german vocab: weather
just me, trying to learn german and english as well. feel free to correct my mistakes!
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das Weter – weather
der Wetterbericht – weather forecast
die Temperatur – temperature
der Herbst – autumn
der Frühling – spring
der Winter – winter
der Sommer – summer
das Gewitter – storm
der Regen – rain
der Regenschirm – umbrella
der Regenmantel – raincoat
der Nebel – fog
der Wind – wind
die Sonne – sun
der Schnee – snow
das Eis – ice
es regnet – it rains
es scheint – it shines
es schneit – it snows
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In a previous post I answered a question about word order and I talked a little bit about adjective placement with word order and I figured I’d go more in depth about it so here we go y’all.
90% of the time adjectives will go after a noun
The other 10% are adjective having to do with age, “goodness” (bon/mal), size, and beauty. There are some cases where an adjective is placed before the noun and it completely changes the meaning:
(yes the nouns are super random)
1. Ancien(ne)
L’ancien château ➡️ the former castle
Le château ancien ➡️ the old castle
2. Cher/chère
Cher ami ➡️ dear friend
Une voiture chère ➡️ an expensive car
3. Dernier/dernière
La dernière semaine ➡️ the final week
La semaine dernière ➡️ last week
4. Grand(e)
Un grand chien ➡️ a big dog
Une femme grande➡️ a tall woman
5. Même
Le même musée ➡️ the same museum
Le musée même ➡️ this very museum
6. Pauvre
Ces pauvres enfants ➡️ these poor kids (unfortunate)
Ces enfants pauvres ➡️ these poor kids (poverty)
7. Prochain(e)
Le prochain cours ➡️ the following class
Mercredi prochain ➡️ next wednesday
8. Propre
Ma propre chambre ➡️ my own bedroom
Une chambre propre ➡️ a clean bedroom
9. Seul(e)
La seule personne ➡️ the only person
La personne seule ➡️ the person who’s alone
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Reblog if you think asexuality is a legitimate sexuality.
I'm trying to prove something.
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‪How to tell if you’re Bi:‬
‪You have an atomic number of 83‬
‪You’re pentavalent‬
You crystallize into repeating cube shapes‬
When your surface is exposed to oxygen it oxidizes into a rainbow‬
You are mildly radioactive with a half life longer than the age of the universe‬
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vegetables - french vocab
des légumes (m) - some vegetables
🥗 la salade (f) - salad
les petits-pois (pl) - peas
🥕 la carotte (f) - carrot
le chou (m) - cabbage
🍅 la tomate (f) - tomato
le chou-fleur (m) - cauliflower
🥒 le concombre (m) - cucumbers
l’oignon (m) - onion
🥔 le pomme de terre (m) - potato
l’ail (m) - garlic
🍄 le champignon (m) - mushroom
le poivron (m) - bell pepper
🍆 l’aubergine (f) - aubergine, eggplant
la betterave (f) - beet
🌽 le maïs (m) - sweetcorn
le navet (m) - turnip
🍠 la patate douce (f) - sweet potato
le radis (m) - radish
🎃 la citrouille (f) - pumpkin
des haricots verts (m) - green beans
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Just found out neanderthal passed on the DNA for depression and now we know why they stayed in caves and painted horses all fuckin day 
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schützenswert : worth protecting
Wasser gehört zu den schützenswertesten Ressourcen unsere Erde.
Water is one of the resources most worth protecting of our earth.
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German Vocab: Anxiety
die Angst - anxiety
die Störung - disorder
die Angststörung - anxiety disorder
die Panik - panic
die Panikattacke - panic attack
die irrationalen Ängste - irrational fears
die Symptome - symptoms
die Beunruhigung - concern
die Ruhelosigkeit - restlessness
die Müdigkeit - fatigue
die Schlafprobleme - sleep problems
die Schlaflosigkeit - insomnia
die Konzentrationsschwierigkeiten - difficulty concentrating
die Reizbarkeit - Irritability
unter etwas leiden - to suffer from sth.
Ich leide oft an Panikattacken - I often suffer from panic attacks
die Bewältigung - coping
der Therapeut - therapist (male)
die Therapeutin - therapist (female)
die Therapie - therapy
Ich gehe zu einem Therapeuten wegen meiner Angststörung. - I go to a therapist because of my anxiety disorder.
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German Vocab: 254 Verbs
Since I was super bored and lost my will to study for school, I made a list of verbs in German that I got off several resource sites together. 
abschleißen - to complete; to lock
akzeptieren - to accept
ändern - to change
anfangen - to start
angreifen - to attack
ankommen - to arrive
anmachen - to turn on, to light
ansteigen - to rise, to increase
anstreichen - to mark
antworten - to answer
anziehen - to attract; to dress
arbeiten - to work
ärgern - to anger
aufheben - to pick up
aufwachen - to wake up
ausgehen - to go out
ausschalten - to turn off
aussprechen - to pronounce
Keep reading
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German word of the day
schlendern (verb) - to stroll, to saunter
Duden definition: gemächlich, mit lässigen Bewegungen gehen
Beispiel: Der Mann schlenderte gedankenverloren durch den Park.
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Alt Codes for German
ALT+0196 = Ä
ALT+0228 = ä
ALT+0214 = Ö
ALT+0246 = ö
ALT+0220 = Ü
ALT+0252 = ü
ALT+0223 = ß
source website: https://sites.psu.edu/symbolcodes/languages/psu/german/
sorry if this has already been done before
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Reading Practice: Und welche Blutgruppe haben Sie?
die Abwehrkräfte (pl.) – immune defences das Antigen (pl. die Antigene) – antigen der Antikörper (pl. die Antikörper) – antibody die Blutgruppe – blood type; blood group das Blutkörperchen – blood cell die Blutspende – blood donation der (die) Empfänger(in) – recipient der Fremdstoff (pl. die Fremdstoffe) – foreign matter die Keime (pl.) – germs das Molekül (pl. die Moleküle) – molecule der (die) Sanitäter(in) – paramedic die Transfusion – transfusion das Unfallopfer – accident victim die Verklumpung – clumping; agglutination die (der) Verunglückte(r ) – casualty; accident victim
alarmieren – to alert bilden – to form erkennen – to identify (jemandem) (etwas) verdanken – to have (somebody) to thank (for something) verlaufen – to go; to proceed
begehrt – sought-after geeignet – suitable lebenswichtig – vital negativ – negative positiv – positive vererbt – inherited
infrage kommen – to be possible Mangelware sein – to be in short supply
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This was requested here (I’m so late, I’m sorry). This list is meant mainly to inform, I don’t mean to offend anybody. I’m not translating racial slurs. Some words would be considered slut shaming but these words are very common and I’m simply translating them so you know what they mean if someone calls you that. Obviously, this whole post is heavy in profanity. Please don’t blurt these out on the streets, none of them are family friendly. I’ll make a post on family friendly insults soon.
der Fluch - curse
fluchen - to curse
das Schimpfwort - curse word
die Obszönität - profanity
Curse words:
Scheiße! - Shit!
scheiß - shitty (adj.)
Dreck - dirt (used like shit, less common)
Drecks-(noun) - fucking (noun) (lit. dirt-(noun), often used if something doesn’t work the way it should or when speaking about a group of people, e.g. Dreckskinder, Drecksauto)
Scheißdreck! - Shit/Fuck! (often refers to an object that doesn’t work the way it should, but can be used generally as well)
ficken - to fuck
Fick dich! - Fuck you!
verfickt - fucking (adj.)
(gott-)verdammt - (god) damn
Verpiss dich! - Fuck/Piss off!
We also like to borrow the English ‘fuck’, though most Germans butcher the pronunciation and pronounce it more like ‘fack’. Like we do with other loanwords from English, we also germanify it into ‘abgefuckt’ which just means ‘fucked up’.
der Arsch - ass
das Arschloch - asshole
der Wichser - wanker
der Ficker - fucker
der Hurensohn - son of a whore
die Schlampe - slut
die Hure - whore
die Zicke - bitch
der Schweinehund - bastard (lit.: swine-dog)
der Bastard - bastard
der Dreckskerl - scumbag (male)
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German Vocabulary: Valentine’s Day
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Der Valentinstag - Valentine’s Day
Das Geschenk - present/gift Die Schokolade - chocolate Die Süßigkeiten - sweets Die Blumen - flowers Der Blumenstrauß - bunch of flowers/bouquet Die Rosen - roses rot - red Rote Rosen - red roses Die Tulpen - tulips Die Valentinskarte - Valentines day card Das Parfüm - perfume Das Gedicht - poem Die Kerzen - candles Das Herz - heart Der Herzschmerz - heartthrob Das Date - date Die Beziehung - relationship Der Partner - partner (male) Die Partnerin - partner (female) Mein Freund - my boyfriend Meine Freundin - my girlfriend Mein Verlobter - my fiance (male) Meine Verlobte - my fiance (female) Mein Ehemann - my husband Meine Ehefrau - my wife Der Verehrer/Der Bewunderer - admirer (male) Die Verehrerin/Die Bewunderin - admirer (female) Der heimliche Verehrer - secret admirer (male) Die heimliche Verehrerin - secret admirer (female)
Die Kosenamen - pet names Schatz/Schatzi - sweetheart Engel - angel Liebling - darling Mäuschen - little mouse
Die Liebe - love lieben - to love Der Flirt - flirt flirten - to flirt Sich verlieben - to fall in love Ich habe mich verliebt. - I fell in love. Die Leidenschaft - passion Die Zärtlichkeit - tenderness Die Zuneigung - affection Die Hingabe - devotion Die Vernarrtheit - infatuation Liebe auf den ersten Blick - love at first sight Wahre Liebe - true love Die Verführung - seduction verführen - to seduce Der Kuss - kiss küssen - to kiss Die Umarmung - hug umarmen - to hug Die Romantik - romance süß - sweet Die Freundschaft - friendship Die platonische Liebe - platonic love Der Amor - Cupid
Alles Liebe zum Valentinstag! - Happy Valentine’s Day! Du bedeutest mir so viel. - You mean so much to me. Ich liebe dich. - I love you. Du bist wunderschön. - you are beautiful. Es war Liebe auf den ersten Blick. - It was love at first sight. Wir sind füreinander bestimmt. - We are meant for each other. Ich will den Rest meines Lebens mit dir verbringen. - I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
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