emela22 · 5 years
pale-silver-comb is officially mine again!!
Okay, now I am calmer, I can make an official post. 
As of 20 minutes ago, tumblr restored my @pale-silver-comb blog to me. I have since managed to delete every single post the hacker put up and it’s officially safe to follow me there again, if you would like to. 
Unfortunately, because of the hacker, my blog is now marked as “nsfw” and is therefore muted/hidden from the search bar/etc. I am hoping to get this rectified but in the meantime I will keep this blog up and running until things are 100% back to normal. Once I can get it back to being unmarked as explicit, I will delete this blog as I can barely run a side blog, never mind two separate ones!
I just want to say again a huge thank you to you all. Not only for sending me really kind messages and following me on this blog so I didn’t feel alone, but also for those of you who sent tumblr support a message. Everything, absolutely everything, made a huge difference and I am eternally grateful to you all. 
if I could once again ask you the huge favour of reblogging this/spreading the word @pale-silver-comb is back to normal, I make a promise to write as many drabbles I possibly can for you/send you all the hugs/bake you a dessert of choice!
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emela22 · 5 years
THEY RESTORED MY BLOG TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will clean the blog up and then it's safe to follow me again there if you so choose.
I'm so happy, I can't even tell you!!!!!!!
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emela22 · 5 years
I'M SO GLAD SOMEONE ON MY DASH REBLOGGED YOUR POST! I was so worried about you after your blog was hacked, but I couldn't figure out how to find you again. I really, really hope staff gets the blog back to you soon.
I am just so bloody grateful everyone was kind enough to signal boost my post for me! *boops your nose* I am glad you are glad! :D
I hope so too but in the meantime, at least I get to chill with you guys here! 
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emela22 · 5 years
Emma! I'm so glad you're back in some capacity at least, i'm so sad this happened to you! I've missed seeing you on my dash, I hope staff can get it together and restore your blog! Hang in there sweetheart!
Hello, love!! Thank you. God, I hope so too. But I am happy to be back on here. I honestly don’t hope for anything soon, tumblr is just *insert useless object here* but at least that gives me time to transfer stuff to this blog as a back up. 
So good to see your wee icon again! 
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emela22 · 5 years
You got that blog back ?? It seems to be up and running normally again??
Did my other blog do something different?? I checked but can’t see anything??
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emela22 · 5 years
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The one AU where Cora had to babysit de-aged!Derek with Stiles and a lot of… interesting conversations were held. // insp.
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emela22 · 5 years
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(and floof)
Call out post for @emela22 bc she posted ONE of her fics and now I’ve gone back and read like,,,,at least 7 im having feels….I want a refund
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emela22 · 5 years
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emela22 · 5 years
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emela22 · 5 years
Okay but consider this. Stiles and Derek in a relationship OBVIOUSLY bicker all the time. But after their first actual fight, Derek is SHAKEN, okay. Because he's already convinced he doesn't deserve good things from the get-go, and then Stiles - this gorgeous, perfect boy who's allowing Derek into his life and for some reason actually WANTS him there - is now seriously pissed at him and he's just bracing himself for when Stiles has had enough of him and decides to leave. He knows it'll (cont)
utterly wreck him but he’s convinced it’s inevitable. So that’s how, about a half hour after their first fight, Stiles, who is still very, very pissed, finds himself holding Derek and shushing him gently, whispering things like “of course I still love you, you big baby”. Yeah. I just got feels.
Wait, I just need to go curl up into a ball for a couple of hours and cry.
“Are you- are you going to leave me?” Derek asks. He’s still standing in the same place Stiles left him half an hour ago, his voice a broken whisper, body deflated after yelling, and Stiles-
-Stiles forgets what he wanted to say because all he knows is that Derek has that closed off look in his eyes, the one that breaks Stiles’ heart, and now Derek is wearing it because of him. He’s never gotten that look from Derek, the one he saw there just after Boyd died, and…and…
He’s crossing the room before his mouth dares to make things worse, pulling Derek into his arms and biting down on his lip hard when Derek buries his face in Stiles’ shoulder and lets out a wrecked sob. Stiles has never heard that sound from Derek before and he finds himself shaking slighly, body still tense from their fight, not sure how to soothe him. To make him understand it was just a fight. That it’s okay.
“Listen,” he says, kissing the top of Derek’s hair. “I’m not going anywhere, alright? I promise, Derek. No matter what gets said between us, nothing will ever push me away from you. Understand?”
Stiles doesn’t know what’s worse, the thought of Derek shaking his head, or the fact he actually does nothing at all, just holds on to Stiles a little tighter as if to say, please.
“We’re going to fight, Derek. It happens. Sometimes it might get so bad I’ll end up sleeping on Scott’s couch just to cool off, but that doesn’t mean-”
“No,” Derek says, cutting him off and pulling back. His eyes are puffy and Stiles knows it’s not the right thing to be thinking at this moment in time, but he can’t help it because, truthfully, he never thought he would see the day where he would stand there and think someone looks more beautiful than Lydia Martin crying. 
“No,” Derek says again, shaking his head. “Just- not that, okay? I’d rather you broke something or screamed all night than leave me. Please, just-” he averts his eyes and wraps his arms around himself. “Just, please never leave me after. Everyone always leaves.”
Stiles knows how much courage it takes Derek to say those last words, and slowly pulling him back towards him, he wraps Derek up in his arms and runs a soothing hand up and down his back.
“Shhh, I’ll be here. I’ll be here. No-one is going to leave again.”
Stiles doesn’t know if Derek believes him, but he takes some comfort in the fact his heartbeat will have remained steady the whole time as he said it.
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emela22 · 5 years
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isaac is judging you both. very much.
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emela22 · 5 years
hey Em its really shitty this happened and i really hope you get your blog back, i can't even say i'm surprised that staff or support isnt doing anything about this. stay strong good things do happen
Thank you, sweetheart! You always cheer me up! :D I hope I get it back too but honestly, as long as something gets done (restored or deleted) I will be okay. I just don’t want it to remain as it is. Anything is better than someone else using your blog. I’d rather no-one had control of it than someone who isn’t me. 
*boops your nose*
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emela22 · 5 years
Em! It’s so nice to see you! ❤️ I’ve sent Dumblr multiple messages about your blog being hacked but haven’t heard anything (go figure). What a shit show! I wish Yahoo would just throw in the towel and sell Tumblr to someone else who KNOWS HOW TO HANDLE THIS BOT NONSENSE. But I’m not giving up! Justice for Em, who is too precious and needed to lose years of work/posts! ❤️
Please tell me you wrote “Dumblr” on purpose - that gave me the best chuckle! 
God, I wish it was owned by people who gave a damn about us. If you are going to ban perfectly good nsfw posts and mute blogs who do not deserve muting, the least you can bloody do is make sure the actual problem (aka the bots) are dealt with. Still can’t believe we went through that purge and all tumblr did was make things worse.
The thing I was worried most about when I got hacked was losing all of you, so if worst comes to worst and my blog gets deleted, I am coming to peace with that. I’d be gutted but as long as the bot is gone and I still have you all on this one, I’ll be fine. Make a fresh start and all that. I think my worst fear is it just sits there, getting more and more infested, especially given I have personal details listed in private conversations, such as my address. 
You’re so lovely, thank you!
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emela22 · 5 years
I'm so sorry about your old blog :( I was looking at your blog just the other day because I noticed some weird pornbot style posting and I got nervous you were hacked. I'm gonna send a message every day to staff until they fix it! Love u emma
Aww sweetheart, you don’t have to do that, but thank you so much for the concern! 
(Side note to everyone: make sure you have your two-factor authentication switched on in your settings. I think it does help prevent bots, which I didn’t know at the time.)
Thanks again, lovely! 
*boops your nose*
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emela22 · 5 years
OH MAN I'm so happy you're back! I sent a message to staff a while back about your account being hacked but haven't heard anything about it yet 😑
The staff are pretty useless so I am not expecting too much but thank you so for trying - I truly appreciate it! Maybe if they receive enough complaints about it they will finally take some action *fingers crossed*. 
And happy to be back!
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emela22 · 5 years
If you don’t think Stiles is going to text Derek,
“Guess who’s putting the BI in FBI?!”
Then I don’t know you.
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emela22 · 5 years
In the likelihood I don't get my blog back/it gets deleted, I think I better start reblogging posts from my other blog to this one. I'll tag everything thoroughly but it's nothing I wasn't posting before. Prepare for a lot of old sterek posts coming your way though - I had something ridiculous like 20,000 Teen Wolf reblogs. It's going to be quite the ride. Buckle up, nerds!
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