fenren · 5 years
Pigeon Blood is a very underrated bl game and doesn't have an english patch like Omega Vampire. I wouldn't know if you'd like it though since its V E R Y rapey and all the characters are down-right evil to the protagonist except for like, 2 of them lol. I don't know much about the game's plot but the art looks so pretty and gore/horror plays a huge part in it. I have a probability you won't like it but the light-hearted scenes are pretty cute and i'd die to understand them :"0
If you can provide screenshots/video footage of the parts you want translated, I’m always open to doing that! As for a full translation, I’m really busy nowadays so it would have to be a novel/VN that I really love for me to go through that alone haha.
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fenren · 5 years
Do you know if they’ll come out with a English version or if any other Yaoi or Yuri is coming out on the switch?
I...have no idea haha. I haven’t been following the visual novel news. Recently, a really awesome BL VN called Koshotengai no Hashihime came out on PC, though.
As for Omega Vampire, probably not, unless a team takes an interest in it.
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fenren · 6 years
Just for fun, I shoved random lines in Omega Vampire through Google Translate and compared it to my own translations...
As you can see, some of it is good! And then you get things like Gosawa = Australia and Keiichi = Penali (??). But, because the vocab isn’t too difficult, you can machine translate this if you had the patience.
Raw: 何者かが一直線にオレを追う…オレは茂みをかき分け、必死に逃げるが…
My TRLN: Someone was running straight towards me. I pushed my way through the bushes, running desperately, but…
Google: Someone chase me in line ... I crush the bushes and desperately run away ...
Raw: 逃げ切れるのか?それにしてもここは何処なのか…土地勘もない場所で…どうしてこんな目に遭うのか。
My TRLN: Could I even escape? And anyways, where am I? Why am I even in this unfamiliar place?
Google: Can you run away? Even so, where is this place ... where there is no habit of land ... Why do you encounter this?
Raw: オレはとても空腹だった…走っていたのは夢の中とはいえ、緊張したせいか、喉もカラカラだ。
My TRLN: I was starving…I might have only been running in my dream, but perhaps because of tension, I was also parched.
Google: I was very hungry ... Although I was running in my dreams, I was feeling nervous, my throat was too scary.
Raw: 全身に血が通う感覚。これで低血圧のオレでも何とか動ける。
My TRLN: The feeling of your blood circulating throughout your body. With this, even my low-blood pressure self can get moving.
Google: The sense that blood passes through the whole body. I managed to move even with my low blood pressure.
Raw: 早くから外国との交易も盛んで、丘の上には外交官など外国人が住んでいた歴史ある洋館が建ち並ぶ。
My TRLN: Trade with foreign countries quickly flourished and diplomats and other foreigners had a history of living in the western style houses standing in a row on atop the hill.
Google: Trade with foreign countries has also been popular since early, and historic Western-style houses living foreigners such as diplomats are on the top of the hill.
Raw: 刑一:「わあ、碧井先輩だ!冷静だし、テレビ映りもいいな。」
My TRLN: Keiichi: “Ooh, it’s Aoi-senpai! He’s calm and composed, and looks great on TV, too.”
Google: Penali: "Wow, you're senior citizen! It's calm and you can watch TV as well."
Raw: 「ただ今後、皆さんの選択の幅が広がった事は事実です。今後も我々は最善を尽くしていきます。」
My TRLN: “However, the reality is that people’s freedom of choice has expanded. We will do our very best from here on out."
Google: In the future, it is true that the extent of your choice has expanded, and we will do our best in the future."
Raw: 豪沢:「へえ、いい車乗ってるじゃねえか?コイツらを助けて欲しいなら、条件次第だ。」
My TRLN: Gōsawa: “What a nice car you’ve got there, eh? If you wanna save these guys, I’ll let them go, on one condition.”
Google: Australia: "Oh, you are driving a nice car, it depends on the conditions if you want us to help them."
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fenren · 6 years
Is Omega vampire doesn't have the english version???
No, there is no English version for Omega Vampire, only in the original Japanese. You can try to machine translate it, considering the content it may not be too difficult to understand. I have decided to stop translating the game since it doesn’t really interest me anymore, but I have translated some of the beginning gameplay on this blog.
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fenren · 6 years
[BL Game] Omega Vampire [Translations 5/??]
Scene #5: Dinner with Aoi-senpai
(Not complete - I never finished translating this part and don’t know if I’ll get around to doing it in the future.)
Aoi: “Here, it’s my treat. Order whatever you want. We have ninety minutes.”
Keiichi: “Thank you, senpai.”
Right in front of me I saw my favorite, black fried rice with dandan noodles.
Aoi: “Please eat your fill. You look quite pale. You can’t cheer up in that state.”
Keiichi: “Yeah, well…I don’t have any money left this month. Come to think of it, I saw you on ‘Asaichi!’ this morning. You were really cool, senpai…!”
Aoi: “Oh, is that so? The research laboratory can save some of its budget in exchange for appearing on TV.”
Keiichi: “Ahh, I want to work for the research lab in the future…”
Aoi: “Keiichi. There is an occupation that fits everyone. But research doesn’t suit you.”
Keiichi: “Haa, way to completely shoot me down…”
Aoi: “Geez…Please make sure you eat more. Your hair is a wreck, and your clothes are all wrinkled and worn, too…And…your zipper is open.”
Keiichi: “Gah! Tell me sooner, you!”
Aoi: “Those are the wrong words to use towards your senior. That’s why I worry for your future. By the way, the classmates who were with you earlier…your good friend was the beta. There was also an omega and an alpha there.”
Keiichi: “Yeah, but you sure know a lot, senpai.”
Aoi: “It’s obvious if you look closely. The omega was wearing a collar. It’s because of my line of work, you see. Was there some kind of problem? Bullying, or was it about a pregnancy…”
Keiichi: “P, pregnant!? I don’t know about that, but…there is bullying in our class. Just before, right in front of my eyes…But, I was so scared I couldn’t do anything…And then, we ended up getting into a fight…”
Aoi: “It’s quite common.”
Keiichi: “Senpai…?
Aoi: “You shouldn’t blame yourself too much over it. Omegas end up experiencing such hardship in school, and of course even more after they enter society. School is merely a place to practice that…In the end, you have no choice but to solve your own problems. It may seem cruel, but that is one of the rules of this irrational society.”
Fuwatari: “S, sorry…I’m feel better now…Please don’t worry. I want to go hang out with you.”
Aoi: “An omega will always be an omega for his whole life.”
If I remember right, after this, Fuwatari gets raped by Gosawa after this. The plot of this story doesn’t really interest me, and I felt Fuwatari was too pitiful when translating that scene so I’m not sure how much more, if any, I’ll translate of this game.
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fenren · 6 years
[BL Game] Omega Vampire [Translations 4/??]
Scene #4: After school confrontations
After school that day…Tani and I met our other classmates in front of the academy.
Gōsawa: “Hey, let’s go to Club D in Motomachi.”
Hayashi: “Sounds good, but I don’t have any money.”
Gōsawa: “No problem. Hey, Fuwatari, you’re going, too, right? Lend us some money.”
Fuwatari: “…I, I’m not going…I don’t feel well today…”
Gōsawa: “You always say that. Come with us now and then. We’re friends, aren’t we? If you don’t come, it’ll trouble us too, you know.”
Fuwatari: “B, but I can’t dance…and I’ll be laughed at…and I really don’t have any money, either…”
As he mentioned the money, Fuwatari was trembling. Gōsawa was a large guy, and aggressive, too. The weak Fuwatari could probably not bring himself to muster up the courage to oppose him.
All the students in the area pretended not to notice what was going on.
Tani: “Are those guys bullying an omega again?…Guess it’s unavoidable.”
Keiichi: “Yeah…Same as always…Poor guy.”
Tani: “Isn’t anyone going to stop them…?”
Keiichi: “Fuwatari’s arms are bruised again…”
Gōsawa’s family was involved in organized crime. Gōsawa was not only strong in stature, but had an imposing attitude.
He stole money from the weakest students. I heard that rumor far too many times.
I felt bad for Fuwatari. But just the thought of catching the eye of Gōsawa and his group was scary.
Keiichi: (Gōsawa is just that kind of alpha. They say if you anger him even once, he’ll beat you up as punishment any number of times…No one will say anything…Us betas are afraid of making enemies out of the alphas.)
As I thought that…
Tani: “Hey. I’ve been thinking, you know. Friends shouldn’t lend and borrow money like this, so why don’t you cut it out?
Keiichi: “T-Tani!? Y-you…”
Unable to just look on, I approached Tani and Gōsawa and protested.
Gōsawa: “What. Oh, Tani, huh? Don’t butt into a conversation between our group. This is our business, got it?”
Tani: “This has nothing to do with your ‘group’. If a classmate of mine is doing something like that, it is my business!”
Tani is a brave guy. His looks and grades are both average, but he is kinder than anyone else. That’s why he was selected as class representative.
I always envied him…However.
Keiichi: (Tani, he’s…shaking?)
I saw it…Tani’s legs were trembling. It wasn’t as if Tani wasn’t afraid. It was just that, to help his classmate, he had mustered up his courage.
Gōsawa: “Humph. You know, I’ve always thought you two were annoying as hell, Tani, Moriya.”
Glaring at Gōsawa, I was scared. I wanted to run away from there as soon as possible…
Gōsawa: “And especially you, Tani. Don’t get cocky just because you’re the class rep. You piss me off the most.”
Tani: “Oh, really? Same here. Aren’t we alike?”
The tension between them was dangerous…I was horrified from the bottom of my heart. I could just imagine him beating us up behind the school building.
Fuwatari’s body was littered with scars…If the same were to happen to myself…
Tani: “Kei-chan, you say something, too! C’mon on!”
Keiichi: “W, well…that’s, um…”
Gōsawa: “What’s wrong, Moriya, you look worried.”
Tani: “Kei-chan!”
Keiichi: (Please…don’t ask that of me…!!)
Gōsawa raised his fist in intimidation. Apparently, he’d always been notorious for being a bad sort of guy. It was rumored that the police never got involved because of his parents’ influence.
If Gōsawa ended up resorting to violence, we would stand no chance…
At that moment, under their scrutiny, I stiffened in fear.
Fuwatari: “Uh…Please, stop!”
Fuwatari was the one who stopped Gōsawa.
Fuwatari: “S, sorry…I’m feel better now…Please don’t worry. I want to go hang out with you.”
Gōsawa: “See? We’re friends. Without you around, it’s no fun. Right?”
Fuwatari: “Y, yeah…”
Even though Fuwatari was embarrassed, he was smiling…
Gōsawa: “You guys went overboard. Next time, why don’t you mind your own business?”
Tani: “Wait, Fuwatari…are you really going to let this go? Having to give up your money to hang out with these guys…You can’t tell me that’s something friends do! Kei-chan, you think so too, don’t you?”
Keiichi: “Tani…that’s enough, l, let’s go. C’mon, let’s not disturb them…”
Tani: “Kei-chan!?…Is that really what you want? Kei-chan, what do you really want to do?”
Tani’s gaze pierced through me…I certainly did feel sorry for Fuwatari back there…
Tani’s look of clear disappointment was directed at the cowardly me. At that moment, it wasn’t Gōsawa or Fuwatari who had betrayed Tani. It was me.
My powerlessness, rather than Gōsawa’s violence, ended up hurting Tani’s feelings more…Tani’s downturned face tore me up bit by bit inside.
Tani was brave, but I was a coward. Even when I should have mustered up the courage for my friend, I…!!
Gōsawa: “Hahaha…you two really don’t see eye-to-eye at all, huh? You incompetent bastards…seems to me like you need to be taught a little lesson.”
He grabbed me by the collar and I turned pale. Then, I went to hit Gōsawa with all my strength…
Just as I’d prepared myself…
A car stopped at the school gates. It was a new, shining silver Crown Majesta.
The one who opened the door and appeared from within was…
Aoi: “Keiichi. I have something I need to discuss with you. Please get in the car.”
Keiichi: “S, senpai…As you can see, I’m kind of in the middle of something…!”
Aoi: “Is what you’re doing more important than me? From what I can see, it seems to be just a quarrel among classmates.”
Hayashi: “Who the hell are you…? What does a smug bastard like you want.”
Gōsawa: “What a nice car you’ve got there, eh? If you wanna save these guys, I’ll let them go, on one condition.”
Aoi: “And what might that be?”
Gōsawa: “Understand*, this is an adult’s promise, right? You look like you’re one of those rich elite.”
Aoi: “Is that so? Sigh…an adult, huh.”
As Aoi-senpai spoke, he showed part of the other side of his jacket where a lot of scalpels and handguns strapped to his chest shone.
Aoi: “Well, then, shall we hurry onto the negotiations?”
Hayashi: “Y, you’re not gonna threaten us with those, are you!?”
Aoi: “Oh, my. Wasn’t this a talk between adults?”
Keiichi: “Ah, Aoi-senpai…you can’t do that!”
Tani: “Aoi-senpai? You’re a graduate of our school…Aoi Research Lab’s…”
Aoi: “Yes. If you would like, I could introduce you students brimming with blood to some vampires?”
Gōsawa: “H, hey. Let’s get outta here…”
Gōsawa and the others left one after another.
Fuwatari: “Um…but, my promise to hang out with Gōsawa-kun…”
Gōsawa: “Fuwatari, forget it. How stingy. You guys, let’s get out of here…!”
Hayashi: “Hey, wait up…!”
Gōsawa and the others hurriedly ran away from here.
Aoi: “You all are Keiichi’s friends, I see. If you would like, we can escort you home.”
Aoi-senpai smiled. It was different from the face he directed at Gōsawa and the others, a much gentler expression.
Fuwatari: “T, thank you very much, but…There’s a place I want to stop by…”
Tani: “I’m okay, too. Well, then, uh, I guess this is it. Please excuse us.”
Keiichi: “Tani, I’ll see you tomorrow…”
Tani: “…How should I know, you idiot! You’re a disappointment** …!”
Keiichi: “Tani…”
Without meeting my eyes, Tani turned his back to me and ran off.
Always, I could only ever watch that lonesome back grow ever smaller.
Aoi: “Keiichi. My apologies, but I am also quite busy…Would you accompany me for a bit.”
Keiichi: “Aoi-senpai…isn’t it dangerous, carrying those things around…”
Aoi: “I am constantly being targeted. They are to protect myself from danger. It’s because of the development and rights to EX-BLOOD, as well as the sudden changes to society. The work of the underworld has also been reduced by one…”
Keiichi: “Appearing on TV, and even letting their faces be known…”
I wanted to ask about it, but because I got the feeling that I shouldn’t stick my nose in it, I swallowed my words.
Aoi: “You don’t seem to be in a good mood. That student back there, Tani-kun, was it…Is it from the shock of getting pushed away?”
Keiichi: “…If you already understand, don’t bother asking.”
Aoi: “Huh, you look quite depressed…Please cheer up. If you would like, how about we go out for dinner?”
And so, senpai took me to Chinatown by car.
* The original was 分かれよ, I was kind of confused as to the usage of this word in this sentence and how to English it so.
** The original word was ガッカリ, as in “you disappointed me!” but it doesn’t sound too good in English lol.
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fenren · 6 years
Alright, I have queued up the rest of the translations I did for Omega Vampire last August and never got around to editing. At this point, I don’t know if I’ll continue with this project. The storyline doesn’t really interest me, and I stalled out after getting to the scene where Fuwatari is raped, so unless there are specific scenes people want translated, I don’t think I’ll continue it.
I just wanted to thank everyone who has followed and patiently waited to read my translations! It was because of everyone that I even got this far.
Do feel free to request scenes and other materials, just be sure to provide me a link to the Japanese raws.
I might be picking up another BL game that actually holds my attention in the future, so we’ll see.
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fenren · 6 years
[BL Game] Omega Vampire [Translations 3/??]
Scene #3: Keiichi goes to school
(First choice appears here.)
I rushed through the gates of Yokohama Kōtō Academy at the last minute.
A relatively wide variety of students attended this public academy focused on tradition.
Tani: “Good morning, Kei-chan! You’re not looking so good today, what’s up?”
Keiichi: “Oh, it’s you, Tani. Truth is, payday hasn’t come yet, so…I haven’t gotten to eat much.”
Tani: “Sounds tough. How about I treat you to kitsune udon from the school cafeteria? After you get paid, you can treat me in return.”
Keiichi: “Really!? Uwaah, I’m saved! You’re so nice.”
Tani was a kind friend. His grades were average, but he also readily took on the role of class representative, this best friend of mine
Tani: “Today we have Tokui-sensei first period, huh…”
As we talked, the bell rang to signal the start of class. Today we had sociology first period.
…Recently, there have been a lot of sudden changes in society, and everyone is still perplexed at those changes…Of course, I was also one of those people.
Tokui-sensei: “Some of you might not have watched the news this morning, but…One of my past students, Aoi-kun, was speaking about the artificial human blood, EX-BLOOD. Coexistence between vampires and humanity is a very big issue to us. We must know more about each other. From now on, the percentage of vampires that account for the population of the world will continue to grow and may eventually exceed the number of people. There is already a cry for corrections of medicine, society, education, and all other topics. For instance, when problems arise in the stable supply of artificial blood…what will happen? Tani.”
Tani: “It is possible that when the price of artificial blood rises, the vampires will attack human beings.”
Tokui-sensei: “Very good. In other words, vampires are liable to fall into riots in the case of a shortage of food. Because they are already dead, human law cannot be applied to them. There are also no clear penalties for those who have no rights. Furthermore, their physical capabilities far exceed that of human beings. We live our lives constantly on line between life and death. Now then, why do you think a food shortage might occur?”
Keiichi: (Aah, so sleepy…Wonder if I didn’t get enough sleep because of last night’s scary dream…)
Tokui-sensei: “Moriya, try answering this question. It should be an easy one if you were listening to my lecture.”
Keiichi: “Huh!? Uh…”
<How will you answer?>
Competition in the market (市場競争)
War (戦争)
Natural disaster (自然災害)
I do not know (分かりません)
>> Select Option 2.
Keiichi: “Is it…war?”
Tokui-sensei: “Well...* Please sit down. Food shortages are directly and indirectly linked to distrust of the state…As long as food supplies are sufficient for all, conflict will not arise. If the future becomes unclear, from that unease will arise conflict, and those who will agitate them will begin to appear…and finally, that may lead to the end of the country…”
Tokui-sensei’s lecture continued…
* This is a noncommittal statement (まあいい), saying something like “Well, you tried.”
I don’t know what happens if you select the other options, the play through I translated from selected the second answer.
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fenren · 6 years
Hi again if you are asking yourself who was the person asking about my friend and about Omega Vampire where can I buy the game from? And how can it has English subtitle, and how much it cost? rydere01.
Hi there. My friend is having trouble finding this Omega Vampire game so can you help?
Hi, you can buy them through the links on the main site: http://ov.chatnoir.biz/spec/shoplist.html
You have to be able to read Japanese though. If you can’t, look on sites with English support, they should all have the game by now: Example:
http://www.amiami.com Also is a site that has English support. I personally buy from cdjapan and never had any problems with the games or novels I got there in the past.
All you have to do is type “omega vampire” and make sure you don’t get the soundtrack or a drama cd lol. You should be able to tell by the price though, the game is upwards of 8,000-9,000 yen.
As for subs, there is no subtitled version, unfortunately. I’m not sure if I’m the only one translating it, but if I am, then what you see on my blog is all that there is. I only translated, like, 30 minutes of gameplay so far?
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fenren · 6 years
It’s no problem! Feel free to message me anytime you want to share your thoughts! I also have no one to ramble to anyone about this stuff haha.
AHH I love Taisho Mebiusline! I have to finish that game. Actually, I have to start it lol I never even got past the common route because the vocab is difficult and I like to sit down and play VNs through for a few hours at a time, but I don’t have enough spare time to do it. -.-
If you want to, you can screenshot the flavor text! I could care less about spoilers lol. You can send it through tumblr’s messenger thing or pm me and I can give you my email.
Sorry, I didn't realized that I am not log in, but yeah I am the one asking you about the story stuff, I am logged in now, so feel free to spoil me since I already completed the game, just don't know much Japanese so now I am confused oh and about the last item too, how to get and which route?
Is there a specific part of the story you are confused about? If you can pinpoint a scene and provide a video or pictures of it, I can translate. I don’t currently have the game myself to actually play it.
I haven’t played it through myself, so I can’t answer completion questions, sorry! I’ll post this publicly so hopefully someone who has played it can answer.
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fenren · 6 years
Thanks for catching that! I fixed it on the google doc.
Ahh, neat! It’ll probably be a fandisk. That should be interesting.
Sorry, I didn't realized that I am not log in, but yeah I am the one asking you about the story stuff, I am logged in now, so feel free to spoil me since I already completed the game, just don't know much Japanese so now I am confused oh and about the last item too, how to get and which route?
Is there a specific part of the story you are confused about? If you can pinpoint a scene and provide a video or pictures of it, I can translate. I don’t currently have the game myself to actually play it.
I haven’t played it through myself, so I can’t answer completion questions, sorry! I’ll post this publicly so hopefully someone who has played it can answer.
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fenren · 6 years
[BL Game] Omega Vampire [Item List Translations 1/2]
It was easier to keep these in a table rather than a tumblr post, so simply follow the link provided below to access the google doc. It contains a list of all the obtainable items, sorted by row. Each include the original Japanese [ミルクティー] followed by the translation [Milk Tea] and where or how to obtain it [Prologue]. For a few items, it seems they are obtainable as the game progresses, particularly some of the coffees and suppressants.
Keep in mind that I haven’t played the game, so I’m not sure what some of these items even are beyond the name.
I found the list and how to obtain them here. I haven’t found the item flavor text, though, so that’s up in the air for now. If you want to know what they say and have the game, you can give me a screenshot and I can translate them.
Item List
Tumblr media
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fenren · 6 years
I looked around a bit and found a site in Japanese that tells you how to reach each ending. And a more detailed one here. And one telling you how to acquire each item.
I’ll think about translating them when I have time.
Sorry, I didn't realized that I am not log in, but yeah I am the one asking you about the story stuff, I am logged in now, so feel free to spoil me since I already completed the game, just don't know much Japanese so now I am confused oh and about the last item too, how to get and which route?
Is there a specific part of the story you are confused about? If you can pinpoint a scene and provide a video or pictures of it, I can translate. I don’t currently have the game myself to actually play it.
I haven’t played it through myself, so I can’t answer completion questions, sorry! I’ll post this publicly so hopefully someone who has played it can answer.
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fenren · 6 years
Sorry, I didn't realized that I am not log in, but yeah I am the one asking you about the story stuff, I am logged in now, so feel free to spoil me since I already completed the game, just don't know much Japanese so now I am confused oh and about the last item too, how to get and which route?
Is there a specific part of the story you are confused about? If you can pinpoint a scene and provide a video or pictures of it, I can translate. I don’t currently have the game myself to actually play it.
I haven’t played it through myself, so I can’t answer completion questions, sorry! I’ll post this publicly so hopefully someone who has played it can answer.
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fenren · 6 years
kazumaichan replied to your post “Hello~ I was wondering how far you are the process of translating the...”
Thank you for your quick response!~ I've been wanting to play some BL Visual Novels so much lately and I've already played all the English translated ones and the ones coming out won't be out until later this year. This game has been on my list too and I'm just glad somebody is translating it so now I can add it to my list of BL VN's being translated. So I am truly grateful and shall keep my eyes on your lovely updates!!!~ Best of luck to you~ ♡♡♡
lol I know the feeling. I wish more would end up translated, including some of the ones I have in Japanese myself (taisho mebiusline was a m i s t a k e).
OV isn’t my...favorite VN, but it’s the only one I have access to that is easy enough to translate (mebiusline how about mebiusnope) and doesn’t already have a translation out there (the other one I have is Akaya Akashiya Ayakashino, which is an excellent game).
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fenren · 6 years
[BL Game] Omega Vampire [Translations 2/??]
Scene #2: Keiichi wakes from his nightmare.
Year 20XX, Yokohama
All of my twisting and turning sent me flying to the floor.
Rubbing my eyes, I found that I was in my own bed, in my own room.
Keiichi: Phew…just a dream, huh…what a horrible one. I thought I was gonna die…I'm so glad that I'm alive…Still, to think I dreamed something like that…
My hand drifted down to my abdomen…It was wet.
Keiichi: Oh, great…That was awfully intense for some reason…Could I be sexually frustrated? No, no, I'm a man after all. If it's frustration, then why did I have a dream like that? Normally, doesn't it just happen out of the blue? Could it be I actually wanted it…? No, no way! I'm a healthy, average, normal guy…
Muttering to myself, I fixed my sight on the photograph of my family that adorned the top of my desk.
Having lost both of my parents, I now lived alone, but…We were always a little different from normal families.
Both of my parents were men. Having two fathers…It's commonly referred to as a 'Double Papa Family'…It's a rare sort of family dynamic.
Why such a thing happened…People aware of it think they know, but that is an explanation for another time.
I was lost in my anguished thoughts when my stomach suddenly rumbled.
I was starving…I might have only been running in my dream, but perhaps because of the nerves, I was also parched.
Keiichi: Come to think of it, I went to sleep without eating yesterday. I'm starved…but I don't have any money. Water, water…Right, I'll just drink some tea with lots of sugar.
There was absolutely nothing stocked in the refrigerator. I heated water in the hot water dispenser and brewed sweet black tea.
Mix sugar and evaporated milk from a can in place of cow's milk into black tea and you get Hong Kong style milk tea.
Keiichi: Ah, delicious! I'm wide awake now!
The feeling of your blood circulating throughout your body. With this, even me with my low-blood pressure could get moving.
Stretching, I went over to my bedside and took my phone out of its charger.
Keiichi: Aaah, I wanna eat some meat. A nice, juicy steak…
I'm Moriya Keiichi…I live in Yokohama. I'm probably what you would consider a normal student. A poor one.
I worry my relatives by living alone, but as long as I'm not too extravagant, I can support myself with a part time job.
Several years have passed since the Tokyo Olympics swept across Japan.
Yokahama is known to have been a port town, so foreigners' cemeteries and residences are located near the ocean.
Trade with foreign countries quickly flourished and diplomats and other foreigners had a history of living in the western style houses standing in a row at the top of the hill.
The old town's Chinatown was always crowded with people, and the Minato Mirai district was bustling with shoppers and businessmen who strutted about like they owned it.
At first glance, it might seem like a brilliant place, but the street nearby was lined with unlicensed prostitutes.
Plus, the world had undergone a sudden change. That wave consumed not only Yokohama, but all of Japan, and even the entire world…
Keiichi: Oh, 'Asaichi' is going to start soon!
I hurried to turn the TV on just as the commercials ended and the newscaster began to talk.
Newscaster: …This marks the fifth year since the release of Aoi Pharmaceutical's artificial blood, called EX-BLOOD. It's said that the products guarantee a high degree of safety and that the risk of blood-borne diseases has decreased, but…preserving the quality and a stable supply has become an issue. In this morning's close-up, we will be asking Mr. Aoi Setsuna from Aoi Pharmaceuticals Research Lab a few questions. Good morning.
Aoi: Good morning.
Keiichi: Ooh, it's Aoi-senpai! He's so calm and composed. He looks great on TV, too.
Aoi-senpai also lived in Yokohama. We once went to the same school where he was my senpai. On top of that, he was also my senpai at my part time job at the fast food place, 'Yo Burger'. He was always conscientious in teaching me the ropes. How nostalgic…
Seeing an acquaintance on TV was a rare experience. I was glued to the screen without even noticing that I was doing it.
Newscaster: Please tell us how Aoi Laboratory's artificial human blood, EX-BLOOD, is different from other artificial bloods.
Aoi: Yes, of course. EX-BLOOD is the blood type most in-demand across the world at this very moment. It's compatible with ABO, Rh+, and Rh-, which are of course the rarest blood types…Until now, hundreds of thousands of people, and in some cases tens of thousands, relied on long-term preservation through refrigeration and a database of blood donors for these rare blood types. However, EX-BLOOD can swiftly meet this supply and demand. It can be delivered to all the hospitals in major cities across the country within twelve to twenty-four hours on a case-by-case basis. Of course, there is a bit of a cost for the rare ones, but the merits are beyond measure. These are people's lives we are talking about, after all.
Newscaster: That is certainly right. EX-BLOOD is said to have brought light to the medical world. What will Aoi Research Labs be looking into from here on out?
Aoi: We are currently gathering research about the development of blood for non-human creatures such as cows, pigs, and horses. There is demand for animal blood in the fields of animal husbandry and horse racing. Last month, we shipped out blood for pet dogs and cats, and sales are promising. We have high hopes that manufacturing it will be more stable than with human blood, given that animals' enzymes are simpler.
Newscaster: Have there been any rejections of the blood up until now?
Aoi: We conducted a careful examination, but the risk of the blood transfusion failing so far is less than 1%.
Newscaster: If we look to the future, do you think the system of blood donations we have had up until now will go away?
Aoi: No, since there are cases where patients do not want artificial human blood. The reality is that the elderly population is especially opposed to it…The history of artificial human blood has only just begun, after all. The concerns of the long-term influence on society and the human body require a long-term perspective. However, the reality is that people's freedom of choice has expanded. We will do our very best from here on out.
Newscaster: Thank you very much. Aoi: No, thank you for having me.
I also found myself bowing to the TV without thinking.
Keiichi: Aoi-senpai sure is amazing. It seems he also got a patent that year. Some people are just geniuses. Even at Yo Burger, he was the best at the job. A poor idiot of a student like me is completely incompetent…
As I spoke to myself, I drank the black tea loaded with sugar.
Aoi Research Labs was originally established by senpai's grandfather, Dr. Aoi Jūzō, over fifty years ago.
However, five years ago, just around the time EX-BLOOD was beginning to grow in popularity, Dr. Jūzō fell ill and stepped away from the front lines of research in his field.
The successor to spearhead the huge Aoi Group was Dr. Jūzō's son, Dr. Aoi Kenzō…
And Aoi-senpai had supported his father since he was young…I admired his filial piety.
Keiichi: Come to think of it, when I first met senpai, it was to get a blood test. At my part-time job working on the clinical trial for the artificial human blood…I had a blood transfusion, too. It was after EX-BLOOD went into use, but because my blood type is one of the rare ones…
Idly sipping my tea, I gazed at the TV.
Newscaster: Actor Yahagi Yūsaku-san, who is very active in dramas and movies, is with us today. Yahagi-san, good morning, and welcome.
Yahagi: Thank you for having me.
Newscaster: …Although vampires used to be considered nothing but fiction, Yahagi-san, you are now famous for being a vampire actor.
Yahagi: Yeah, work started trickling in after I came out as a vampire.
Newscaster: If I'm not mistaken, it's been eighty years since you became a vampire, Yahagi-san?
Yahagi: I was already a vampire around the time of the first Tokyo Olympics. I also took a photo at the last Tokyo Olympics…Look, I've got the same face, right?
Newscaster: You're right! But, the existence of vampires came to light after EX-BLOOD became popularized.
Yahagi: Yes. Thanks to it, there is no longer a need to drink the blood of living humans. Though, I used to mainly consume the blood of cows and pigs in the middle of the night.
Newscaster: Oh, I see…Did that taste any good?
Yahagi: No, it was terrible! But it also weighed on your conscience to drink human blood…There really was no other way. It was tough in the past. But the times really are great now. There is EX-BLOOD, and…just earlier, I met Dr. Aoi at the pharmacy. He's a genius and a really great guy! Recently, you can easily drink EX-BLOOD. You've gotta be thankful to the advancements in technology.
Newscaster: Yes, these certainly are good times…
Even though the male newscaster was right in front of a vampire, he wasn't perturbed in the slightest. I got dressed while watching TV.
Keiichi: Because vampires now appear on TV, these past few years has seen changes across the world.
Muttering to myself, I picked up the remote control and turned the TV off.
Some elderly and influential people, to overcome themselves as human beings, became acquainted with vampires…who changed them and gave them eternal life.
As for those who were not suited to become vampires - they turned into beasts of low intelligence or even lost their lives.
Some, unconcerned with the risks, did it anyways, which was how the vampires' numbers increased over the years.
Keiichi: Well then, it's about time I head off to school…I'll be off, you two.
Keiichi had a wet dream. Of him, raping himself. It’s weird.
At the end, he’s talking to the photograph of his parents that’s on his desk. He uses the typical goodbye phrase that kids tell their parents when they go off to school for the day.
Can you believe I had this all translated since August lol? I never got around to editing it until now.
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fenren · 6 years
Hello~ I was wondering how far you are the process of translating the Omega Vampire game. Hopefully I'm not coming off as rude because I am completely not trying to be. Thank you for all your efforts!~
Hello! Don’t worry, you’re not being rude.
I made it to about 30 minutes of gameplay before life caught up to me and I got really busy, though I only posted the first scene since that is the only one I got around to editing. I guess, with a few adjustments, I should just post what I have so far lol.
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