fay-davis · 3 years
Fay seemed good. Happy, even. And that was what she’d always wanted for them. 
“Like weeds,” she said jokingly, head bobbing in a nod. She didn’t like that she couldn’t specifically remember the last time Fay had seen the kids - it was hard to remember a lot of things now that time had lost all importance and the world went to shit. “They’re still cute, though. I’m sure you’ll let ‘em get away with anything if they give you a good smile.” 
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She gratefully accepted the embrace, pressing a kiss to their cheek and holding them close for a moment longer than seemed necessary. But damn, she was just so happy to have them around again. It felt like it took just a little bit of pressure off her shoulders. 
“So what have you got, do you have your own place and everything?” 
Fay offered a mock smirk as she spoke, figuring he knew exactly what she meant with the comment, and having missed her jokes. “None of that surprises me, I don’t think they’ll grow out of their cuteness anytime soon. They’re too sharp for that.” And they couldn’t wait to skip those two up in a huge hug. 
For now they were content just hugging Jo however. For now. It was warm, comfortable, it felt like home. They hadn’t given up on Jo and the rest of the family, but it was easier not to think about it. 
“Oh yeah, I got a whole house me, one of the first, made myself right at home. Got lots of fun stuff from trading tokens,” they said. Or mostly because people wanted weed, and Fay hadn’t really cared what they were paid with. For a while it had been tokens, till they realised how some people got greedy. Now it depended on the person.
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fay-davis · 3 years
“don’t quote me on this until i double check with yale but i don’t think our supreme leaders added weed by-laws into their rules.” at least that’s the general idea she’d gotten from her sister, there was definite mention of drunk and disorderly behaviour but not happy and high “if they don’t mention it - technically it’s not, not-legalized?” 
she shrugs as nonchalantly as possible, strained grin on her face as she tries to think of an answer to fay’s question that doesn’t have her coming across as paranoid and off the rails “mostly i’ve been with mads and waiting for councilman smoke-show to give me the all clear to return to running.” 
eventually she was sure jesse would tag her back into the game, for now she was content to man the walls though “you know i like to keep as squeaky clean as possible.” her grin turns a little more genuine as she chuckles sardonically, raising an eyebrow as she jokes “practically an actual angel.”
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she moves up to stand at the counter as the person in front of her finally finishes ordering, turning to fay before she orders “i’ll get this one if you like - since i’m thinking we’re gonna need fries to dunk in that shake - you get the next?”
Fay chuckled. “Yeah, peeps don’t have time to worry about drug laws,” they said. “War on drugs turned into war on zombies.” They paused and shrugged. “Also, I’d rather be stoned than intoxicated, so I am doing the community a favour, weed has less side effects.”
They rolled their shoulders. “Which one are we naming councilperson Smoke-show?” they asked, looking confused for a moment. “Come do janitorial with me, it’s less boring than it sounds, and waaay less dangerous.” Fay could never do what others were doing. They were never going outside of the walls.
They nod at the offer, seriously vibing, humming softly to the promise of fries and milkshakes with their eyes half closed. “Sure Collie,” they said.
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fay-davis · 3 years
Even if Fay couldn’t remember how they’d ended up in Georgia, in Fairvale - well; that was concerning in and of itself, but frankly it didn’t matter because they were HERE and they were SAFE and they were ALIVE and that was all that really mattered in the end. 
Unless she’d completely lost her mind. Which, frankly, was plausible these days. She wasn’t going to worry about it. 
“Well, I’m just glad to see you in one piece,” she admitted, clasping their hand as it was extended to her. “I’m good.” Mostly good. Pretty good. Trying to stay positive and focused on the good. 
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“Just glad to be somewhere that almost resembles you know…normal life or whatever. The kids are here, too. I’m sure they’d love to see you.”
Fay visibly relaxed when she didn’t ask anything about their journey west, never having been too great at keeping their emotions from their face. Still, Jo knew them, she could probably look through them even if they got their emotions under control. And she was much the same, putting on her classic brave face more for herself than for them.
“The kids?” Their face turned emotional in an instance, they hadn’t dared to ask. They squeezed her hand. “I would love to see them too, shi- they must’ve grown.” They edged forward, pushing their butt off the examination table and wrapping Jo in a firm hug. “So glad you’re alright, so glad you’re here. I must’ve some really good karma!”
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fay-davis · 3 years
“how hard could it be? it’s basically just like frozen cream right? throw a little flavor in there, bang it in a freezer and voila!” honestly she had no idea, considering her lack of kitchen skills she’d probably still manage to somehow burn the kitchen down in the process.
“but yeah i think vanilla and chocolate might be the only two choices on the menu.” she lets out a sigh before she tilts her head up to the board to check “which is a shame since peanut butter and banana is basically a shake to die for.”
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the line seems to be moving super slow, but she can’t be sure if that’s because it actually is or if because the promise of her favorite foods always makes her just a little impatient - she’d probably still legit murder someone for a piece of bacon “anyway amuse me while we wait to be served? get into any mischief lately or have you just been like super chill and mischief free?”
“You make me want to try it, yet I feel like it might be more difficult than just that,” they said, laughing. They honestly could imagine it being that easy, but wiping things up without some good research was very much not their thing. They would always want to suck up at least some information before having a go at things.
They held a hand against their belly. “Shhh Col, I am already famished,” they commented, belly reacting at just the right moment. 
“I am always super chill and mischief free,” they informed her through a slow drawl. “Others might tell you I simply only do mischief, but rarely anyone seems to appreciate how squeaky clean I keep the place,” they said with a grin. “If and when we legalise weed, I’ll be the town’s foremost citizen in no-time. And you, Etty, what’ve you been up to?”
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fay-davis · 3 years
Where: School
When: After the storm rolls through
Who: Juney, @kaikings​ , @fay-davis​
Storms had never bothered her. They blew through the area every summer and left damage in their wake but they were unavoidable. What people did to each other was way worse than what mother nature could do. Juney just focused on keeping the kids that were with them calm and safe while they waited it out. When the howling stopped and the rain became nothing more than a soft tap on the windows, they were able to assess the damage. Everyone was a little worse for wear but unharmed. The building, however, hadn’t been so lucky. The glass had been blown out of half of the windows bu the openings were covered in a fine mesh wire keeping people from breaking in…and out in this case. The back door was blocked by something from the outside and wouldn’t budge. The dumpster possibly, or any number of other large objects that had been blown around. The front door was blocked from the inside, one of the large bookshelves leaning precariously on it. There were only three teachers here at the time and they were both preoccupied when Juney found the obstruction. One of them with the kids and one inspecting other exits. Besides, she thought to herself, if I can just push it enough then gravity will do the rest and we can make an opening big enough to get through. 
…she was half right. 
Gravity did do something when she pushed. But the whole shelf tilted toward her and managed to hit it’s neighbor sending a cascade of books on top of her. A heavier book hit her shoulder and she felt the wet sucking sound more than heard it. The corner of another hit her in the side of the head. It took her a moment to get her bearings but she was able to slide out from under the pile of books using one arm. Her face pressed against the cold tile floor while she tried to breathe and figure out her next step. She knew what it was, get back to the others, but how was the question. Moving hurt and thinking hurt more. Shoulder was probably dislocated but her whole arm might be broken as well. She was definitely bleeding from somewhere on the side of her head as well but couldn’t reach up to find where. Eventually she drug herself to her feet and saw someone coming toward her…two someones?…maybe she wasn’t seeing clearly. “I’m good…just…uh…” she took a shaking step and fell back to her knees, “Might need a little help.”
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Fay was wayyyy out of it. They could barely focus on a thing. Especially the kids were way beyond their attention level. They watched them run around the room, the storm continuing outside. Some were screaming of joy, others were having a horrible time. Fay was only stuck there because of janitorial duties, but they were surviving regardless. “Alright, kiddies, get a seat, I’m going to see if I can get us all a snack, and I got camera’s in here, so if I return and see you left your seat, you don’t get anything.” They pointed at every single kid, including their lil niblings, who were already giggling, and then disappeared through the door. 
They were halfway down the hall when they saw Malakai, and several steps further when the sound of something crashing to the ground rang through the hall. They locked eyes with Malakai before running towards the sound - or maybe it felt like running but probably didn’t look like it. “Shi--- shiitake, Juney, are you alright?” She answered clearly enough. They wished Jo was there. “Friend,” they said, taking off their shirt and holding it against Juney’s head. “What were you up to?” 
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fay-davis · 3 years
leon eyes the coffee placed before him, listening to the words with a new and sudden suspicion. didn’t work here? then why the hell… never mind. “as you should,” he nods, taking a sip of the drink anyway. coffee is coffee and if he’d put anything in it, well. a bridge to cross when he got there.
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“stan? the hell does that mean?”
Fay figured it was the age gap, though not the physical age gap obviously, the one before them didn’t seem that much older, maybe a generation in between... probably less. “Oh, it’s like... you stand for someone or something, you really support them, or appreciate them. Honestly, it can mean lots of things, but definitely a sign of respect,” they explained. They grinned, sitting down opposite without being asked. 
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fay-davis · 3 years
“Cash is useless. Anyone can come by tokens. So, it’s out of… the goodness of your heart, clearly.” He took the joint handed to him for a deep inhale. Held it. One sharp cough on an exhale as he dragged a chair out to flop down in. 
Another drag and repeat, until he handed the joint back. Tell me about yourself? Is Fay for real? Kaz began as serious as a speed date. “My name is Kaz. I’m an Aries. I like long walks on the beach.” A pause, a playful smile. “Piña coladas. Getting caught in the rain. You know. The usual.”
Fay chuckled. “Oh absolutely. The weed has to be shared, friend. Might make you slower out there, helps with the soul in here,” they said, accepting the joint back. They watched with amusement as Kaz sat down and followed his example, enjoying the warmth of the burning smoke in their lungs. Whatever heavy feeling they were stuck with, this always softened it. They took one hit and let the joint sit in their hand, within Kaz’ grasp.
“Good song,” they commented. “Aries, always found it funny people pay so much attention to birth signs. Got no clue about mine, think I got Aquarius. I am mermaid material right? I’d make a fine mermaid.” They narrowed their eyes and took another hit. “Could do for a walk at the beach.” They paused, pointed at the dried out grass in front of them, the back garden a total wreck, had been when they got there. They grew a couple of sturdy corn plants in the corner, and some dried up tomatoes right next to it. “Imagine this to be my beach.”
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fay-davis · 3 years
“Here in the flesh,” Jo chuckled as Fay went on and on, as if maybe they didn’t actually believe that she was standing there in front of them. Despite the words that they were saying. “Are you sure, for real?” Jo asked, stepping forward to clasp her hands around their face - almost for maybe a moment trying to convince herself that Fay was real herself. This could be the moment she lost her mind, envisioning her baby brother there with her when they weren’t at all. 
But they were. They had to be. 
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“You’ve had it made here, haven’t you?” She teases, poking them in the chest. “Big fancy town with big fancy walls and houses and space to do whatever you like.” She had a few guesses on what that might include, but hey - no judgement from her. There were worse alternatives to their recreational choices.
“For real for real,” Fay said quickly, then the hands were placed on their cheeks and they raised their lip a little, in some soundless mock growl. “I’m also here,” they informed her, warm smile on their face.
A grin settled on their features, an inner need to tell Jo absolutely everything, the good the best, but definitely not the worst. The worst was what had brought them to Fairvale in the first place, miles and miles away from home. They swallowed. “Yeah, it’s a nice town. I got it good,” they said, their voice dropped a little, but they picked it up quickly. “No clue how I got here though, but you know me, got myself nicely settled, on Janitor duties here, still like to keep the place clean.” They extended their hand to hers. “So, how’bout you?”
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fay-davis · 3 years
she’s standing in line when a voice cuts through thoughts that basically consist of how bored she is and what kind of trouble she’s willing to get in to remedy that fact, her ears perking up when she recognizes who the voice belongs to.
fairvale’s friendly neighbourhood pot dealer, fay was definitely her favorite person in town - besides yale…and mads, and mere and hol - well in any case they definitely made her list of top ten people to know.
her head swivels round in a fairly decent approximation of linda blair: the exorcist era as fay starts rattling off the names of sweet treats, sweet treats she definitely wants sitting in front of her now that they’ve been mentioned “i’m gonna be real honest with you here - you had me at donut, the rest is just gravy at this stage.”
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“wanna be real bad and split a milkshake too?”
This joint was going to hit hard when it did, they already felt light-headedness at the edges of their brain. 
“The rest better not be gravy, I do have a sweet tooth,” they informed her, chuckling to themselves. The offer of the milkshake got them to smile. “Oh, ain’t see a bad thing about milkshakes. But we can only share one if you are willing to take the same kind as me.” They paused. “What they got? Probably only vanille right? Or is that too much to ask. Wish I had taught myself how to make ice cream.”
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fay-davis · 3 years
Jimmy had a strange relationship with Fay, he liked them but found their attitude to drugs rather frustrating. Maybe it was just him, maybe the other members disagreed but he didn’t want drugs in this town, didn’t want them around his daughter. When his eyes found Fay, he could already tell by their body language “don’t Jimbo me, hand it over and then you can use the nickname Fay” one hand on his knee as he lent down with the other out stretched for Fay to hand it over to.
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Fay handed Jimmy the half smoked joint from their pocket with a huge grin, never apologetic about their use. After all, it had always saved them from feeling too all over the place. They shook their head at Jimmy, laughing as they thought about how they could misunderstand the sentence. Instead of going: they could call Jimmy Jimbo if they handed the joint. They could also read it as: if you hand it over you can use your own nickname which was Fay. Though Fay wasn’t as much a nickname as it was the name they used because they had never made it official. “Can I use Jimbo now? Or can I use other nicknames too? J-man.”  They chuckled.
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fay-davis · 3 years
WHERE: Fay’s house WHEN: End of July WITH @kaz-raval
Fay blew out the smoke and sighed contently. They handed the joint to the stranger who had showed up at their place and grinned. “Nah, friend. In this town, only I sell weed, but I don’t do it for no cash or tokens either. Sometimes, sure, got to eat, need water for my plants, lots of light. Enough of that here, you should see the attic,” they said in their usual slow drawl. “But sit, sit, mi casa es su casa.” They pointed their new customer to one of the chairs in the front garden. “I like to get to know who buys weed from me, tell me some about yourself.”
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fay-davis · 3 years
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fay-davis · 3 years
WHERE: Fay’s place WHEN: end of july WITH @kaikings​
Fay opened the door with a huge smile on their face, leaning in the doorway. “Kai, friend, what can I do for you? Company or business?” They knitted their eyebrows together and made the face as if in thought. “That’s not the comparison. Business or pleasure!” They exclaimed in their usually slow drawl. “Though in this case, that’s very much the same thing, ain’t it.” They laughed. 
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fay-davis · 3 years
WHERE: Hard Times Tavern WHEN: 26th of July WITH @why-you-actin-vain-for-my-love​
Fay had their sunglasses on, eyes half closed as they listened to the music with a smile on their face. They were so out of it, it was brilliant. They felt light and sweet and nice and very very not capable of getting up. So when Jimmy, James, JIM-BO, appeared in their field of vision, they had the sense to not try and escape him. Which they didn’t do because they simply couldn’t stand. “Jiiiimbo, how are you friend?” 
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fay-davis · 3 years
WHERE: outside of Hard Times Tavern WHEN: Saturday evening 25th of July WITH @thesloanezone​
“You,” Fay said, pointing at the lady, “look like you’re not planning on being here,” they sat down next to her, looked around quickly and then pulled out one of the joints they kept for selling. “So tell me, heart ache? Boredom? Enjoying the sound of crowds while not wanting to be in it?” They talked in their usual slow drawl and grinned. 
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fay-davis · 3 years
WHEN: end of july WHERE: common grounds WITH @leonadams​
Fay handed the fellow his coffee, then sat down themselves. “I don’t actually work here,” they suggested. The stranger had given his order, assumed Fay did work there - they were cleaning the counter - and they had simply told him to have a seat and they would be right there with him. “But you’re giving me a good reason to take a break, so I stan you, my friend. Coffee’s on the house. I think... maybe they’ll make me pay for it.” 
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fay-davis · 3 years
WHERE: Clinic WHEN: 25th of July WITH @jo-davis​
Fay sat down at the little bed thingy that patients were supposed to use, holding out their hands in front of them, slightly to the sky. “I CANNOT believe that you’re here. I know I’ve said that five times already now. BUT YOU ARE HERE!” They held a hand up to their forehead. “JO! Jo!” 
They had heard about the new doctor in town, but had been too busy vibing to pay it much mind. Then someone... they thought it had been Fletcher... had told them about Jo. Called her Jo. So Fay had hurried to the clinic at a slow pace to yell at her. “YOU ARE HERE!” 
“I’m so sure you’re real.” 
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