for @fmdsiwon
“I missed this.” Jihae stretched his arms above his head, sighing happily as he allowed his body to extend itself to its full height. Alien was, understandably, as busy as they were being successful with their most recent comeback and Unity’s time had been mostly taken up by concert prep but now that Jihae’s schedule had cleared up a little bit he had taken it upon himself to make sure that Siwon got at least a little bit of a break from being buff and almost-shirtless on stage. Causing minor mayhem wasn’t really an option, Siwon needed to preserve his energy, so hanging out in what little spring sunshine was left of the day had been the next best option. “I know comeback seasons are always harsh but I hope you’ve been taking good care of yourself, hyung.” The younger cracked an eye open and gave the other his best take on a stern glare. 
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“I’ve gotten used to it.” For Siwon, there was something oddly satisfying about going to bed exhausted from a day filled with hard and strenuous activities. Alien’s choreography wasn’t exactly easy, and having to do it multiple times a day was enough to make anyone’s body sore, but he liked the achy feeling. It reminded him of the feeling his muscles and joints got after a good workout. The one thing he could do without though, was the lack of sleep. There just weren’t enough hours in the day for a promoting idol. “I know that you guys have been really busy lately with your concerts and stuff. I hope you’ve been taking good care of yourself too. We don’t need another incident to happen like what happened with Soo.”
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    Jaehyun couldn’t help but pout at the thought of there not being any cake. The only perk he saw when it came to going to events like such was the food. No one was around to tell him that he should stop eating so much. “Well maybe when we’re done here, we can go get some ice cream or something. I have the biggest sweet tooth right now.” He could respect anyone that stuck to a healthy lifestyle, he knew it wasn’t the easiest thing to achieve. Most of the time he tried to eat healthy but often found it hard to stick to. Of course it just so happened that Jaehyun’s favorite foods weren’t the most healthiest. “Oh shush, don’t try and act like you didn’t just enjoy that. I’m the master at being super corny when the time is right.” He laughs softly as they made their way inside. “Gosh you’re no fun, can’t even give me a little crumb of hope to hold onto. See if I ever call you cute again.” He pouts, knowing it’s a lie. It would be minutes before Jaehyun says it, the word consistently in his vocabulary whenever Siwon was around.
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“Ice cream? What’s wrong with the healthy food options we have here? I think it’ll be better for you and your body. Too much sweet stuff can’t be good for you, huh?” Of course, he wasn’t sure just how many sweet Jaehyun had taken in during the past few days, he could be certain that he’d had more unhealthy foods than Siwon did. Siwon was rather strict about his own dietary habits. He did eat as he pleased, but he always ate healthily and kept his sugar intake to a minimum. Although there were a few days where he allowed himself to be careless and indulge in whatever he wanted to. “I’m not acting like anything, but whatever helps you sleep at night, I guess.” He shrugged his shoulders, an amused smile on his lips. “I don’t need you to call me cute when you’ve already done it more than enough times in the past.”
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Ash saved his retorts for after he returned from changing, but after he did, he segued back into them, ignoring that it was an old conversation by then. “By the way, there’s this neat invention called the washing machine,” Ash teased, speaking as if Siwon had somehow appeared in the 21st century yesterday. “And I don’t know about you, but I don’t usually sleep in a latex cat suit.” Again, he was only teasing. It didn’t affect him what Siwon worked out in, but it was hard for Ash to pass up the chance to give him a hard time.
“Ah, yes, of course, we need to mark off another place on that list in your diary, hyung: ‘Places I want to visit with Ash’.” He nudged the older and gave him a cheeky smile as he walked past him, though the sparkle in his eyes reinforced that he only had good will toward the other. Ash pulled the hood of his hoodie up over his dark hair before he opened the door. “I haven’t been to Jeju very often,” he admitted more seriously, “Haven’t been much of anywhere outside of Seoul often to be honest.”
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“Don’t be such a brat. Who feels like washing clothes everyday? That’s just a waste of electricity and a waste of water. It’s safe to say which one of us is not making an effort to reduce their carbon footprint.” Siwon frowned at Ash, as though he were disappointed in him, before his smile returned a second later. “Maybe you should try sleeping in one sometime. It’s a lot more comfortable than you would think it is, trust me.” Ash giving him a hard time wasn’t something that Siwon was unfamiliar with anyway. He had grown used to it throughout the course of their friendship.
“And we need to add on another place on that list in your diary: ‘Places I visited with my favorite hyung, Siwon.’” He slipped his face mask back up to cover his mouth and the lower half of his face, before stepping through the door’s entrance and back outside. “That’s what I’m here for - to change that. You can’t spend all of your free days held up in the dorm. You need to get some fresh air and take in some new surroundings. I would have said let’s go take a ferry ride to Japan, but I figured it’d be better to start off with something simpler for you.”
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     Though he never had a proper relationship with his own parents, Jaehyun found it to be adorable that parties like such would take place after a certain amount of years. It only made him think if he would be able to do the same, to have a life outside of the industry. He kept quiet on the party, not sure how Siwon truly felt about it. “Do you think there’s gonna be cake?” He asked, trying to hold back his own smile. He was happy that Siwon thought of him when it came to the party, always willing to spend more time with the other male. “Well if you really don’t want to stay too long, we can always do something else. I don’t have anything planned for the rest of the night, besides being with you.” He chuckled at the ice statue comment, as they made their way inside. “Don’t go to far, you know I don’t like being around strangers.” Given his profession, Jaehyun was amazed with himself and how shy he could be around random people. “I’m a cute ice statue, right? Not like an ugly one? This is important to know.”
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“I’m.. Not too sure about that.” His mother may have been going on another one of her usual health kicks where she didn’t want to eat anything that was too fattening or high in sugar. It was another one of her attempts at not losing her beauty, which Siwon thought was damn near impossible. In his eyes, she was just as pretty as she was when he was a young boy, but unfortunately she didn’t feel the same way. “My mom might be going on another one of her health kicks, so there might be a shortage of sweets in there. But the chefs and catering service that we usually hire are great at making healthy foods taste good, so you don’t have to worry about starving or anything.” He smiled slightly. “Besides being with me? How corny of you.” Siwon wouldn’t admit that he liked hearing him say that. “Yeah, I know, don’t worry.” He placed his hand on Jaehyun’s back gently. “I could answer that, but I won’t.”
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she really didn’t. there would always be something more wild to get up to, even at the most wild thing she could think of, but she was still human. some things didn’t have to be at a hundred. “don’t worry about it. i’m happy to come.” jeonghwa wasn’t sure why siwon had invited her in the first place. the type of people inside weren’t who she normally would hang out with, but she wouldn’t blame him if he had ulterior motives. arm candy, a contrasting show of his success as an idol, or someone to show to his parents as a love interest– she’d heard that happened with idols. it was a blessing that her own parents didn’t pressure her into relationships.
as he tidied himself up in the window’s reflection, jeonghwa thought he seemed nervous. a gentle hand guided him to stand properly, so she could fix his collar herself, and smooth down the fabric of his shirt. “relax, you look good.” she let him go with a pat on his shoulder. “maybe it’s not a good time for you, but it’s an experience for me. i can file it away in my little memory banks, even if it ends up shit.” she paused. “i’ll try not to curse, promise.”
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“I’m completely relaxed.” Siwon had dealt with these kind of things for his entire life, he didn’t have an issue with it. What he had a real issue with was his father, but that was a topic for another day. He didn’t want to bring it up, because he knew that as soon as he allowed himself to voice one negative thought about his dad, an onslaught of negativity would escape his lips, and he didn’t want to deal with that. He didn’t like holding onto emotions that soured his mood. Everyone who knew Siwon knew that he was a positive guy who liked to spread happiness. He just.. Couldn’t stand his father. Or, as he had grown to refer to him as, his sperm donor. “Trust me, they curse like sailors in there. It’s fine.” 
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    When Siwon invited him to a party for his parents anniversary, he didn’t really know what to say at first. Then of course quickly agreed to go, figuring it must have been super important if Siwon took time to ask him. Thankfully he was able to move a few things around and his vocal coach wasn’t angry for him asking to have his lesson a bit earlier in the day. The car ride to the venue was more silent than Jaehyun is used to when it comes to being around the other male, but he chalked it down to nerves. “Well I know you shouldn’t leave before seeing your mother at least, Siwon.” He responded softly, quickly looking around at the few people who were outside as well. Though his own relationship with his mother was strained, it was nice to see other family dynamics and how the children dealt with it. “Come on, it can’t be that bad. Imagine all the free food they’ll probably have. We can’t stay out here forever, it’s cold and I’m far too cute to be an ice statue in my next life.”
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He considered Jaehyun to be one of his best friends, so of course he would ask him to come along with him to his parents’ anniversary party. Siwon couldn’t help but feel a tinge of annoyance - although not at Jaehyun. He didn’t see why his parents wanted to make such a big deal out of it. When he was younger, he thought that it was just because they loved one another. Now that he was an adult, he could tell that for his father, it was more of a show. He did it to look good in front of his peers, and to show off his beautiful home and his beautiful wife. “Don’t worry, I plan on seeing her and spending a few moments with her.” He and his mother had an understanding of one another. She knew that he liked to spend as little time around his father as possible, so she wouldn’t blame him for wanting to leave as soon as possible. “We’ll see about that,” he grumbled, before gesturing towards the front of his old home. “Come on, let’s go, ice statue.” 
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truthfully, she’d only been asking in the hopes of hearing the answer she wanted         which was orange. she’s sure her disappointment with his answer reads all over her face, try as she might to mask it with a smile. 
“ you think? it’s a little out of my comfort zone, if i’m honest … ”  and if there’s one thing eunah hates, it’s going out of her comfort zone. eunah’s need to BE IN CONTROL is deeply inbedded in her by now  &  having to expand her boundaries, even this little bit, is not apart of the plan         but neither is embarrassing herself in front of her industry seniors. slowly, perhaps a little sadly, she puts back down the orange lip tint and holds the red one up a little bit higher.  “ red it is! thank you, oppa! ”
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She may have been an idol, but she definitely wasn’t an actress. Although she tried to hide the disappointment on her face, Siwon could see it clear as day. He sighed softly to himself, shaking his head. He hadn’t meant to tell her the wrong answer. He honestly thought that she was asking for a straight forward, unbiased answer. Apparently he was wrong. 
“Then again, you can always get both?” He suggested, backtracking a little bit. “There’s nothing wrong with getting two, especially if they’re different colors. That way, you can switch up your look and try new things. Could even take a cotton swab and mix the two colors together to create an orange-y, reddish color.” He had seen a makeup artist do that once and he had been surprised - he had no idea you could do that with makeup. 
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(Wonho) “Shoot Out” // The Show 181030
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 [  ♡  ]  where  &  when  /  lotte world mall, march 18th, 4:55pm. 
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a three  -  hundred thousand won gift card  &  two  -  hundred thousand extra as a rare gift from her parents … maybe not a lot to some, but to kim eunah, it feels like the WHOLE WORLD. it’s been four years since 7rophy’s debut, but there was still a ways to go in paying back their trainee debt         her parents raised her to be frugal, but it was getting old. today, eunah is going to go ALL OUT, that is, on the sales  /  clearance sections of lotte world mall’s shops.
she wanders alone for the first hour, moving  swiftly  past the expensive, luxury boutiques as she CASES OUT THE JOINT, weighing up her options and making her mental shopping list  &  now the  retail therapy  can officially begin. first stop  /  missha, for her guilty pleasure purchase of the day: a new LIP TINT. 
she feels a presence next to her  &  although she doesn’t really feel like breaking her silence, she really can’t choose which colour she prefers.  “ do you like the RED or the ORANGE better? ”
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Siwon had been a little confused when he was handed a gift card, something that he’d never really had to use before in his entire life. He came from a very wealthy family, his father being the CEO and successor of a company that did domestic as well as international business. The card in his wallet was all he needed to get the things that he wanted, but he still gratefully accepted the gift card without complaint. It was their form of payment, so it wasn’t like he couldn’t accept it, right? 
His first few stops were at the more high end stores, picking up a few things here and there, before he moved on to the other shops that the mall had to offer. He had long since maxed out his gift card, and was now wielding his own credit card to help him pick up all the things he wanted. The next thing on his list of purchases was skincare related items. 
As he browsed through the products displayed, he heard a voice next to him speak out. “Hm?” He looked at the lip tints she asked about. “Hm.. Red. You can’t really go wrong with a red lip, no?” 
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          for a long time ( a couple of years after she quit pageant ), kyunghwa had had this idea in her head that being around men was easier than being around women. perhaps for teenager kyunghwa that affirmation was true, especially with how much she avoided anything remotely ‘girly’ or ‘feminine’. as she was growing up and got more exposed to the things the way were, less protected by her father, she started realizing that wasn’t necessarily true at least ninety-five per cent of the time. her friendships shifted from being mostly men to be mostly women, and a past failed relationship had led the woman into not trusting men much. kyunghwa had to admit, however, that men were often easier to rope into doing wilder things with her, the type of things she enjoyed, but that most of her female friends couldn’t be bothered with. she was glad siwon was up for it with her. “ if you haven’t done anything we have to go on the gyro drop, ” it was one at the top of her list, and she hadn’t been able to go yet. “ i’ve been wanting to go on that for a long time. ” she started walking on the direction of the ride, pulling her jacket closer to her body. “ have you come here in the past oppa? ” 
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“Gyro Drop it is.” He nodded his consent at the idea, his head turning in the direction of the large theme park attraction. Siwon had never really been one to be afraid of heights or anything of the sort, so he didn’t have any issues getting on that ride. He was just glad that he hadn’t decided to eat anything heavy before running into Kyunghwa. He’d learned his lesson years ago when he was just seven or eight, and he had decided to get on a rollercoaster right after he finished stuffing his face with food and sweet treats. As one would expect, that didn’t end well. His father had to end up paying the staff extra to clean up after the mess he’d made, and ever since then, Siwon didn’t dare eat before getting on rides. “I have, actually. I used to come here a few times during the summer when I was a kid. Actually, up until the time I became a trainee.” 
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                   ——— kyunghwa doesn’t bother to pretend she’s not excited about shooting a CF at an amusement park. everywhere she goes, she offers the people standing around a smile, being far more pleasant than she already is on a daily basis. the dancer is on a better mood than she’s been in a long time and, knowing herself as well as she does, kyunghwa also knows not to take it for granted. she’s going to enjoy the rest of her day before she has to go back home and dwell on everything upsetting in her life. “ so, what ride haven’t you gone to yet? ” the woman is practically bouncing, in a way that’s bound to annoy someone. “ because i want to go on everything at least twice, and i’ve only gone on a couple. ”      
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Amusement parks were always places of enjoyment for Siwon. He’d frequented them plenty of times throughout his childhood, especially Lotte World. In fact, he was almost certain that he knew the entire layout of the theme park like the back of his hand, but he hadn’t been in so long that he was sure they had changed quite a few things in his absence. With Alien’s busy schedules for the past few years, he didn’t have many chances to go out and just spend the day having fun. Even that day they had to work, but at least they could spend their free time exploring. “I just got finished with my CF about half an hour ago, so I haven’t gotten on any rides yet. Which one did you want to get on next?” 
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⎿ message sent to si siwon ⏋: ⏤ siwon, have i ever told you just how great you are? ⏤ my decorating savior! ⏤ that’s such a good idea, i love it. ⏤ i do got it, and you’re right.  ⏤ might as well live a little, right?
⎿ message sent to eunae ⏋: ⏤ no, but i happily accept the compliment (: ⏤ i’m glad you like the idea! i’m not great with color schemes and stuff, but i thought it would look nice ⏤ exactly, there’s no point in hoarding money. ⏤ there’s more important things in life anyway.
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“ it’s really NO PROBLEM, oppa. i have some time off now that gun promotions are wrapped up … and what better way to spend it than getting fat at your parents’ anniversary party! ”  she jokes, giving siwon a bright, beaming smile. her  (  bc entertainment’s  )  terms of agreement were simple         one or two photos maximum, don’t make turn this into a DATING SCANDAL. fine by minhee. lipstick’s primarily male, and therefore posessive fanbase, means that any kind of dating scandal would be career suicide. minhee fixes herself in a compact mirror while siwon looks at himself in the window reflection.  “ for the last time, yes. you’re really doubting my schmoozing abilities this much, oppa? i was raised at events like this, i know how to make the most of them. ”  her tone is joking, teasing, in an attempt to lighten siwon’s mood
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“Yeah, but you haven’t met my father. No one can schmooze up to him.” Siwon probably wouldn’t spend too much time in his father’s presence that night. He would only go there, say hello to his father, spend a little while with his mother and then he would leave and go back to his apartment for the night. He hadn’t even really wanted to come out that night anyway, not with the way that his body was aching from hours upon hours of dance practice that he had been enduring for the past few weeks ever since they had finalized the recordings for their newest album. “Come on, the sooner we go in, the sooner we can leave. We just have to spend a few minutes with my mom so that she knows that I actually did show up.”
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“don’t mention it. i had nothing more important to do.” she was sort of telling the truth. gun promotions were coming to an end which meant that she was becoming a lot more free when it come to time, but promotions haven’t ended officially yet which means her manager probably wouldn’t have agreed to let her go if she asked. however, hyeju was beyond the years of asking her manager permission to go anywhere, and so a little outing like such shouldn’t be too much of a deal. “plus, not like it’s anything new. been here before even if it was just once.” back when siwon and her were actually dating, she had followed him to one of these parties. sure, it was a little awkward coming back, but they were still good friends. if he needed a favor, she would always be willing to say yes. “i’ve been dealing with such parties ever since i was born. you aren’t the only one who has rich ass parents.” probably a reason they ended up bonding in the first place was because of their similar backgrounds. hyeju ran from her’s, but here siwon was still in contact with his. “i can fake a smile and pass it off as real, trust me.” 
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“I doubt that’s true. I’m sure BC is just dying to keep milking Lipstick for everything you guys have left.. No offense.” He shrugged his shoulders, hoping that his words hadn’t seriously offended her. It wasn’t like he was lying though. BC did tend to do that to their groups, and then tossed them to the side once they got a little older. Just look at what happened to Decipher and Bee. They were still popular, of course, but did BC promote them as often as they should have? Definitely not. Siwon felt bad for them. He knew what it was like to have inter company issues and he wouldn’t have wished that on his worst enemy. Not that he had many to begin with, if any at all. “Yeah.. I appreciate you doing this for me.” It was awkward to have her back at his childhood home, but fortunately it wasn’t awkward being around her like it was with most of his exes. “Rich ass parents, yes. My dad? Definitely not. He’s a whole new type of asshole.” He sighed, adjusting his collar one more time, before holding out his arm for her to take.
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“don’t worry about it.” geun always liked to support his members. after all, they were like brothers to him. he figured it would be rude to refuse an invitation to such a big event. siwon did not even have to explain himself to geun before the older male accepted. additionally, alien’s leader tried to look presentable in a clean-cut suit, and his hair was styled. a little smirk appeared on his face when siwon questioned him. “yeah, i mean, i dressed up for the occasion. i should also greet your parents. it’s the polite thing to do.” that was basically geun’s way to telling the younger male not to worry about him. despite what kind of bitter feelings siwon held toward his parents, they helped out alien when they were trainees and rookie idols. “we’ll just say hi, then leave. no big deal, siwon-ah.”
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“Still, I don’t think you would want to spend a few hours of your night here, especially when we’ve been so busy all day with comeback preparations. And my dad isn’t really the easiest guy to get along with, so I would understand if you wanted to steer clear of that.” He fixed his hair in the reflection of the car window, brushing the strands away from his forehead until they formed a comma-like shape, curling slightly against his skin. “Don’t be alarmed if my mom is extra smiley and nice to you. I think you might be her bias,” he laughed, finally stepping away from the car. “We can’t just leave after saying hi.. I want to spend some time with my mom. I haven’t seen her in months.” He hadn’t even been able to see her for Christmas, something he regretted deeply. 
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hangyeom smiled. “what like sleeping in?” to be fair of course, this was one of their last free days before everything kicked into high gear so perhaps sleeping might’ve actually been the better choice. hangyeom knew he wasn’t going to be having much of a fun time. for one thing the mullet (while a lot more modest without the extensions the stylists often pushed on him) was definitely going to make him stand out amongst the businessmen here. “if i didn’t want to come i wouldn’t be right now, hyung.” hangyeom said taking a moment adjust his jacket. “i wouldn’t want to leave you alone to deal with those stuffy, important big wigs anyway.”
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“Yeah, like sleeping in. I know how much you love doing that,” he joked, gesturing for him to go forward on the large steps leading up to the large house that he had grown up in. It was almost nostalgic for him, some sweet memories flooding into his mind, before the bitter ones featuring his father began to cloud the nicer ones. He shook his head for a second, before sighing. “You could have just agreed to come along with me to be nice. I don’t wanna force you to be here if you don’t want to be.” Maybe he was so set on getting Hangyeom to say he didn’t want to be there because Siwon himself didn’t want to be there? It was a very high possibility, that was for sure. “How admirable of you, my hero.” He laughed. “Come on.”
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open starter 
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“I just wanted to say thanks for coming with me. I’m sure you had more important things to do.” It was his parents wedding anniversary, and as they did every year, they threw a pretty big party with a few hundred people. Even amidst preparations for Alien’s new comeback, he knew that he had to show up at the event like he always did. He and his father still hadn’t completely resolved their issues from the past, but he would definitely be scolded if he didn’t attend. Plus, he loved his mother far too much to bail on an event. Siwon hadn’t seen her in months, and he wanted to spend some time with her before he was thrown back into a whirlwind of schedules and promotions. He adjusted his collar, looking at his reflection through the window of the car they had arrived in. He didn’t plan on staying for too long, just a few hours. No longer than two. He knew that his father would have been glad (or as glad as an uptight ahjussi could be) if he saw that Siwon had brought another idol with him. What was better than having one idol at an event? Two. “Are you sure you want to go in? There’s only going to be a bunch of my father’s colleagues and other stuffy, important big wigs. It’s not going to be a good time.”
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