Let’s go out to eat and order 3 entrees to “share” along with appetizers and dessert but we both know you’re going to eat most of it 💗
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Aww, did the poor baby get too high and fall asleep before finishing her food? That simply won’t do. You know our agreement, I’ll take care of your every need as long as you eat whatever I put in front of you. Although at this point you might be too much of a dumb fatty to remember. That’s okay. Rest up my princess.
There will be consequences when you wake up
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Your writing is so amazing! Please don’t ever stop it. Could you ever write a story about being forced fed by funnel?
Ps : I gained a few pounds because of your writing
How did you get here? At first it was a couple pounds here and there. Binging once a week turned into a couple times a week, into almost every day. When did eating like normal stop being enough? It wasn’t enough to fill your belly with fattening foods, it wasn’t making you fat fast enough.
So here you are, your own apron belly pinning you down to the couch. The funnel your mouth doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon. You can feel the pressure in your gut building, if you don’t do something soon it’s going to be too much. You try leaning back in the couch and rubbing your tummy and it gives you a moment of reprieve, but that new space is soon filled by the fattening liquid you pour down your throat.
It hurts, your mind goes blank thinking only about subduing the pain. Then it’s over.
“You did such a good job for me, big boy.”
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14: favorite piece of clothing to watch someone outgrow.
I would have to say a dress. Something about a person being struggling to stuff their fat through a cylinder and having their fat spill out the sides when a seem rips makes my brain melt 🫠
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The streamer
“Okay everyone, thank you for coming to the stream! Thank you all and that you to my sponsor “locked in” for supporting the stream. Use my code for 25% off this weekend!” Emma said as she ended her broadcast for the day. Streaming had been going really well lately. Her returning viewers had slowly been increasing and soon she would be able to make a push for partner. Ever since her sponsor reached out, everything started working out for the better. Her relationship to the company was rocky at first, but she grew to appreciate them.
When they had offered to pay her to drink their sodas on stream, was thrilled to finally start getting the recognition she deserved. Unfortunately, she didn’t read the fine print and to her surprise, several cases showed up on her doorstep instead of a sampler like she expected. They wanted her to drink one soda every hour and talk about the taste and if she failed to do so she would have to pay them back for the shipment.
“That’s crazy! At this rate, I’ll have to drink an over a case a week. I can’t do that.” She thought to herself, but her hands were tied. She didn’t have the money to pay them back so she had to do it.
The first stream was a struggle. It was hard to focus with her belly being so bloated and having to surprise her burps. To her surprise, the company’s name was not just for show. She was able to lock in with her games and was able to win more! And as she started winning more, her viewer count increased as well.
One of the downsides of this energy drink was that it increased your appetite. By the time she was done streaming, she was ravenous. It became a routine to pull up food delivery and use the money she made on stream to order massive amounts of food.
As the streams went on, her body got used to the bubbly liquid and starting wanting more. Without realizing it, she was drinking more than she had to in order to fulfill her sponsorship requirements and ended up ordering more out of her own pocket.
This new lifestyle was building a big bill that her waistline had to pay. After first week of her sponsorship she had noticed she was already getting a bit softer everywhere. She struggled to stretch the yoga pants she usually wore over her thickening thighs, and her bloated belly often pushed the waistband down revealing her developing muffin top.
She didn’t think anything of it at the time. “Well yeah, I spend all day drinking soda and playing video games. Of course I’m getting a little chubby,” she thought to herself. After a month she had become the company’s number 1 ambassador. Little did she know, her audience wasn’t watching for her gameplay, they wanted to see her binge on this soda.
That’s when the donations with weird requests started coming in. “$25.00 Burp into the microphone,” “$40.00 chug another soda,” “$50.00 have burgers delivered,” she thought these were just growing pains. Women streamers often get harassed so she simply took this as a sign she was being successful. She would do some and reject others but everything was put in perspective when she got the biggest donation she had ever received.
“$500.00 show us your belly,”
“really!? They want to see my belly?” She thought to herself. This was a couple months after her sponsorship started. “I’m definitely chubbier than before, but it hasn’t gotten that bad, right?”
After that donation went through, dozens followed it. “$15.00 PLEEEEEASE,” “$20.00 we NEED this,” “$10.00 don’t tease us, give the people what they want!” Altogether the total was closer to $750.
“Okay guys, calm down. Here you go.” She stood up, revealing a belly that caused her to crop top to ride up and push down the waistband of her leggings. Looking at herself in stream, it finally dawned on her how huge she was getting. Her chat definitely noticed as well.
Even more donations started pouring in, praising how fat she was getting. “Well, there’s worse things to be than the fat streamer.” She thought to herself.
“Oh my god, chat. Look fire fat I’m getting! I think I need to go in a diet, what do you think?”
“Noooo!” Chat cried in unison.
“Oh, do you think I’m not fat enough then? You little freaks trying to fatten me up. I’ll tell you what, highest donator of today gets to pick what I order for dinner tonight. But that’s enough of that, let’s get back to the games!”
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you said you like talking to new/questioning feedees? hi! that's me :D i just got back from vacation and i know i gained weight. all i can think about is getting a triple bacon cheeseburger and seeing how much of it i can shove in my mouth at once, but im scared to commit. i know once i start ill never go back! what should i do?
also i hope you're having a lovely day :))
You know what to do. It’s already taking over you. Think of how a big belly would feel pinning you against the bed or how your whole body would jiggle with every waddling step you take. That triple bacon cheeseburger was never going to be enough for you, but that’s exactly what you want.
Once you start you’ll never go back? Good. Don’t stop. Don’t ever stop being the gorgeous piggy you were destined to be. You just said you gained weight on your vacation so it’s already in motion.
Never look back and take another bite
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Feeding you not only because I want you to get fatter, but because it’s an intimate, beautiful experience. I want you to feel good, I want you to feel full and heavy and beautiful. I never want you to feel hungry, I want to take care of you. It’s such a feeling to want *more* of someone, so much more that you make them fatter. I want you to look at yourself in the mirror and feel connected to your body.
Watch yourself eat, look at your face when you take a bite and squeeze that belly knowing that you’re creating a masterpiece of a body. You’re beautiful and smooth and sexy… and the connection between us when we’re eating is everything. Open up, baby
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i dunno if youre still doing the sfw feedism questions but number 4? - cinnamon :3
4. Favorite non sexual thing about feedism?
Definitely taking care of people. Even if they never gained any weight, I would still spoil my partner with breakfast in bed and bring them snacks and treats throughout the day.
Send me more asks!
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10 and 12
10. Best piece of advice for new gainers would be:
start slow, go at your own pace, or else you’ll burn out. This is a marathon, not a sprint. It’s also supposed to be fun so don’t get so in your head about how much you have to stuff yourself, just enjoy the journey.
12. Where would you rather the fat to go, to the belly or to the butt.
I don’t have a preference. Everyone’s bodies are so unique I’m more interested in how people will change than them changing for how I want.
Send me more asks! They’re kind of my favorite
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Hello, you can call me Erin 🏳️‍⚧️
This is a kink blog so minors do not interact and ageless blogs get blocked!
I mostly write about feedism and other related kinks. My kinks (in rough order from most to least) include:
Soft feedism (gentle, encouraging)
* Musk (and slob with how they’re connected to each other)
* Aggressive feedism (forceful, degrading)
* Intox (beer, weed, booze, maybe others)
* DMLG (more like childish adults than little girls)
Stuff that I’m not comfortable with:
* Bodily fluids
* Race play
* Age play
* Probably way more
My dms are open but I get too many to keep up so if I don’t respond don’t feel bad. However, the best way to get my attention is through asks!
I take also requests for my writing through asks! I may not get to all of them but if you really want me to write something I am opening commissions! Send me a dm talking about what you want and I’ll dm you with rates and policy and stuff.
I hope you all enjoy my blog and I can give you the inspiration to be that fat piggies you were destined to be!
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SFW Positive Feedism Questions:
I made these for a more soft feedism approach! Reblog and see what asks you get in your inbox.
Are you a gainer, admirer, or both?
Sweet or savory foods as a preference?
What weird food combinations do you really enjoy?
Favorite nonsexual thing about feedism?
Burping is cute: yay or nay?
Describe your perfect date.
Stuffing/feeding at home or in public?
Something you think all big people should hear is ___.
If you had an endless supply of any food, what would you choose?
Best piece of advice for new gainers would be___.
The scale: important to you or just a number?
Where would you rather the fat to go, to the belly or the butt?
When cuddling, do you like being the big spoon or little spoon?
Favorite piece of clothing to outgrow/watch someone outgrow?
If you owned a restaurant, what kind of food would it serve?
Favorite type of food?
How would you deal with family and friend's comments about you or your partner's weight?
Country you'd most like to take a food tour of?
What do you typically have for a midnight snack?
What was the best meal you have ever had?
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Remember that your body is beautiful no matter where you are on your journey.
If you’re a feedee, it doesn’t matter if you’re small and have a hard time gaining weight or if you’re enormous or somewhere in the middle; you are beautiful as you are.
If you’re one of my trans siblings and your body doesn’t look how you want it to yet, your body is still beautiful now.
It’s so easy to look to how you will love yourself in the future and forget to love yourself in the present.
We all are growing and changing and becoming the people we want to be, but it’s important to love the person you are now so you can be your best self in the future.
I know this is not what I usually write about but it’s something that’s been on my mind lately and I think some people might need to hear this right now. I sure did.
I love you all
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New and questioning feedees are my favorite to talk to. I love being the reason people descend down this rabbit hole of overeating and self-indulgence. How will you ever know how good it feels to stuff your belly beyond its limits without any shame if I don't encourage you to take that first step. There is so much self-discovery that happens in this space and I'll help you on that journey to be your truest, fattest self.
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I need a fat feedee to bend me over and rest their belly on my back like a table so that their cock can reach me
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This is your daily reminder that you deserve a treat today!
Go get those burgers you've been craving
That ice cream sundae has been calling your name all week
You earned that extra bag of chips
Monday's are tough, get a cocktail after work
You haven't been to your favorite Thai restaurant lately, you should stop by
Finish your plate at dinner even though you're full, it tastes too good
Remember, you got that belly from all the little extra bites you take. You got that belly by spoiling yourself. When I see your waistband struggling to keep your gut back, I know you're practicing self-care. Now show me how much you love yourself and take another bite <3
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Oh the joys to give aftercare to a plump princess who just stuffed herself beyond her limits, helping her up from the couch and seeing her waddle to the bathroom for a shower since she made a bit of a mess with the melted ice cream she just ate, step by step I guide her to the shower and remove that bikini that used to fit her years ago and use our favorite shower gel to gently wash every single fat roll and rub her belly. Drying her with a towel carefully and sneaking kisses everywhere I can, to make sure she feels appreciated and loved, as I finish drying her, I retrieve the lotion, so I can rub it specially on her growing belly and on her newer stretch marks, moaning in both pain and pleasure when I apply more pressure on her bloated stomach.
Perhaps I could pamper her by giving her a belly massage or maybe making her favorite breakfast tomorrow morning, either way, I must take care of my plump princess who is only getting plumper with each meal she eats 💖✨
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I don’t know who needs to hear this but, you should dip your toes into the waters of being a feedee. No one is stopping you.
A lot of people expect that you have to start binge eating 24/7 or chugging weight gain shakes right away. That isn’t true, start slow. Pick up yourself a few extra snacks here, a couple sodas there, an extra sweet treat because you earned it. See how it makes you feel to be that full. Do you enjoy giving in to your desires?
Gradually, your stomach will stretch out and it’ll get easier for you to eat more and more. It will probably only be a few pounds in a couple months, but you will see changes if you consistently up your calorie intake in time. Don’t get frustrated if you don’t see the results you want right away. You are physically altering your body, that takes time.
If you don’t try, you’ll always regret not finding out if this is something you wanted. You may find that you like it, or you may find that you don’t, and either is okay! But at least you know.
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