.
With the right integrated HR software and tech tools, your HR department can turn repetitive, labor-intensive work into an automated and coordinated process. As a result, your HR department can multiply efficiencies, allowing for more time to explore new ways to align game-changing projects with your organizational goals.
Let’s take a look at three top HR tech tools that can help you go from feeling like an office manager to being an enlightened business owner.
1. Benefits management software
Running a successful business takes a competitive advantage. One route to achieve that is to offer the best benefits you can to attract and retain top talent. The only problem is now you have a host of benefits to maintain.
As an employer, you’re probably looking to provide employee benefits beyond the bare minimum. Effectively managing benefits and ensuring employees are offered the right coverage at the right time is a complex and time-consuming task to manage. That’s simply the tip-off of the benefits iceberg.
The Affordable Care Act folds in an additional layer of intricacy. If you hired an average of 50 or more full-time( or full-time equivalent) employees in the prior calendar year, you could be subject to an IRS penalty if you don’t offer medical coverage to your full-time employees. State and local health care mandates may require you to offer additional coverage or benefits.
From basic benefits like medical and dental coverage, to health care flexible spending accounts and life assurance, the list of benefits you’ll have to manage can grow rapidly. That’s before you begin to include benefits such as:
Commuter benefitsChild care benefits Adoption assistanceEmployee assistance programs
Having a rich benefits package is a healthy way to attract top talent. But without the proper technology infrastructure, you may be creating a nightmare for your HR department. Not to mention that you may be offering benefits your employees don’t value.
A sophisticated benefits management software can help take the guess work out of your benefit offering and put powerful knowledge into the hands of your administrators, drastically reducing the occurrence of eligibility oversight and improving benefit usage rates.
Many top HR tech tools in the benefits management realm offer dashboards for a quick glimpse into benefits utilization. Some offer the ability to dive into the analytics associated with your employees’ benefits usage, so you explore whether you’re offering the appropriate mix of benefits and begin to predict future costs to stabilize your fiscal scheming.
It should come as no amaze that many employee benefits are underutilized. Many times, the case is that employees weren’t was mindful of the offering or didn’t know how to enroll. The right HR technology be resolved by both problems, helping build stronger affinity toward your business.
A benefits management system with integrated decision-making tools can provide supplemental education to individual employees so they can better understand and ensure the value in their benefits options, including the cost to them or their family.
You can also be more proactive in alerting employees to key enrollment periods. Since life event such as marriage and the birth of a child are the norm, easy access to make changes through your benefits management system can provide simplicity toward helping ensure your employees’ changing families are properly encompassed.
Add all this together and employees can really begin to appreciate all your benefit offerings.
2. Learning management system
Unlike the complexities associated with benefits management, the markers of undertrained employees can be harder to spot. While indicators are less obvious, undertrained employees may still be costing your business hour and money.
Regardless of the size of your organization, employees are often on the front line serving your best interests. Their knowledge and soft skills are invaluable to the overall success of your business. There is usually more than one route you can support employees in this effort.
Employees crave support and on-going learning programs to further their careers and become more adept in their current roles. In many organizations, the task of ensuring employees continue their professional education often falls under the purview the HR department.
It’s also important to mention that training extends beyond the nice-to-haves of career development into the more serious area of human relations develop, including sexual harassment training and other areas. Employers in a growing number of jurisdictions are required or encouraged to provide sexual harassment training. A learning management system can help deliver training and document completion by employees.
From researching requirements and booking specialized instructors to scheduling training courses for employees, its own responsibility can place a significant burden on your HR department. By providing top HR software and tools, you’ll offer your HR staff with new-found time, and the ability to focus on other pressing matters.
By implementing a cloud-based learning management system, you can provide a substantial amount of value to your employees and reduce the cost traditionally associated with employee training — something you and your employees will be thankful for.
With e-learning becoming more common, there are many learning management systems available on the market to help your employees earn and renew certified credentials, and maintain you compliant. Cloud-based learning management systems are also a boon to organizations with multiple office locatings and a mobile workforce. Beyond accessibility, additional advantages over traditional develop methods may include :P TAGEND
Mobile supportSelf-paced coursesMultilingual availabilityProgress and reporting toolsReal-time grading and scoring
E-learning is certainly not a new phenomenon, but it’s becoming increasingly popular among today’s workforce, and not just millennials. Workers of all ages welcome the benefit of continuing their professional education. Devote them access to the apparently endless available content of a learning management system together with the ability to learn at their own pace is a bonus.
3. Time and attendance software
A natural extension of automating many of your company’s HR related chores is implementing a period and attendance system.
This top HR tech tool will allow you to easily monitor working hours( hourly and wage) and paid time off, as well as help you keep pace with strict labor statutes considering overtime pay.
There’s no need to complicate the process. If your company is still manually tracking this sensitive employee data, you may be uncover your company to the unnecessary risk of human error and incomplete or inaccurate day cards.
In addition to being able to estimate hours worked for non-exempt employees, a time and attendance system can help you allocate your company’s human capital more efficiently. As your company grows into new locations, the challenge of confirming employees are working the hours they are supposed to be working becomes more difficult.
Absenteeism can be one of your organization’s greatest expenses. When employees are absent from run, either planned or unplanned, it expenses you money.
If the absence is planned, such as vacation or leave, it can reduce the impact. However, unplanned absences, such as sick days, unforeseen extended leaves, late arrivals and early departures are harder to track.
You want to make it as easy as possible for you and your employees to manage this process. Believe it or not, an automated time and attendance tracking system can add to employee satisfaction by simplifying the process on the employee’s end, devoting them one less thing concerned about.
By adding automated components to your time and attendance tracking, you can more easily view and plan around foreseeable absences. And when they occur, you can turn to a system that houses this information and perform proactive workforce planning.
Your key takeaway
What are your company goals this year? With these three tech tools in place, your HR department can spend more day focused on the human element of your organization. As much as software and top HR tech tools can help your business operate better, grow faster and stimulate more money, it’s the people who matter at the end of the day.
Learn more about how choosing the right HR technology for your company will allow you to have it all: HR efficiency and business growth. Download our free e-book, HR technology: How to choose the best platform for your business.
Read more: insperity.com
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Best e-commerce hosting in 2019
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Best e-commerce hosting in 2019
Got a great idea, service or product? Building a quality web store could help you sell it to the masses, and it& apos; s easier than you think.
Even basic website hosting schemes will often include core e-commerce functionality: templates for web stores, PayPal integration, easy installs for popular shopping carts.
Ramping up to specialist e-commerce schemes will got to get powerful product catalogues, stock inventory and other business management tools, and support for more payment methods.
While these products can be packed with features, even the high-end e-commerce schemes are designed to be simple to use. Choose a layout, fill in forms to build your product catalogue and your store will start to take shape. There& apos; s still work to do- opening an account to take credit card pays, perhaps- but even web store novices will be able to figure it out as they go along.
Prices are low, too, with one decent starter plan giving you three years hosting for PS1. 50 ($ 2.10) a few months, or a total of PS54 ($ 76) plus tax. If you& apos; re wondering about e-commerce but not quite sure whether it& apos; s right for you, this gives you a inexpensive and easy style to test your ideas.
Whether you& apos; re a total e-commerce newbie or you& apos; re already running a busy web store, we& apos; ve discovered five excellent hosting schemes that could take your selling to the next level.
If you& apos; re new to web selling, building your first store can seem complex and intimidating, but it doesn& apos; t always have to be that way.
Website builder Wix comes with some gorgeous store templates which can be freely customized via its excellent editor. Site design takes a far more visual approach than most of the rivalry, so for example you can see designs and layouts before you drag them onto the page. Choose your preferred option and it& apos; s displayed with dummy product images, instantaneously giving you an idea of how the finished store will look.
There& apos; s plenty of power here. Products is also available physical or digital, they may be illustrated with images or videos, designated custom options( colourings, size ), promoted with coupons, and you can set up your own shipping and tax regulations to cope with tricky situations. Plus, with the introduction of Wix Turbo, your site will load much faster.
Wix supports a wide range of pay techniques. Exactly what& apos; s on offer depends on your place, but when we tested the service from the UK we were offered Square, Stripe, Moolah, Worldpay, Wirecard and PayPal.
Whatever your choice, you& apos; ll pay the provider merely: Wix doesn& apos; t charge any transaction fees.
Your finished store still won& apos; t have as many features as the top e-commerce providers, but Wix is easy-to-use, the $16.50( PS12. 50) a month price is fair, and it& apos; s a smart-alecky route for newbies to dip their toes in the web store waters.
Getting your first web store up and running is often an expensive business. Many providers offer little or no e-commerce functionality in their starter plans, and you& apos; ll often have to fork out for a high-end specialist plan before you can do anything useful.
iPage is a rare exception where even the most basic hosting plan gives you more than enough to get started.
A template-based website builder and free web store make it easy to design your shop, for instance. There& apos; s PayPal support for taking payments. You also get integration with your option of shopping cart( AgoraCart, OpenCart, OSCommerce, PrestaShop, TomatoCart, Zen Cart ), a free domain for the first year, and 24/7 telephone( toll-free in the US and UK) and chat support to handle any urgent problems that might crop up.
There are limits, too. The website builder only supports a maximum of six pages, for instance, and many clients will expect to be able to pay by credit card as well as PayPal.( You can do that, but you& apos; ll need to sort it out yourself .)
Still, the introductory cost were low at $1.99( PS1. 50) a month for up to 36 months, $7.99( PS6) on renewal. It could be worth buying just as a learn environment to experiment with the technology and see what you can do. And if you do go online, you shouldn& apos; t have to sell many products to induce your hosting fees back.
While many web hosts go to huge efforts to highlight e-commerce abilities, others barely mention them at all. SiteGround is a great example: there& apos; s no big “build your web store here” headline, and yet when you look at the details, even its most basic shared hosting scheme has a lot of e-commerce power.
A Weebly-based website builder is available to create your store, for example. HTTP/ 2 enabled servers and Cloudflare CDN integration boost speeds, reducing the chance that customers will abandon the site. And when it& apos; s time to buy, free Let& apos; s Encrypt SSL certificates will give your customers confidence that their payment details are secure.
SiteGround plans include the Softaculous installer, which enables speedy setup of big-name shopping cart and e-commerce tools including PrestaShop, WooCommerce and Magento.
At the time of writing, the company quotes 99.996% uptime for the last 12 months, good news when you& apos; re operating something as important as a web store. Although if you do reached trouble, 24/7 supporting and automatic daily backups should help you rapidly recover the situation.
The baseline Startup plan gives you all this for $3.95( PS3) a month for the initial term, rising to $11.95( PS9) on renewal. It has some limits- 10 GB web space, a suggested maximum of 10, 000 visits a month, support for hosting one website only- but these won& apos; t be an issue for many smaller stores, and there are more powerful plans available if you need them.
1& 1 IONOS eCommerce Website Builder/ Online Shop is a powerful tool which combines simple template-based web store design with professional features and functionality.
High quality design templates help you get up to velocity speedily. There aren& apos; t many, but they appear good, and can easily be customized to suit your needs.
1& 1 IONOS& apos; s baseline Essential account is a little underpowered, considering its price- $20( PS20 for UK page) a month ($ 1 or PS1 per month for the first six months ). You get support for unlimited items there are still& apos; s an SSL certificate thrown in, but pay methods are limited to PayPal Express Checkout, money on delivery, invoice and direct debit, and shipping support is self-organized only.
The range improves significantly with the Business plan priced at $30( PS30 for UK) a few months ($ 1 or PS1 per month for the first three months ). This adds further payment methods, including credit cards, Skrill, Ingenico and Stripe. There& apos; s optional integrated with the excellent Shippo multi-carrier shipping system, and support for connecting your store to comparison sites including Idealo, Google Shopping and Shopping.com.
The Pro plan takes your store to the next level by allowing you to sell on eBay and Amazon Marketplace. It& apos; s an unusual and welcome extra, but the cost is relatively high at $50( PS50 for UK page) a few months ($ 1 or PS1 per month for the first three months ).
Starter e-commerce hosting schemes can do a lot for a very low price, but you& apos; ll often pay in terms of service quality. Website based on shared hosting may be slow, or fail wholly, and support is often restriction. This might not matter for tiny web stores, but if you& apos; re running a big business, it could be a major issue.
Liquid Web& apos; s hosted WooCommerce schemes are far more expensive( higher-performance schemes, specifically ), with costs starting at $249( or PS179) a few months, but it& apos; s easy to see why: they trample all over the underpowered baseline efforts of the competition. There are also plans for new stores/ beginners with prices starting at $39 a month. These aren& apos; t as powerful, but they are worth checking out if you need a more “lightweight” option.
Wide product support encompass physical goods, digital downloads, virtual products( like online courses ), for example. There are no limits on the number of products you can sell, and you have many powerful ways to present them. The site doesn& apos; t simply let customers to choose product fluctuations from a listing, for example( color, size, design) – you can show them photos which match their selections.
Store management tools are just as flexible. You can define your own custom order statuses and workflows, automatically offer clients related products, set promotions, generate coupons, accept product reviews, manage inventory and more.
Professional design features include hundreds of responsive themes and a drag-and-drop page builder for editing.
Your site is hosted on scalable containers. These are isolated surroundings which aren& apos; t shared with other users, improving reliability. Even better, they don& apos; t limit you to some preset amount of system resources. The platform can detect when you& apos; re busy and dynamically add RAM and CPU cores as required.
Premium touches include performance testing and a staging area to test site features before going live. Jilt& apos; s abandoned shopping cart recovery may help you regain lost clients, and support for Glew& apos; s analytics will deliver valuable information about your customers and orders.
For busy stores, perhaps most important of all is Liquid Web& apos; s excellent support. The company isn& apos; t merely available 24/7/ 365 to respond to problems: it monitors stores, often detecting and fixing hosting-related issues before you even realize anything is wrong.
Put it all together and this is one very impressive range, with more than enough power to run the busiest of web stores. Go take a look.
The importance of getting the best ecommerce web hosting
Today, e-commerce has become a massively lucrative channel for retailers. However, the quality of the hosting services that many small businesses are using often leaves a lot to be desired. A recent report showed that one in three Britons have abandoned their online transactions because of poor website design and inefficient hosting.
Research from hosting company 1& 1& apos; s& apos; 2011 Digital High Street Audit& apos; discovers worryingly low levels of consumer satisfaction with the small business websites available to them. The hazard to firms from a bad online experience is clear- 49% of consumers believe that a bad website makes a worse impact than a business having no website at all. This conclusion has led 37% to walk-away from companies entirely, in favour of using a competitor. An additional 9% of Britons have found themselves reducing their spend with small companies as a direct result of being deterred by a poor company website.
Oliver Mauss, CEO, 1& 1 Internet said: “Research shows that maintain an ugly or severely functioning website online can comprise threats to sales revenue. Customers have ever higher expectations, and it is essential that every company website inspires confidence. Business that invest carefully in their web experience will see higher levels of customer spend, retention and referral”.
You might also want to check out our other website hosting buying guides :P TAGEND WordPressCloud hostingE-commerceDedicated serverSmall businessWindowsManagedGreenBusinessColocationEmail hostingResellersVPSSharedCheapWebsite buildersBest website hosting Also check out the best website hosting services
Read more: techradar.com
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Yeniden Doğuş | Rebirth | 2019 | Simay Dinç | TEDxReset
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Yeniden Doğuş | Rebirth | 2019 | Simay Dinç | TEDxReset
Kisisel bir donum noktasi nasil bir kucuk kasabayi sanat, bilim ve egitim merkezi haline donusturdu.
How a very personsonal turning point transformed a small town into an art, science and education center. Istanbul Universitesi Isletme Fakultesi’nden 2005 yilinda mezun olan Simay Dinc 10 yil boyunca teknoloji, sanat ve oyun icin 35 ‘i askin ulkeye tek basina seyahat etti, egitim ve arastirma yapma firsati buldu. Girls in Games Turkiye’nin kurucusu olan Simay Dinc, sinematografik mobil oyunlar ureten Recontact Games’in kurucu ortagi. Yapimcisi oldugu Recontact: Istanbul, Apple tarafindan 2015 yilinda Turkiye’nin en iyi mobil oyun secildi, 153 ulkede en yenilikci oyun kategorisinde lanse edildi. Ikinci projeleri Turkiye’nin ilk sinematografik mobil oyunu olan ‘Eyes of Sky’ dunya capinda oduller aldi. Oyun dunyasinin potansiyeline ve sosyal etkisine inanan Simay Dinc, Ayvalik’ta koy cocuklarina ucretsiz oyun tasarimi, kodlama, sinematografi gibi derslerin verildigi, yaratici endustriler icin tasarlanmis co-working alani ”Kiraarthane”nin kurucu ortagi. Simay, sadece kendi girisimleri uzerinde calismiyor ayni zamanda Rising Tide Europe’da melek yatirimci olarak yer aliyor ve yaratici endustrilere yatirim yapiyor.
After her graduation from Istanbul University, Faculty of Business Management in 2005, Simay Dinc traveled alone to more than 35 nations for technology, art and games, where she took the chance of receiving training and conducting research. Founder of Women in Games Turkey, Simay Dinc is the founding partner of Recontact Games that produces cinematographic mobile games. Recontact: Istanbul, produced by Simay, was picked up by Apple as Turkey’s best mobile game in 2015, and it was launched across 153 countries under the innovative games category. Their second project, Turkey’s first cinematographic mobile game “Eyes of Sky” was awarded prizes across the world. Believing in the gaming world’s potential and social impact, Simay Dinc is also a founding partner of a co-working space “Kiraarthane” in Ayvalik, where local children in villages receive free courses of gaming design, coding, cinematography, etc. Simay not only was working on her own enterprises but also serves as an angel investor at the Rising Tide Europe, investing in creative industries. This talk was given at a TEDx event employing the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https :// www.ted.com/ tedx
Read more: youtube.com
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10 Content Marketing Ideas For Your Photography Website
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10 Content Marketing Ideas For Your Photography Website
Photography isn’t an easy market to excel in, especially with the rise of high-quality cameras on mobile phones, and apps that stimulate editing a stroll in the park.
As a photographer, you now have to find a place in the industry and build yourself up from there. We won’t try and claim that it’s easy- just like with every business, you need to advertise yourself to find clients.
Content marketing is a really great way to bring attention to your website, find leadings and attract new clients.
Here are ten content marketing ideas, that might just prove to be beneficial to your photography website.
What is content marketing?
If you’re only just entering the world of business, content marketing might not come naturally to you. In its basic form, content marketing is the process of creating and sharing unique and valuable content, with the purpose of advertising your business.
Unfortunately for photographers, paintings are passed around the internet all the time. However, there are ways to highlight your work to people and create valuable relationships.
Content marketing can be anything from blogs to podcasts. It encompasses a broad range of content, which can be both daunting and profitable to you.
To make the most of content marketing, you should utilize everything that you’re already doing. As a photographer, you already have tonnes of content that you can use.
1. Social media is your friend
As a photographer, you might have had a bad experience with social media. With Instagram filled with people claiming to be a photographer, #photography being tagged on every slightly artistic photo, and, of course, photographer’s work being shared for free, without consent.
Undeniably, it can seem like a nightmare for photographers. However, social media has the potential to be really advantageous for you.
The best style to use these platforms is by teasing at your skills. Perhaps you can film a video of your editing skills, or depict a before and after picture of an artistic shoot. This will show your creativity, skills, and passion for photography, without simply devoting social media users free rein to your work.
Don’t forget to include links to your website on all your social media platforms and in tweets and posts. Otherwise, your hard work is going to waste.
We’d say utilize an automated social media platform, this way you don’t get confused by social media, and you can ensure that you post regularly, and at the right times. It’s a win-win situation.
You could also potentially look into influence marketing. This is where you pay influences on social media, who have a large following, to promote your website.
2. Blogging is essential
Your website might tick all the boxes, but to keep it fresh and help it rank higher on Google, you need to keep publishing content. Blogging is, we’d say. One of the best content marketing techniques you can use.
The good news is, with photography, you always have fresh content, and thousands of blog ideas that you can use.
Don’t be afraid to stimulate your blog posts image heavy that is your whole business anyway. Just try to construct your blog posts have at least 1,000 terms- Google favors longer posts.
Blog posts can be anything, from a more journalistic approach to a personal style piece. Our one piece of advice to you when blogging is to create pieces that your clients will want to know.
Sure, what you had for breakfast might be necessary, but is it bringing in new clients? For instance, if you are a wedding photographer, you can publish content clues and tips to making a wedding day perfect( they don’t have to be photography associated ). This way, brides searching for wedding day hackers will come across your website, and might just feel compelled to use you as their photographer.
Blogs will also give your clients a little insight into you as person or persons- something that profoundly influences their decision to hire a photographer. Providing your future clients with info will help them to value you, and see you as somebody with authority and knowledge.
Don’t forget to share all your blogs on your social media too- this fills up your newsfeed, provides you with content to post, and publicizes your site to a broader audience.
3. SEO for blogs
Making sure your blogs are SEO optimized is highly essential. It could be the difference between your post getting a handful of clicks, to it receiving hundreds.
To optimize a blog post, “youve got to” do keyword research. Use these keywords throughout the post, and also consider a long tail keyword.
Long tail keywords are approximately three to four-word exceedingly specific phrases. These are much easier to rank due to the low rivalry around them.
For example, if you are writing a blog post on prom photography, long tail keywords could be something along the lines of,” prom photography poses ,”” prom photography camera decideds” or” prom photography Vancouver .” All this depends on your services and the blog post that you have written.
There are multiple tools online that will help you find keywords, as well as helping you find long word keywords. This will undoubtedly help you rank higher on Google.
Other SEO tips include choosing post titles well, employing internal and external connects, and writing a meta description.
4. Email marketing
It seems to be wrongly overlooked in the marketing world. However, email listings are a really wonderful way to get more clients and bring more people to your website. You should start creating an email list , now.
No, remain far away from buying an email list- these are completely useless and a garbage of fund. You need to organically build up an email list, and target the people who are interested in you and your services.
Email listings are amazing for one reason- they have willingly given you their email address, and so they must already be interested in you to a certain degree.
Don’t worry about the number of emails you have, consider the quality. A listing of only one hundred can book a full week’s worth of work. You simply need to make sure you’re using email listings in the right way.
At the absolute minimum, you should be sending out basic newsletters from time to time. However, to really build the best possible use of your email listing, you should use it to its full potential and post weekly newsletters, as well as new deals and services that you are offering.
You can use mailing tools and platforms for free, or you can pay a service fee for more premium tools. You just have to consider if it is worth your fund- we’d say it certainly is.
5. Run tournaments
We would never suggest that a photographer devotes out free run. However, in regards to a competition, it could be worth it.
Perhaps you should offer a free photo shoot to one of your lucky adherents. This will help boost visibility, and expand your business. Don’t anticipate a photography contest to bring in much new business, instead consider it as an opportunity to spread the word, and give back a little bit.
It could be your chance to help out a couple, who’s wedding budget were low. Perhaps you want to help a new mother capture their baby’s beauty? Sometimes, it’s about more than earning more money.
The best style to use a competition to benefit your business is to reach your target audience. Don’t running a competition that will attract a group of people, that can’t or won’t stimulate the most of your services.
6. Get featured on other sites
You have fantastic photography – you just need people to see it. Lucky for you, there are tonnes of websites that would love to feature your work, which would ultimately promote your work.
Wedding and portrait blogs are the big two, both of these types of blogs gain tonnes of traffic every day- and if your work shines through, you might just gain a few clients.
Don’t forget to share these guest posts on your social media and website yourself. There’s nothing incorrect with praising yourself and reminding your clients of just how great you are. That’s the power of content marketing.
You could also consider writing blog posts for other sites. This technique is called guest posting and is a wonderful way to bring attention to your site. You could also include your photography in the post. Think of it as the equivalent of a flyer or billboard.
Don’t forget to only guest posts on sites that are relevant to your business, and reach your target audience. This way, you won’t waste any time.
Also, don’t forget that you need a text to accompany your work. If you’re not a very confident writer, get in touch with an editing or writing service to assist you in out with that. Businesses like Wowgrade hire niche writers and editors, who can work some sorcery on your written content.
7. Consider other forms of content
Video and podcasts are becoming huge- perhaps you can use them to your benefit.
You might be wondering, how can a photographer, somebody who snaps still photos, utilize videos, and audio as a content marketing technique. It’s an entirely different form of content.
Let’s consider video- tonnes of people are attempting to be great photographers. Why not induce videos, highlighting the photography basics? This will bring in viewers, and throughout you can showcase your work, your website, and your services.
In the videos, you can talk about lighting, positioning, and editing. Patently, don’t give too much away, as this is your craft, but bring people to your site, and perhaps gain some clients.
Now for podcasts- this is a little bit of a more tricky one. Especially considering your site focuses heavily on visuals. However, it isn’t impossible, and there are tonnes of instances online for successful photography podcasts.
PetaPixel Photography Podcast is a bi-weekly podcast, which focuses on photography- including humor, news, and real-life tales. It’s a really fantastic podcast that has gained tonnes of popularity.
Another example is The Digital Story. Professional photographer Derrick Story publishes photo tips, useful techniques with a focus on photography in the age of smartphones.
These are two great examples of how you can use other forms of content, to bring attention to your website.
8. E-books
E-books are another underrated kind of content marketing. Especially when it comes to photography services.
The main selling phase for any content is what the user gain will from it? That’s the main reason why blog posts work so well- the user searches something that they want to know, and they find it. Whether it be a product, service or information.
You’re in the right market for this- not only do people want your services, they want to know you do it, too. That’s where e-books come in handy.
Let’s use an example- people search” How to become a photographer” on Google. They come across your e-book. To receive the free e-book, they have to provide their email address. From here, you can enter their mailbox with bargains, your services, and blog posts. It’s a great way to increase traffic to your site, and construct your email list.
E-books are really easy to create, and you can even use online platforms to induce them. Our favorite is Canva- it allows you to be creative, employ your own brand’s colorings, but takes the stress away a little bit.
Don’t forget to showcase your own photography in your e-book. Advertisement never hurts.
9. Photos
Of course, this is your area of expertise. It’s a little bit of a challenging one, as you don’t want to give your work away for free- the best thing to do is to add a watermark to your pictures, perhaps even include your website.
Visual content marketing is a strategy that should never be ignored. Photo galleries especially. Why? Well, people be more responsive to visuals, which is where your job as a photographer truly glistens through.
A gallery on your site can really attract guests. Try to bring attention to it in every style possible, and perhaps even make series.
For instance, maybe you’re a traveling photographer – you can have a Thailand series, a Norway series, and a London series. Again, taunt about these photos on newsletters and your social media.
If your shots are really beautiful, people might just share them around. Hence why the watermark is so essential.
Obviously, pay close attention to how your photos are displayed. Yes, they might be outstanding in themselves, but if they aren’t presented well, they won’t attract the traffic.
Don’t shy away from showcasing your work online – you can always chase people up who are using your work royalty-free.
10. User-generated content
Last but not least is user-generated content( UGC ). It might sound like a marketing buzzword- but it is so much more important than that.
UGC is the umbrella term given to all content that has been created and published by unpaid contributors. This can be anything from tweets, blog posts, reviews, and videos.
Think of it as your users promoting a brand, rather than you promoting the brand. It’s understandably compelling – you’re more likely to trust somebody else’s sentiment of a brand, than the brand’s own opinion.
Take Burberry’s Art of the Trench campaign as a great example of UGC marketing. Burberry asked its fans to upload their own pictures, of them, wearing the iconic trench coat. Burberry didn’t have to do much- simply pick their favorites to showcase.
As a photography website, you might be wondering how UGC can benefit you. You can rest assured that there are many more ways to use UGC, even if you make the photos.
The number one way is reviews – you’ll already know how important they are. If you assure a service has a bad rating or no rating at all, you’ll be hesitating to use them. Comparatively, if a service has excellent reviews, you’ll more than likely use them.
Get your users to attain content for you, whether it’s with awareness-raising campaigns or reviews. Ask your users, we promise that they won’t mind.
Additional tips
Here are some other suggestions, that will help make your content marketing tips all the more worthwhile.
Know your target audience
As a photography service, this is mainly your “ideal client.” We know it’s a little bit tricky to pinpoint, especially since people want photos for many different reasons.
As an example, if you’re a bridal photographer, your target audience would be brides, grooms and wedding planners. With this in mind, your blog posts, videos, and podcasts should all speak directly to them.
However, it’s more than simply a general target audience. You required to dial in on who you’re really trying to reach. Do you specialize in a specific marriage theme, or do you have a niche that will only appeal to a particular type of person?
Don’t sell to your audience
At least not immediately. You required to make your content marketing attempts seem authentic, and people don’t like being sold to.
First and foremost, with content marketing, you need to feed your audience a great deal of valuable content. This will construct trust with your audience, and then you can begin to sell to them. If you immediately jump into marketings type of posts, you won’t gain confidence with your audience.
Build it sharable
Content is excellent in all forms, constructing it sharable make-ups it all the more beneficial. This expands your reach and potentially brings in a new client to your website.
When deciding on your content strategy, always have” is this sharable ?” in your mind. That’s precisely why blogs that answer questions or provide information are the best types.
If you can’t think of new, quality content, only try repurposing your old content. There’s nothing incorrect with this, and you shouldn’t beat yourself up about it. Remember, quality is better than quantity.
Create broad content too
Yes, we talked about your target audience and creating content that appeals to a specific niche. With the hazards of contradicting ourselves, you should also create generic content, too.
Creating valuable content, that anybody can read and share can prove to be beneficial – you never know who might stumble upon your site.
Don’t be afraid to expand
As a photographer, you can expand into other areas. Perhaps offer online courses, or explore the world of video.
When your website starts generating traffic, and your social media following increases, the limits are endless. Content marketing has the possibility to expand your opportunities.
Content marketing might overwhelm you, but once you begin, you’ll start to reap the benefits. Start creating your content strategy now, and get creative. Don’t be afraid to think outside of the box, and be patient with the results.
We hope these hints and tips help you with your photography business journey.
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