eujazmine · 3 years
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all gifs from christianscody !
manipulative bastard
The Manipulative Bastard is the master manipulator of people, in essence, a character who manipulates others through their emotions, perspectives, psychologies and any other way they can get them dancing to their tune. This is the guy or gal who gets off on playing head/mind games—clever and dangerous and lacking comedic overtones (usually). She always has a plan ready, but rather than do any work, the Manipulative Bastard prefers to play on other characters' emotions and mental states and then watch the victims destroy themselves as they waste their energy on fighting against fake dangers or their friends.
are we surprised? with a lack of loyalty to others, including her own family, jazmine will gladly step on others and use their weaknesses to her advantage to get what she wants. she’s been a manipulative bastard since she was a child, ever since she first discovered how much her mist control could control the perceptions of others. observant and resourceful, jazmine has no qualms using her talents to gain unauthorized information about others and using it for her personal gain. she views people as her pawns, and her selfish way of thinking gives her little guilt about physically or mentally forcing others into submission. this is a trait she’s picked up from her own father, which we will delve into in the next trope.
daddy’s little villain
mention of emotional abuse tw
She's the daughter of an Evil Overlord, who shares her parent's ambition, cunning, and cruelty. She could be anything from a simple Spoiled Brat to an Overlord in waiting. She's also likely to be a Princess (since even villainy is improved with that), although she will still prefer wearing black or dark colors over pink. 
jazmine’s mortal father can largely be thanked for the way she is now. from as young as she can remember, he was training jazmine to be a powerful force in both the demigod and mortal world. while he raised her to think she could accomplish anything she worked toward, she was mostly a pawn to satisfy his thirst for power. he didn’t care much for her as a daughter; mostly for what she could do for him. she started to recognize this during her formative middle school years, consequently turning her childhood role model into her worst enemy. when she started rebelling against him and acting out, he sent her away full-time to a camp on the other side of the globe. since then, the issues only progressed, eventually leading to a falling out in which she hasn’t seen or spoken to her mortal family in many years. 
this upbringing has fueled her desire to constantly be the best in her fields of expertise, which is partly why she quested for years in hopes of some type of recognition. with the heavily hidden hope that she could one day rub in his face that she had succeeded without him, all her life she has fought to try to ‘prove her worth’ to others despite being the daughter of a minor goddess (or titan). because her father only loved what she could do for him, she places everyone in two categories: the puppets, and the puppeteers. 
and she will never be the puppet again.
broken ace
He's tall, charming, strikingly good-looking, well-spoken in five languages, and classically trained in even more instruments. But inside, he's an ugly, writhing mass of self-hatred and Parental Issues. Expect him to have at least one bizarre trait or ability that should not be overlooked, as well as an unhealthy attitude about love, life, and humanity in general. He most likely doesn't have anyone that loves or respects him for what he really is. This may be justified. This character is usually male, but not always. Also, he may just be a perfectionist crumbling under his own standards. The chief difference between the Broken Ace and the usually female Stepford Smiler is that the Stepford Smiler wants to appear normal at all costs, often to the point of hurting herself emotionally (or because she's sociopathic). This guy has the same setup, but is more talented and wants to be the best, loved by all, and accepted.
although the timeline wasn’t as accelerated as she had hoped when she was a child, jazmine was making waves in the world of deities before her last quest against zeus had occurred. now, as a semi-retired quester, she is captain of the football team and starting to make a name for herself in the mortal fields of business and sports. despite the air of nonchalant superiority that she constantly tries to present, she is in a constant state of despair. right when she starts to undergo some development in her relationships with others, they leave, and she is constantly failing her own impossibly high standards. she’s crumbling, and at any point she is ready to run away again.
ice queen
Much like a Tomboy, the Ice Queen is a major character archetype which is somewhat hard to define. Her signature characteristic is that she is cold; the ambiguity comes from what "cold" means. She has a cold heart, a frosty demeanor and very often a resting bitch face; she attracts but will never be wooed. The Ice Queen is considered dangerous to love because she will not (or cannot) love back. She's not much for friendship either, preferring to be alone. Situations where an Ice Queen "thaws" and learns to enjoy the company of others are so common that they have their own trope.
she’s cold and takes no shit. she holds people at a distance, even those that could potentially be considered friends. she doesn’t believe in unconditional love, and she believes that most affection direct toward her is generally a ruse to get her guard down. she’s unnecessarily rude to others, almost relishing in the negative reactions at times, but to her, she’s just keeping it real.
the trickster
A trickster is a character who plays tricks or otherwise disobeys normal rules and conventional behavior. The Trickster openly questions and mocks authority, encourages impulse and enthusiasm, seeks out new ideas and experiences, destroys convention and complacency, and promotes chaos and unrest. At the same time, the trickster brings new knowledge, wisdom and many An Aesop. Even when punished horribly for his effrontery, his indomitable spirit (or plain sheer foolishness) keeps him coming back for more. Tricksters can be anything from gods of chaos, bedeviling heroes for a few laughs, to master manipulators who use cruel ploys and sadistic choices. They can also be heroes (or more likely Anti-Heroes) who make up for a lack of strength or bravery with manipulation, planning, or just plain cheating. The trickster is often a Master of Disguise and may have magical or super-powers. They're often found Walking the Earth.
although this description was much more relevant when she was younger, jazmine has a penchant for drama and chaos. she genuinely has fun engaging in pranks and tricks, and she gladly lifts a symbolic middle finger to authority in any chance that she gets. in middle school, she was nearly expelled from a mortal school because of all her tricks, and she spent a sizable portion of her adult years before eonia traveling and engaging in casual mayhem. when she isn’t getting revenge or fulfilling a paid request, she generally has fun toying with others.
deadpan snarker
A character prone to gnomic, sarcastic, sometimes bitter, occasionally whimsical asides. The Deadpan Snarker exists to deflate pomposity, point out the unlikelihood of certain plans, and deliver funny lines. Typically the most cynical supporting character. In most cases, it is implied that the snarker would make a good leader, strategist, or consultant given their ability to instantly see the flaws in a constructed plan. More often than not, their innate snarkiness is the only thing preventing the other characters from comprehending this for themselves. In other cases, the Deadpan Snarker resorts to sarcasm because they're the Only Sane Man. Tends to be shot a Death Glare when they go too far (and probably isn't without one of their own, either). Note that due to the definition evolving, the "Deadpan" part of the title has gradually become The Artifact and a deadpan delivery is no longer a necessary part of the trope.
jazmine is no stranger to delivering biting remarks coupled with foul language. she’s quick to point out flaws, opting for the brutally honest approach more times than not. she’s aware that her language can hurt others, but she finds it easier to escape the frivolities and get to the point. depending on the person, she exaggerates this trope by trying to draw out a bad response from them, mostly for her own entertainment. people already view her as heinous, so why not embrace the reputation, right?
survivor guilt
death mention tw
You might be the Last Of Your Kind or someone else made a Heroic Sacrifice for you or you lived through a Restricted Rescue Operation, but whatever the reason, you're going to feel a massive sense of guilt. 
although the quest with adelphie and celeste was technically a success, with the trident successfully being returned back to poseidon, the team had faced major losses. adelphie had lost her life, and celeste had suffered debilitating injuries. physically, jazmine suffered the least, and it’s a guilt that she continues to carry.
aloof big sister
to the majority of the hecate family, especially @rostameu
He's smarter, stronger, faster, more talented, and more refined than the hero, and — just to add insult to injury — he's probably sexier, too. His only problem seems to be moving his face out of that expression of bored, dignified disdain. And he just happens to be the elder brother of one of the main cast, which often gives them a raging inferiority complex. Will most likely double as the Ineffectual Loner and Noble Demon, thereby running the risk of becoming an Ensemble Darkhorse. May or may not be evil, strictly speaking, but is almost guaranteed to fight against the protagonists at one point, and spout off Cryptic Conversation to prove how much better informed he is. May or may not be a Stealth Mentor and/or consider his younger siblings annoying. Often an integral part of a mysterious organisation, and may be the Enigmatic Minion or even a Hero Antagonist in that case.
OKAY, so the running joke with jazmine is that she dislikes her siblings, which is very true tbh. i’m not going to speak for rostam and say most of that stuff actually applies, but jazmine is very cold toward her younger brother and views herself as much better in every way. with loner tendencies, disdain toward her brother, and shady side hustles, she matches this trope very well, and it was only fitting to add a trope about disliking siblings to jazmine’s task. and yes, she’s technically one of the youngest right now but hush.
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eujazmine · 3 years
i hear you play animal crossing on the dl... who are some of your least favorite villagers? 👀
“ yeah, i do sometimes, and what about it? i don’t care if i sound ‘basic’ or whatever but rodney can go straight to hell. matter of fact —all the smug little freeloaders can get the fuck off the island. ”
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eujazmine · 3 years
which fictional character would be the most boring to you to meet in real life?
“ don’t remember his name, but the dry ass main guy from mischievous kiss. kotoko deserved better, even though she was fuckin’ annoying, too. ”
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eujazmine · 3 years
sources say you've never smiled in your life. can you verify this?
“ i smile at the pain of others, so tell your punk ass sources to come get a look sometime. i’ll wait.  ”
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eujazmine · 3 years
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eujazmine · 3 years
❀     “it kind of is my business, since it’s usually me covering for you.” not that anyone asked mae to do so, but what was she supposed to do? just leave the dirty dishes to stink up the sink for whomever carried the next shift? jazmine’s not five; she can learn to handle some responsibility! “ricky isn’t even here today! do you ever check the schedule?”
    mae almost facepalms over such a stupid question. given jazmine’s attitude, the answer should be a no-brainer. irritation threatens to drag her voice up a few octaves, but are dishes really worth the hassle? with their hands clasped together in an attempt to self-soothe, she starts again, more gently, “listen, if something’s wrong and you can’t always finish the work you can tell me instead of just leaving. it’s not fair for someone to always do your work, so if you can stay for the rest of your shift today, can you please do the dishes?”
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“ oh, fuck that — that’s your personal choice. i sure as hell don’t need you covering for me. ” though she doesn’t spend a lot of time pondering over the actions of her co-workers, she couldn’t understand why mae chose to take the job so seriously. it was a miracle that jazmine hadn’t been fired yet, which was probably a combination of their pushover boss and mae’s covering for her. she waves her hands dismissively at getting caught in the lie. “ since you seem to know him so well, text him then. he’s coming later. ”
she has to resist the urge to scoff at mae’s attempt at a gentle approach, not feeling the least bit appeased. “ did you get promoted to a supervisor, or are you some wack ass imitation of one? i don’t need to report to you. ” she remains in her position, her deadpan stare making it clear that she has no intention of doing the dishes. “ are you going to beg? ” 
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eujazmine · 3 years
open to: anybody! when: eonia carnival
             “WAIT, WAIT, WAIT, DON’T MOVE!” shiloh yelled as she skipped over to the passerby with a big smile, reaching into her bag to pull out the little page of butterfly stickers, “i am on a mission to spread these around.” she explained as if it made any sense, which it certainly didn’t, but nevertheless she leaned forward and stuck the little butterfly to the other. “it looks so cute on you!” shiloh couldn’t help but chirp, bouncing on the toes of her feet, a total contrast to her usual reserved demeanor, the mushrooms she had consumed earlier on in the night running their full speed course through her delicate frame.
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her instinctual reaction is to keep walking, but she pauses to see what all the fuss is about. “ the fuck is up with you? ” she frowns in confusion, looking down at the sticker and then to shiloh herself. “ damn — only the sticker looks cute. that hurts. ” her tone is dry as she concludes that her former friend is under some type of influence. “ don’t tell me this sticker is going to make me start acting like that in a second. ”
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eujazmine · 3 years
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squeezing one eye shut and then the other, vanessa aims with meticulous precision. how different can basketball be from volleyball, a sport they’ve dominated all through middle and high school? the attendant says something — maybe advice on how to position their arms or how to shoot — but vanessa shoots them a glare that has them sheepishly backing away. they will make this shot, and it will be because of their own skill. they shoot, arms arching as vanessa has seen professionals do hundreds of time — “goddammit it,” she mumbles when the ball misses the net. it takes a moment to calm herself, with one hand covering her eyes and her shoulders heaving in a sigh. when vanessa looks up, she’s surprised to see a familiar face, offering an embarrassed smile of her own. “i’ve been trying for like, an hour to get the grand prize. i think it’s a hopeless cause, though.”     // OPEN TO ALL
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“ and that’s the best you could do? ” she questions seriously, considering the fact that the basketball games are always among the easiest activities for her to get out of the way first. she makes a vague shooing gesture to encourage vanessa to the side as she steps up to try her hand at it. “ they pull a lot of sneaky ass shit to fake you out. ” her warmup shot is a miss, which automatically makes that round ineligible for the grand prize, but the rest of the shots are successful. she goes again, this time making all the shots until airballing the final shot needed to win the grand prize. confident in her own abilities, she immediately reaches the conclusion that the worker was using his own powers to cause people to miss. annoyed, she faces vanessa again. “ i’m not tripping. i know you just saw what he fucking did. ”
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eujazmine · 3 years
status: open to all setting: carnival day one, game alley
SHE HAS ABOUT TEN MINUTES , GIVE OR TAKE before she knows mimi is expecting her back. using the classic ‘brb, bathroom break’, she turns the corner toward the most exciting part of the carnival ― the prizes. as she reaches the game alley, she spots a familiar figure which causes a smile to curve on her lips. tapping the other’s shoulder, she stands with her hands behind her back, swinging from side to side as she bats her eyelashes. sweet dulcet intertwined with a hint of deviousness, “for the sake of time, let me just get to the point ― what will it take for you to win me, that?” she says as she points to one of the stuffed animals on the prize wall.
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to jazmine, carnivals are just another way to feed her competitive spirit, which is apparent as she sets out on the task of besting each game at least once before defeating her own records. she hasn’t been there for long — just long enough to curse out a couple unsuspecting carnies and knock out a couple of the many games in the alley. although virginia is not one of the people that first comes to mind when jazmine feels a tap on her shoulder, she gives her a bored once-over before answering the question. “ depends on how much money you have, ” is her response, as she rolls her shoulders back before deliberately heading to a different game than the one vi had pointed out. “ just know that i don’t work for free. ”
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eujazmine · 3 years
           “SEE, YOUR MOUTH IS saying one thing but your eyes….they tell a different story.” the business major can’t help but tease back to her, leaning back into his seat as she typed his notes in, arms folding over his chest as he sighed, “i’ll tell you once i figure it out, as of right now, i’m just taking life as it comes one day at a time. i don’t like putting pressure on a new year, only sets you up for disappointment, whereas if you just do whatever the fuck you want….you can breathe easier.” dax explained honestly, shrugging his broad shoulders as he leans forward now, chuckling under his breath, “keeps the gyms in business, at least. just wish they didn’t crowd the equipment like cavemen who just discovered fire. makes for good people watching though.”
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“ yeah, do me a favor and burn whatever shitty magazine you got that line out of. ” she would normally tune out this type of conversation, especially while working, but she senses that his answer holds some sincerity. “ sounds like you’re scared, ” she says candidly, passing him the laptop so he can complete the assignment. “ fuck new year’s, but what’s a little pressure gonna do? disappointment isn’t a leading killer. ” with her hands finally free, it’s her turn to casually lean back into her seat. “ it’s just irritating to watch, especially when pathetic ass men offer to ‘ help out. ’ ”
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eujazmine · 3 years
me?????? an explosive temper???????? yeah leave me alone 
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eujazmine · 3 years
The child of demeter doesn’t even bother to get up this time– at least not for the next two minutes where she can at last catch her breath and maybe last a few glorious seconds without getting potentially new scars on her body– cursed be her fragile skin– maybe the whole curse of Achiles was worth a try. Amelia looks up at Jazmine with a pretty fuck-you-smile, “Oh no, my offensive specialty is much more effective. It’s called simply don’t engage”. 
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“ nah. that’s how you get your ass beaten. ” looking down at her, the combination of amelia’s words, mannerisms, and expressions lead jazmine to the revelation. “ we’ve met before. ” it isn’t stated as a question, since it’s something she’s sure of as her mind starts piecing the memory again. “ monster attack. you were acting like you were a mortal or some shit. i had to save you. ” for a moment, she’s unconcerned about the sparring session, instead expecting an explanation for what happened in the past.
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eujazmine · 3 years
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     scarlett sits at her vanity, going through her lipsticks in an attempt to find the ‘right’ shade, when jazmine throws the line at her. she doesn’t even turn around when she responds, “i pray thee, do not mock me, fellow student. i–… think it was to see my mother’s wedding,” she replies, half unsure if it was correct, glancing over her shoulder at her old friend. “so his dad was super murdered, and then his mom went and married hamlet’s uncle, his dad’s brother, like, immediately afterwards. and his uncle, claudius, is who hamlet thinks murdered his father, so.” she plucks a tube of lipstick and opens it, deciding this was the one that will once again go with her mostly black outfit. “it’s, like, super family drama.” 
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“ that one’s pretty good, ” jazmine points out at the next shade scarlett tries on. impressed at her recollection, she nods in confirmation as she looks at the next line. “ right. you could put some more confidence there. i’m not the whole drama vp, though. ” she makes eye contact with scarlett as she explains the plot, the script in her hand momentarily forgotten. “ damn. shakespeare was a messy ass bitch, ” she says, skimming the pages. “ he should’ve seen our parents. ” it’s an offhand comment, possibly more applicable to scarlett’s godly parent than her own but a standing point nonetheless. “ you think the play’s gonna be any good? ”
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eujazmine · 3 years
thea mavis was not what some would call ‘battle ready’. sure, she’d attended camp for the past ten-ish summers and ‘passed’ most of her combat evaluations. but the golden haired daughter of apollo had always been hesitant when it came to raising her sword. it was one of the reasons why she loved being a child of the god of archery. her victim was always much farther away. “um, so….it’s been a while since i’ve done any actual sword combat?” she admitted shakily, as if the wobbling sword in her hand wasn’t enough of a give away. “i know we’re supposed to be practicing for basic combat class, but any chance i can talk you into going to get ice cream instead? i’ll pay!” a sunny smile spread across her features as her eyebrows arched hopefully.  “i hear they are trying out a new flavor: medusa tracks. that’s worth checking out, right?”
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“ oh, has it? ” the sarcasm drips from her tone as she gauges thea’s stance. when the ta of basic combat had asked her to help out with some of the students, jazmine had suspected that it would be a complete waste of time. jazmine had no interest helping people who didn’t want to help themselves, so she lowered her sword. sure, she had made a commitment that she would see this through, but she had also been falsely promised that the students were eager to practice. before she could reject the offer of ice cream, thea was already talking about the new flavors. she paused, her expression a mix of confusion and irritation at the eonia-styled name. “ the fuck is that supposed to be? ”
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eujazmine · 3 years
One thing about me...I will disappear
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eujazmine · 3 years
                           if jazmine’s plan had been to get a reaction out of him, it is working. his curiosity is spiked as easily as one does a child, gaze drawn to his sister as if to wordlessly ask for an explanation. he’s torn between taking the bait and simply pretending not to have heard her, though he does manage to keep his mouth shut with a bit of difficulty. better to remain ignorant from time to time, lest he’d end up lecturing her again. lucky for sage, she is quick to distract him with one of his favourite subjects and perhaps the only thing they have in common: herbs and potions. “ well, it is a very strong ingredient to a variety of potions, though i don’t think they include pain relief. there’s this blue flower, however, it’s called anchusa c—” the sudden realisation of her words dawns on him then, not allowing sage to finish his words and instead falling back into old patterns. “ wait a second— ” worry overflowing, his words sound borderline accusatory. his feet stop moving; hand gripping jazmine’s wrist to hold her back with him. “ whatever do you need pain relief for? are you hurt? should we get you to the infirmary? ” 
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the beginnings of a smirk make its way onto her face at sage’s silent reaction, but her lips remain sealed nonetheless. she doesn’t have any specific instance in mind, since it’s a pretty common occurrence, but she likes the idea of leaving sage in the dark as always. it seems that her and eilidh’s bar fight from a couple days ago hadn’t reached him, either, if the lack of nagging was anything to go by. she automatically dismisses the plant in question and is already looking for the next flower he is discussing when her eyes glance up to his at his abrupt pause. “ shit, ” she snatches her wrist from his grip, irritation painting her features since it was one of the places she hadn’t been able to fully heal. “ worry about your own fucking self and focus on the herbs. i’m not a child. ”
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eujazmine · 3 years
“damn, should i have brought you flowers or something?” he asks, leaning into the joke with a casual ease, though his tone is a little more involved than jazmine’s deadpan. at her words, his eyes dart over to try to spot the vase she’s talking about, but, unsurprisingly, he can’t sense anything, especially from not as far away as he is, and instead, he just takes the ticket. “how am i supposed to make sure you don’t get scammed? you’re more intimidating,” he points out, going to drop a note into the machine and get tokens to play in response. “did you ask if you could just buy the vase?” he scoops up the tokens and stops in front of a pinball machine, themed to a 70′s tv show and puts two in. the machine comes to life and he pockets the rest of the coins before the game starts.
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“ i’m offended that you didn’t. i went through all the trouble of preparing this date and all. ” she rests her hands on her hips, pausing in her own actions to pay attention to what he is doing instead. “ true, but having a child of hades with me will make them think twice about trying to pull one over on me. when we get over there, just act all focused on it until they say something. ” she takes a moment to pretend to consider his next question, before putting coins into the machine next to his. “ it’s more fun this way. ” plus, the undercover listing price isn’t something she’d like to pay if she could help it.
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