earolinc · 30 days
did you know they say calculus is the language of God. did you know they tried to hold math up to infinity like a candle to the void. did you know statisticians plunged into the vastness of random chance and picked out patterns and equations and eight hundred ways to tell you how big your inevitable errors are and how far off those guesses at errors might be. math haters I can't sit with you anymore. human innovation is cradled in these ancient, methodical, desperate attempts at understanding what we are not designed to understand
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earolinc · 5 months
i forgot this app existed again. most of the math i do is just calculus because ap calc is consuming my life (I LOVE IT) so not much to say hahaha
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earolinc · 7 months
how do i adequately express my love for math for an admissions essay. "talk about a stem subject that excites you" how do i put that this is my art and the most beautiful thing in the world and fills me with such a sense of enchantment that i feel as though my breath has been taken away into less than 750 words and make it cohesive
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earolinc · 8 months
once on this app i saw someone call kepler-poinsot polyhedra queerplatonic solids and that post occupies a significant amount of space in my brain. i think about it daily.
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earolinc · 8 months
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haven't posted in a while (apush is kicking my butt) but here's some art i made :D ap calc is so far super fun and i'm excited to be moving on to the next step now that i'm done with algebra
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earolinc · 8 months
once on this app i saw someone call kepler-poinsot polyhedra queerplatonic solids and that post occupies a significant amount of space in my brain. i think about it daily.
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earolinc · 9 months
I love maths because I'm confused and then I get an idea and feel soooo smart and cool and awesome even if I might be 100% wrong
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earolinc · 9 months
Hi I'm
Math enjoyers do not DNI. If you like math you are required to interact with me.
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earolinc · 9 months
Math enjoyers do not DNI. If you like math you are required to interact with me.
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earolinc · 9 months
whoa math is so big its like a really big place
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earolinc · 9 months
i sometimes feel bad for him. like he knows nothing he's always confused he's my favourite character in calculus 😔💔
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earolinc · 9 months
"i really love your shirt! the shape on it is an icosahedron, which is a platonic solid"
"you don't get invited to parties, do you?"
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earolinc · 10 months
actually i really love that every taylor swift song is someone’s fave. like even the songs where you’re like, super meh about it and always skip . there’s someone who would go to war for that song
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earolinc · 10 months
^^^ oh my goodness this i have a need for control and rules and for things to make sense, and math just does. i still see it as an art as well but your point is amazing, i never really knew how to describe loving math because of how orderly it is
Im trying to find a really long Tumblr post that talked about how sad it was that people are so happy to complain about how much they hated math and how math can be a way to connect with your fundamental humanity and...
Yeah, I've been studying a little bit of it on my own, ten years after I dropped out of college, I've been going back to seeing some basics of calculus, and I've been really feeling some of that.
There is this sense that math is this alien thing, separate from the true concerns of humanity. This external topic, strange and inhumane that only those few weirdos with a eccentric and atypical cast of mind, who are themselves separate by a few degrees from human nature, can grasp.
But it's not that, We, messy warm emotional dumb humans came up with it, we silly atavistic creatures dedicated so much time and effort to develop it and explore it, this silly, quirky, wet, ape-like species is the only living creature on this planet that concerns itself with doing math in any serious capacity. It didn't come from aliens or the gods or from dolphins, math came from humans and humans are the only ones that use them. There could be nothing more human, more fundamentally ours, more intrinsic to our nature than math.
And it's not just a tool! Is not just this thing to be celebrated because its useful in a purely base pragmatical, prosaic way. Is not this thing we have to dissapasionatly conceed credit to because I guess it does useful things like bridges and rockets and computers and taxes. Math is not just the civilizational equivalent of going to the dentist or eating your vegetables.
i hesitate to call it a philosophy or an art, it is a way of human thinking, it is a way of thinking like a human, of thinking in a way that only humans can think. its is one of our oldest and proudest traditions, it is a way to feel greater than onself, it is a way of growing. it is a song with a prosody all its own. There is such a profound sense of meaning and beauty and truth and purpose to be found in math, and the best of all is that it works, when it says something it means something, its telling you a thing that is meaningful, that represents something true, that couldnt be any other way, that has consequences and uses and can be relied upon, that it representes something which carries weight and its ours, its truly a part of our nature, of what we are.
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earolinc · 10 months
I just want to let everyone know that I am learning HTML code. I am creating my own website.
I have made some tables with headings and everything. (I haven't yet figured out how to make the columns specified widths or have outline but once I do I will be unstoppable.)
Perhaps I shall release the link to my website here someday.
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earolinc · 10 months
it's been a goal of mine since i was like 11 to get into cubing, so maybe this will motivate me to actually learn
it would actually be so epic to be able to think in 4d. like especially because there are all these shapes i've seen the 3d projections are but have trouble conceptualizing, i want to be able to picture what they ACTUALLY look like. the day i can figure out what 4d stuff looks like is the day i can die happy
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earolinc · 10 months
the thing i love about bill being a flatlander is that he so clearly hates the fact that he is one but he’s also just as clearly still so attached to his dimension, even if he doesn’t realize it. i love that he falls back on being an equilateral salesman in so many of his interactions, that his role in flatland still shapes him so much. i love that he grays out the world when he appears, that he is still associated with monochrome. i love that he builds his physical form over a flat, gray version of himself. i love that he kept kryptos around, even though the guy seems to be from, at the very least, a dimension very similar to bill’s, if not literally being from bill’s home dimension. i love that even the way he dresses could be seen as cultural carryovers from growing up in a victorian environment. i love that he’s sensitive about people asking if his sides are even. i love that, when he finally gets a shot at a physical form, he basically makes himself a spacelander. i love that he has tried so hard to escape the repressive, oppressive society he grew up in, and that it still seeps through so obviously to anyone who knows even the slightest bit about him
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