fallenlavender · 7 months
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Wednesday, 11.15.23
Lunch w/ bf and his friend
(1:25) Cell Bio discussion (Oxidative Phosphorylation & Cytoskeleton)
Read Sensory Neuro discussion article & submitted figure analysis homework
Finished preparing slides for Drugs & Behavior group presentation
Read & took notes on Cell Bio textbook ch. 13.3-13.4 (Microtubules)
Today is good :) I met my bf for lunch and he ran into a girl from one of his classes he's friends with, so the three of us sat together. It was my first time meeting her and she was so nice!! I hope I'll get to interact with her again at some point. I also talked to the person in my Cell Bio discussion I talked to last time, and we walked out together! My usual 2:30 Drugs & Behavior lecture is cancelled because the professor is away at a conference, so I get to sit in Stone Science Library and get some work done before my Sensory Neuro discussion.
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fallenlavender · 7 months
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Tuesday, 11.7.23
(11:00) Sensory Neuro lecture (Echolocation)
Grabbed lunch from Basho Express
Read & took notes on Cell Bio textbook ch. 12.2-12.4 (Oxidative Phosphorylation & Mitochondrial Import/Export/Maintenance)
Read some of this week's Sensory Neuro discussion paper (Sniffing Controls an Adaptive Filter of Sensory Input to the Olfactory Bulb) & submitted figure analysis homework
Today has been pretty good. I got a lot of reading done pretty early, and went to the dining hall to sit and do work. I still feel a bit behind with everything, so hopefully I can get all caught up by the end of the week. Also found out my grade was 3 points higher than the class average for my Drugs & Behavior exam from yesterday!
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fallenlavender · 7 months
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Monday, 11.6.23
Breakfast(?) at dining hall with bf
Studied for Drugs & Behavior exam 2 in CDS
(2:30) Drugs & Behavior exam 2
Grabbed lunch from Basho express
Picked up prescriptions from CVS
Studied for Cell Bio exam 3
(6:30) Cell Bio exam 3
Dinner at dining hall with bf
Read & took notes on Cell Bio textbook 12.1 (Mitochondrial Structure & Dynamics)
Today was the most productive day I’ve had in a while!! I had 2 exams which was stressful, but I got my grade back for Cell Bio already and it was a couple points above the class average. I also found a new calendar/task manager app called Structured, and immediately paid $10 for the premium version because it seems really good. Hopefully the rest of the week stays like this in terms of productivity.
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fallenlavender · 7 months
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Sunday, 11.5.23
Lunch at dining hall with bf
(1:30) Met my friend to study for Drugs & Behavior exam tomorrow
(6:00) Went to the chapel to hear bf play the piano
Read Cell Bio textbook ch. 11.1-11.2 (ER & Golgi)
Played Pokémon TCG with bf
Another calm day. I studied for so long with my friend in CDS, which was great because we got through pretty much everything. Tonight I have to study even harder for Cell Bio :,(
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fallenlavender · 7 months
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Saturday, 11.4.23
Lunch with my friend at the dining hall
Did laundry
Washed our sheets & pillowcases
Vacuumed our bedroom
Ordered new multivitamins, body wash, & lavender essential oil for diffuser ❀
Finished reading & taking notes on Cell Bio textbook ch. 10 (The Nucleus)
Submitted Cell Bio ch. 10 homework assignment
Submitted Cell Bio ch. 11 homework assignment
Played Pokémon TCG with bf
Today has been a nice peaceful break. I got a lot of sleep and cleaned the whole dorm room while my bf is out playing basketball, so everything feels nice and smells good. I also took an everything shower last night so I feel really clean too 😌
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fallenlavender · 7 months
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Friday, 11.3.23
(10:10) Drugs & Behavior discussion quiz 6
Read & took notes on Cell Bio ch. 10.2 (Chromosome Organization)
Lunch with bf
Picked up prescription from CVS
(3:20) Drugs & Behavior lecture (Psychomotor Stimulants)
Submitted retroactive time sheet for work
Played Pokémon TCG with bf
Dinner at hot pot restaurant with bf!
Today has been good! I actually got up on time for once and I’ve been getting work done, and I got a 10/10 on my quiz this morning!! This is probably the most productive day I’ve had recently. I’m super tired though 😴 Funny moment when I (not 21) went into a liquor store with my bf (21) and they made me go wait outside while he paid LOL
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fallenlavender · 7 months
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Thursday, 11.2.23
(2:00) Therapy appt.
(3:30) Met my friend to study for Drugs & Behavior exam 2
Worked on coding my new tumblr theme
Went over notes again for Drugs & Behavior discussion quiz tomorrow
Played Pokémon TCG with bf!
Finished reading & taking notes on Cell Bio textbook ch. 10.1 (Nuclear Envelope)
Today was okay. I overslept and missed my morning classes, which kind of threw me off for the rest of the day. I did have a good time studying with my friend though, and I got to meet her other friend too. I’m in a bit of a rut right now as far as productivity generally goes, so I’m slowly trying to work my way out of it and hopefully I’ll do better next week.
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fallenlavender · 7 months
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Monday, 10.30.23
Got lunch alone at Basho
Finalized class registration for next semester
(3:30) Met the guy I'm giving my Sensory Neuro presentation with to work on our slideshow
Read Cell Bio ch. 8.1-8.2 & took notes (Translation & Protein Processing)
Today was like yesterday, quiet but I wish I got more done. I am excited for next semester though, because I got into all the classes I was hoping to. I'm taking Neuroethology, Marine Biology, Computational Neuroscience, Psychoacoustics, and a Japanese history class for gen ed credit. That means I'll be done with all the required classes for my degree next semester, which is cool!
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fallenlavender · 7 months
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Sunday, 10.29.23
(10:15) Registered for classes for next semester
Brunch at dining hall
Worked on Sensory Neuro discussion presentation
Dinner with my friend at hot pot restaurant!
Reread Cell Bio ch. 7 & took notes (Transcriptional Regulation & Epigenetics)
Today was nice and calm, but I wish I got more work done :,) My class registration went well, I got into all the classes I needed to except one (but I'm on the waitlist for it). I had a really good time getting dinner with my friend, because I've known her for most of college but we don't hang out much because we're both so busy! I'm now really tired and trying to get some Cell Bio reading done in my dorm, because I feel way too unprepared for our test next week. I started trying the Cornell note-taking method, which I never tried before because I didn't think it would work for me. It's honestly more helpful than I expected.
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fallenlavender · 7 months
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Saturday, 10.28.23
(2:30) Whale watching in Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary 🐋
Dinner with bf at Wagamama
Played online Smash doubles with bf
AHHHHHHH I FINALLY GOT TO GO WHALE WATCHING WHICH I’VE BEEN WANTING TO DO FOR SO LONG!!!! It was a surprise anniversary gift from my bf and omfg I love this man so much it was amazing. The weather was beautiful, and we saw so many humpbacks!! All of the known whales in Stellwagen have names, which is crazy because I don’t know how the naturalists recognize them from that far. The ones we saw were:
Bounce & her calf: came up a few times pretty close to our boat. Calf was estimated to be about 10 months old.
A+, Milkweed, & 3.14: group of 3 who we followed for a long time. Came up several times between long dives. The last time we saw them, they unexpectedly popped up SO close to where I was on the boat!
Wizard: the coolest one!! She kept coming up and smacking her tail against the water (called lobtailing), which was very loud. She then joined up with the group of 3 above for a short time, so I think she was communicating her desire to join them.
Spell: Wizard’s calf who we happened to see separately from her! She was off at a distance and I didn’t have good binoculars so I didn’t see too much of her, but the naturalists recognized her.
This was genuinely one of the coolest experiences of my life, and the naturalists even said we had a really lucky trip because we got to see so many whales. We were standing on the left side of the boat, which happened to be where most of the whales were so they were really right there! I didn’t take any pics of the whales (would be blurry so I’d rather just watch), but I will always remember this experience and I hope I can go again next season!!
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fallenlavender · 7 months
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Friday, 10.27.23
(10:10) Drugs & Behavior discussion quiz 5
Lunch with bf
Worked on Sensory Neuro discussion presentation a little
Beat the Final Final Test Badge Marathon in Super Mario Bros Wonder!!
Today was pretty uneventful. My quiz was okay, so the morning was fine, but I missed my Drugs & Behavior lecture that was supposed to be at 2:30. I got a Citizen alert for shots fired less than a mile from my dorm, so I just played it safe and stayed in because it said the suspects (multiple) weren’t arrested yet. Nothing’s been in the news about it and the school didn’t send out an alert so I’m assuming it was either false info or ended up okay.
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fallenlavender · 8 months
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Wednesday, 10.25.23
Lunch at dining hall with bf
(1:25) Cell Bio discussion
(2:30) Drugs & Behavior lecture (Anxiolytics)
Finished & submitted Sensory Neuro figure analysis homework
(4:40) Sensory Neuro discussion
(7:30) Met my friend at a Thai restaurant for dinner
Walked all the way back to my dorm (~1 mile) in the dark
Started working on Sensory Neuro discussion presentation (Mechanisms of Sound Localization in the Barn Owl)
Today has been pretty good, and quite calm which is nice. I finally talked to someone in Cell Bio for the first time this semester (who also wants to do the marine semester next fall), so I’m happy about that. I got dinner with my friend I met this semester in my Drugs & Behavior class which was fun! She’s really nice and fun to talk to so I’m happy to become friends with her :) I’m also really happy about my topic for my discussion presentation next week!! The other papers we’ve covered have mostly been very technical and on the level of individual neurons/ganglia, but I just get to talk about owls 🫶
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fallenlavender · 8 months
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Tuesday, 10.24.23
(9:30) Cell Bio lecture (Protein Folding & Nuclear Membrane)
Lunch with bf!
Did some puzzles on my iPad
Started reading Sensory Neuro discussion paper (The Gut-Brain Axis Mediates Sugar Preference)
Finished most of Sensory Neuro figure analysis homework
Today has been good! I got up early enough to take the bus to my Cell Bio lecture, and my usual 11:00 Sensory Neuro lecture got canceled, so I unexpectedly got to have lunch with my bf! We sat in GSU for awhile and it was just a nice break. I went back to my dorm and sat in the lounge for a few hours alternating between doing my Sensory Neuro work and doing puzzles/watching YouTube on my iPad. Not sure why but I had a lot of trouble focusing on my work today, which was annoying but at least I didn't have much I absolutely had to get done today.
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fallenlavender · 8 months
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Monday, 10.23.23
Lunch at dining hall by myself
(2:30) Drugs & Behavior lecture (finished alcohol unit)
Emailed with advisors about registration for next semester
Went over all notes from last Tuesday’s Cell Bio lecture
Submitted Cell Bio ch. 7 homework
Read Cell Bio textbook ch. 8.3 (Protein Function & Stability) & 9.1 (Genomics & Transcriptomics)
Read intro & methods in Sensory Neuro discussion presentation paper (Mechanisms of Sound Localization in the Barn Owl)
Downloaded a few articles for my Sensory Neuro final presentation
Today has been okay, but I’m really tired. My bf and I stayed up late playing the new Super Mario Bros game (again) so I overslept and missed my usual lunch with him :,( I sat in CDS for awhile after class to get work done, which was nice because I got a good table to myself. I’m going to bed at 10:30 because I’ve been so tired all day.
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fallenlavender · 8 months
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Sunday, 10.22.23
Slept late again (amazing)
Got anniversary gifts from bf!!!
Dinner at a really good pho restaurant
(8:50) Escape room 🌲
Finished main story of Super Mario Bros Wonder
Today was slow but good!! My 2 year anniversary with my bf is this Thursday, but we exchanged gifts early and I got mine today!! He got me a really pretty flower light, a really nice engraved heart necklace w a gem in my favorite color (blue) 🥲, and 3 different plushies! Later in the day, we went out to dinner at our favorite pho restaurant in Chinatown. We just got back from an escape room, which was the first time we ever did one together, and it was SO fun. It was really intricate with 4 connected rooms, and we beat it with only 1 minute left. It was horror-themed so my adrenaline is still up from the jumpscares LOL
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fallenlavender · 8 months
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Saturday, 10.21.23
Slept really late (desperately needed)
Spent almost the whole day playing Super Mario Bros Wonder
Today was a very lazy Saturday, which was nice after a busy week. My bf just bought the new Super Mario Bros game, and we spent basically the entire day playing through it (we’re almost done with the main story already 😭). It was raining pretty hard most of the day, which made it very peaceful because we left the window open to hear the rain hitting the roof.
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fallenlavender · 8 months
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Friday, 10.20.23
Went to research symposium to see my friend’s presentation
Lunch with bf!
Walked in the BU GWU rally for a few blocks
(2:30) Drugs & Behavior lecture (pharmacokinetics & pharmacodynamics of alcohol)
Stopped at the bio department office to get an advisor since I just declared my double major
Won a pumpkin carving contest hosted by the RAs 😭
Dinner out with bf! (dumplings & boba)
Started playing Super Mario Bros Wonder
Today has been good! Rough morning, because I woke up with a bad headache and skipped my Drugs & Behavior discussion. But I had a good time at the symposium and lunch, and unexpectedly ended up walking in the BU Grad Workers Union rally for a bit. Gotta show my solidarity as a fellow BU employee ✊ Then my bf and I went to a pumpkin carving contest (mine is the won on the left) and I managed to win 😭😭 prize was a ton of candy (most of which I can’t eat anyway because I’m vegan) but I’m going to ride the high of this win for the rest of the weekend. On the way to the bus stop as my bf and I were leaving dinner, we stopped in a pet supply store because the owner had his two huge Newfoundlands and a beautiful cat we could pet!! Both dogs were sprawled out on the floor to sleep, but happily let us pet them. I am SO happy because I really miss my dog, and I’ve been so animal-deprived here on campus.
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