emilyrapunzel · 3 years
Art Manifesto
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emilyrapunzel · 3 years
Art Manifesto
Why do I create?
Art is for everyone
We are all created by a creative God, the best artist of all
God has gifted me with talents in specific areas and I will honor him by using honing those skills
I create because it’s fun and a way to relieve stress
Who am I as a creative?
I am a servant of the King of the World
I can serve him through my art
I am an artist with a purpose.
I am a producer who likes to make things happen
How will I sustain my creative practice?
I will make myself a quiet, relaxed area where my creativity flows best
I will believe in myself because I am an artist
I will work outside if I can to draw inspiration from things around me
I will give myself sufficient time to make my art and understand that it takes patience
I will tell myself that perfection isn’t always going to happen
I will not allow discouraging voices from my past affect my desire to create
What type of work will I bring into the world?
I will make art thinking of others first and myself second
I will make Christian worship music for the world and for me
I will make it colorful and hopeful
I will make leading others into an art
I will lead with kindness and patience
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emilyrapunzel · 3 years
Reading Response-Week 15
Summary: This week we read an article titled “Art as a twenty-first century calling”. This was about Christian artists needing to stay up to day with the times if they want to have an impact on society with their art. We also read an essay called “How to Look at Abstract Art”. The explanation is in the title for that one.
Reflection: I didn’t really care for the “Art as a twenty-first century calling article” because I felt like we had read something very similar already in Imagine about staying up to date with the times. However, I did find it interesting that it talked about some old styles coming back into style, particularly art as a “narrative” or story. I wonder how people are able to predict the type of art that will happen in the future? 
I thought that Joe Lloyd’s essay was more interesting but still hard to understand. I don’t agree with him on some things. For example, almost all art is like a puzzle that I have to figure out, especially abstract art. He argues that art is not a puzzle. We have to be able to find beauty without fully understanding it. Being the person I am, I don’t like this. I like to understand things and why things are made that way and what was the point of making something like that. However, I am starting to see that if I approach every piece of art that way, then I risk missing the beauty of the piece. I need to learn to shut my mouth, shut off my critical mind, and just look at the art. Like Lloyd’s football analogy, if I spent more time around art I would appreciate it more and I would be able to have a deeper connection with it. Right now, I am just dipping my toes into the art world. 
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“Rainbow Shower” by Andres Ramos. I really like this piece of art. 
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emilyrapunzel · 3 years
Discussion Post-Week 15
In our last discussion we began the conversation on abstract art. The general consensus was that abstract art was challenging because we couldn’t understand it. We talked about how maybe it’s not supposed to be understood, maybe there isn’t supposed to be a rhyme or reason behind it. Can we just appreciate it that way it is? This conversation stemmed from the essay we read by Joe Lloyd. He was telling us how to look at abstract art. My discussion group discussed that the article disagreed with that we all thought abstract was, that it is a puzzle that needs to be figured out. Lloyd argues that abstract art is not a puzzle, it should be looked the same way you look at other art. In his essay he also talked about how a lot of time people only appreciate the words of a song but they are missing out on the other 90% of art that makes up the whole song. His point was that sometimes art is just beautiful to look at. I am not at a place where I can engage with art in that way. I am still learning to appreciate it and at this stage I want it to be explained to me, I want to know the “why” behind the piece. Lloyd argues that that is not the point of art. This contradicts what we have been taught about in class and I think I lean to the side of wanting to know the “why” behind art. It gives me a window into the artist's mind. In class we also talked about how where an art piece is placed in an art show or gallery matter. The context in which it is seen matter, which is something that Lloyd talked about in his essay. I had never considered this before but I think he is right. The context of where we are when we are exposed to a piece of art matters because the things around it can distract us from the piece, or it can make the piece even better. We also grappled with the question of “Is everything art?” If abstract art can be a pile of crumpled up paper on the ground and a forest full of trees, is everything art? Is everything abstract? I would want to spend more time around art to really answer this question but off the top of my head I want to answer no, because if everything was art it wouldn’t be as special. Or maybe it would. I have to spend more time with that idea.
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emilyrapunzel · 3 years
Question of the week-15
What art is most challenging for you? Why?
The art that is most challenging for me is probably abstract art or metal sculptures that don’t really look like anything. I think this is because I don’t understand what it is trying to be, so I move on to art that is more interesting to me. Abstract art is hard to appreciate because at first glance it can seem as if no effort went into the painting at all, so I’m kind of like why bother? There is this piece of red abstract sculpture on interstate 80, when you are passing SunSplash, and I never know what it is or why it is there. I am a little curious about the story behind it, but I mostly just think it is weird. However, the abstract art you showed us on your blog was interesting to me. I liked that because it had a lot of color and looked challenging to make. I think knowing the stories behind abstract art would help me engage with it better if I could understand the reason behind the artists work.
What makes an artwork good or bad?
I don’t really like this question because everyone is going to have a different answer on what they think is good or bad based on their personal preference. To me, art that is “good” has a story behind it. It has to have meaning and I want to be able to understand it or relate to it in some way. At my high school, each semester we would have a photography show and the photos I was most drawn to were either black and white images, that had a classic look about them. Or they had bright colors or looked 3- dimensional. I would always read the story behind the photo and if I liked the story then I would think the picture was good. Art has to make me feel a certain emotion for me to like it. “Bad” artwork (I don’t like classifying it that way) is art that I don’t understand. I am not a fan of weird sculptures or art that is creepy. Also if it looks like a blob of color on the canvas, I might think it is “bad” because it seems so random. 
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emilyrapunzel · 3 years
Discussion Response-Week 14
In our discussion we covered material from the past two weeks. I really liked talking about the Lynn Aldrich interview. I love how her art speaks for her about her faith. She doesn’t need to say a word, but you can tell she has a deep relationship with the Lord by looking at her artwork. We also discussed the Manifesto project videos and they were just plain weird. We discussed the Artist video at length. We came to the conclusion that everyone always needs to be careful about what they say and what they do. Because someone is always listening or watching. We have seen this in the last few years in politics. A candidate will be running for a position then the media exposed something they did when they were in high school and their entire career is ruined. Since I want to be in ministry, I have to be careful how I live my life and what I post on social media. But honestly I feel like I have been watched in the church for a long time. This has not always been fun. Not because I wanted to or did anything “bad” but everyone knew about my personal life. For example, my boyfriend and I are both really big volunteers in the church and his mom is the Children’s ministry director. When we started dating everyone was concerned about what would happen if we broke up. I had a lot of people share their two cents. This was quite annoying because I just wanted to live my life and I told everyone that we would not break up. We both felt like God was giving us the okay. We have been dating for three years and are doing just fine. Going in ministry means that I will be watched by adults and students so I need to be aware of my actions so I do not mislead someone about God or about who I am. 
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emilyrapunzel · 3 years
Reading Reflection-Week 14
Summary: This week we read an article called “Let the Games Begin” by Stephanie Sabo about Tina’s art project. Her art project depicted sports uniforms crocheted and other games for the guest to interact with. We also read an article called “Art as a Proper Job” which was about people doing art for money or for fun and some practical ways to be successful when making art. Finally we watched a video called “Love the Art. Hate the Artist”. This video was about artists whose art was really famous and well liked but then the media would uncover something bad about them and then no one would look at or buy their art anymore. 
Reflection: I thought that Tina’s project “Love is an Action Word” was very creative but I didn’t really get it. I think I would be able to understand it if I was there or could see it in person. I definitely think that it is important to remember that play is necessary in our lives (especially as adults) and we should not be ashamed to play. One chapter I read in a book was titled “Sabbath Delight” and it talked about Sabbath as play. Taking the day off to just play and do what you love to do. God delights in our play and our joy. 
“Art as a Proper Job” was interesting because it brought up how it can be hard to make a living in art because everyone wants the big name art from artists. People don’t really care about the art unless it is made by someone they know. Because of this it is hard to get yourself out there. In the article there was an experiment to test this theory. A famous artist made a piece of art with a random name and entered it into a show. Then he changed the name making it know that it was his art and it was sold almost immediately. We do this all the time, we are most likely to watch movies without favorite actors in them, or listen to music by are favorite artists. I can only imagine the doubt and frustration that artists feel when they are trying to become known. 
I really liked the video we watched. It is a good reminder that people are always watching what you do. They do care about the Artists past, regardless of  whether what they hear is true or not.
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Painting by Bob Ross
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emilyrapunzel · 3 years
Question of the Week-14
What types of art are you most drawn to and why?
Music is my favorite type of art. I have been drawn to music since I was a young girl and my appreciation for it only grows as I grow. Honestly I don’t look at art (paintings, sculptures, drawings) a lot. Just because I don’t have time and it doesn’t interest me that much, although I think if I did look at it more I would grow to appreciate it. In regards to drawings or sculptures, I am most drawn to paintings of nature. Being outdoors is my favorite place to be. When looking at paintings of nature, I like to imagine myself inside the painting. The picture usually conjures up some fun memory associated with similar scenery as the painting or photo.
Has artwork ever changed your mind about something? Explain?
I wouldn’t say art has changed my mind per say but it has changed or solidified my perspective. Again, I am most familiar with art in the form of music, novels, or movies. Music has a power unlike anything else in the world. It has the ability to affect your emotions, your physical body, your heart, mind, and soul. Love songs are a great example of this. When you are in a good relationship you want to listen to songs that make you think about them, and you can be super happy. They can even help you determine if you like or love someone. I remember liking someone and wondering if I loved them and I heard a love song on the radio and after the song was finished I knew I didn’t love someone. Similarly, if you just broke up with someone then you listen to music that either meets you in your sadness or you listen to revenge songs. Music is a form of art that changes everyone who listens to it. I am changed everyday through worship music. 
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emilyrapunzel · 3 years
How Creative Project- Playlists
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emilyrapunzel · 3 years
Question of the Week-13
What makes art successful?
There is not one definition of success. I think the definition of success is different if you are asking the artist or the audience that is looking at the artwork. If I were the artist I would say that if I did my best work and it expresses what I wanted it to capture, then I would say it was a success and I would be proud of my work. As an audience member, I have my own opinions on what I like or what I think moves me. If a piece of art isn’t to my taste I may not consider it a success. If your definition of success is based on the popularity of the artwork then that is even harder to determine. If the artist’s goal was to make art that is famous, then I think they would need to make something that triggers a gut reaction from people. For example, our society is all hyped up on social injustices and citizen rights. The Artist could make something that makes people feel that they are right and that would probably be very popular. If they wanted to say something very controversial, that would also make them famous would may be viewed as a success by some. The reading from Imagine talked about art being a success if it’s ahead of its’ time or current with world events. This helps people relate to it more. The one criteria that everyone can agree on is that for art to be successful, it has to make the artist or the audience feel something. 
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emilyrapunzel · 3 years
Reading Reflection-Week 13
Summary: This week we read an interview with Lynn Aldrich who is an artist who makes sculptures and things from common everyday objects. We also watched a Manifesto video that was made as a piece of art by Julian Rosefeldt. I have never seen art like that and I was very intrigued. We also read a chapter called “The Times” in Imagine. This chapter was about artists staying relevant and even ahead of current times if they want to be successful. 
 Reflection: I really enjoyed the interview with Lynn Aldrich. I think she wonderfully explained  how I think Christian artists should create art. She doesn’t necessarily make art that is “Christian looking” on the outside. Yet, she uses her knowledge of creation, nature, and of the incarnation of God into man to shape her artwork. She is aware of the cultural mandate to take care of the Earth (Genesis 1: 29). A lot of her work is about the environment or the ecosystem. She wants to warn society that they are making nature and natural resources less and less available. Her way of speaking up is through her artwork. Art doesn’t need to be about the cross or Jesus to be Christian. It can be about how the artist believes we can make the world a better place. 
The video Manifestos we watched by Julian Rosefeldt were really weird. I think the idea is really cool and I think it was awesome that he used film to bring awareness to different art/political movements going on at that time. I didn’t really connect with them because I didn’t understand those movements or why Rosefeldt wanted to make people aware of them. But, I do think the project was really creative and it got me thinking about how I could do something like that on my own. The video we watched of the family at dinner was interesting, but when the woman was listing all the different types of art she believes in, I was forced to think about things that I would not normally consider as art. So my mind was opened a little more. The other Manifesto I watched was number 4, with the punk tattoo women. I also didn’t understand what I was supposed to be thinking about in that clip. But, maybe that is the point. Maybe the point is that we come to our own conclusions of our society. Honestly while watching that video, I thought how that is a place I would never want to go. Then I asked myself, “if Jesus called me to witness in a place like that, would I be brave enough to go?”. I honestly don’t know. 
The chapter in Imagine was very unique. I had never considered how many artists are (sometimes) decades ahead of their time with their work. Steve Turner talked about how artists who don’t make art about current events or future possibilities are often thought of as unsuccessful. I am not sure I fully agree with this. Sometimes it is nice to reminisce about “old times” and get away from the current problems that face our world. However I do see the reason why contemporary or futuristic art is fascinating to most people. It is very interesting to imagine how life will be in the future so many people are drawn to art with futuristic ideas.
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Breaker by Lynn Aldrich
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emilyrapunzel · 3 years
Discussion Response- Week 12
 This week I agreed with everything that was said in our discussion. We talked about using the fruits of the spirit to know what things bring glory to God or not. We talked about truth versus the lies we tell ourselves, such as I am not good enough or I don’t have time. There were many examples for how to fix this like make a list for yourself, or read the bible. But we agreed that it takes time to rewrite the script in our minds. I thought it was interesting that we didn’t get into the lies that society tells us regarding truth and art and how it should be made. One of my peers brought up how since we have so much access to technology, it makes us less motivated to make art or be less curious about things because we already have a ton of art at our fingertips. Or we can google the answer to our question instead of trying to explore and answer it ourselves. So there can be the mindset of “why do I need to create if it’s all been done already. I have nothing new to create”. This is another negative script and also a negative aspect of technology. If we can make our life simpler by cutting out the technology we don’t absolutely need, then our lives will be much more meaningful and we will be able to have more time and space for creativity; both in our minds and in our actual work spaces. 
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emilyrapunzel · 3 years
Reading Response-Week 12
Summary: This week we finished reading in Emerge, and read two chapters in All That is Made. The second chapter in All That is Made was harder for me to follow. I don’t think the author made great connections. However in Emerge, I really enjoyed what the author had to say, especially in the Truth chapter.
Reflection: The Truth chapter stood out to me the most because I have a really hard time with negative self talk or “negative scripts”, which the author calls it. I struggle with perfectionism and wanting to impress those around me with my work. I struggle with feeling like I am not a good enough (fill in the blank): worship leader, singer, musician, athlete, student, girlfriend, daughter. The list goes on and on. Don Perini talked about renewing our minds, reshaping who we are with truth. The author lists four negative script categories: the demanding script, barrier scripts, faulty, and excusing scripts. I am guilty of all of them honestly, but mostly I think I fall under the demanding and barrier scripts. The demanding script is the perfectionist ones, where you are not satisfied unless it’s perfect. The barrier one is where it is hard to start or move forward because something is stopping you. I find it really helpful to surround yourself with a village of people (which is something the author mentions to do) who love me and tell me the truth about myself when I am feeling icky and gross about who I am. Lately I have been feeling like I have made a mistake so how could God still welcome me? How could he use me if I make mistakes and get angry at him and sometimes blame God? The truth that is discovered in God’s word is that God welcomes me anyway and he will forgive any sin. He says I am good enough, so I am. 
The other chapter in Emerge that I liked was about Usefulness. It discusses being a lukewarm Christian and a lot about technology. I honestly feel like technology is not a problem for me anymore. I just don’t use it for pleasure and when I do I limit myself to a short amount of time. I also choose to stay off social media. It took me several years to get to the place where I can say, this doesn’t apply to me right now because I have worked on it for so long that it is no longer an issue. That is how I felt reading this chapter, specifically with the technology and consumerism sections. 
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Palm Sunday
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emilyrapunzel · 3 years
Question of the Week-12
How can art be made to bring glory to God? What does that look like? What doesn’t it look like?
Art that brings God glory is art that is full of the Fruits of the Spirit. If you make art you should ask yourself, does this make someone or me joyful? Is it pure? Is it lovely? Does it show gentleness to someone? If it doesn’t, then I do not think it brings glory to God. 
Another way art can bring glory to God is when you use your talents he has given you. If he has given you the talent to sing, then sing! And use it to either bring glory to God, like singing worship songs, or be a secular artist who can still bring others to Jesus. My gift is singing, and I lead worship so that is bringing glory to God. However, if I lead worship but get caught up in how good I did or “ the fame”. If that happens then even though I am technically singing about God, as soon as I make it about me, I am no longer giving him glory. 
Things that do not bring God glory are: art that includes which craft, art that has cuss words, or focused on or around sex. Those things do not bring God glory because they do not honor him, nor do they give real joy, or love. One thing for me that I am a stickler for is curse words. I do not cuss and I don’t like to be around people who do because it does not breathe life to me, it does not build others up (in fact it often is used to bring people down). So I have a hard line for cussing. I don’t like to listen to music that has it, or even watch movies with it. 
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emilyrapunzel · 3 years
Who Creative Project
Labeling project: I choose to label my inner ears I use weakly to lead worship. I choose to label these with the word servant. When I lead worship it's easy to get carried away and make it about me. Especially when there are people who say "wow you sounded so good on that song". I want to always be reminded that I am God's servant and I am serving him and others through my worship. Yes I can benefit from worship as well, but I am not the main focus.
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Creative Type Test Results
The fist time I took the test I got an innovator. The second time I took it I got a Producer. The Producer is much more accurate because i am a leader and I like to make things happen. But I am not great at coming up with new ideas or creating something from nothing (which seems to be more of an innovator trait). Producers like processes and things to have a purpose. I don't really see any point to doing something if there is no purpose. So I am definitely a Producer.
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emilyrapunzel · 3 years
Week 11- Question of the Week
How should art be used in church? What should or shouldn’t that look like?
I am right in the middle of this question. I have no problem with art in church, nor so I have any problem with art not being in church. The first thing I think about when I hear art in church is stained glass windows, beautiful architecture, and statues or pictures of Jesus’s life and followers. This is all very beautiful but I have found it distracting and it’s personal not my style. However, I do know that these things help some people to connect with God on a deeper level. So if I am attending a church that has stained glass windows, I will simply need to make more of an effort to stay focused. Growing up my church didn’t have stained glass or painting or much art at all really because we have always been renting a place we never owned our own building so we couldn't put up anything permanent. However we do have banners or signs we put up that go with our color theme and have our theme verse or saying on them. We also have cool stage displays to make the visual appearance slightly more appealing but they are very minimalistic, which I enjoy. For example, my church is called Summit Church so we have a stage display that looks like mountain tops that are outlined with lights. Or sometimes we have giant white balls, that remind me of Chinese lanterns, that we hang on stage behind where the band plays. So we have some art but not a lot and I like it that way, for me it is easier to connect with God with simple touches of art. 
In what ways does God renew our minds?
One thing that came to mind while I was considering this question was that god renews my mind, body, heart, and soul, through worship music. I lead a lot of worship music so I am giving out my spirit, but I also get refilled while listening to worship music as well. God also renews my mind through my relationships with others. When I see my church family I feel energized and renewed because I know God has placed them in my life for a reason. I think God renews my mind by helping me find a few minutes of relaxation at the end of the day. He renews my mind through little things that remind me of him throughout the day, like tiny birds that I see out my window, or the blossoms that are starting to form on my cherry tree in my yard, Seeing all those things renews my mind.  
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emilyrapunzel · 3 years
Week 11- Reading Responses
Summary: We read three chapters in Emerge this week about simplicity, forming a village, and creating a helpful habitat to live or work in. We also watched a video about a nun who created a list of ways to live and succeed in the world. This list seems to be most helpful if you are either a teacher or a student, but it can be applied in other areas of your life as well. 
In Emerge one chapter didn’t stand out to me more than the others, but I saw how they were all connected and equally important. I am also beginning to see more and more about how everything in the class is lining up and that’s really cool. I liked the Habitat chapter in emerge because it was really cool to hear some fun ways to make your space a space where you can be creative. For me, the most important thing about my space (my bedroom), so that when you walk in you feel like me. Sometimes I can be so consumed with the business of my life and the things I am doing and all the different roles I fill that I just need a little reminder about who I am. My room does that. It’s my sanctuary and my happy place. Having a habitat that aids you in some way is really important because the space can help you relax, focus, be comfortable, or just have fun. All the things you need to do if you want to be creative. 
I also enjoyed the list the author gave about ways to keep your life simple. I have a very full life and I love it but I used to struggle with finding time to do what I wanted. I am getting better at it but I try to cut things out of my life that are overly complicated. The author also talked about cutting out relationships that are time consuming or draining. My freshman year of college I had a friend who wanted to talk for hours each night and I had to tell them no because I was getting sick from no sleep and I was being emotionally drained from being around them. It is important to place boundaries around your life to help keep it as simple as possible because life is already extremely complicated. 
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