foryouandbits · 8 days
tfw you haven't logged into tumblr in, like, a year and you somehow have 100 more followers than you did the last time you were here
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foryouandbits · 4 months
it worked btw!! the post is hidden even on the blogs of people i follow who haven't tagged anything on it. thank you <3
AWESOME good to know!
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foryouandbits · 4 months
hi, sorry to bother you, but would you mind tagging that omgcp picture you posted with the girls thirsting over shitty's flow with tw vomit or something like that? i'm emetophobic and since that post started making rounds i've been jumpscared by it like three times and though the pic is obviously not very realistic it's kinda disgustingly graphic lol. i've blocked the vomit tags ages ago but i don't actually know if the source post having those tags will stop the reblogs on my dash from showing it or not? anyway i'd be really grateful if it did work :) no worries though if you don't want to, just thought i'd ask.
Hi! As someone who has a very bad trigger myself (there was a recent post by Ngozi that I had to block because it triggered me each time), I will happily add this. I don't think it's going to affect the reblogs, unfortunately, but I'll tag it and also put it in the body of the post so new reblogs from me will have it in there.
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foryouandbits · 4 months
Hey some of us live in Milwaukee and are DONE always going to Chicago!!! Come up here and eat some cheese you monsters
gotta start beef with Milwaukee because apparently every show I want to go to is gonna go there instead of Chicago this year
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foryouandbits · 4 months
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Screaming crying throwing up but make it 2013
(tw: vomit)
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foryouandbits · 5 months
If you see this you’re legally obligated to reblog and tag with the book you’re currently reading
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foryouandbits · 5 months
Jack & Alicia after Center Ice
Alicia: Honestly, honey, I’m surprised you didn’t propose to him
Jack: Oh God no
Alicia: ???
Jack: Can you imagine how much schoolwork he’d neglect if he started planning a wedding? He has a thesis to write.
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foryouandbits · 6 months
Why am I JUST NOW realizing he’s wearing the same outfit in these two panels
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foryouandbits · 6 months
writing sounds so awesome. i wish i knew more than three words though
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foryouandbits · 6 months
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sometimes you need to draw jack angst but subtly
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foryouandbits · 6 months
Okay but did Bitty get locked in the janitor’s closet overnight around the same time bc that’s poetic right there
the fact that jack is 5 years older than bitty is so inspired because it means that when jack was going through the worst years of his life, bitty was in middle school... neither of them got through 2009 unscathed
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foryouandbits · 6 months
relationships and jobs are temporary. your shitty unpopular tumblr blog is forever
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foryouandbits · 7 months
anyway read this and tell me if you like it
One Small Step (aka martians are real and think we're dumb)
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foryouandbits · 7 months
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foryouandbits · 7 months
hiiiiii are there still check please fans on tumblr sorry it’s been years and years
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foryouandbits · 7 months
eric richard bittle is a country gay so he can drive
And here are some fun facts about it
He is the most aggressive driver ever. it takes him about .3 seconds to get frustrated enough to lay on the horn. he is used to driving in the middle of buttfuck nowhere, GA, so if he finds himself in a city traffic jam in Providence he is Baffled and Not Very Happy About It
Learned how to drive stick before automatic
His first car was like, a 2000 Ford Ranger or something like that (we know he drives a truck based on 03.01 and come on that looks like a nice lil Ranger okay if you doubt me then look at some pictures but trust me the body looks like a Ford)
Probably is not a fan of Jack’s Fancy and Boring and Safe SUV
I mean, what’s a car that doesn’t have pieces falling off of it? There’s no personality there
Speed limits are just a suggestion
Texts and drives. Absolutely, for sure. I just know this. It’s one of his biggest character flaws and it freaks Jack out and they’ve had some genuine fights about it
Also road rage?? One of those drivers who just starts talking absentmindedly to the other drivers on the road and it begins with him being a little patronizing about their driving and ends with him fully cussing them out
Jack, alternatively: slightly cautious, pretty generic driver. Obeys the speed limit. Relaxed even during rush hour traffic jams. Bitty cannot stand it
When they go on road trips and it’s Jack’s turn to drive Bitty lasts about an hour maximum before insisting they pull over so he can drive because “really, honey, I know it says 60 but we are NEVER going to make it to Montreal if we don’t go 80 for a bit”
HOWEVER, as soon as there’s snow on the ground, he refuses to drive until the plows have been around
In the distant future, Jack is going to be the one to teach their kids how to drive because Bitty just lacks the patience for it
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foryouandbits · 7 months
jack zimmermann in high school was like “i am insane 🤪😡 ” and that made him self destructive and kind of an asshole because he was overwhelmed and didn’t know why his brain was doing the things it was doing to him. And so he drank and he partied and he let kent parson pierce his ears one night after a party neither of them really wanted to be at, and he talked back to coaches because obviously he knew better than everybody. And everyone knew who Jack Zimmermann was in an “oh yeah, that motherfucker’s crazy,” kind of way, in a, “he walked the mile even though he’s a semi-professional athlete because he didn’t want to and he thought it was a waste of time,” way, in a , “did you hear that zimmermann blacked out last night and then scored a hat trick during the game?” kind of way
jack zimmermann in college was like, “i am insane 😔😶” and that made him feel an overwhelming sense of responsibility. He had to be so regimented, so strict with himself to keep anyone from knowing that his brain was doing the things it was doing to him. And so he studied and he didn’t come out of his room all that much and he practiced and went to class and practiced and he went on a couple dates and hung out with a couple friends, but on the whole, he kept it inside. Everyone knew who Jack Zimmermann was because no one else showed up to every single 8am American History lecture for an entire year without even thinking about skipping, no one has such a reliably consistent schedule. When people say he’s insane, it’s with a sense of reverence, he’s insanely disciplined, insanely dedicated, insanely strong. No more impulse, only actions that have been completely and utterly thought through.
jack zimmermann in the NHL is like “i am insane 🤷‍♂️😌” and that makes him play pranks in the locker room and pick bitty up and toss him over his shoulder for no reason, it makes him say, “have you ever thought about how i’d look with frosted tips?” half to see what George would say and half because he’s considering it. It makes him get a dog with more energy than he has. It makes him just say, “I’m getting grumpy, I’m gonna go home now, but this was a fun party,” without feeling bad about it. It makes him a little gentler with himself, it makes him fucking hilarious. It makes him go to therapy pretty regularly. It makes him text Tater at 2 in the morning to tell him that he just bought a “happy birthday” cake even though it’s nobody’s birthday so they can leave it in the player’s lounge to make everybody nervous and think they forgot someone’s birthday. jack zimmermann in the NHL is like, “i am insane, we knew that, let’s move on,” and good for him
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