enzo123456 · 3 years
i’m upset my comfort characters are a moose and a guy who couldn’t swim
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enzo123456 · 3 years
Okay so Tom Felton stans have been pissing me off recently so I just want to list everything that man has done (this isn't even everything I am just saying everything)
tom felton liked an offensive tweet from jk rowling, a known transphobe. it could have been a mistake, but he rarely likes tweets and only unliked the tweet once people were getting angry with him. it is unlike that this happened.
some people like to point out that the tweet does not doesn't directly mention transgender people- it talks about lesbians. however, the conext behind the tweet has more to do with trans people than lesbians. the original tweet was shaming jkr for her previous, very transphobic, tweets. jkr responded with this in defence of her transphobia.
so, the tweet is transphobic, and as tom has offered no apology, he agrees with her.
in the recent 19 years later video, tom called jkr a genius. many people say that he was calling her writing a genius. however, when you watch the video, he is addressing jkr and not her work, but either way it is wrong. the harry potter series is full of racsim, anti semitism, misogyny, fat shaming, and even homophobia. the books are old and problematic, and looking over that is not okay and shows his privilege.
tom felton is an extremely privileged person. he is white, striaght, cisgender, male, able bodied, and so many other things. he should use his big platform to help the people who need it.
tom says that he has no reaction to JKR, the woman who built up his fame, being transphobic. he should have a reaction. he should be disgusted.
he also claims that he didn't know that was a thing, but if he liked a transphobic tweet, and he only unliked it after receiving hate, i very much doubt that he was unaware of the situation.
setting his transphobia aside, tom is not a good person. he can being seen bodyshaming his ex in a video (i think it's on tiktok), where he sings the words "a thousand times thinner than my ex malissa.'
continuing off his 'music,' he also has a following of mostly minors, which he definitely knows. in another instagram live song, he can be seen singing about someone in an inappropriate way.
in 2016, he posted a tweet saying that "if you're not cheese or wine age isn't a factor." even if the intent was not to come of creepily, it definitely does and the year old tweet has yet to be removed.
another thing I would like to point out are his creepy actions towards emma watson, the actor who portrayed hermione granger. emma is happily engaged, and tom is single as far as i can tell. his fans like to ship him and emma (btw if you do that, stop it because shipping real people is weird and you should never do it). he liked a comment of a fan telling him to 'marry emma’. emma has not said anything about this, but tom should know what he is doing and know that it is weird. he is a grown man and should know better.
if you have read everything i have written and still decide to support this man, please take any pronouns out of your bios, and don't call yourself a transgender ally because by supporting him you obviously do not care about them.
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enzo123456 · 3 years
Hi I guess...
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