fineimfaith 9 months
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this is a comic about twins
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fineimfaith 10 months
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fineimfaith 10 months
"hey fallon how'd you break your tooth"
fallon: uhh
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fallon: don't worry about it
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fineimfaith 10 months
okay so i finally finished making my hpma oc
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my handwriting's abysmal i'm so sorry 馃槶
anyways some more info on her:
- she's a beater for quidditch
- her dad's gon莽alo flores (a famous chaser)
- (that little detail wasn't fully intentional btw, i realized they had the same surname after i named her and thought why not - he can be her dad)
- that little black streak in her hair is natural --- some dark wizard tried to kill her when she was a baby for a little fun. he used the killing curse ofc, but her uncle jumped in the way and took the hit. a little bit of it still got to her and she was sick for weeks. the doctors had to use some special medicine that, in the end, DID heal her, but also discolored her hair a little
- all she remembers from that is the sickness
- she has a chipped tooth
- her dad's brazilian and her mom's irish. they'd been in a long-distance relationship for two years before gon莽alo flew to ireland and they got married. fallon was born nine months after, on december 8th
- she'd be irish-brazilian, but she usually tells people she's irish because she looks the part and 'cause she was born in dublin
- she's usually seen hanging around the freys and cassandra, but she also talks to daniel in potions and ivy in charms/dada
- she likes drawing but sticks to comics with stick figures. sometimes she talks to lottie for a bit of art advice - which is probably her asking the artsy girl if she should put clothes on her stick figures or not
- cassandra is genuinely sick of her, but also isn't, as fallon is "much more competent than a certain set of twins"
- speaking of the twins, fischer constantly dares her to do extremely dangerous things knowing full well she'd do them, and also knowing that she'd probably get herself killed or injured in the process. however, colby and cassandra are usually able to stop her (colby chews out his brother while cass chews out fallon)
- the only times they weren't able to save her are when fischer dared her to have an airborne snowball fight (she fell off her broom and broke her leg), and when fischer dared her to jump off a literal cliff (a hippogriff she'd befriended in care for magical creatures saved her)
- it's a miracle fallon is still alive tbh
- and fischer, too
- you have no idea how angry colby was after that cliff incident
- anyway cassandra and fallon are those two best friends where one pretends they hate the other and the other sees right through it
- colby and fallon usually meet up in the hogwarts library after curfew and read together. fallon provides insight on his poems while colby gives her advice for her little stick-figures
- the advice:
- "you should give them clothes"
- "make mine stab fischer"
- "is that a scarf? it doesn't look like one at all"
- the insight:
- "why are there so many big words?"
- "your handwriting's so messy it's giving me a migraine"
- "change that line right there. why? 'cause my glasses are not cute"
- she has glasses btw
- i mean you probably saw that in the picture but still
- anyway, she tugs on the ends of her scarf when she's happy or excited
- she doesn't just dislike fire, it's one of her biggest fears
- she has a pet barred owl named flingshot
- she calls him flingy for short
- at home she has a pet black cat named loony
-loony's probably older than hogwarts itself but she still loves him to death
- fallon's an avid scorpion lover (she's thought they were cool ever since she was five)
- (why? because a particularly venomous one stung her while she and her mom were visiting her dad in brazil. as she was in her hospital bed she said they were awesome and asked her parents if they could keep the one that stung her as a pet)
- (they said no ofc)
- speaking of her parents, she loves both of them dearly but she's closer to her mom 'cause her dad's usually off playing quidditch in brazil
- they owl each other at least once a week though
- fallon's an only child. not a spoiled one, rather one that would have siblings if she hadn't nearly given her parents heart attacks every other day
- especially after the cliff
- like, her father actually fainted after she heard the news
- her mom, however, owled her saying that she was glad she (fallon) was alive, but to be more careful and to not scare her father like that again
- yeah fallon's mom is pretty used to her shenanigans... she still gets worried, though. just not as worried as fallon's dad, who gets terrified whenever his "little princess" scrapes her knee
okay that's about it
there's probably more but i can't remember anything else soo yeah
anyways bye :)
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fineimfaith 10 months
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A mouth-watering fuck-ton of hand angle references.
By Shadowcross on DA.
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fineimfaith 10 months
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reblog the money pigeon for a financially stable future
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