finijas01 · 6 years
The Invisible Price of Fast Fashion
By Jasmine Niu
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finijas01 · 6 years
Internet Addiction: Reassessing Technology Use
By Jasmine Niu
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finijas01 · 6 years
High Heels: Sweets Sent from the Devil
by Jasmine Niu
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finijas01 · 6 years
Enchanted or Bittersweet?
By Jasmine Niu
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finijas01 · 6 years
The Windy City
By Jasmine Niu
Whenever I introduce myself during a new semester, and I tell my classmates I’m from Hsinchu, they always stare at me and say, “That’s where the science park is, but is there anything fun there?” I realize that people know very little about the city, except maybe that it is windy all the time. Follow me to know more about this lovely place.
Hsinchu is in northwestern Taiwan and about a one hour drive from Taipei. Unlike some cities in Taiwan, Hsinchu is not famous for sightseeing. It is well-known for the Hsinchu Science and Technology Industrial Park, attracting high tech investment to Taiwan and making the area the economic center for the information industry. Also, when it comes to Hsinchu, people think of pork balls and rice noodles. But Hsinchu is more than that.
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finijas01 · 6 years
An Introduction to Skinny Fat
By Jasmine Niu
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finijas01 · 6 years
My Top Lists for Lay(Zhang Yixing) (Part 5)
Part 1: http://finijas01.tumblr.com/post/175885881153/my-top-lists-for-layzhang-yixing-part-1
Part 2: http://finijas01.tumblr.com/post/175914256618/my-top-lists-for-layzhang-yixing-part-2
Part 3: http://finijas01.tumblr.com/post/176024615533/my-top-lists-for-layzhang-yixing-part-3
Part 4: http://finijas01.tumblr.com/post/176025126183/my-top-lists-for-layzhang-yixing-part-4
#Favorite quotes from Lay
People might say it seems not genuine at all to be polite all the time. But I can stick to it for my whole life. And this is me, isn’t it?
                                                                              -Lay Zhang in “Idol Producer”)
These words are for the haters who attacked him for being too polite. He won’t change for them.
#Favorite Lay’s picture
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This is where I started! I can’t love it more…… (Speechless)
#Favorite video from “Bilibili”
This is my favorite collection of Lay’s cute moments! I can’t stop smiling while watching it! 
It fully shows Lay’s unique JPG Style xDDDDDDD
#Favorite Lay’s GIF
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I’M SHOT BY HIS ARROWS! (or bullets......... never mind!)
#Something to say to Lay
However, I forgot to write it down in my letter to him last time……. WHAT A SHAME!
It is finally ended! Hope you like it!
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finijas01 · 6 years
My Top Lists for Lay(Zhang Yixing) (Part 4)
Part 1: http://finijas01.tumblr.com/post/175885881153/my-top-lists-for-layzhang-yixing-part-1
Part 2: http://finijas01.tumblr.com/post/175914256618/my-top-lists-for-layzhang-yixing-part-2
Part 3: http://finijas01.tumblr.com/post/176024615533/my-top-lists-for-layzhang-yixing-part-3
#Favorite Lay’s CF
IT’S THE LAST STRAW THAT BREAKS THE CAMEL’S BACK—the pillow edition of Tmall(天貓) CFs!!!!! The series of Tmall CFs are all well-designed and well-produced!
But it seems too shallow………so here comes the runner-up:
*Runner-up: HUAWEI NOVA CF 60s
This was probably his first look without his bangs when filming CFs, which made him more masculine and mature!
#Favorite magazine cover shooting
THIS IS MY ONE AND ONLY PERFECT LOOK FOR BOYS! I was fangirling the whole night after I found this…… How can a boy have such cute and sexy smile?
*Runner-up: Men’s Uno May Issue (my favorite before)
I didn’t expect that smoky eyes looked good on him! And I’m still surprised at HIS INNOCENT FACE even with smoky eyes!!! His middle-parted fringe looks awesome too!
#Favorite Lay’s interview 
Lay often shows his wisdom in his interviews. Still this short and relaxing interview above is my favorite. You’ll find some funny talks here xD
Hope you enjoy it!
Part 5: http://finijas01.tumblr.com/post/176025916673/my-top-lists-for-layzhang-yixing-part-5
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finijas01 · 6 years
My Top Lists for Lay(Zhang Yixing) (Part 3)
Part 1: http://finijas01.tumblr.com/post/175885881153/my-top-lists-for-layzhang-yixing-part-1
Part 2: http://finijas01.tumblr.com/post/175914256618/my-top-lists-for-layzhang-yixing-part-2 
#Favorite rap part by Lay
The rap part in the second verse of WHAT U NEED is the best for me! It’s smooth and also a plus for the song!
*Runner-up: the rap part in “Love Me Right.”
Lay has major part in Chinese version. Besides, his look in the music video is soooooooo charming!
#Favorite Lay’s drama performance
“Operation Love” doesn’t work well in script and dubbing. But the leading character 嚴小賴 made Lay a qualified actor! He improved a lot in acting! I love how he stares at the girl in the ending part! (OMG I’m jealous……) Click the video to watch it!
#Favorite variety show by Lay
“Go Fighting” made me an X’Back. But now I love PD Zhang in “Idol Producer” more, who is strict and responsible! He used to be an extremely hard-working trainee, so he could be one of the most qualified mentors for those young trainees in the show. “Idol Producer” reveals Lay’s professional skills in dance and music as well as his attitudes towards performing on stage!
Feel free to comment below!
Part 4: http://finijas01.tumblr.com/post/176025126183/my-top-lists-for-layzhang-yixing-part-4
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finijas01 · 6 years
My Top Lists for LAY(Zhang Yixing) (Part 2)
Part 1: http://finijas01.tumblr.com/post/175885881153/my-top-lists-for-layzhang-yixing-part-1
#Favorite music video by Lay
The music video of SHEEP is awesome and you’ll never get tired of watching it! Also, I think the song SHEEP speaks the most about LAY HIMSELF, playing happily in the music world. By the way, I hope he can be truly happy with his music career, just like having a music garden instead of building an empire.
# Favorite performance by Lay
Absolutely 劉海砍樵 WITH NO DOUBT! The original song is a track from a Huaguxi(花鼓戲), a form of Chinese opera derived from Lay’s hometown Hunan. Within 24 hours, Lay rearranged it into a pop song, learned new dance moves with the dance group, and made some rehearsals. The new song is a great mixture of traditional Chinese spirit and pop elements, and the performance with no doubt shows his amazing ability in making music and performing on stage!! HE DESERVERS MORE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FROM THE WORLD!!
# Favorite instrumental music by Lay
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The instrumental version of the song ”Prayer(祈願)” of course! (Not the piano one.) It’s not been released but we can find it in the drama “Operation Love.” The music is a plus for the TV drama. It creates gentle and warm-hearted atmosphere for the story. I hope the release will not be a wishful thinking….
#Favorite piano performance by Lay
So far this has been my no.1. Like a small stream in the forest, the rhythm always relieves my tension and pressure.
#Favorite dance performance by Lay
It was difficult to pick the better between the “Mirotic” performance in GDA and the “Playboy” performance in Shanghai. In the end I picked the former, “Mirotic.” Well, it’s quite subjective because Lay’s look that day was soooooo appealing to me! He was so attractive with black hair in a black suit with black leather shoes! Still his dance was both smooth and full of power of course!
#Favorite freestyle performance by Lay
His freestyle on the Korean TV show “Sketchbook” is like a MASTERPIECE. I’m speechless……. please click the video and you’ll know what I’m saying.
Share your answers with me!
Part 3: http://finijas01.tumblr.com/post/176024615533/my-top-lists-for-layzhang-yixing-part-3
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finijas01 · 6 years
My Top Lists for LAY(Zhang Yixing) (Part 1)
On July 13, Lay OFFICIALLY announced his Twitter account!!!!!!!!!!! 
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This is my first article about him on Tumblr just to celebrate the Twitter announcement.....
If you’re also a fan girl or a fan boy, it’s absolutely understandable for you to be attracted by your idol’s almost EVERY SINGLE PART. Still you may have your favorites about his/her works, looks, etc. And here are my top lists for him.
#Moment at first sight
To be honest, I can’t remember when exactly I first saw Lay and my first impression on him. Maybe just a glance in the music video of MAMA, I found him more like a Chinese with little K-POP style. But I didn’t know any of the members and didn’t try to recognize each of them either during that time.
However, I was amazed at his black-haired look in “Overdose” with his bangs lightly covering his forehead. THIS WAS DEFINITELY MY TASTE! From then on, he’s been the most handsome for me in EXO-M/EXO. I’m still fangirling whenever he shows up in the music video.
#Start of X’back’s life
It was an accident that YouTube recommended me Lay’s cut edited by XingPark on the TV show “Go Fighting.” HE WAS SUPER CUTEEE IN THE THREE EPISODES! Maybe it was the time when he started his career in China, got to know the game rules, and was able to enjoy the games without working overload. His smiles and laughs still heal me the most even now!
#Favorite song by Lay
I love his songs, such as “Goodbye Christmas,” “I Need U,” “Hand,” “Mask,” “Gift to Xback” and “Christmas Love.” But “Monodrama” has been still my favorite til’ now though some other great songs were released. The R&B music is a perfect match with his voice, which reflects his sexy charm!  
Part 2: http://finijas01.tumblr.com/post/175914256618/my-top-lists-for-layzhang-yixing-part-2
Tell me your answers to these three tags!
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finijas01 · 6 years
What I learned from Klossy vol.1
23 things Karlie has learned in her 23 years:
1. If you have free time, FaceTime your family.
2. Hard work pays off.
3. Take time for yourself. But if you take too much time for yourself and you’re late, make sure you have baked goods.
4. Not everyone’s gonna like you, and that’s okay.
5. When someone calls you a giraffe, that’s okay too.
6. Blondes seem to have more fun.
7. Coffee is a gift from the heavens.
8. Failing is okay so long as you learn from your mistakes.
9. Wear colorful things. Life is too short to always wear black.
10. When given the chance, hold a baby.
11. Every now and then, step outside of your comfort zone. It makes you grow.
12. Choose happiness.
13. Choose sleep.
14. When in doubt, Blue Steel it out.
15. Always keep chocolate nearby. I literally have a jar of Hershey’s Kisses in there and more chocolate in my fridge.
16. An emoji says a thousand words.
17. The best accessory is a smile-- or newspaper.
18. Always let the people with the longest arms take the selfie.
19. You’re never too old to call Mom for help.
20. Coding is the language of the future.
21. Make sure your alarm is set for am, not pm.
22. When people subscribe to my YouTube channel, it makes me really happy.
23. And the last thing I’ve learned is that I still have a lot to learn.
This is one of my favorite videos in Klossy! It always lifts me up when I’m down. These are what almost everyone would face in our life. Some are super tiny things we can overlook when time passes, while some are significant lessons we’ll spend our whole life trying to work them out! Although this is not the latest birthday-related video, still I admire Karlie for what she thought and did in her 23-year-old, which has always given me good vibes!
Thank you Karlie! I’ll try my best to go my own way!
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