elixxer · 3 months
White and red roses - A Coriolanus Snow fanfic
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SUMMARY: We watch this story through the eyes of Snow's enemy, someone who's a cockroach in Snow's plan to become president. She will try anything to survive, while he will do the same.
[afab character, no pronouns for MC]
[triggers active: self sacrifice, assassination]
[first person narration]
Someone I never had deemed an enemy, now stood in front of me. A few metres away, five at least, but close enough for me to see that bloodlust in their eyes. That urge to kill me, leave me with my blood spilling all over the white winter floor in the centre of the plaza. And as he slowly unveiled a sword from behind his back, I knew there was no chance of leaving here alive. Instead, I would leave on either a carriage, in a casket or in a body bag. This day, my bell would toll. I was going to die in a matter of minutes. My weapon, a dagger, I didn’t even want to compare to his sword, I held in my hand and held it as if it could slip away at any moment.
My eyes showed no fear, nor did my face. Though, the fright of death was one I never would get over for the upcoming 40 years. I had so much to do, so much to live for. So much to love. But the Grim Reaper had caught up to me early and decided that my pawn on the board of life had to be slain today. And while I was thinking of a way for me to get out of this alive, he lunged at me with a sprint, sword heaved in the air to wound its target. Me. But, instead of preparing for defence, I let myself fall onto my knees, head down and eyes closed. Even though I was scared to die, I had no other choice then to accept my fate. I had no idea of what he was thinking. Was he going to kill me now? Stab his sword through my heart? I was not sure of what could happen or what would happen now. But that hit never came.
It felt like decennia passing by before I even realised I was not dead yet. And so, I opened my eyes and looked up. Only to see him, hovering over me with his eyes wide of disbelief. As if he could not believe that I just- “What are you doing?” He then asked, his voice shaking uncontrollably. “Get up, stand up. Fight me like you’ve always done.” He ordered. Fight? Did he not want to kill me? Wasn’t that something he had always wanted to do? Wasn’t that his goal in life ever since he met me? Kill me? “I.. What?” My voice could not hide the confusion that was going on in my head at that moment. He always told the press how he was going to kill me one day. That he would never stop trying to kill me until he would’ve accomplished. “I said: Get up, stand up and fight me!” His voice raised itself and the disbelief turned into anger, as his face told me. He was angry, furious. His eyes, instead of filled with bloodlust, were filled with anger and.. concern? “But why? I don’t understand.” I muttered. As soon as those words left my mouth he threw is sword onto the ground, letting his arms drop down back to his either side before falling onto his knees just like I had done.
“Because every day we fight, I look forward to that gleam in your eye, that screams how much you want to defeat me. How much you want to see me burn for the things I have done. And that smile when you finally get me on the ground, begging for mercy. That beautiful smile..” He screamed, the beauty of his words not matching the tone of his voice at all.
“Fight with me. It’s no fun if you just give up. I need you more than anything in my life..” His voice shifted once again, from loud noise to a whisper so that I was the only one that could ever hear those words. He needs me. “You need me?” “I need you,” he immediately repeated. “I need you like flowers need water, like people need air to breathe. I need you more than people need air to breathe. I cannot even breathe when you are not near. You are the sun in my solar system. I need you..” His hands, drenched in the blood from the wounds he gave me during our fight, slowly found their way upwards, towards my cheeks to hold my face, his thumbs caressing my skin as if they were the last thing he would ever touch.
“I love you..” He then said, under his breath. “You love me?” Another question left my mouth. His words confused me. The man that was supposed to hate me, that was supposed to have torn me to shreds right now, just confessed his love to me. He loved me? “Yes..” He replied then, his dried lips brushing mine and without any hesitation, I kissed him. My heart was pounding in my chest and there was no chance I would let him go. We were good friends before he grew to hate me, decided he wanted to kill me. And there was always that little voice in my head, when I looked at him, that went ‘what if?..’ What if I never made the decision to move to district 8? What if I never made the decision to choose someone else over him? What if I never fell in love with his friend? Or at least thought I had fallen in love. It was a mere, little obsession, nothing special and nothing new.
But he, Snow, this beautiful man. He was just 23 years old, but he was blooming into his power now that he was about to become president. Never had power looked so good on a person. I never really liked the look of power on people; it made them look arrogant, constantly annoyed and made them look as if they thought higher of themselves. I knew Snow felt the same, slowly, but he knew to hide it well. He still acted humble and kind, even if everybody knew it was all a façade. Snow was a master in manipulating. And just like everyone else, I ate that up. His lips on mine felt like a blessing. They were so cold, but his breath was so warm. You could compare it to a hot chocolate with whipped cream on top. Sweet, but treacherous. I felt that Snow at first could not distinguish his feelings. But he managed to decide what he wanted. And at that moment, he melted into the kiss, held my cheeks a little better and leaned forward with his upper body. I felt that he needed more, wanted more, ached for more. But this was all I could ever give him. This battle needed a victor, for the sake of Panem. The Capitol. Snow and his reputation. And while I enjoyed his lips on mine, my hand held a tighter grip around my dagger. With a simple slash, I heaved open my arm. I had no choice. I did this for him. Because I loved him. The blood streamed out of my arm, dripping onto our clothes; there was no chance I would get out of this alive now. I knew why he had been so driven to kill me. And even though I feared death; if I had to die for Snow to live the life he had wanted since I knew him, I could accept that.
I felt that Snow noticed my bleeding, or at least the warmth of my blood, as he froze and slowly pulled back, out of the kiss. He looked me in my eyes, to my arm and back into my eyes. His eyes wide of shock even before the realization hit him. “You.. why did you.. Why-“ He couldn’t even finish his sentence, as he was in a state of disbelief once more. His hands shot from my face to my arm, clenching onto my to keep the wound as closed as possible. “You cannot leave me. You’re so selfish for leaving me..” Snow’s face went from disbelief to anger. As if he meant to ask me how I had the guts to leave him like this. “I’m so sorry, Snow..” I whispered, taking my free hand to hold onto his chin, making him look at me. “I know you’ll be mad at me forever, but one of us had to win this.” Snow laughed, eyes wide still, looking like a maniac. “We could have done this together! We could have.. Panem.. We could have ruled it together!” He looked at me before planting another kiss on my lips.
And maybe he was right. Maybe we could have ruled Panem together. But I would always be an obstacle in his path. A wild river he’d have to swim through but would make him drown if he tried. A mountain with no way around it and would make him plummet to his own death if he’d dare to climb. I would always be an obstacle for him, in the way of him and his destination. I was not meant to stay in his life. I was meant to stay out of it. If he didn’t kill me in this battle, there was no chance for him to actually become president, he knew why but never really seemed to accept that. He had many opportunities to kill me in our fights but he never really did. Instead, he’d tend to make a mistake, or run off, waiting in excitement for our next fight.
“Didn’t I tell you I need you? Damn it, you! I have to have you here by my side, every day until the end of time. There is no chance on earth that I could ever run this state without you by my side. It’s you I needed all along. And if fighting was the way to have you closer to me than you have ever been before, then so be it. But we don’t have to fight anymore. We can rule Panem together, hand in hand. It would make my dream come true. Being the leader of such a powerful state is one thing. But being the leader of such a powerful state with such a powerful woman by my side is completely something else. I could never do this without you. Stay with me.”
He sounded so certain. So certain on what he wanted, and what he wanted was me to stay with him. But I couldn’t, I simply couldn’t. “I’m so sorry, Coriolanus. I made my choice. I have to do what needs to be done. Please, let me go.” I whispered, pressing another kiss on his lips. One of his hands let go of my arm, to hold my head and keep me in the kiss. It was longing. It was desperate. It was greedy. His other hand let go of my arm as well. This time to hold me by my waist. His beautiful white suit coloured deep red. A beautiful shade of red.
He pulled me closer, our lips captured in a long, smothering, heated kiss. Oh, to be kissed by Snow was something I never thought I’d experience. All those ‘what if’s danced through my mind. It didn’t have to end this way, it never had to end this way. I had made a mistake. And before I knew it, a wave of regret coursed through my body. Regret and fear. This fright of death was back. A tear rolled down my cheek. I couldn’t lose my grip of life yet. I had so much to live for.
I pulled back from the kiss to look Snow in the eye, my face plastered with the expression of fear for the first time in a long while. “Coryo, I don’t want to go. I want to stay. Please, let me stay.” I begged him, my hand shooting back to my arm to apply pressure and stop the bleeding. But I lost too much already.
I felt weak, cold. My body started to shiver, as well as my breath. Snow’s face changed when he heard my words. It wasn’t the fear of me leaving him willingly that scared him anymore. My fright was his. He didn’t want to see me dying with fear and regret. He helped apply pressure on my arm. “You’ll be okay, I promise you darling. We’ll get out of here and we’ll rule Panem together, okay?” He took off his coat, his tuxedo and eventually his blouse. He used his blouse to close up my arm as tight as he could, and used his coat to keep me warm.
My sight became fuzzy, I wasn’t sure if I was going to make it. But Snow’s hope kept me breathing, kept me going. “I’m sorry, Coryo. I won’t leave you ever again.” I told him, but there was no certainty in my voice at all. I wasn’t sure if I would make it out alive right now. I lost a lot of blood. It didn’t get colder, though, nor did my sight get any more fuzzy. Maybe, there was a little bit of hope after all.
“No you won’t. If you survive this, I promise I will never leave your side again.” He replied, whilst standing up and lifting me up from the ground. This tall and skinny man, might not seem strong. But his arms, hidden under his coat most of the time, were broad and strong enough to lift me. I wasn’t skinny, nor was I short. So despite the fact that I was too weak to think clearly, it surprised me that he could lift me up.
“Coryo.. I’m so tired..” My eyes were blinking less frequently because of the exhaustion and the amount of blood I had lost already. A crimson river was still trying to get through Snow’s blouse, that was still clenched around my arm. “No. No, no, don’t close your eyes. Stay with me. Keep talking to me.” He begged me, his eyes looking into my eyes before looking back up to see if anyone was near to aid us. “Somebody! Anybody! Please, help us!” He yelled, the cold already getting to him, since his tuxedo was the only piece of clothing that kept him warm on his upper body. And it was so cold. So cold.. And I was so tired, I had to close my eyes. My life then flashed before my eyes. The moments with Coriolanus were slow, so I could appreciate them just a little bit longer. And especially that kiss, which was replaying in my head again.. and again.. and again..
I woke up in a hospital, my head was heavy and my arm hurt like hell. My sight was a little bit blurry, but I could at least see the bright lights on the ceiling and the light coming out of the window. And then it hit me. I was alive. I could feel my heart beating and my head starting to process thoughts. I had to think of what had happened before I lost consciousness. And I could only remember Snow. Wanting to kill me, but not doing so after he finally had the opportunity. When my vision became more clear, I made the decision to sit up a little. I saw a white blouse with crimson red stains draped over a chair, along with a coat and.. A tuxedo? One of the few things I could remember was that tasteful kiss and him draping his coat over me to keep me warm. All of my memories in those last few minutes came back to me slowly but they were vague and unclear. The only thing I actually could remember was.. “Thank God, you’re awake.” A familiar voice spoke to me. It felt so known, like home. But I could not place the voice just yet, until I felt a soft hand hold mine. That careful touch, his skin connecting with mine. And that voice, like honey freshly made by the hive. “Coriolanus?” I spoke out, my eyes focussing, finally, as soon as I sat straight up. My head was spinning, still heavy but I had to lift it up. I had to see him. “Yes. Yes, I’m right here.” His other hand took a gentle hold of my chin to help me turn my head towards him. And as soon as my eyes met his gaze, I could not help but crack a smile, despite all of the effort and pain it brought me. “Coryo..” I whispered, turning my hand around to hold his, squeezing it softly. This man had saved my life. “Thank you..” Was the only thing I could speak besides his name. It was so tiring to speak, to sit up straight. All I wanted was to sleep. Coriolanus looked around the room, trying to see if he could find any nurses around and smiled when he didn’t. He stood up and carefully placed himself on the bed, next to me. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and allowed me to rest my head on his. “Never scare me like that again.” His hand stroked my hair, and his lips pressed a kiss on it and I closed my eyes again. I could actually rest right now, not being scared of not waking up again.
And then, I felt a sudden pain in my arm. A syringe had been put In my right arm, because they could not use my left one due to the wound. Snow had taken a different syringe and put it in my arm. A white fluid. I didn’t know what it was but it was definitely not something that had to be put in my body, because as soon as the fluid entered my body, It started to slowly ache all over. Within a few seconds I felt the fluid being pumped through my heart. My sight turned red, what was this? I felt a tear and wiped it off with one of my hands. The tear was red. I was bleeding out of my eyes. Right after that, my nose started to bleed as well and my ears right after. This was not good, at all. I looked up at Coriolanus, who was still placed next to me. One hand busy with the syringe, other still wrapped around me. “Coryo, what are you-“ Before I could finish my sentence, I coughed up blood. I was bleeding all over my face. The maroon spattered all across the covers that hid my legs after I coughed and I started to panic. “What did you do? Coryo, please..” Snow looked at me, that loving look on his face was all gone. His eyes, now, were furious. He was almost foaming at the mouth of this anger inside him. “Lucy Gray. I know what you did to her.” Lucy Gray.
I could not believe my ears. He still loved her after all those years? Was this why he had been chasing me all those years? Lucy Gray Baird was someone I got to know after she won The Games. Being her friend was an honour. But someday, she disappeared and never came back. Without goodbye. She didn’t just disappear. I knew where she was. Somewhere six feet under and I was the only one who knew her location. It had been near the cabin at the lake, where I found her. She had been shot. A bullet wound. It was crucial and I couldn’t help her. She had died in my arms. I never brought her back to district 12. I could never heal from those crying face that would look at me, thinking that I’d be the villain in one of her songs. I never knew who the real villain was, though. She passed before telling me. Stories went around in district 12, that I had been the one who made Lucy Gray disappear. Basically, I did. Somehow, Coriolanus Snow was one of the few people that had figured out that I was the one who dug the grave for her body and laid her in it. But I didn’t kill her. “I know you buried her body. You should have let her rot in those woods.” Coriolanus’ hand took a grip on my chin, forcing me to look at him. So he was the one who killed her? “We were supposed to live a happy life together. Without the rules of Panem. But she had to run away and she had to betray me. That’s the reason you found her in that state. That’s why she died.” He explained, getting off the bed to tower over me. “I can not let anyone live who knows about this. I’m sorry. If you hadn’t known there could’ve actually been a future between us. But I can not have you in my way while I climb my way to the top. Presidency is on the line.” He slowly hovered over me, pressing a kiss on my forehead. “Snow lands on top.” He whispered, listening to my heartbeat to make sure it would stop. All the time he told his story I was in agonizing pain. Not only because of the fluid, but this feeling of betrayal ached my heart as well. I could barely see anything. My head felt heavy again and I had to lay down but I simply did not have the energy to do so. I felt too much pain. It didn’t take long this time before my breath started to tremble and my heart started to beat more irregular. This was it. I took one last look towards Coriolanus Snow. The man I fell in love with and the monster that betrayed me. Then, I closed my eyes. In acceptance. This was it. This had to be. “Snow lands on top,” I repeated, trying to reach out for his hand without any success. But this was it. I closed my eyes and let my body completely relax. Then, my sight faded to black.
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elixxer · 2 years
“Cries and backhanded apologies” A [???] Eddie Munson fanfic.
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SUMMARY: Eddie and Lilith have been dating for three months and their anniversary is coming up. While Lilith has bought two tickets for a concert, Eddie’s gift is nothing close to that..
[afab character, she/her pronouns]
[no triggers]
Eddie and Lilith had been going out for what seemed to be a few months. Exactly three months, actually. Lilith had told everyone in full joy how she was going to surprise him with tickets to see DIO, a two-hour drive away from Hawkins. She had spent all her money on it, that she started to save up close to their two-month anniversary. Because for her, Eddie was worth it. Never had their relationship seen toxic. They always cared for each other, loved one another. They already got to a stage where they were discussing future plans.
Hence Eddie and Lilith both working at Hawkins Car repair, though mostly working different shifts, since Lilith had graduated the year Eddie was supposed to, but he failed a second time.
Now there they stood, Eddie and Lilith, in the woods at the picnic table they always sat. Sharing a cigarette, leaning against each other, talking about what to do for their anniversary.
"Lilith, I literally have been thinking about what you're planning for us. Everyone in Hellfire is talking about it, but they don't let the subject slip. They made a codename for it!" Eddie said, excited though curious. But she wouldn't let him know either. "What is the codename they use, my love?" She asked.
"DIO, literally! And it lines up perfectly because they're not far away from us. And I'm talking about the date as well as the location."
Lilith rolled her eyes. So the boys had still found a way to fuck it up! She tried to show her disappointment in them as barely as possible, hoping Eddie wouldn't see. Luckily, he didn't. He wasn't even focused on her. Just staring into the woods, speculating with himself.
"They're very smart sometimes, you know that." She lied, taking a puff of the cigarette before handing it over to Eddie again so he could finish it. "But I'm the mastermind behind this." She said, standing up to face Eddie, who stood up immediately after her.
"Oh, Jezus, dove!" He almost cried in frustration. "Can't you just tell me what it is?" He almost whined like a little baby. She cupped his face in her hands, pressing a kiss on his forehead in response. "No, Eddie. It'll ruin the surprise. You'll see tomorrow, after our shift, baby." She said, his nose touching hers. He had to look up a little, since she was slightly taller than he was. But he liked it, he said.
After another kiss and a goodbye, she left the meeting spot, going back to her house to change and get changed for her shift at the car repair.
After what seemed to be dreadful hours, Lilith could finally punch that card and clock out. She had been thinking about it more and more during the shift and after leaving Eddie in the woods. Maybe he didn't have to wait until tomorrow? She could already give him the tickets, hm? Cycling home, she thought about how happy her dearest would be if he'd see those tickets in her hand and her all dolled up. She just knew she wouldn't sleep the upcoming night, how excited she was. And how excited Eddie would be, was guaranteed.
So Lilith got home, got changed into the outfit she wore when they went on their first date, and stuffed the tickets in her wallet as careful as she could, putting that in her purse and deciding to take a walk to Eddie's trailer on the other side of town. It was somewhere close to dinner time, slightly after. Close to half past seven. Lilith would be there in half an hour.
Eddie's gift for their two-month anniversary were the keys to his and uncle Wayne's trailer, so that meant she could come over any time she would like. Lilith had never taken that opportunity. This was the first time she would use it.
As soon as she stood on the wooden floor, on the outside of the Munson trailer, Lilith got out the tickets and clenched them in her hand. With as much silence as she could, she unlocked and opened the door. A slight, high creak emerged from the door when she opened it, so she let go of it when the entrance was broad enough to sneak through.
With her low heels tapping on the floor, Lilith tried to be as quiet as she could.
After a good listen, it seemed to be quiet in the trailer. So Lilith made the decision to go and look into Eddie's room to see if he was there.
Still sneaking around, she walked over to the door of his bedroom, hand on the doorknob as soon as she reached it. She heard his voice, though slightly muffled. Lilith's heart started racing from excitement, already being able to see her dearest's face of joy when she would show him the tickets.
So, without any further hesitation, Lilith turned the doorknob and opened the door, stepping into his room. "Surprise!" She yelled.
Though that excitement of hers didn't last long. Because her lover was in that room, but he wasn't alone. On the contrary.
Eddie Munson, was laying on his bed, hovering over Chrissy Cunningham.
Lilith saw how Eddie's lips parted from Chrissy's when he looked over his shoulder, only to see his girlfriend standing in the doorframe with a face of pure shock that turned to disgust in a mere second.
Now, also Chrissy looked over to see her, wiping that smile of the bitch's face when she saw Eddie's lover standing just a few feet away from her.
A few seconds passed in silence, before Lilith had to take a hold onto the doorframe before she would fall. Her keys jingling in one hand, while the one with the tickets clenched onto her stomach from the sudden wave of nausea.
A few more seconds of silence passed before Eddie made the decision to step out of bed carefully, to make his way towards Lilith who looked to the ground, seeing appearing and disappearing spots of black, feeling like she could pass out at any moment.
"Lilith?.." Eddie started when he was a few inches away from her, his voice soft, but stabbing her ears and brain as hard as a dagger could. His hand reached to her shoulder slowly, but as soon as his hand rested on it, she moved her shoulder so it would fall back to his side.
"Don't.. touch me.." Lilith whispered soft, still staring to the carpeted floor with wide eyes of disbelief.
Eddie tried to get a gentle hold onto her cheek, "Lilith, I-"
"I said: don't touch me!" She raised her voice, looking him in the eyes with ever such fright.
Lilith started to take a few steps back, letting it all sink in a few seconds more in more seconds of silence. Eddie just stood there, with eyes as wide as hers, looking at her with a slightly different fright.
She turned her back on him, walking to the living room and sitting down on the couch.
"Chrissy?" Lilith started, causing Chrissy to stand up from the bed she was still laying on in a reflex, speedwalking past Eddie. "Yes?" She muttered softly as a response. "Leave, please. Your admirerer and I, need to talk." Lilith told her. Without a second thought, Chrissy exited the trailer and closed the door after her.
After Chrissy left, Eddie walked a few steps before you made him stop: "don't come to me with your backhanded apologies. I know what I saw so don't gaslight me into thinking I didn't." She started, standing up again and looking in her boyfriend's direction.
"Somewhere deep in my mind, I knew. I somehow knew. I refused to believe it, or thought I was toying with myself. I never thought it to be true, Eddie."
Tears started to well in her eyes as she spoke, clenching her hand around the tickets tighter, causing them to fold.
"I should have known. Ever since that deal with her, after our first month, you had changed. I barely even did so as bat an eye, because I felt that I could trust you. But could I ever?"
The tears that had started to form earlier, now rolled down her cheek slowy, one by one. Eddie's mouth opened, wanting to say something that words couldn't form. So he remained silent. Where she decided to speak again.
"I don't know how long this has been going on behind my back and I don't want to know. The only question I need to be answered, is: was this all a waste of time? The planning of our future? The relationship? The money? The tickets?" She asked him, holding up the clenched fist with the folded tickets.
She was waiting for an answer, hoping for a no: It was not a waste of time; the planning of the future, the relationship, the money, the tickets. But she knew it was a yes.
"Lilith.. please.." Eddie's lip trembled, trying to keep the tears from falling down, though without any luck. He fell onto his knees, crawling over to his girlfriend, holding himself onto her dress as he sniffled. "Please don't leave me, I need you. I need you more than I need the air to breathe, the food to eat, my bed to sleep, the water to drink. I swear to Satan, Lilith. I won't ever recover if you leave me. I'm se-"
"And you think that I won't ever recover from seeing you with her?" She interrupted him, slowly starting to break down. She bent over slightly, grabbing onto his shoulders and pushing him away. "You can't be serious, Eddie! You can't be fucking serious!" She started to raise her voice up to a point where she was yelling out of mere frustration and heartbreak. He sensed her emotions and started to break down, too. "I'm sorry, Lilith. I'm so.. so sorry  Lilith. I mean it, my dove."
"Don't call me dove."
Silence. Sniffling. Crying.
"Lilith, I mean it. I'm really sorry for what I have done. She came onto me first and I decided to continue. It happened today and only today, I promise. I love you, Lily. I really, really do."
Silence. Crying.
Lilith started her way towards the door, her exit out of this terrible situation. She threw the keys right into his face, as hard as she could. She missed by a few millimeters, but he knew it was her intention to do him harm. Not that it would compare to her pain. The tickets she held in her hand, she now held in both. Showing him the date of concert, and of course the logo of the band.
Eddie once again tried to open his mouth to say something, but before he could, those tickets were torn in two, each. Then in four, each. Spread onto the ground when they fell down.
His gaze followed the pieces until the last one had fallen, making him look back up to her. Her eyes told him he had fucked up, and his eyes told her that he knew.
Lilith opened the door, while Eddie started crawling towards her again and again, clinging onto her dress.
"Please don't close that door. Don't push me away and don't close that door. Please. We can talk it out-"
"There is nothing to talk about, Munson. Not only have you lost a lover and a friend, but you have made an enemy along the way." She whispered, her heel pressing against his chest, being smart enough to not hurt him a second time. "The Dungeon Master has lost once more. I wonder when he will finally learn.."
"No. No, no please! Oh, please, Lily! Please don't leave me." He started to cry louder, tears streaming down his face, his cheeks red already from crying. His hands dropped to the sides, onto the floor. That was her cue to take one more step away from him.
"Goodbye, Munson." Her voice broke when she saw him like this, knowing she was almost hurting him emotionally as much as he had hurt her. Almost.
She turned her back towards him, hearing him cry only louder and louder. And when she finally closed the door, it was her turn to fall onto her knees and break down. She did so, silently. She almost choked on her cries when her tears ran down her face like a river. She covered her mouth to silence any loud cries trying to slip away. And after what seemed to be five minutes but felt like forever, she stood up and walked away from the trailer.
Not knowing that Eddie was looking out the window still crying out her name, aching for her to come back.
She could hear his cries, his pleas for her to turn around and talk it out.
But she didn't even look back once.
Oh, how she wished for him to suffer. Forever.
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