fandomasternot-blog · 5 years
Time to add more evidence!
Spoiler warning!
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For the first picture, the description of people not remembering Cole is very similar to that of a distracter spell from fablehaven. In the second image, we have a nod to Muriel Taggert's imprisonment.
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In the beyonders series, there are creatures called torivors that are formidable swordsmen. In the second book, one of the older characters nearly dies fighting it.
I’ve recently been reading the five kingdoms by Brandon mull because he is one of my favorite authors. This is the first time I have read it. Along the way, I noticed this
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Part of the story. If you are familiar with fablehaven, this will look very familiar.( If you aren’t, you should totally go read it). This is an obvious description of a distracter spell. Especially the part where “as people try to focus on you, they’ll end up ignoring you”.
This leads on to some other similarities. Though less concrete, both characters from fablehaven and from the five kingdoms make remarks about how it is hard to escape from their respective magical worlds. There is also some unexplained magic (cloud walls in five kingdoms, things like the mesa in fablehaven), but that is likely just a side effect of fantasy writing. There are also five main territories in wyrmroost. Most notably are the fair folk, who have specific talents and tend to live a very long time. You know who else lives a very long time? Shapers, who also have talents specific to them. Also, shapers can configure themselves to look nicer, like the fair folk. To enter the valley at fablehaven, you have to plunge down a hill, similar to both the manhole that Cole falls down and the entrance to the alternate world in beyonders that opens when you play music on the river.
So basically, mull is beating us over the head with his connected universe.
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fandomasternot-blog · 5 years
I've recently been reading the five kingdoms by Brandon mull because he is one of my favorite authors. This is the first time I have read it. Along the way, I noticed this
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Part of the story. If you are familiar with fablehaven, this will look very familiar.( If you aren't, you should totally go read it). This is an obvious description of a distracter spell. Especially the part where "as people try to focus on you, they'll end up ignoring you".
This leads on to some other similarities. Though less concrete, both characters from fablehaven and from the five kingdoms make remarks about how it is hard to escape from their respective magical worlds. There is also some unexplained magic (cloud walls in five kingdoms, things like the mesa in fablehaven), but that is likely just a side effect of fantasy writing. There are also five main territories in wyrmroost. Most notably are the fair folk, who have specific talents and tend to live a very long time. You know who else lives a very long time? Shapers, who also have talents specific to them. Also, shapers can configure themselves to look nicer, like the fair folk. To enter the valley at fablehaven, you have to plunge down a hill, similar to both the manhole that Cole falls down and the entrance to the alternate world in beyonders that opens when you play music on the river.
So basically, mull is beating us over the head with his connected universe.
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fandomasternot-blog · 5 years
In theory, you could remove your lowest pairs of ribs to increase flexibility. Then the only thing stopping you is cowardice
The only thing stopping people from sucking their own dick is their Rib cage
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fandomasternot-blog · 5 years
If you claim to not have a tiny crush on howl (howl's moving castle) you are a big fat liar
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fandomasternot-blog · 5 years
What it feels like when you see someone intruding on your otp
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fandomasternot-blog · 5 years
The princess bride is just good slytherin vs. Bad slytherin
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fandomasternot-blog · 5 years
Wesley (the princess bride) is totally a child of Athena
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fandomasternot-blog · 5 years
Okay so infinity war was super sad but imagine how many people's last words were memes
This includes fury.
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fandomasternot-blog · 5 years
Shout out to all of the ravenclaws out there who are more than just smart!
Shout out to all of the slytherins who aren't evil and manipulative!
Shout out to all of the hufflepuffs who aren't dumb because the don't want to jump in guns blazing!
Shout out to all of the gryffindors who aren't fearless!
You aren't bad just because you don't fit house stereotypes!
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fandomasternot-blog · 5 years
I just want a round of applause for the movie the perfect date. It's not because its unpredictable or super special. It's on netflix. But HOT DAMN. It pulls just about the ballsiest move I have ever seen in this kind of movie. Spoiler alert: The girl is great. She is funky, and confident and probably is on tumblr. BUT SHE TURNS HIM DOWN. And he gets his shit together. And he tries again RESPECTFULLY and he still lets her decide. Of course it's a movie so of course he gets the girl. But he lets her. And that's the important part. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk
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fandomasternot-blog · 5 years
Why Luke's Jedi Academy Failed
Vader fulfilled the prophecy. He brought balance to the force.
Vader is Luke's father. He was almost as sensitive to the force as his father.
Prophecy are, simply put, the will of the force. What if the Skywalker bloodline is tied so closely to this fate, that they are physically unable to avoid following the prophecy. They have to keep the force in balance.
THAT'S why Anakin killed the younglings. THAT'S why Kylo is drawn to the dark side. THAT is why, despite all of their trying, the jedi will never overpower the sith for as long as the skywalkers exist.
P.S. Rey is not included in this as she is only possibly part skywalker
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fandomasternot-blog · 5 years
New tactic for dealing with anxiety attacks:
Pretend you're resisting one of tanu's bottled-up emotions
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fandomasternot-blog · 5 years
The problem with starting the warriors series with into the wild is that when you go back and read dawn of the clans, you already know how it will all work out. Especially the beginning of cloudstar's journey after that.
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fandomasternot-blog · 5 years
She was a girl who loved the water
They were not the sea
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fandomasternot-blog · 5 years
Librarian/sports store au
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fandomasternot-blog · 5 years
Clear Sky, also known as that asshat who gets your girl
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fandomasternot-blog · 5 years
Remember that shrimpy little 12 year old Percy Jackson, dyslexic little Percy Jackson, the juvenile delinquent that went to six schools in six years, would get into fights over Grover. He protected this kid who was supposed to be his protector. In the very first chapter he nearly punched a bully who was throwing her lunch at Grover. Loyalty has been his fatal flaw since the very first chapter. But he didnt get his most defining trait from nowhere.
Remember Smelly Gabe? Seven layer dip, abusive asshole, statue to be? Sally married him to protect Percy.
Remember the battle at the empire state building? Sally and Paul using swords, going up against the titan army? Sally battled for her life and her son's.
Remember all those times she was as brave as possible? Those times she endangered herself for family? It's Sally's fatal flaw. Just like her son's.
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