findhannibalfics · 2 years
omgea Hannibal
Hi.  I am looking for an Omega Hannibal fic. In this fic Will and Hannibal get together. Hannibal get found out as the Chesapeake Ripper and gets put on trial.  Will knows about Hannibal at this point.  Will comes up with a convoluted defense to free Hannibal.  They defend Hannibal saying that as an unmated Omega Hannibal went crazy and only now that he is mated to Will has his sanity been brought back.  Further feeding into societies notion of the week Omega.   
(above is a submission)
I don't know this one - can anyone help?
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findhannibalfics · 2 years
I’m so sad this acc is inactive it was so useful :((( hope the mods are okay <3
Ache had to step away from social media, and Dae is.... having A Time. Thank you for your concern, and I hope to start being useful again soon. <3
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findhannibalfics · 2 years
Are there any fics where it’s mostly canon compliant it’s just the only difference is Hannibal is a vampire? I love the vampire fics we have but most of them kind of have their own storyline that’s not like the show and I want kinda everything to be the same but just… vampire Hannibal 😂
That is a concept that is making me laugh for specific personal reasons (I have an AU I want to write but the problem is I have to WORK to make it an AU, because much like Hannibal being an Actual Vampire, my AU idea is almost completely compatible with canon, oh noes), but unfortunately I can't help there - all the vampire fics I've seen have definitely been in the "have their own plot" category, haha.
Do any of our readers have recs?
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findhannibalfics · 2 years
Couple more:  (somehow I haven’t read these yet personally, but I’m familiar with both authors’ work and it’s good shit)
daylight savings, by thebeespatella - Fromage
something to make yourself sick on, by chaparral_crown - Shiizakana.
I’m trying to find fics that are like ‘unseen scenes’. All those moments in the show where Hannibal and Will spent time together that weren’t shown. Or even those scenes where they’re sitting by the fire and then the camera cuts to the next scene - but what actually happened after the camera cut you know? It’s kind of like an unfinished scene because you know they were still together for a while after. I’m not necessarily looking for sexual scenes, just canon compliant scenes we haven’t seen. But I don’t know what to search for that? Is there a term for this? Or do you know of any fics like it? Many thanks !
This sort of thing is definitely harder to search for than it feels like it should be!
The tags "Canon Compliant" and "Missing Scene" both individually turn up a lot of stuff that definitely doesn't fit your brief (the former a lot of post-s3 material, the latter a lot of stuff that's definitely not canon compliant), but together, they turn up a handful that might be what you're looking for. (Filtered for Hannigram)
Searching specific episode tags + Canon Compliant might turn up a bit more, but having tried a few, that's going to be kind of cumbersome.
Malebolge, by TiggyMalvern. Hannibal-POV take on season 1 through mid-season 2. Contains much of Hannibal being Hannibal, and extra bits of canon scenes.
a lighthouse five hundred yards down, by chaotic_plotter - Digestivo; Hannibal comes back for a bit in between leaving and giving himself up.
a place for us, by tei - Hannibal, at his house after Matthew Brown's murder attempt and the subsequent hospital visit. Hannibal fantasizes about Will killing him (and gets off on it, because of course he does). Explicit. Not strictly what you asked for, but might be close?
And I always feel kinda awkward reccing my own work here, but hey, I do rather like it, and I've written a few fics that fit: The Deed of His Hand (Naka-Choko lomo saltado dinner continuation), Gorged, Drowned, Plucked, and Roasted (Ko No Mono dinner continuation, explicit), and Best of Cruel Intentions (TWOTL car trip to the cliff house).
Does anyone else have recs to add?
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findhannibalfics · 2 years
I’m trying to find fics that are like ‘unseen scenes’. All those moments in the show where Hannibal and Will spent time together that weren’t shown. Or even those scenes where they’re sitting by the fire and then the camera cuts to the next scene - but what actually happened after the camera cut you know? It’s kind of like an unfinished scene because you know they were still together for a while after. I’m not necessarily looking for sexual scenes, just canon compliant scenes we haven’t seen. But I don’t know what to search for that? Is there a term for this? Or do you know of any fics like it? Many thanks !
This sort of thing is definitely harder to search for than it feels like it should be!
The tags "Canon Compliant" and "Missing Scene" both individually turn up a lot of stuff that definitely doesn't fit your brief (the former a lot of post-s3 material, the latter a lot of stuff that's definitely not canon compliant), but together, they turn up a handful that might be what you're looking for. (Filtered for Hannigram)
Searching specific episode tags + Canon Compliant might turn up a bit more, but having tried a few, that's going to be kind of cumbersome.
Malebolge, by TiggyMalvern. Hannibal-POV take on season 1 through mid-season 2. Contains much of Hannibal being Hannibal, and extra bits of canon scenes.
a lighthouse five hundred yards down, by chaotic_plotter - Digestivo; Hannibal comes back for a bit in between leaving and giving himself up.
a place for us, by tei - Hannibal, at his house after Matthew Brown's murder attempt and the subsequent hospital visit. Hannibal fantasizes about Will killing him (and gets off on it, because of course he does). Explicit. Not strictly what you asked for, but might be close?
And I always feel kinda awkward reccing my own work here, but hey, I do rather like it, and I've written a few fics that fit: The Deed of His Hand (Naka-Choko lomo saltado dinner continuation), Gorged, Drowned, Plucked, and Roasted (Ko No Mono dinner continuation, explicit), and Best of Cruel Intentions (TWOTL car trip to the cliff house).
Does anyone else have recs to add?
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findhannibalfics · 2 years
rec me good underage I don't give a shit
It's not something I have a lot of experience in because it's not really my cuppa, but Patpong by drinkbloodlikewine and whiskeyandspite is *really* well written and interesting. A lot of exploration of childhood trauma and what that might look like in particular situations.
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findhannibalfics · 2 years
I just came to check this account for the first time in a while and the mod is supporting underage porn fics what is happening?
I refuse to fucking do performative pearl-clutching and I also will not lose my fucking shit over what kind of FICTION people are writing or reading. I don't even like that fic, but I aggressively do not care what the fuck people are writing or reading for their own reasons. (Oh, you read fic about people who like to do some murder and cannibalism? Obviously you're a murderer and a cannibal, then. You're normalizing cannibalism, this is horrible.  The IRONY of being like “we can’t deal with this specific subject in in fanfic” in this fandom, of all places.  If you think reading the bad stuff makes you bad then I have bad news for you: there is murder in this fandom.  Shock.  Horror.)
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findhannibalfics · 2 years
Hi I’m looking for fics with kid!Will and adult!hannibal - it is extremely unfortunate that every time I try to find them there is always a horrible underage aspect (why is that so common in this fandom????) - so do you have any recommendations for kid!Will and adult!hannibal that aren’t inappropriate? <3
It's common because they're the main romantic pairing of the fandom, adults in canon, and "inappropriate" is practically Hannibal's middle name, I expect!
I haven't read any fics that fit your request and didn't turn up a whole lot searching, but the Bear Mountain Road AU series by PragmaticHominid looks like it fits, and I've enjoyed some of their other work.
But in general if you want kidfic where Hannibal is actually a reasonably okay father figure/adult influence (serial killing aside...), you're going to have much better luck finding fics where Hannibal and Will end up co-parenting a kid or kids; there's a solid amount of that out there.
EDIT 1/30: Stop sending anons about this post to this tumblr.  If you absolutely must send harassment to someone about your wildly inaccurate and hyperbolic interpretations of what I (Dae) have said here, my personal blog’s linked in the description.  I don’t make a habit of publishing that shit on my solo blog either, but I have a thick skin and can handle it.  If you have actual questions or want to have a discussion, I’m happy to answer respectful DMs or off-anon asks on my personal account, but as I’ve said before, that’s beyond the scope of findhannibalfanfics.
I also invite everyone to contemplate that real human beings are on the other side of most internet handles.  
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findhannibalfics · 2 years
I looking for a fic where there’s a scene Will ends up going to hospital I think and the nurse/alana are concerned about all the marks on his body and they think Hannibal is abusing Will but really they’re just having kinky times 👀
That sort of thing happens, uh, kind of a lot in fics. I know one off the top of my head where it's Beverly being concerned, but I've seen variations on the theme several times. Anything else you can remember about the one you're looking for that might help narrow it down?
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findhannibalfics · 2 years
Hi, I’m looking for a particular fic- a season 2 au, Will starts a relationship with Hannibal, but pretends to still be Jack’s man. He tells Jack he’s in the relationship with Hannibal to gain his trust. He shows jack his love bites that look very extreme- bc you know. Hannibal- to show his dedication to the cause. I don’t remember much else
This sounds like something I've read, but I'm afraid I can't find it with that level of detail - if there's anything else at all that you remember, feel free to send another ask. In the meantime, if any of our readers have an idea, please chime in in the notes!
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findhannibalfics · 3 years
hi!! i’m looking for this specific fic and i feel bad but i don’t remember much of it, i know hannibal owned a fine dining restaurant and will frequented it and i believe matthew brown was one of the waiters and became obsessed with wills and then will killed him in the restaurant?? i keep searching but i haven’t found it and it’s driving me crazy!!
Think we've probably got you covered on that one! Page Six, by ThisBeautifulDrowning.
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findhannibalfics · 3 years
hi im wondering if you know the post fall fic that ends with hannibal and will having sex in an airplane? I know its vague but I cant remember any other details 😅
Weirdly enough, I think I know what fic you're talking about. xD Unfortunately, I don't have the first clue how to go about finding it; I don't remember anything as useful as title or author.
I'll give a go at trying to find it over the next few days, but in the meantime, can anyone else help?
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findhannibalfics · 3 years
Hello I don’t know if your still active but I was wondering if you can help find some fics that are similar to The Ripper’s wife by hasegawa.thank you!!!!
We are both having some issues with being online, lately, but if you could give some details - since I haven't read that particular fic - about what kind of similarities you're looking for, that would help. :)
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findhannibalfics · 3 years
I’m new to tumblr so sorry if this isn’t the right way to do it but I’m looking for a Bnha fic, I can’t remember much about it except izuku turns the zero pointer into a giant statue of All Might
As the blog title hopefully indicates, this is a Hannibal fandom blog. I don't even know what Bnha stands for, sorry.
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findhannibalfics · 3 years
Hi! I’m looking for a specific fic post mizumono where chiyoh kidnaps will and we have murder family in Japan (including Abigail!) TY!
I’m pretty sure for that one you want The Fox’s Wedding, by thehoyden.  :)
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findhannibalfics · 3 years
im looking for a Bucky Barnes one where he’s the dads friend and their neighbor (it’s reader) and in the second chapter he’s teaching her out to eat out people or smth? Last time I saw it it had 3 chapters, it’s not the vendetta or peaches series but other than that I can’t find it
This is a Hannibal fanfiction blog; I’m afraid that’s quite out of our wheelhouse.  Sorry we can’t help!
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findhannibalfics · 3 years
Just to let you know I found the post apocalyptic fic but tysm for looking too! ❤️
<3 Glad you found it!
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