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their marriage means a lot to me
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kill bill parts 1 & 2 are good but you will never get out of your brain that tarantino is the feet guy. also netflix has none of the mandarin subtitled for some reason. Not writing full reviews as much cause im lazy
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I'm really glad i have no followers because the only reason i haven't been writing reviews is because im playing video games and watching jerma i have seen some movies but id rather play video games and watch jerma for now guys
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Breaking in a new sketch brush
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RRR (2022)
This movie so awesome I'm not even gonna review it this is a recommendation exclusively this movie goes so hard go see it it's funny it's awesome it's great
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La La Land (2016)
La La Land is an american musical romance, with some comedy, directed by Damien Chazelle, and starring Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone. The film follows aspiring actress Mia Dolan (Emma Stone), and struggling jazz pianist Sebastian Wilder (Ryan Gosling), as the story progresses their relationship and their respective career paths start to come at odds.
This movie is super good, I really did like it a lot and the music was great, the colors were interesting, Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone both do great. I can't think of much to say honestly, just go see it if you like music. Sebastian and Mia's respective passions are also very charming, I love how Seb talks about jazz it made me more interested in it.
I recommend, sorry for the short review I've been kinda busy recently, got four more movies I want to talk about after this.
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Whiplash (2014)
Whiplash is an American independent psychological thriller/drama directed by Damien Chazelle, and starring Miles Teller, and J. K. Simmons. The movie follows Andrew Neiman (Miles Teller) as his aspirations to be "one of the greats" leads him to studio band at Shaffer Conservatory. There he meets Fletcher (J. K. Simmons) a harsh and relentless music teacher and conductor.
This movie has been recommended by everyone and I also recommend it. The music is great, the story is thrilling, it probably made me more on edge and stressed than any movie I've seen in a while. I don't have much to say about this movie, other people have said so much about it that if you're interested really go check it out. I do think my friend who recommended this movie and me have different interpretations of the ending (implied spoilers ahead for rest of paragraph) he told me "It was so crazy how he won against Fletcher" but I don't really think he won I mean Fletcher succeeded if you think about it, he created the next "Great" even if it was done by making someone who despises him. Andrew kinda loses himself in Fletcher's opinion and perfectionism, refusing to give up, he literally pulls himself out of a car wreck covered in blood to play, just to prove himself to fletcher.
Overall Whiplash is a fantastic and thrilling movie. It has an interesting portrayal of an abusive mentor figure, and I really just recommend it if you haven't seen it.
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The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)
The Grand Budapest Hotel is a comedy drama directed by Wes Anderson and following a large cast but primarily Ralph Fiennes, F. Murray Abraham, and Tony Revolori. The story is presented as a book written by a deceased author (Tom Wilkinson/Jude Law as his older and younger version respectively), in which he recounts a story he was told from the owner of the once great but now quite lonely and dying "Grand Budapest Hotel", Zero Moustafa (F. Murray Abraham / Tony Revolori as his old and young versions). The author observes that Mr. Moustafa looks quite sad, and alone, as all the guests of the Budapest seem to be, and inquires about how he came to own the hotel. Mr. Moustafa's account of how he, as a young lobby boy, and the previous concierge of the hotel, Monsieur Gustave (Ralph Fiennes), came to steal a painting, and the chaos that follows.
I really quite liked the movie, the main cast is great as are the supporting roles including Jeff Goldblum, Adrian Brody, Willem Dafoe, Tilda Swinton, and lots of other great actors. Wes Anderson's style and comedy I've always loved, the colors are great. I've also really appreciated how he uses symmetry after it was pointed out to me it's really cool. I should mention this movies main plot (of Monsieur Gustave and young Zero) takes place in Zubrowka 1930s, a fictitious European country, which during and after the events of the movie is annexed by a neighboring Fascist state, Zero also fled his country and is an illegal immigrant to Zubrowka, presumably due to the same fascist state, so there are themes of racism and fascism present, if you are sensitive to that sort of stuff. I think the plot was a teeny bit complicated but not too bad, I think as long as you're paying attention nothing should be too hard to follow.
Overall, I heavily recommend this movie, it's really enjoyable.
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I like to believe they just spawned around testament and imediatly started talking
Alt for whoever wants just a normal brooding testament:
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Train to Busan (2016)
Train to Busan is a South Korean action horror movie directed by Yeon Sang-ho, and starring a large cast including, Gong Yoo, Jung Yu-mi, Ma Dong-seok, Kim Su-an, Choi Woo-sik, Ahn So-hee, Choi Gwi-hwa, and Kim Eui-sung. It follows Seok-woo (Gong Yoo), a workaholic divorced father, who at the request of his daughter Soo-an (Kim Su-an), boards a train to Busan with her to take his daughter to see her mother for Soo-an's birthday. However, a zombie outbreak quickly throws the train and the rest of South Korea into chaos, and the self centered businessman is forced to work with other passengers to survive.
The movie was very interesting, some spoilers from here on out for the review. Seok-woo's arc in this movie is really good, he starts out the movie as very focused on his career, and once things go badly he only tries to save himself and his daughter, who he tells to only watch out for herself in situations like this. It is only through the actions of others however, that he even survives so long in the first place, such as the husband Sang-hwa (Ma Dong-seok) who Seok-woo almost let's die earlier on, but fights to save him and others, not just including himself and his pregnant wife regardless. Also side note here I like the little fake out earlier in the movie with him and his wife before anything insane happens you would expect his ill wife in the bathroom to be infected, but she was actually just feeling sick from her pregnancy. We even see that the traumatized homeless man (Choi Gwi-ha) who Seok-woo does nothing to save in an earlier scene, throws his coat over a zombie about to eat Seok-woo showing even a man so terrified is more selfless than Seok-woo at this point. The movie is really about collaboration, most people don't just die randomly they die as a sacrifice to help others, or die due to a lack of cooperation, such as everyone who is screwed over by the conductor (Kim Eui-sung) an antagonist of the film. Helping others is the only way people can really survive in this movie, and I like it a lot more than the usual "Man is the real monster" narrative, because even though there are people at odds with each other, it's whether they help others or not that the film focuses on. My favorite scene is when on one end of one of the train cars Seok-woo and Sang-hwa are barely holding off a group of zombies, while the rest of their group try to get into the car on the other side, which is filled with people who are convinced by the conductor that Seok-woo's group may be infected, and too dangerous to let in, there's an amazing visual parallel between the zombies reaching their arms in, and the people trying to force their way into the next car.
In conclusion, this movie was amazing I completely recommend it. I hope subtitles don't scare people away from amazing movies from other countries, I think anyone, especially those who like zombie movies, must watch this one.
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John Wick (2014)
I finally started watching a movie everyday but idk if I'll review all of them or review them immediately at least. John Wick is a 2014 american action thriller movie directed by Chad Stahelski, and starring Keanu Reeves as the titular role. The story follows a retired hitman who seeks revenge after the last gift from his late wife, a dog, is killed.
I liked it a lot it has some great action of course I'm pretty sure that's what it's known for and the lighting was really cool. I think they really take advantage of some of the cool environments like this night club or John's own house to make interesting action scenes. Keanu Reeves was pretty good, I also liked Willem Dafoe a lot in this movie he played another hitman. Something I did notice is that the main villain Viggo was supposed to escape by helicopter and they yell stuff like "Get to the helicopter" and there's helicopter noises but they never actually show the helicopter, probably because they couldn't get one for this movie but I could not stop thinking about it once I noticed. Speaking of Viggo he was pretty good you could really tell he had pretty much given up from the start and that makes him very interesting.
Overall it had good action I liked it, I also think they gave a peek of the hitman business pretty good. I recommend it, nothing crazy story wise but it was good I recommend. Maybe I'll watch some of the sequels
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realised i've never drawn baiken
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I had one today it was good reccomend.
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Baby Driver (2017)
Baby Driver is an action/thriller movie directed by Edgar Wright about a young and quiet get away driver called Baby, played Ansel Elgort. The interesting thing about this movie though is how it uses music.
Most scenes in the movie are set to some kind of music, Baby almost always has earbuds in because he has tinnitus. Any scene with music also usually has the action or context of the scene matching the music, for example there's one scene where Baby's employer is placing cash on the table on beat to the song playing.
This movie also of course has a lot of interesting editing like Edgar Wright's other movies, by the way if you like Edgar Wright (especially Scott Pilgrim vs. the World) you should go check out Uricksaladbar on youtube I really like his stuff, and he went over his opinions on all Edgar Wright's movies in a recent video.
The core conflict in Baby Driver is mostly Baby struggling to try and keep his love interest and adopted father safe while doing dangerous jobs. I would recommend, I liked Baby a lot but I feel like the girl he likes, Debora could have used some more reason to come with Baby during the last third, I just wasn't that invested in the romance.
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The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent (2022)
Nicholas Cage good or bad?
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Luckily for me I only have to answer that for this movie and not all his moves. The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent stars Nick Cage as a fictional version of himself, and Pedro Pascal as Javi Gutierrez, a billionaire and massive Nick Cage fan.
The basic plot is that Nick Cage is having trouble with his ex-wife and teenage daughter, focusing more on himself than what his daughter is interested in. He fails to get a role he's looking forward to and 'Quits Acting' he then accepts an offer from Javi to go to his birthday party for a bunch of money. Javi wants to make a movie with him and hijinks ensue, also Nick Cage gets enlisted by the CIA to look into potential criminal activities they think Javi is doing.
Overall I liked it Nick Cage and Pedro Pascal have good chemistry, and I do like kind of the meta element where they're planning a movie around the things they're currently doing. It's a pretty solid action comedy I'd recommend. Oh also there's a part where Nick Cage makes out with his imaginary self but I literally can't remember when in the movie
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Urban Legends and cryptids and junk
I was rewatching mob psycho with my sibling and we just watched the urban legends episode, I also read Dandadan recently so I assume the stuff with the fast grandma came from the same rumor. It seems like a lot of spooky stuff like this in japan comes from tunnels, reminded me of highway star in jojos. I guess it seems like a lot of american rumors end up taking place in more natural scenes such as desert or forest. Although, americans seem to have more of fascination with alien monsters than anything else.
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gonna try to watch a movie everyday starting next month at least for the year. I wish i came up with this as a resolution but whatever
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