eyesofkyber · 2 days
Violet is teeny and frail the way that so many ya female protaginists are. But the difference is that the story recognizes her weaknesses and addresses them. Everyone can see she is breakable but what makes her scary is that she's fully willing to break herself to get what she wants. She isn't just anger in a cute tiny package she is rage shoved into a glass bottle with a crack running up the side. She doesn't just fight through pain, she functions in pain constantly. She's brutal and resilient and so willing to throw herself on a knife just to give others a better chance at survival.
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eyesofkyber · 5 days
what if he's written "mine" on my upper thigh only in my mind?????
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eyesofkyber · 5 days
why isn’t anyone talking about the albatross? you’re told to stay away from her, but she keeps haunting you. she’s the mastermind who anoints you with liquor. you can try to lock her up, but she’s the poison you picked. you cannot cage her. she is compared to the devil for being cautious. she ultimately still flies free and takes you with her to protect you. it’s like imgonnagetyouback meets cassandra, guilty as sin meets but daddy I love him, because she’s felt equally caged by love and fame.
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eyesofkyber · 5 days
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fawzul himaya hareed (@milodrama) reimagining shame, on writing and being seen (link to substack) \\ @allsadnshit \\ alyse leah angélique des francs on lirr train \\ sam sax xenotransplantation (via @cloudswamp) \\ liana finck
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eyesofkyber · 6 days
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Taylor Swift, The Alchemy
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eyesofkyber · 6 days
i'm not a romantic, but then 'Where's the trophy? He just comes runnin' over to me'.
excuse me wHAT?
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