feminineraage · 1 year
My biggest fear as a woman is to give birth to female baby. To teach her growing up how to minimize the risk of getting assaulted, abused and/or killed because men still hate women. That men will talk over her in spaces such as in academia and the workplace. If she is lesbian or bisexual, men will see her sexuality as a fetish, merely a performance for the sexual gratification of men. That as a woman, especially a black woman, she will have try 10 times harder to get the same praise and success as a white man. I will have to teach her the early warning signs of abusive men. Knowing that statistically speaking, no matter how hard I try to shelter her or teach defense techniques, that one day she will come to me seeking comfort from the trauma she endured from the hands of men. I think there's nothing worse than knowing if I was to have a daughter, she'd have to grow up in the same world I did.
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feminineraage · 1 year
Misandry will never be the same as misogyny
Ask a man why he hates women, he will answer with because women are naturally inferior. They are dumb, weak, bitches, sluts, soul-sucking creatures, that it is somehow in our DNA to be terrible people.
Ask a woman why she hates men, she will tell you she was raped at 15 by a boy she thought she could trust, she was brought up to never walk alone at night, always share your location with trusted people, look out for early warning signs of abusive men, carry your keys in your fingers as you walk back to your car, don't leave your drink unattended as it may get drugged. She watched her feminine peers be bashed and killed by their male partners, male politicians taking away her right to healthcare. She was sexually harassed on the bus to work, in the club dancing with her friends, her DMs filled with unsolicited dick pics. She's been referred to as a bitch for sticking to boundaries, a slut for being too easy, labelled an angry feminazi bitch for speaking out about rape culture, a slut that deserved it for being raped. She thought it was normal for her father to only express the emotion anger, the child brides that are sold and raped daily globally, the milions of women who are victims of genitalia mutilation. When she speaks up about these issues men turn a blind eye to it because they're "a good guy and don't do that" so it mustn't be a problem. She witnessed her mum having to do all the parental and house labor while her dad worked and would come home, expecting a beer in his hand and the TV remote in the other. Her father taught her that men like women a certain way and that there's no other reason for women to exist but cook, clean, satisfy and birth. She hates men because this world was made by men for men. She hates men because she's tired of being treated as property instead of a goddamn human being. She hates men for continuing the patriarchal narrative instead of listening and assisting women in dismantling the patriarchy. She hates men because they've never given her a reason to love them. She hates men because they hate us.
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feminineraage · 1 year
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feminineraage · 1 year
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feminineraage · 1 year
I hate men and brokers and landlords and realtors and I hate men.
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feminineraage · 1 year
men think it’s so funny to “joke” about being misogynistic like making the joke “of course i would never say anything like that i’m a Nice Guy!”. they poke fun at our oppression while at the same time expecting brownie points for being Not Like Other Guys. and the worst part is the joke doesn’t even work bc guess what bucko, you are sexist. it’s not like a silly possibility we joke about, it’s a reality you’re blissfully unaware of.
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