emo-femdomme · 2 years
"If Ya Think She's That Hawt, Go Ask Her Out Sugah!" (pt2)
Paige x Fem!Reader - 1.8k words
Summary: Will taking up a friend's offer, lead to a new lover?
A/N - Progressively, as I am writing this, I am loving Harley as a character even more. She just seems like the perfect friend 😌
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Story By Ruffie :)
You sigh and put your phone back down. Two minutes till this match starts. Sitting the front row of the crowd, gazing up to the Ring as you patiently wait for the girls to come out. The audience are extremely loud. You bet they can be heard all the way from the Main Town with this volume.
Coach had asked if you could be on water duty this Fight and you said yes, for the fierce eye made you scared to say no, so after agreeing, he explained the procedure of the Fight. After about an hour of teaching, you were as ready as you could be at that moment, more mentally than physically. But you knew it wasn't that bad! After all, you only had to give the contestants their water! Simple! Right?
Suddenly, even louder music erupts from the walls and the cheers of the crowd increases as a smartly dressed man walks onto the Ring, microphone in hand.
"Good Evening, Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to another evening of entertainment, here in Las Vegas!" He shouts and the crowd, if even possible, got even louder.
"Now, no more stalling from me! Let's get the girls out! Let me hear you ROAR!"
The crowd does exactly that. They roar, and the whole room sounds like a cage of Lions.
"Who's out for tonight? The Black Widow! Arrowette! Harley and The Red Witch!"
You cheer along with the audience as the girls walk out and wave to everyone.
"And for one night, one night only, all the way from Norwich, England, Paige!"
Paige runs out and onto the Ring, screaming her signature scream out to the crowd, and they go crazy.
"Positions Ladies! Let the Matches begin!"
"1! 2! 3!"
Paige let's go of Lizzy's leg and the Ref picks her up and holds her hand in the air. You smile and when the Ref let's her hand go, you pick up the water crate and walk over to the Ring.
"Water?" You offer and Lizzy nods, taking a bottle.
"Thanks Y/n."
"No problem. You alright though? She went a little hard don't you think?" You ask and Lizzy chuckles, shaking her head,
"It was a pretty fair match. All the slamming and throwing is all part of the Fight!"
"Oh, So, it doesn't hurt?"
"Haha! You better believe me when I say it hurts like a b!txh."
Although Liz is laughing, you still feel a little bad for her. She notices your stance and places a reassuring hand on your shoulder.
"But it's totally safe! Well, when you know what you're doing that is." Lizzy explains. You let out a sigh of relief which makes the Brunette laugh again. She jumps down off the podium and you give her a towel.
You then walk over to the side of the Ring where Paige was and reached up to tap her leg softly. She gazed down and when she saw you, she gave you a warm smile.
"Hey Love."
"H-hey! I got some water here if you wanted any?" You hold up the water crate and Paige crouched down to take out one of the bottles.
"Life saver!"
"I mean, if you're gonna be fighting Harley next, you're gonna need it. And a ton of luck. Harley is a rough girl!"
"Well, good thing I like it rough." Paige smirks and sends you a wink before standing back up.
The Announcer then comes back onto the Ring to introduce Paiges next component.
When Harley steps into the Ring, that, was probably the loudest the crowd has been so far.
"Heya there Dawlls! Harley's back in town!" She says and then looks over to Paige,
"Well would you look at what the Tide washed up. Get lawst Darlin'? I think you ended up in the wrawng Lake!"
The audience laugh and Paige rolles her eyes,
"Quit the foreplay already. I'm ready for you."
'Oooos' are sounded throughout the small stadium as Paige and Harley get into their positions, though Harley notices that Paige's eyes were elsewhere, instead of focusing on the Match.
"Hey? Ya fightin' Harley, not some random bozo from the crowd! keep ya eyes on me English, 'fore I knock ya upside the head without givin' ya the chance t'dawge!"
"Oh. My bad, sorry."
"Nah, ya 'ight. Who ya givin' the gazes to anyways? cause ya starin' 'em down pretty hard-"
Harley's eyes follow on the other girl's gaze and instantly smiles when she sees who's on the other end of it.
"OHHH! Ya ooglin' Y/n, aren't-cha? Ya fancy her?"
Paige stutters at the question and looks down at her feet.
"I-... I-I mean not really but-"
"Wait. Are ya blushin' English? Are Ya blushin' infront-ah me!? Oh my GAWD this must be a day blessed by Zeus himself!" Harley squeals as she watches you talk to the coach. Paige is in fact blushing so hard, she looks like a pomidor.
"If ya think she's that hawt, go ask her out Sugah!"
"I wish. It's not that simple Kal."
"Oh it is that simple Miss Potter. All Ya gotta do is wave that magic wand, and she's all yours!"
"Really? That joke?"
"Please don't zap me away!"
As much as she tries, she just can't take her eyes off of you. Never in a million years did Paige think she could fall for someone so fast, or in fact, fall for anyone at all! She felt like a student in one of those corny High School Movies who has a weirdly cute crush on the sweetheart. So caught up in her trance, Paige didn't even hear the bell ring, hence her now being on the floor from the flame throwing punch to the gut Harley just gave her.
"I told ya to keep ya eyes on me Paigey! And what happened?"
"I didn't dodge." Paige answers. she gets up and shakes out quickly, but something catches her senses. One of the most sweetest sounds she's ever heard. Your laugh. Paige glances down to where you were with a smile as she watches you. You look up to her with the same expression, however it changed to one of fear almost immediately as you point behind Paige. Just as she realizes what you were trying to get across, Harley picks her up, and Powerslams her down.
"Ooooo! It looks as if the Queen Diva is getting battered by New York's Dungeness!" The Commentator says as Harley drags Paige up and throws her against the ropes of the Ring.
"Come on English! Hit me!" Harley shouts and holds her arms open. Paige charges at her and does a Cold Stone Stunner, holding Harley tightly on the floor. Harley spins them around and pins Paige to the floor.
"Ya in a sticky situation now English. I bet you wish I were Y/n, huh?" Harley smirks. Paige's eyes go wide and Harley takes her flustered state as an advantage and rolls over so Paige is on top of her, then pulls her feet in, and kicks the girl off. The Black Haired woman stumbles back but regains her balance almost immediately, but not quick enough. In that short time, Harley had already climed up the ropes of the Ring and stood proudly on the top making the crowd cheer with anticipation. When Paige glances up, she sees Harley jump off the ropes, splashing her back onto the mat and she holds Paiges leg up.
The Ref runs over and start the countdown, hitting the floor quite harshly with every number.
You can see Paige try to wiggle herself out of Harley's strong grip, but to no avail.
The crowd get louder and Harley begins to laugh.
"1!" Harley let's Paige's leg go and she springs up, screaming to the crowd. The Ref holds onto her arm, lifting it to the air and you cheer alongside the audience.
"The New York Dungeness takes back her title and claims the throne once again!" The Commentators say.
Harley pulls up Paige and holds her hand into the air also, letting her get to feel the excitement also. Harley leans in, and whispers to her,
"Ya might'ah lawst this time, English, but ya haven't lawst completely." And ends it with a wink.
"Well done girls!" You say as you walk into the backroom. They all run up to you, looking excited as ever and you place the cooler down onto the floor and open it.
"Brought you guys some ice to cool down and also help out with the sore muscles. Coaches orders!"
They giggle and take a pack each and you all sit down on the couches.
"So?" Talia starts, and you tilt your head to the side,
"So, how did you find the fight? Did you enjoy it enough to come to another one?"
"Oh yes, definitely! Now I hate to admit that Harley was right, but she was. There were SO many HAWT women he'ah!" You say, mimicking Harley's accent and the girls laugh.
"Nawt bad Sugah! Now all ya gotta do, is make it sound like ya tryna sedu-"
"No. Harley I shall not be doing that." You deadpan, making the girls laugh again. You look around the room, hoping to catch even the smallest glimpse of Black Hair, however, it's only you, Lizzy, Harley, Kat and Harley in there.
"Where's Paige?"
"Ohhhh, well wouldn't ya like t'know?" Harley replies with a smirk.
"That's why I asked Harls."
"Haha yeah yeah. She's in her dressin' room. Probably practicin' her spells for Hogwarts."
You roll your eyes at your friend and take a few of the ice packs out of the cooler and make your way towards the dressing rooms. When you find Paige's one, the door's already open so you decide to walk in.
"Hey Paige! The girls told me you were in here so I bought a couple ice packs to- OH MY GOSH." Your eyes go wide. Paige's back was turned to you and you scan the bruises that cover her back. She turns around with a tight lipped smile,
"Y/n? Hi!"
"Jesus Christ, are you alright!?" You ask and Paige raises an eyebrow in question,
"Why? I'm perfectly fine."
"Those bruises say otherwise."
Paige looks to her back and chuckles when she sees the bruises.
"I'm sure they'll go with time!"
"Paige. I've watched enough Grey's Anatomy to know that they won't go with only time."
You walk over to her, but hesitate to touch her,
"May I?"
Paige nods and you push her shirt over her shoulders. As you are running your fingers over the coloured skin and just about to pick up one of the ice packs, the door swings open, making the both of you jump.
"So the girls and I are awderin' Take-Out! Is there anythin' specific ya want or?" Harley asks as she slowly looks up from her phone. There is a moment's silence when all of your eyes lock, but it's soon broken when smirk tugs at Harley's mouth.
"Well it looks like ya both are already tuckin' in to some food already! Bón appetit! AND REMEMBER TO USE PROTECTION!"
"No, Harls that's not-"
You sigh, but Paige chuckles and turns back around,
"Well you better be quick Love, don't wanna let the ice melt now do we?"
the final part, is already in progress :)
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emo-femdomme · 2 years
"If Ya Think She's That Hawt, Go Ask Her Out Sugah." (pt 1)
Paige x Fem!Reader - 1k words
Summary: Will taking up a friend's offer, lead to a new found Lover?
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Story By Ruffie :)
Kalia Kenzie, or as nicknamed, "Harley", the Blonde and Pink haired girl who sat in front of you, ranting about why she hates men so much. honestly, mood.
"But he never asked me in the first place! Why do men gotta assume that all us Chicks like it vanilla and cuddly, when some of us like to get spanked."
You choke on your drink at her words and start to cough,
"What? Am I wrong?"
"It's not a matter of wrong or right, it's the fact you said it right in front of my Food!"
Harley just laughs at you as she leans back in her chair, making you roll your eyes at her antiques.
"You gotta stop bein' so uptight sugah! When was the last time you got bouncy?" She asks, her thick New Yorker's accent coming through and she tilts her head to the side. You understand "Harley" now? The hair, the accent, the attitude and humour? A perfect conclusion.
You roll your eyes again and place your cup on the table,
"Why are you so concerned about what goes on in my private life?"
"Since when have I not been? Darlin' if you ain't gettin' any head, at least be honest about it."
You glare at the girl and she purses her lips back at you,
"The stare is tellin' me that you haven't gone for a ride in a good while, huh?"
With the amount of times you've rolled your eyes today, you're surprised they haven't gotten stuck there.
"Doll, you are rolling your eyes for all the wrong reasons." Harley tuts. You ignore her comment and continue to eat.
You knew that agreeing to go out for lunch with Harley, would end up in conversations as such. Though you did love her, you didn't love the fact that she could read you like a Nursery Rhyme.
"So, are you gonna come along to the fight tonight?" The Blonde questions, breaking the silence. You shrug,
"I'm not sure Harls. Wrestling isn't really my thing."
"Oh come on! You've been promisin' everytime there's a fight, that you'd come and watch me and the girls but that time is yet to come Y/n/n."
She is right. Ever since you met Harley, you knew she was a professional Wrestler. And by professional, we are talking WWE professional. She has always invited you to her fights, but, you have politely declined each time. Wrestling wasn't really your strong suit, but you still wanted to support your friend since this would be a big night.
"Come onnnn! Please? Plus, we have a guest Wrestler tonight! She's like, really good! She beat AJ."
"No way! AJ AJ?"
"Holy Trinity. Wait, AJ beat your a$$ that one night didn't she?" You ask and Harley huffs,
"No! well, yeah, but it's only cause I let 'er."
"Mmm hmm, sure."
"AND half of it was scripted anyways!"
You laugh at the girl's defense story and shake your head.
"Ya need more convincin'?"
"Go ahead."
"There are gonna be a TON ah hawt women there-"
"Are you really trying to use that card on me?"
"Oh P-lease! We all know how gay you are."
"Hey! I am Bisexual thank you very much!"
Harley raises an eyebrow at that and you look to your hands,
"Who prefers women- ok I get it. FINE. I'll come watch the fight. But you have to at least let me backstage, or whatever you call it."
"That's easy stuff Sugah! Eeee I'm so excited!" She squeals, getting up and bear hugging you, making you chuckle and you hug her back.
"So you're gonna be fighting in there?" You ask, pointing over to the Ring. Harley nods with a smile,
"Is it safe?"
Harley only shrugs as a reply and continues to walk. You stand there in shock, but you are pulled out of your trance when you hear your name being called.
"Y/n! Darlin'! Come on over here!"
You go over to Harley and three other girls who are standing next to her.
"These are my girls Lizzy, Kat and Talia!" Harley says as she points to a Brunette, Brunette Bangs and a Red Head respectively. You wave and introduce yourself and all give a chorus of 'Heys'.
You guys start talking about the girls and their lives as Wrestlers.
"So, Harls told me that you can get cool Wrestler names after signing, is that true?" you ask and all the girls nod.
"Of course! I'm Arrowette." Kat says.
"The Black Widow." Talia smiles.
"And I'm Red Witch!" Lizzy sings. You laugh at her and Harley looks down at her phone to check the time.
"Trainin' starts in five Señoritas, so we bettah get goin'!" She states and after a quick 'bye' and 'nice to meet you', Talia, Kate and Lizzy all get up and walk over to their lockers. Harley looks just over your shoulder and then back at you with a wink, propping herself against her own locker. You squint your eyes at her in confusion, but before you could question it, you feel a tap on the shoulder. You turn around and see a Black Haired girl with a backpack in her hand.
"Hey! Uh, do you think I could get in there please?" She asks as she points to the locker you're blocking.
"Oh! I am so sorry!" you reply and quickly move out of the way.
"Y/n! I wanna show you something!" Lizzy calls, waving you over. you look to Harley who nods and you run over to Liz.
Unbeknownst to you, the Raven Haired girls eyes were still on you, watching as you laughed with Lizzy with a small smile.
"Y'know, staring is kinda pervy, Paigey." Harley says which makes Paige jump slightly.
"I wasn't staring Kal." She replies. Harley laughs and pats the taller girl's back,
"Sure ya weren't, English."
"Come on now Ladies! The Weights ain't gonna lift themselves!" The coach shouts and they all make their ways into the Training Room.
Part 2 coming soon :)
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emo-femdomme · 2 years
"Little Wrestler's Girlfriend"
Paige x Fem!reader - 450 words
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Story by Ruffie :)
You sigh at the feeling of the warm pool water against your skin looking out to the City before you. The view from the Hill-Top Florida Villa was breathtaking. You were so high up that all the people on the Streets below look like ants.
The sound of heavy panting snaps you out of your trance and you see Paige walking out onto the deck. She is her dark Tank Top and some Gym Shorts and you can see the sweat on her body, glistening from the sun.
"Good work out sesh?" you ask as you swim over to the edge of the Pool. Paige nods and gives you a thumbs up while she takes a drink from her water bottle.
"Extremely calming actually. Best type of Therapy if you ask me."
You laugh softly and push yourself out of the Pool. You could feel Paige's eyes on you as you dry yourself off, her gaze was almost predatory. Your eyes catch hers as she shamelessly checks you out.
"Something the matter Baby? You seem awfully stunned by something." You question with an eyebrow raised knowingly. Paige just smirks as she walks up to you, resting her hands on your waist.
"More like someone is stunning me."
"I wonder how my Father would react if he saw the way you were eyeing his daughter?"
"Well I guess we will never know, cause he will never get the chance to witness it." Paige answers cockily. She rubs her hands up and down your sides and puts her head in your neck. You can feel the light bites and kisses she's placing there and making you smile.
"You wanna go back in the pool?" She asks with a mischievous grin on her face. You pout at her and shake your head,
"I just got out and dried off! plus, you don't have a swim suit!"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, you can just dry off again, and since when has not having my swim stuff on ever stopped me." Paige says, more as a statement than a question. You roll your eyes, but walk down the steps of the Pool and gaze up to her,
"You coming or what?"
Paige chuckles and after taking of her Tank Top, leaving on her Sports Bra and Shorts, she jumps into the Pool, splashing the water in your face. You squeal as she pulls you into her and kisses you softly.
"Mmmm. I love you Babe." Paige mumbles
"I love you too, my little Wrestler." You say and boop her nose making Paige laugh. She rolls her eyes playfully and kisses you again,
"I love you more, little Wrestler's Girlfriend."
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emo-femdomme · 2 years
Well Hello There Children
Welcome to the Emo Florence Pugh residence for all you Simps out there.
There are 2 of us that write for the Account
Lucy Savenkoff she/her
Ruffie he/she
Lucy writes for: Emo Flo AUs / Yelena AUs and will do - x Fem!Reader
Ruffie writes for: Paige AUs / Yelena AUs / Florence Pugh AUs and will do - x Fem!Reader / x Gn!Reader
!SFW! but will be marked at the top of the Fic !NSFW! if necessary (which will be extremely rare)
< Requests are open, so feel free to adventure into the Inbox >
MASTERLIST - coming soon.
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