felinetherians · 4 years
Hey! Can I get a shufflemancy for my life as Solgaleo please? :0
I asked my divination playlist and got Whispers In The Dark by Skillet!
I will be the one that's gonna hold you
I will be the one that you run to
My love is a burning
Consuming fire
You'll never be alone
When darkness comes, I'll light the night with stars
Hear the whispers in the dark
The vibe I'm getting is that you had someone you deeply cared about, to the point of genuine love. While this doesn't necessarily mean romantic love, I'm definitely getting the vibe that this person/pokemon meant the world to you, and that you did everything you could do to protect them and ensure that they would never be alone, even at their darkest moments.
Of course, if you get different vibes from this song, I'd say trust your intuition! I'm still somewhat new to shufflemancy, so I can make mistakes, just like anyone else!
- Mod Meowth
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felinetherians · 4 years
can i request an orange and white cat icon with the bigender pride flag (old 7-stripe please) and good luck on your new blog owo
posted! hope it's to your liking!
- Mod Meowth
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felinetherians · 4 years
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hope you enjoy, anon!
pride icon of an orange and white cat with the bigender flag for anon!
- Mod Meowth
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felinetherians · 4 years
a new kin help blog approaches!
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hello! I'm Mod Meowth, the current primary mod of felinetherians, a kin help blog for cats and cat adjacent kintypes!
I am currently working on a carrd that will contain the full list of requests you can choose from, but until then, here's a shorter list of requests you can send!
Pride icons (Yes, we are MOGAI friendly!)
Phone wallpapers (please specify how large you need the image to be in your request!)
Oracle cards (we'll make a full list of our decks later, but our most popular ones are the Work Your Light oracle, Moonology oracle, Animal Spirit oracle, and Dragon oracle!)
Self care (no, not self care kits, we mean actual self care activities specifically designed for your particular kintype!)
Canon calls
Witch stuff (sigils, rune readings, bibliomancy, etc!)
Advice on otherkin/alterhuman stuff! (We're not "otherkin elders" or anything, but me and Mod Spottedleaf have been in the community for a good six years or so, since around the age of 10/11, so we have some experience!)
Care kits (eg soaps, plushies, incense, etc)
Feel free to ask us for further detail if you're confused about a specific request!
As for our sources, we'll do any source as long as the kintype in question is a feline or feline adjacent! Whether you're from Warriors, Pokemon, The Elder Scrolls, Lion King, Varjak Paw, or you're just an ordinary cat therian, you'll be able to rest your paws here!
Now, for the promos!
@needletail-aesthetic @dangankinnielove @freelykin @maekoskinhelp feel free to ignore this if you don't do promos!
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