faizanulquran-blog · 5 years
What is the Koran?
The Messenger of Allah, Muhammad sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allah exalt his mention ) said: “The best amongst you are those who learn the Quran and teach it.” [Al-Bukhari]
The Quran is the Book of Allah, and he chose it to be the end of the Book of Heaven. He is the merciful and the greatest, and it was the source of the final religion for Prophet Muhammad Salallah “Arahi wa Salaam” (may Allah praise his mention) and was revealed as a guide to humanity. His revelation was a turning point for mankind. What changed the world, changed the flow of history, saved humanity and reformed it was the power that manifested the entire existence as if it had been recently rebuilt. The Quran is the strongest test in support of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam (may Allaah mention it) and his greatest sign. This is proof of its predictability and reliability. Allah, the greatest, says in the Qur’an (which means:) They (unbelievers) want to shut the light of Allah in their mouths. But Allah fulfills his light. The pagan did not like this, he sent his apostles in the right direction and true religion so that they could improve themselves in all religions. [Quran 61: 8-9] The Quran is the guidance that mankind needs to achieve freedom, happiness and success, in this life and the next. The Qur’an is a complete and complete book. It addresses the problems that human beings need not only for their subsequent salvation, but also for peace, justice and prosperity in this world. These questions are addressed in three main categories in the Qur’an: theology, dentistry and intelligence, and Islamic law (or Sharia). Therefore, it provides the basic principles, vision and knowledge necessary to plan and move forward in a good life. All of this takes a much deeper approach to life with quests being brought to the world as well. Almighty Allah says in the Holy Quran: “Explore the riches provided by the eternal matter of Allah (the Hereafter), but don’t forget a part of this world and (and don’t give up). Be kind and good, since Allah is gentle and good for you. And what I do not want corruption on earth. In fact, Allah does not like corruption. “ [Quran 28:77] The Quran has an inimitable style and format that have never been seen or experienced in any other book or methodology. The richness of the text and the discourse it presents are unprecedented and unique in terms of clarity, competence, fluency, fitness and harmony. The Quran is not only a linguistic masterpiece and a magnum opus perfection, it is truly a miracle. Those who read it never get tired and those who think its meaning do not doubt it; Rather, they always seek new insights and knowledge. Lead those who seek guidance and value those who support them with faith. The first part is similar to the continuous part, only if it can be compared with its own beauty. There is no contradiction in the Quran, and those who wish to meditate on Arabic and chapters and shlokas will find harmony between the various parts. Allah’s greatest: “Why don’t they think of the Quran? And if they were different from Allah, they would have found him in many inconsistencies. “He showed that he was definitely not part of it. The Quran believes or refutes the other. The reason for this is that it appears as a “paradox from the Qur’an”, what the Qur’an calls a verse Muhkam (of course) and Mu’tasbahi (of course). This is actually part of literary power and miraculous creation. Holy Quran.
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faizanulquran-blog · 5 years
Muslim Holidays
Celebrations are part of all cultures and religions.
Many predominantly Muslim countries have various cultural festivals; However, there are only two important holidays celebrated by all Muslims. Each is celebrated at the end of an Islamic ritual.The holiday was already first after Ramadan and was known through the Feast of Laylat, which means "festival mania". Is grateful for the month of fasting along with self-control and positive habits formed more than 30 daysThe second largest festival celebrated by Muslims is called Eid-ud-Adha's "sacrifice festival". Hajj (Hajj) is followed by Saudi Arabia in Mecca. This holiday, Hertz. Abraham and his son Ishmael's devotion to God, their dedication and willingness to demonstrate their faith are celebrated with the honor of sacrifice.Both holidays include celebrations with family, friends and communities. This usually includes the following applications:we are also provide
Quran with Urdu Translation
1.       Morning prayer is near the mosque or the center of the Muslim community.
2.       Wear new clothes
3.       Gift for family and friends.
4.       Help the less fortunate
5.       Visit homes and homes of families and friends; Desserts (special meal of the day, Christmas cookies, etc.); Other social ceremonies and hospitality.
6.       Say hello to "Eid Mubarak" (let Mubarak be a party).
More and more public school systems are beginning to recognize these two, given that they are on vacation, this is important because Muslim students believe that their trust in the United States is important; Country of birth (since most students were born or born in the United States).
Are there ways in which teachers can identify Eid-ul Fitr or Eid-ul Adha to establish connections with their Muslim students?·         When two Muslim holidays (Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Adha) occur during school, they can learn to pronounce and greet them.·         Parents or students share information about holidays and their meaning, depending on the age of the students.
·         Through content areas (subject at primary or secondary level): festival music and works of art; Mainly in Muslim countries, etc. Vacation Information.It is also important that Muslim students do not celebrate Christianity, such as Christmas, Easter or Valentine's Day because they are a Christian community. In particular, questions arise about Muslim students in the context of primary education who think they must or must attend, even if they do not understand or isolate the phenomena. Beliefs. Teachers can listen to the Muslim students in this period. For example, instead of singing Christmas songs or colorful Christmas tree songs, teachers can focus on the winter theme with trees, hot drinks and gingerbread.Some Muslim students do not celebrate Halloween because they think they are of pagan origin. However, others may choose to participate because they do not accept it as a religious holiday.
diversity promotes a culture of respect for everyone's acceptance; However, it may be difficult for schools to reserve time for each holiday. It is the responsibility of schools to recognize, not celebrate. There are many ways to involve all students without wasting academic time. For example, instead of organizing all holidays in December due to Christmas, plan each holiday to be recognized throughout the year. A good way to know what holidays are celebrated is to allow students to fill in a questionnaire about themselves or send an email to their parents. This is something schools can add to school hours and share it with the PTA and the community for the recognition of all ethnic beliefs and origins.
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faizanulquran-blog · 5 years
5 Ways to Follow the Sunnah
Sunnah is the method of the last prophet Muhammad. As Muslims, we were not only ordered to follow the teachings of the Qur'an, but also the Prophet. We were asked to follow everything the Prophet said or accepted. Ammar once told Ayesha: "Oh mother of believers, tell me about the role of the prophet, peace be upon him." Ayesha said: "Have you not read the Koran?" The character of Race Messenger is the Koran. Source: Abu Dawood 1342, presented by Sahih
If we also want the Koran to be our character, we must follow the Prophet (sa). Today it can be a challenge, but we must strive to follow the example of the Prophet, because this will surely lead us to Jannah, that's what we are here to win in this world.
Here are 5 ways to help you follow the Sunnah!
1- Make sure you are following authentic information.
One of the main problems of today's ummah is the flood of unauthenticated information. We have started relying so much on online learning that we do not stop to check that the information we read is correct or not.
More About Islamic Click Hear As Muslims, it is essential to ensure that we do not attribute anything that the Prophet did not say, as he said: "Lying about me is not like telling lies about others. Those who deliberately lie about me should take their place in hell." al-Bukhaari, 1229.
Although one can follow a false hadith or tell others involuntarily, we must be responsible Muslims and always review our sources.
One of the best online resources to find authentic Ahadeth is www.sunnah.com. You can check what you have heard or learned here to make sure nothing bad has happened. Alternatively, you can learn from teachers and academics. At www.qutor.com you can search for Koran hours for children and adults.
2- “We hear and we obey”
Do not choose your Sunnah. If you hear something that the Prophet (sa) did and confirmed to be true, follow him immediately. Do not let your Naf (ego) stop you and do not let Shaytan or other people stop you.
The Messenger believed in what had been revealed to him by his Lord and also by the faithful. Everyone believed in Allah, His angels, His books, and His messengers, saying, "We make no distinction between His messengers." And they say, "Let us listen and obey. [Let us seek] Your forgiveness, our Lord, and for you it is the [ultimate] goal." (2: 285.)
3- Make good friends
A human being is known for his friends. Meet people who love the Prophet (sa) as much as you. Having this support and the associated memories is a great treasure for all Muslims. The Prophet (sa) said, "Man depends on his friend's religion, so each of you asks who a friend is." (Tirmidhi, reliable)
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faizanulquran-blog · 5 years
Five Reasons Why Online Quran Learning is the Best!
Five Reasons Why Online Quran Learning is the Best!
I live with my family in a house which is not in the city centre. It has always been a struggle to find a Qari (Quran teacher) to come over to help my son revise his Hifz lessons. To come this far, they would demand higher salaries and sometimes the time slots they gave us would clash with my son’s cricket class. Going to an institute was too time consuming to be an option.
More About  Online Quran Learning Academy 
Not only did you acquire the master of the city's famous Koran, but the experience in general was incredible! After my son finished the lesson, I recorded the voice of the lesson for later review with my son. I was happy to use integrated lessons! Where we stayed and my son learned to browse the site using the computer!
FaizanulQuran is one of the options available online. There are many people you can use. However, here is a breakdown of all the benefits of using an online Quran lesson with the Quran.
No travel time
We learned lessons from the comfort of the house! My son was tired of coming and going from these classes, but now he has reduced travel time completely! He's got plenty of time to play and he's happy.
Well-qualified teachers
Now we have one of the most wanted among the poor, and there was no way he could come home! But in Kutor, you can invite her to our house every day for an hour! Select to view the online teachers of the resumes to upload. You can also run a free trial class to ensure that the teacher is right for your child.
 Affordable fee
Saving money was one of my biggest advantages. We pay the hours worked and the salary structure does not change according to the region where you live!
If we are too late to return from the cricket class, we have to go to your mother's house, or if the son is invited to play, we can do the Qur'an wherever we are. Turn on your laptop and sign in wherever you are. Now there is no missing class.
My son, as an online student, developed self-discipline, spontaneity and time management. Each of these problems can be very useful as you enter the business world. And I couldn't be happy!
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faizanulquran-blog · 5 years
Why is the Qur’an only in Arabic?
Why do Muslims read the Qur'an in Arabic? Does the Quran translate into different languages? If so, what is the difference in the version difference translated with the Arabic version?
 Quran, Arabic. This does not happen when I cannot translate, but the translation is not the same as the original text. However, the whole message of God's unity comes here. The previous revelation was sent in the language of the people.
The Quran was revealed in Arabia
The Quran is the ultimate revelation of God, and the Quran is Arabic. Because Muhammad's peace resides in Arabia. And if we changed it to Quran, Nedin, besides Arabic, why is the poem not explained in detail in our language, foreigners [read] and Arab [messengers]: " Say" It is guidance and healing for believers. And unbelievers: .deafness in their ears.
Because the Qur'an is Arabic, it does not mean that Arabs are better than non-Arabs, on the contrary, all people are equal, but God has chosen to reveal his final message to humanity. Better nuances of language. Seventh-century Arabs were very proud of their language skills. The Qur'an appears very clearly in Arabic.
Since the Qur'an has been shown in Arabic, it has taken a long time for scholars to keep idioms, idioms, words, and language poems for a correct understanding of the Qur'an. This has always been a priority for many non-Arab scientists.
Nuanced Meanings Gets Lost in Translation
When a person translates the text, the translation is not the same as the original text. Rather, they understand the meaning of the text. Translation provides an overview of the text, but is not equivalent to the original text. For example, in American culture, I often hear that you are my dog.
If the same expression becomes a culture that does not accept dogs and dogs as pets, and if they are considered dirty and wild animals, the literal translation of this word is not enough. Instead, there is a need for further explanation of what these expressions mean in the original language and culture. Similarly, the Qur'an is illustrated in a specific context in Arabic and should be understood in this context.
The Arabic Language is Rich
Arabic has a very complex grammar and vocabulary composition. Expressions have many meanings and are only possible in Arabic. It is an Arabic syntax. In other words, grammar rules cannot be compared with other languages.
Since Arabic is a highly developed language, text translations like the Koran never give a profound message. Pre-Islamic Arabs had much talent in Arabic, but the literary style of the Qur'an at that time shocked all poets and linguists.
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faizanulquran-blog · 5 years
Faizan ul Quran - is working as an Online Quran Academy for everyone in the world. You can Learn Quran with urdu Translation from your Home Online.
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faizanulquran-blog · 5 years
Faizan ul Quran - is working as an Online Quran Academy for everyone in the world. You can Learn Quran with urdu Translation from your Home Online.
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