ev-forever · 7 months
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My recently cala marias vore stuff. One as commission and another one as my personal project. Speedpaint of my personal project: https://youtu.be/wCiaESpH9js
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ev-forever · 8 months
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ev-forever · 9 months
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ev-forever · 10 months
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ev-forever · 10 months
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ev-forever · 10 months
Lo siento por lo que voy a decir pero detesto que me digan mi nombre
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ev-forever · 10 months
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ev-forever · 10 months
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ev-forever · 10 months
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ev-forever · 10 months
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ev-forever · 10 months
Since u won’t make the el risitas vore can I have u make Kyle and cartman gay love I have a good reason why you should make this and why u should do this FIRSTs and the others can wait
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Why don't I want to do it and you can't force me to do it first? I'm sorry for what I'm going to say but if you keep telling me as excuses I'm not going to do what you asked me anymore >:(
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ev-forever · 10 months
I hope you don't mind me asking but, could you please do a non fatal vore pic with Cuphead? (It's okay if you don't want to do it! also,you can take your time on it !^^)
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ev-forever · 10 months
Will you do more angel/demon edd vore?
I really like his design, he's spooky and cute
maybe because I have a comic
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ev-forever · 10 months
Aquí hay una ficción en la que Matt, Edd y Tord se alimentan a Tom con entusiasmo para su sorpresa y consternación. si se arrepienten de esa elección o no depende del lector ~ podrías preguntar pero erm ... no creo que den una gran respuesta ~⚠ este fic contiene vore, digestión, aumento de peso, presa involuntaria/renuente, presa dispuesta, vore fatal/permanente, ¿este se vuelve un poco oscuro? esta es tu advertencia ⚠Tom estaba sentado con sus compañeros de cuarto, los cuatro eran buenos amigos. todos lo miraban con ojos suplicantes... ¿cómo se metió en este lío?los tres le habían pedido a tom que se los comiera y parecían desesperados. Tom no podía creerlo... ¿por qué querrían que se los comieran? Habían sorprendido a Tom comiéndose a alguien en su forma de monstruo hace unos días y Tom estaba avergonzado, pero a los tres no parecía importarles. fue justo ahora que tom se estaba dando cuenta de que tal vez sí les importaba... solo que... de una manera diferente. Tom estaba perdido en sus pensamientos, sorprendido por su pedido antes de que Edd hablara."Tom, pareces haber visto un fantasma... ¿qué pasa?~"Preguntó burlonamente con una voz caliente, Tom retrocedió de los tres pero solo se acercaron."¡Uf! ¿Qué les ha pasado a ustedes tres? ¡Por última vez no los voy a comer! Dudo que pueda caber a los tres a la vez de todos modos..."Tord se rió entre dientes, colocando una mano debajo de la barbilla de Tom."Está bien, ve uno a la vez ~ iré primero, duraré más tiempo después de todo ..."Se jactó, seguro de que sobreviviría por un tiempo en las entrañas de Tom."¡¡Qué co-- no!! eso no es lo que quiero decir--"Tord lo hizo callar."menos hablar más devorar ~ tengo un trabajo que hacer y se está sumando a esa cintura tuya ~"antes de que tom pudiera responder, tord metió la cabeza en las fauces de tom, obligándolo a tragar también. aunque tom no pudo evitar admitir lo increíble que sabía..."mmhhh..~"se dejó llevar un poco... quería escupir, ¡pero sabía tan condenadamente bien! se movió por su garganta y Tom lo tragó hasta su vientre ahora hinchado."¿Ves? ¿Fue tan difícil?"Matt se rió entre dientes, asombrado. Edd y Matt inmediatamente comenzaron a frotar la barriga de Tom."¡Guau! Realmente se está retorciendo ahí dentro..."Edd dijo emocionado, Tom gimió."Tal vez finalmente se está arrepintiendo de su elección..."Edd simplemente se encogió de hombros, los dos al lado de Tom ansiosos por ver a Tord digerir lentamente. Edd presionó el vientre de Tom con curiosidad, causando que eructara ruidosamente."Joder, ¿estará bien ahí dentro? Dios, tord, ¿puedes oírme?"no hubo respuesta… simplemente forcejeó y se retorció, haciendo que tom se estremeciera un poco."Ah, vamos, él estará bien... puede soportar un poco de digestión, ¿verdad, tord?"Matt empujó el vientre de Tom, gruñó fuerte y morbosamente en respuesta."¿ves? él está bien."gruñía más y más a medida que pasaba el tiempo, recogiendo más y más. los gruñidos pronto se convirtieron en ominosos y húmedos gorgoteos desde lo más profundo de él.y, finalmente, el estómago de tom se ablandó y se volvió más redondo con el tiempo. Edd tocó su vientre, lo que hizo que tom eructara de nuevo."Hombre, para alguien tan seguro de esto, seguro que lo digirió rápido".Los ojos de Tom se pusieron blancos."¿¡Qué!? Joder, tord, ¿estás bien ahí dentro?"Grrrrrr..."Como dije, está bien. Vivirá como parte de ti, de todos modos ~"Matt soltó una risita, sentándose en el regazo de tom pegado a su vientre."Joder... me... me siento enferma. No más por favor, estoy llena. ¿No te sientes mal por él? ¿Por qué querrías esto-- él-- yo--"Matt pronto obligó a sus manos a meterse en la boca de Tom de manera similar a Tord, Tom trató de sacarlo esta vez. pero no sirvió de nada.. estaba seguro de su decisión. lo tragó hasta su barriga, y pronto Edd se unió a él.Edd deslizó su cabeza entre las mandíbulas de Tom, bajando de una forma u otra... tan pronto como ambos estuvieron dentro, un asqueroso eructo pasó por los labios de Tom."Dios, oh Dios, ¿están bien?""...¿tipo?"se retorcieron de forma simalir para torcer... dolía. a tom le dolía el estómago y se sentía culpable. tal vez solo estaban tratando de ponerse cómodos... pero tal vez se arrepintieron de lo que habían hecho."¡Joder, ay! ~ Dios no.. ¡Fuera! ¡Te quiero FUERA de mí!"Tom gimió, presionando su vientre para tratar de sacarlos de sus entrañas, pero esto solo hizo que se digirieran más rápido.tom se sintió tan mal... sí, ellos querían esto, pero nunca volvería a ver a los tres en una sola pieza. deseó haber podido convencerlos de que no lo hicieran...Suspiró y presionó su espalda contra el sofá, sentándose en el suelo mientras frotaba su vientre."Espero que ustedes estén disfrutando esto más que yo... urrp..."matt y edd no tardaron en digerirlo, tom había ganado mucho peso... su barriga era gorda y redonda como un recordatorio constante del destino de sus compañeros de cuarto dentro de él, sin mencionar sus caderas.pero tom tenía un nuevo sentimiento... un hambre abrumadora. necesitaba más, aunque al final todavía se sentía culpable.se frotó la barriga e intentó ponerse de pie, sintiéndose tan pesado..."gracias, supongo... al menos estabas sabroso"suspiró, forzando su ropa a caber sobre los restos de sus ex-amigos, y se dirigió al baño.FIN
You can make a fanfic vore of tom plis Ú_Ù
here's a fic where Matt, Edd and Tord feed themselves to tom eagerly to his shock and dismay. whether they regret that choice or not is up to the reader~ you could ask but erm.. i don't think they'd give much of a response~ ⚠ this fic contains vore, digestion, weight gain, unwilling/reluctant pred, willing prey, Fatal/Perma vore, this one gets kinda dark?? this is your warning ⚠
Tom was sitting with his roommates, the four of them were good friends. they were all staring up at him with pleading eyes.. how did he get into this mess? the three had asked tom to eat them, and seemed desperate. Tom couldn't believe it.. why would they WANT to be eaten? They had caught Tom eating someone in his monster form a few days ago and Tom was ashamed, but the three didn't seem to mind. it was just now that tom was realizing perhaps they DID mind.. just.. in a different way. Tom was lost in thought, shocked at their request before Edd spoke up. "Tom, you look like you saw a ghost.. whats the matter?~" He asked teasingly in a horny voice, tom backed up from the three but they only came closer. "ugh! what has gotten into you three? for the last time i'm not going to eat you! i doubt i could fit the three of you at once anyways.." Tord chuckled, placing a hand under tom's chin.
"that's fine, go one at a time~ ill go first, ill last the longest after all.." He bragged, sure he'd survive for a while in tom's gut.
"what the fu-- no!! that's not what i mean--" Tord shushed him. "less talking more devouring~ i have a job to do and it's adding to that waistline of yours~"
before tom could respond, tord forced his head into tom's maw, forcing him to swallow as well. although tom couldn't help but admit how amazing he tasted.. "mmhhh..~" he got a little carried away.. he wanted to spit tord out but he tasted so damn good! he wiggled down his throat and tom gulped him down to his now swollen belly.
"see? was that so hard?" Matt chuckled, amazed.. Edd and Matt immediately started rubbing tom's belly. "wow! hes really squirming in there.." Edd said excitedly, Tom groaned. "maybe hes finally regretting his choice.." Edd just shrugged, the two of them by tom's side eager to watch tord slowly digest. Edd pressed down on tom's belly curiously, causing him to belch loudly. "fuck, will he be ok in there? god, tord can you hear me??" no response.. he just struggled and squirmed, causing tom to wince a little.
"ah cmon, he'll be fineee... he can handle a little bit of digestion, right tord?" Matt poked tom's belly, it growled loudly and morbidly in response. "see? he's alright."
it growled more and more as time went on, picking up more and more. the growls soon turned into ominous, wet gurgles from deep inside him..
and eventually tom's stomach got softed and rounder over time.. Edd felt his belly, causing tom to burp again. "man, for someone so confident about this he sure digested quick." Tom's eyes went went white. "what!? fuck, tord are you alright in there??" Grrrowl... "like i said, hes fine. he'll live on as a part of you, anyways~" Matt giggled, sitting on tom's lap pressed up against his belly.
"fuck.. i.. i feel sick. no more please, i'm full. don't you feel bad for him?? why would you want this-- he-- i--" Matt soon forced his hands into tom's mouth in a simalir fashion to tord, Tom tried to get him out this time. but it was no use.. he was sure of his decision. he swallowed him down into his tummy, and soon edd joined him. Edd slid his head inbetween tom's jaws, going down one way or another.. as soon as they were both inside a gross burp went past tom's lips. "god, oh god are you guys ok??" "...guys?" they squirmed in a simalir fashion to tord.. it hurt. tom's stomach ached and he felt guilty. maybe they were just trying to get comfy.. but maybe they regretted what they had done. "fuck ow.!~ god no.. get out! i want you OUT of me!" Tom groaned, pressing on his belly to try and get them out from his insides, but this only caused them to digest faster..
tom felt so bad.. yeah they wanted this but he'd never see the three in one peice again. he kinda wished he could have talked them out of it.. He sighed and pressed his back against the couch, sitting on the floor as he rubbed his belly.
"hope you guys are enjoying this more than me.. urrp.." it didn't take long for matt and edd to digest, tom had gained a lot of weight.. his belly was fat and round as a constant reminder as his roommates fate within him, not to mention his hips.
but tom had a new feeling.. an overwhelming hunger. he needed more, even though he still felt guilty in the end.
he rubbed his belly and tried to stand, feeling so heavy.. "thanks i suppose.. at least you were tasty" he sighed, forcing his clothes to fit over the remains of his ex-friends., and walked off to the bathroom.
sorry if this was a bit more morbid than usual.. i like dark vore and think stuff with guilty preds is cool, or perhaps the prey regretted what they asked for. whatever it may be i hope you enjoyed this fic!~
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ev-forever · 10 months
and make one where Stan vore Kyle cartman Kenny Wendy
It seems that I will have to say again DO NOT SEND ME MANY APPLICATIONS for now the applications are closed and when I finish they will be open again
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ev-forever · 10 months
Will you do eddsworld vore?
Maybe monster tord? So he's like monster tom but has red ears and claws
unfortunately I will say that I will not do more
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ev-forever · 10 months
Can you draw cuphead swallowing mugman
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