eddieemunsonnn Ā· 2 years
I get a lot from this really. Like they got married at the courthouse or they eloped. And Chrissy and him have the year they got married like (ā€˜93 in one of those hearts that typically say mom) and only they know about these tattoos. Like itā€™s their biggest secret. Idk if it was the same as it is now but if they had to have a witness it would be Uncle Wayne and Dustin. Like I can go on and onā€¦
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i couldn't stop thinking about this tweet so i drew it šŸ“£šŸŽø
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eddieemunsonnn Ā· 2 years
This but Eddie is also like ā€œI still donā€™t know.ā€ And Chrissy is just like ā€œHe had drugs.ā€
POV: It's the future and Eddie and Chrissy have kids. The family is at home chilling after some cleaning up and one of the kids (the youngest) stumbles upon an old recked scrap book. Inside there are old photos of the couple.. some from high school and what they did throughout their years. Some of Eddie's old band, Corroded Coffin. Some of the pages have doodles and hearts. YEAH and they all get together to look at the scrap book and yk all just having a good time. One of their children asks "Dang pops how did you even pull mom??" and Eddie is just like "šŸ¤Ø"
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eddieemunsonnn Ā· 2 years
I imagine Eddie wouldnā€™t have given Chrissy drugs. He would have given her an aspirin or something and just let her chill with him. Heā€™d end up playing master of puppets for her personally to show what heā€™s been working on perfecting.
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eddieemunsonnn Ā· 2 years
Eddie: Hello, Iā€™m Eddie Munson, your local bisexual devil worshipper, and this is my girlfriend Chrissy. Sheā€™s an ally. Speak Chrissy!!
Chrissy:*shaking her pom poms* ALLY!!!
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eddieemunsonnn Ā· 2 years
Please ask me questions on the ship and I will take like really small fix requests :)
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eddieemunsonnn Ā· 2 years
You think Eddie would give Chrissy a stick-n-poke if she asked for it? Like sheā€™s all like ā€œI want oneā€ and heā€™s like ā€œwell, uhmā€¦I donā€™t knowā€¦.ā€ And then does a cute little butterfly or a bat so she can match with him on her foot
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eddieemunsonnn Ā· 2 years
Eddie: Iā€™m great at pick up lines
Steve: You suck at pick up lines
Eddie: I do not!
Chrissy: One time you asked me, ā€œAre you a parking ticket?ā€
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eddieemunsonnn Ā· 2 years
I donā€™t know if anyone has said itā€¦but do you think Chrissy would be into jazzercise and aerobics classes? Like at first she was forced and then really liked them. And sometimes sheā€™d come back from a class and teach Eddie because heā€™s basically her only friend. No. Her BEST friend and he does it with her because he likes to hear her laugh at him..
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eddieemunsonnn Ā· 2 years
All Iā€™m saying isā€¦he could do be into itā€¦.or heā€™s the biggest nerd who uses them for a role play of some kind
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So are we gonna talk about the HANDCUFFS in eddies room or are we all just gonna keep quiet
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eddieemunsonnn Ā· 2 years
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eddieemunsonnn Ā· 2 years
As American I also know that in some cases some children skip grades and the fact that the birthday thing is true. If you meet before cut offs around birthdays then if you are younger there is a chance youā€™re in a higher grade. My birthday was after a cut off so I was put in a grade lower than I was supposed to be in. I wouldā€™ve graduated a year earlier if my birthday wasnā€™t past a cut off. So at 17 I wouldā€™ve graduated instead of at 18. I had a friend who was turning 15 when everyone was already 16 while we were in sophomore year because she skipped a grade. Everyone in my graduating class is between 19-21 at this moment with few people who couldā€™ve skipped grades or held back. My friend is 24 and her age range is 24-26 because of her birthday. In my state the age where youā€™re given up on is 21 and you cannot attend high school after 21. Also the drop out age is 16 so I would think that Eddie wouldā€™ve also dropped out by then. Now rules were probably different back then but still. I agree thereā€™s no way heā€™s into the beginning of his twenties while sheā€™s sixteen. Maybe heā€™s 20 tops. But there are cut offs and even then he wouldā€™ve dropped out by then.
All I have to say about the Chrissy Cunningham (and to some extent, Eddie Munson) age debate is that there are four ā€œproofsā€ that you can use to determine where you stand on it, and not to act like Iā€™m presenting a case in court, but here we go:
1. The file at the guidance counselorā€™s office - her birth year listed there makes her 16 years old at her time of death.
2. TheĀ ā€œwent to middle school with Eddieā€ fact - I donā€™t know how it works for people in other countries but Iā€™m American like these characters are, and I can confirm that the biggest age gap between people in different middle school grades here isĀ two years. There are some who might be at 10 and 13, for example, but thatā€™s usually because the 10 year old was born later in their birth year and the 13 year old early in theirs. Either way, that still puts the gap at two years. If Eddie flunked senior year twice, that would make him at most 20 in the show; dialing back in years, for him to have been in middle school with Chrissy, he wouldā€™ve been 13 (grade 8) while she was 11 (grade 6). Two years.
3. The 86 necklace - Again, as an American, I can confirm that it is very much a thing here for seniors to wear their graduating year as necklaces/rings/patches/shirts/etc. The only other reason someone would wear a year somewhere is if itā€™s their birth year, and clearly, Chrissy was not born in 1986.
4. The fact that sheā€™s cheer captain - No matter how much Glee made you believe it was possible, it is actually notĀ possible for the captain of a team to not be a senior student.
I personally think sheā€™s an 18 year old senior - majority of the proofs point to that. If you do the math on that guidance counselorā€™s file, with season 4 set in 1986 and her high school enrollment year being 1982, sheā€™s had four years in high school. So she canā€™t be anything but a senior, and as this person has explained, her being 16 inĀ ā€˜86 wouldā€™ve meant she was 12 when she entered high school in ā€˜82. That doesnā€™t happen around here, especially not in small town public schools. If it does then itā€™s probably because the kid has genius intellect, and thereā€™s nothing about Chrissy that implies she has that to be accelerated.
So yeah, what we have as proof is pretty contradicting so I understand why some people have gone on this side and that. I guess Iā€™ll just end this by saying that whichever side youā€™re on, just leave the other one alone cause there seems to be no definitive answer. And that if youā€™re one of those people who harassed Chrissyā€™s actress (Grace Van Dien) when she clarified that Chrissy and Eddie wereĀ in fact in middle school together, meaning they canā€™t be 4 or 5 years apart in age, youā€™re awful.Ā 
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eddieemunsonnn Ā· 2 years
Say less. I needed a prompt
Cruel Summer?
I need someone to write a fanfic about the summer of 86ā€² after graduation with Eddie and Chrissy sneaking behind everyoneā€™s back to hang out (or more) and Chrissy is torn/ having trouble about whether or not to be official and publicĀ  with Eddie (because yā€™all know the smol bean canā€™t handle judgement and she wouldnā€™t want to ruin the best thing in her life)
*This idea is partly inspired by the song, ā€œCruel Summerā€ by Taylor Swift because the lyrics are too perfect for them
For example:
ā€œKilling me slow, out the window Iā€™m always waiting for you to be waiting below Devils roll the dice, angels roll their eyes What doesnā€™t kill me makes me want you more ā€œ
orĀ Ā 
ā€œIā€™m drunk in the back of the car And I cried like a baby coming home from the bar (oh) Said, ā€œIā€™m fine, ā€ but it wasnā€™t true I donā€™t wanna keep secrets just to keep you And I snuck in through the garden gate Every night that summer just to seal my fate (oh) And I screamed for whatever itā€™s worth ā€œI love you, ā€ ainā€™t that the worst thing you ever heard? He looks up grinning like a devilā€
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eddieemunsonnn Ā· 2 years
Chrissy: hi
eddie: šŸ« 
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eddieemunsonnn Ā· 2 years
Sheā€™s like his little sirenšŸ« 
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āœØEddie "the bewitched" Munsonā„¢āœØ
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eddieemunsonnn Ā· 2 years
Bro he would be terrified that Vecna was fucking with him. Like legit heā€™d be so scared that it was fake but somehow heā€™d know it was her even though he coward away from her for like ten or so minutes until he did see Vecna coming after both of them
i need more hcs of chrissy doesn't die just is in the upside down and then she reunites with eddie please please
he in shock bc thought she was gone fr and chrissy so relieved to see him (and the others
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eddieemunsonnn Ā· 2 years
Could you imagine the first time Eddie truly really meets Chrissyā€™s parents? Like I imagine they meet him at graduation. Eddie was very reluctant to meet her parents after what they witnessed on stage. Chrissy would be so nervous to show her mother but her dad and brother she was okay with it. And now I just remember that seen from Why Him? You know with James Franco and Zoey Deutch? Where heā€™s meeting them with confidence and fucking up so bad but heā€™s just nervous and excited that Chrissy is finally letting him meet her dad (he doesnā€™t give a flying fuck about her mother).
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eddieemunsonnn Ā· 2 years
Eddie is the type of partner who still gets nervous just calling Chrissy because he keeps thinking of her as queen of Hawkins high and heā€™s just the freak whoā€™s fallen head over heels. And Chrissy continues to punch him playfully and call him her king or to call her his little freak.
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